Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki grinned, at that, turning his attention to the Growlithe as Mischief hopped off his shoulder. This Growlithe, however, seemed different compared to others where you'd spot the blond fur, the fur had actually been a blood red, and the rest of the body had been black, pitch black stripes on it's back and legs. The creatures paws had also been that same pitch black. Needless to say, this one was unique, and pretty fierce looking.

Of course, this didn't deter the young demigod. If anything, it sent his determination on quite the boost. "Holy Maker, you're beautiful!" He would exclaim, soon looking to his Zorua, which seemed more than ready to battle. "Mischief,  use tackle!"

With a buff, Mischief grinned before charging forward and tackling the Growlithe. The Growlithe snarled, turning to bite Mischief - whom effectively dodged. "One more tackle and we'll be good, I think!" 

Mischief buffed once more with a nod, darting forward as he'd managed to tackle the Growlithe again. Immediately after, Dei-Loki took out a Poké ball before tossing it at the Growlithe. The ball quickly absorbed the creature, dropping to the ground. From there, it twitched. Once. Twice. Thrice. Then 'CLICK'. Growlithe was caught. "HAH! I did it! I actually did it!"

"WOOOOOOOOO! Now, let's set this place on fire! Or at least something on fire, i don't care. Just something."
"WOOOOOOOOO! Now, let's set this place on fire! Or at least something on fire, i don't care. Just something."

With a bright smile and clear excitement in his eyes, Dei-Loki would pivot as he turned to face Masaru. "No wonder uncle Reaver likes ya so much!" He'd exclaim, soon letting the Growlithe out of the Poké ball. "Now, the question is... what shall we burn?"
With a bright smile and clear excitement in his eyes, Dei-Loki would pivot as he turned to face Masaru. "No wonder uncle Reaver likes ya so much!" He'd exclaim, soon letting the Growlithe out of the Poké ball. "Now, the question is... what shall we burn?"

"The Fire God likes me!? I mean . ..  whaaaaaaaaaaat? Uhhhhhhhhhh let's test out this tree first." He pointed to a nearby tree that sat alone from the others. "It's lonely and wilting, so let's put it out of its misery."
"The Fire God likes me!? I mean . ..  whaaaaaaaaaaat? Uhhhhhhhhhh let's test out this tree first." He pointed to a nearby tree that sat alone from the others. "It's lonely and wilting, so let's put it out of its misery."

Dei-Loki blinked a few times at that, soon laughing as he nodded and glanced to the Growlithe beside him. "Think y' could ember that tree over there?"

The Growlithe blinked, looking in the direction of the tree before barking and taking a few steps forward - blasting the tree with fire the moment he had come to a stop.
Dei-Loki blinked a few times at that, soon laughing as he nodded and glanced to the Growlithe beside him. "Think y' could ember that tree over there?"

The Growlithe blinked, looking in the direction of the tree before barking and taking a few steps forward - blasting the tree with fire the moment he had come to a stop.

"That's absolutely beautiful and satisfying. Look at how it crumples and burns. Like fine art."
Dei-Loki glanced to Masaru once more, his ears twitching with a smile. "I love y', too. Now, shall we grace anything else with flames?"

Masaru looked around. "I want a lot of things to burn, but that would put us in pokemon jail. You should pick something. After all, it's your pyro puppy."
Masaru looked around. "I want a lot of things to burn, but that would put us in pokemon jail. You should pick something. After all, it's your pyro puppy."

Dei-Loki gave a nod, scanning over the area as he would gently scratch his chin. With a 'hmmm' that stretched until he found something, he moved forward before gesturing to a dead bush, some ways away from the other bushes. "How about this?"
Dei-Loki gave a nod, scanning over the area as he would gently scratch his chin. With a 'hmmm' that stretched until he found something, he moved forward before gesturing to a dead bush, some ways away from the other bushes. "How about this?"

"Burn it to the ground, Squishy. Burn it to the grouuuuuund~."
"Burn it to the ground, Squishy. Burn it to the grouuuuuund~."

Keeping his grin, he turned his emerald irises to the living flamethrower beside him. "Alright! Ember the dead bush next, my friend!"

As the Growlithe had done sod Dei-Loki marvelled at the action. The reflection of the flames seen in his eyes.
Keeping his grin, he turned his emerald irises to the living flamethrower beside him. "Alright! Ember the dead bush next, my friend!"

As the Growlithe had done sod Dei-Loki marvelled at the action. The reflection of the flames seen in his eyes.

"Gods, i find you so very attractive right now." He smirked as he looked at how the fire illuminate against Dei.
"Do ya, now?" Dei-Loki quirked his brow, looking from the fire to Masaru.

"Well duh. I have my two most favorite things; you and fire." Masaru gasped. "Why haven't i thought this before!? How would like to participate in fire and ice foreplay with me, my beautiful muse~?"
"Well duh. I have my two most favorite things; you and fire." Masaru gasped. "Why haven't i thought this before!? How would like to participate in fire and ice foreplay with me, my beautiful muse~?"

Dei-Loki would sharply inhale, his previous grin having widened at the idea. "By the gods, I thought you'd never ask!"
Dei-Loki would sharply inhale, his previous grin having widened at the idea. "By the gods, I thought you'd never ask!"

"Gods, i'm going to love it when we get back home." Masaru bit his bottom lip at the thought of it. "How stunning it'll be. How perfect it will feel and hear. Ahhhh, i can already hear you begging. It's so fucking delightful. Gods, just the image. If we stay on this topic, i don't think i'll be able to control myself."
"Gods, i'm going to love it when we get back home." Masaru bit his bottom lip at the thought of it. "How stunning it'll be. How perfect it will feel and hear. Ahhhh, i can already hear you begging. It's so fucking delightful. Gods, just the image. If we stay on this topic, i don't think i'll be able to control myself."

Dei-Loki walked to Masaru's side, closing his eyes as he kept his grin. "Let's save it fer when it can be done, then. Fer now... what's next? Should we find the others? Burn more things?"
Dei-Loki walked to Masaru's side, closing his eyes as he kept his grin. "Let's save it fer when it can be done, then. Fer now... what's next? Should we find the others? Burn more things?"

"Burn whatever ya want, Squishy. I just want to see you happy, after all." Masaru grinned.
"Burn whatever ya want, Squishy. I just want to see you happy, after all." Masaru grinned.

"OOOOOO, okay!" Dei-Loki's tail would curl in excitement, quickly looking around before glancing to the Growlithe. "Alright, buddy, you pick next. Just make sure it's something that won't get us into too much trouble. I'd prefer not t' find out how the jails are here." the Growlithe barked in agreement, running off as Dei-Loki dramatically would point to the sky. "Follow the fluffy flamethrower!"
"OOOOOO, okay!" Dei-Loki's tail would curl in excitement, quickly looking around before glancing to the Growlithe. "Alright, buddy, you pick next. Just make sure it's something that won't get us into too much trouble. I'd prefer not t' find out how the jails are here." the Growlithe barked in agreement, running off as Dei-Loki dramatically would point to the sky. "Follow the fluffy flamethrower!"

"I wonder if they even have jails here. Hmmmmm. Huh? As you wish!" He began to run with the pyro pup and Dei.
"I wonder if they even have jails here. Hmmmmm. Huh? As you wish!" He began to run with the pyro pup and Dei.

Dei-Loki would laugh as he ran, Mischief keeping up with them as they'd follow the flame breathed creature.

The Growlithe continued to keep the eager lead, soon sliding to a stop as he'd look to an abandoned, run down and empty shed some ways down the road. His gaze had then traveled back to the others in question.
Dei-Loki would laugh as he ran, Mischief keeping up with them as they'd follow the flame breathed creature.

The Growlithe continued to keep the eager lead, soon sliding to a stop as he'd look to an abandoned, run down and empty shed some ways down the road. His gaze had then traveled back to the others in question.

"Huh? Should we go check this out before he burns it down? If i ever learned anything in life, it's that do not leave any stone unturned."
"Huh? Should we go check this out before he burns it down? If i ever learned anything in life, it's that do not leave any stone unturned."

Dei glanced from the Growlithe, to the abandoned shed and then to Masaru - giving a single nod. "'s a good idea. Just need t' be careful while we're checking out the inside."
Dei glanced from the Growlithe, to the abandoned shed and then to Masaru - giving a single nod. "'s a good idea. Just need t' be careful while we're checking out the inside."

"I'll go first then. I took a landmine, i can take whatever is in here."

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