Indescribable (Closed)

"Then what's the pooiiiiiiiiint? I'm taking my egg and teach him or her to be a killer with justice of course." He let go of Pidgey and stepped out of the wildlife.

"It's to help our own Pokémon grow stronger, you butt." Malvo huffed, but lost the battle with fighting back her smirk shortly after her words.

Dei-Loki watched the Pidgey escape, glancing to Masaru with a grin. "It was a good catch, though."
"It's to help our own Pokémon grow stronger, you butt." Malvo huffed, but lost the battle with fighting back her smirk shortly after her words.

Dei-Loki watched the Pidgey escape, glancing to Masaru with a grin. "It was a good catch, though."

"I do have a nice butt, and thank you. Learn that one in 'Nam."  Yuki sighed. "You were not in the Vietnam war." Masaru squinted, holding his egg in front of him now. "Yes i was! I was a kamikaze pilot. Now i only have ten tails!" Yuki laughed. "You're such a liar. Since you want to pick an egg. I'll see if i can catch any pokemon and give them to you. Because i'm a niiiiice sister." Masaru nodded.
"I do have a nice butt, and thank you. Learn that one in 'Nam."  Yuki sighed. "You were not in the Vietnam war." Masaru squinted, holding his egg in front of him now. "Yes i was! I was a kamikaze pilot. Now i only have ten tails!" Yuki laughed. "You're such a liar. Since you want to pick an egg. I'll see if i can catch any pokemon and give them to you. Because i'm a niiiiice sister." Masaru nodded.

"Just hope it isn't that Pidgey again." Malvo grinned, Dei-Loki blinking as he snickered - and then groaned.

"I want a Growliiiiithe..." Dei-Loki huffed, soon glancing in the direction of the closest town with a Poké mart.
"Just hope it isn't that Pidgey again." Malvo grinned, Dei-Loki blinking as he snickered - and then groaned.

"I want a Growliiiiithe..." Dei-Loki huffed, soon glancing in the direction of the closest town with a Poké mart.

"Let's go get this growlithe that you speak of then! OFF WE GO TO GET THE POKEBALLS!" He held the egg in one arm and pointed to the sky.  "Where is that exactly?"
"Let's go get this growlithe that you speak of then! OFF WE GO TO GET THE POKEBALLS!" He held the egg in one arm and pointed to the sky.  "Where is that exactly?"

"At the Pokémart." Dei-Loki grinned, watching Masaru's dramatic gesture.

Akumu watched them both, soon walking ahead. "We're close by, come on."
Dei-Loki followed beside Masaru, Malvo soon catching up to Yuki's side.

"Ya think of a nickname fer yer Pokémon, Yuki?" She'd ask out of curiosity as she looked to her.

"Yup, this torchic is going to be named hot chick because why not. I'm an adorable dork that can do what she pleases, right hot chick?" She looked down at the torchic in her arms. Neither of Yuki, Masaru or Nicholas wanted to keep their pokemons in pokeballs. So they held onto them and showed them as much love as they could, even Masaru.
"Yup, this torchic is going to be named hot chick because why not. I'm an adorable dork that can do what she pleases, right hot chick?" She looked down at the torchic in her arms. Neither of Yuki, Masaru or Nicholas wanted to keep their pokemons in pokeballs. So they held onto them and showed them as much love as they could, even Masaru.

"Sounds like a good name, t' me." Malvo grinned happily before glancing down to the Snivy that traveled at her side. "Figured I'd name him Excalibur, since he kinda reminds me of one of the Great Old Ones from an anime that I enjoy."

Knowing the reference, both Dei-Loki and Akumu had grinned. Dei-Loki pivoting to the point where he was walking backwards, glancing over to both Yuki and Malvo as he moved the Zorua into his arms. "I'm naming my Zorua Mischief, because I've got a pretty good feeling he'll end up being as mischievous as I am."

"Ah, I see. So the apocalypse shall come t' earth, then." Akumu teased, a grin still on his face.

"You bet! So Elliott..." Dei-Loki gave a mischievous, teasing grin. And said grin grew when Akumu's ears twitched in aggravation. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"Whadjya name that creepy Pikachu?"[/COLOR]

"Well, Seamus..." Akumu had growled, but then grinned a bit as Dei-Loki would also growl. "I've decided to name him Uhcakip. Uka [COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]fer short."[/COLOR]

"Uhcakip?.." Dei-Loki blinked, glancing up at his older brother with lifted brows. "That's just Pikachu spelt backwards..."

And Akumu, whom grinned, slowly turned his head to look at his brother - giving off a purposely creepy look as his glasses would shine in the sun's light. "Exactly."

Dei-Loki stared at his brother's creepy look with wide eyes, lowering his ears as he quickly moved behind Masaru.
"Sounds like a good name, t' me." Malvo grinned happily before glancing down to the Snivy that traveled at her side. "Figured I'd name him Excalibur, since he kinda reminds me of one of the Great Old Ones from an anime that I enjoy."

Knowing the reference, both Dei-Loki and Akumu had grinned. Dei-Loki pivoting to the point where he was walking backwards, glancing over to both Yuki and Malvo as he moved the Zorua into his arms. "I'm naming my Zorua Mischief, because I've got a pretty good feeling he'll end up being as mischievous as I am."

"Ah, I see. So the apocalypse shall come t' earth, then." Akumu teased, a grin still on his face.

"You bet! So Elliott..." Dei-Loki gave a mischievous, teasing grin. And said grin grew when Akumu's ears twitched in aggravation. [COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)]"Whadjya name that creepy Pikachu?"[/COLOR]

"Well, Seamus..." Akumu had growled, but then grinned a bit as Dei-Loki would also growl. "I've decided to name him Uhcakip. Uka [COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]fer short."[/COLOR]

"Uhcakip?.." Dei-Loki blinked, glancing up at his older brother with lifted brows. "That's just Pikachu spelt backwards..."

And Akumu, whom grinned, slowly turned his head to look at his brother - giving off a purposely creepy look as his glasses would shine in the sun's light. "Exactly."

Dei-Loki stared at his brother's creepy look with wide eyes, lowering his ears as he quickly moved behind Masaru.

Yuki laughed. "All of the names are very . . . lovely. Even for a creepy Pikachu."
Yuki laughed. "All of the names are very . . . lovely. Even for a creepy Pikachu."

"He's not too creepy." Akumu then smiled, quirking a brow as he briefly glanced back to Yuki before looking back to the Pikachu. "I think he's cute."

Malvo pocketed her hands as she listened, soon glancing over to Nia. "What about you, Nia? Any names fer the Fennekin?"

@Heir of Dalania
"He's not too creepy." Akumu then smiled, quirking a brow as he briefly glanced back to Yuki before looking back to the Pikachu. "I think he's cute."

Malvo pocketed her hands as she listened, soon glancing over to Nia. "What about you, Nia? Any names fer the Fennekin?"

@Heir of Dalania

"Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure, and Masaru didn't try to kill a sweet, innocent pidgey just now." Masaru looked back to Yuki. "It's food or we'll be food. Did you not see that bird? It was bigger than normal! Imagine the mother of that radiated bird!" Yuki chuckled and then looked to Nia to hear a response. 
Nia let the litte animal walk alongside her "I'm going to call him Finn. Your a guy right?" she asked the Fennekin, soon picking it up to look where its genitalia would be. "the fuck? There's nothing there!" 
"Suuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuure, and Masaru didn't try to kill a sweet, innocent pidgey just now." Masaru looked back to Yuki. "It's food or we'll be food. Did you not see that bird? It was bigger than normal! Imagine the mother of that radiated bird!" Yuki chuckled and then looked to Nia to hear a response. 

Nia let the litte animal walk alongside her "I'm going to call him Finn. Your a guy right?" she asked the Fennekin, soon picking it up to look where its genitalia would be. "the fuck? There's nothing there!" 

"Oh, you can bet the mother is huge." Dei-Loki told Masaru before glancing over to Nia - blinking a few times before having snickered in response.

"Well... I mean, Finn can work either way, I think, just in case." Malvo gave a shrug.
"Oh, you can bet the mother is huge." Dei-Loki told Masaru before glancing over to Nia - blinking a few times before having snickered in response.

"Well... I mean, Finn can work either way, I think, just in case." Malvo gave a shrug.

"Can we eat the mother?" Yuki sighed. "No. I'll find some food for you. Dei, let's find some berries for your. . . 'new pokemon'. It's a rare Masaru, that's for sure." She flicked her brother's forehead as he gave a grumpy scowl. He mocked her exact words in a cartoony voice. She rolled her eyes, trying her best to hold back a snicker.
"Can we eat the mother?" Yuki sighed. "No. I'll find some food for you. Dei, let's find some berries for your. . . 'new pokemon'. It's a rare Masaru, that's for sure." She flicked her brother's forehead as he gave a grumpy scowl. He mocked her exact words in a cartoony voice. She rolled her eyes, trying her best to hold back a snicker.

"He's grumpy enough to stay out of his Poké ball, that much is certain."[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)] [/COLOR]Dei-Loki playfully teased, managing a smirk as he glanced back over to Masaru and Yuki.
"He's grumpy enough to stay out of his Poké ball, that much is certain."[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)] [/COLOR]Dei-Loki playfully teased, managing a smirk as he glanced back over to Masaru and Yuki.

"You're damn right i'm not going into any Pokeball." He said as he pushed the egg to his chin.
"You're damn right i'm not going into any Pokeball." He said as he pushed the egg to his chin.

"But y' could tell me what it's like on the inside!" Dei-Loki pouted as the group made it to the next town, dramatically tossing his hands into the air. "A question that has plagued humanity since the dawn of creation!"
Nia rolled her eyes and put Finn back into its ball. Smiling as she trudged down the road. Stopping once it had been blocked by a breif patch of tall grass. She squinted and stared down the green fibers. "i know what you are..." she said bitterly.
"But y' could tell me what it's like on the inside!" Dei-Loki pouted as the group made it to the next town, dramatically tossing his hands into the air. "A question that has plagued humanity since the dawn of creation!"

"I rather jump into a poisonous snake pit." Masaru made a humph noise before looking towards where Nia was looking at. "Hmm. Out of my way creatures of this strange universe! I have an egg to hatch!" Masaru began to march his way though the wild grass.
Nia rolled her eyes and put Finn back into its ball. Smiling as she trudged down the road. Stopping once it had been blocked by a breif patch of tall grass. She squinted and stared down the green fibers. "i know what you are..." she said bitterly.

"I rather jump into a poisonous snake pit." Masaru made a humph noise before looking towards where Nia was looking at. "Hmm. Out of my way creatures of this strange universe! I have an egg to hatch!" Masaru began to march his way though the wild grass.

Dei-Loki continued to pout, looking down to the ground as he'd kick the dirt.

Malvo blinked, looking to the grass as she grinned a bit. "This might be our chance for a wild Pokémon battle!" and, eagerly, she followed Masaru into the grass. Akumu stopping beside Nia with a quirked brow.
Masaru made his way out of the grass and watched the rest, seeing what a pokemon battle was.
Nia rushed into the grass "Ahhhhhhhh!!!!! POKEMON!!!"

Masaru made his way out of the grass and watched the rest, seeing what a pokemon battle was.

Akumu would watch, soon following after Nia as he'd grin slightly.

Just as Malvo had hoped, she soon stopped the moment she'd encountered a Pokémon. In an instant, a dramatic, almost 8-bit sounding orchestra would play in the background. A wild Rattata had appeared. Level 4.

"WOO! Go get 'im, Excalibur!" Malvo grinned, her Snivy now in front of her as he would release his cry. "Alright, Excalibur! Use tackle!" 

Excalibur rushed forward, tackling the Ratatta and knocking down it's health. The wild Ratatta would then get back to its feet, rushing forward as it would then use tail whip - lowering Excalibur's defense. Malvo, again, told him to use tackle. And this time, it was enough to cause the Ratatta to faint. Victory music playing in the background.

Dei-Loki blinked a few times, soon grinning. "This place comes complete with the music!? I'm... I'm in heaven."
Akumu would watch, soon following after Nia as he'd grin slightly.

Just as Malvo had hoped, she soon stopped the moment she'd encountered a Pokémon. In an instant, a dramatic, almost 8-bit sounding orchestra would play in the background. A wild Rattata had appeared. Level 4.

"WOO! Go get 'im, Excalibur!" Malvo grinned, her Snivy now in front of her as he would release his cry. "Alright, Excalibur! Use tackle!" 

Excalibur rushed forward, tackling the Ratatta and knocking down it's health. The wild Ratatta would then get back to its feet, rushing forward as it would then use tail whip - lowering Excalibur's defense. Malvo, again, told him to use tackle. And this time, it was enough to cause the Ratatta to faint. Victory music playing in the background.

Dei-Loki blinked a few times, soon grinning. "This place comes complete with the music!? I'm... I'm in heaven."

Masaru squinted. "I thought you said that we don't kill the radiated animals here!?"

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