Indescribable (Closed)

"She's just lying. She's just shy because some people don't like fringed bangs and she wants people to like her. What i'm saying is, give her what she secretly wants and build her confidence up. Love whatcha love."

Nia huffed and remained silent.


Dei-Loki couldn't help but grin, stretching a bit more before softly exhaling once Zuzana had finished up.
Nia stood up out of her seat. Taking a look at herself in the mirror. "you did a good job, thanks"
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Dei-Loki, outside, sat up in one of the large maple trees. His violin having been resting on both his shoulder and cheek. His bow smoothly gliding across the strings as he'd play. Malvo sitting on the branch beside him as she'd form a duet with her own violin.

(Just... Just the violins in this.XD )

The Kingdom would echo with the almost Celtic-sounding tune that the both of them seemed to know by heart. This was evident by the lack of the need for sheet music to follow along to.

Akumu smirked while listening to the two in the distance. His arms crossed, his back against the palace's exterior wall. Small snippets of memories taking place in his mind, back when the three were quite younger.

"I did it! I finawy did it!" The little Dei-Loki would happily laugh as the younger Akumu would do the same.


"Y' both did! Mam and dad will be so proud!"


Akumu smiled, a soft chuckle escaping him as he softly would scratch his jaw. "And you've both come such a long way..." Present day Akumu had muttered, keeping his gaze on the two wolves in the tree. "You've fought through death, pain, torture, turmoil... and yet you've both kept a hold on your true selves... no doubt, we're all proud..."
Dei-Loki, outside, sat up in one of the large maple trees. His violin having been resting on both his shoulder and cheek. His bow smoothly gliding across the strings as he'd play. Malvo sitting on the branch beside him as she'd form a duet with her own violin.

(Just... Just the violins in this.XD )

The Kingdom would echo with the almost Celtic-sounding tune that the both of them seemed to know by heart. This was evident by the lack of the need for sheet music to follow along to.

Akumu smirked while listening to the two in the distance. His arms crossed, his back against the palace's exterior wall. Small snippets of memories taking place in his mind, back when the three were quite younger.

"I did it! I finawy did it!" The little Dei-Loki would happily laugh as the younger Akumu would do the same.


"Y' both did! Mam and dad will be so proud!"


Akumu smiled, a soft chuckle escaping him as he softly would scratch his jaw. "And you've both come such a long way..." Present day Akumu had muttered, keeping his gaze on the two wolves in the tree. "You've fought through death, pain, torture, turmoil... and yet you've both kept a hold on your true selves... no doubt, we're all proud..."

"We've all come a long way" she said along with Akumu. Also enjoying the music.
Masaru smiled as watched the twins play. Especially Dei. "Gods, he's such a turn-on." Yuki groaned as she sat next to her brother. "Is sex ever off your mind?" He shook his head and snickered. 
"We've all come a long way" she said along with Akumu. Also enjoying the music.

Akumu blinked, looking to Nia as he'd smile and unwrap his arms before taking her hand. "That we have."

Masaru smiled as watched the twins play. Especially Dei. "Gods, he's such a turn-on." Yuki groaned as she sat next to her brother. "Is sex ever off your mind?" He shook his head and snickered. 

The both of them would play the melody to its completion, their bodies flowing with the music as if they were one with their instruments. And, once finished, they'd lower their bows - looking to each other with grins on their faces.
Akumu blinked, looking to Nia as he'd smile and unwrap his arms before taking her hand. "That we have."

The both of them would play the melody to its completion, their bodies flowing with the music as if they were one with their instruments. And, once finished, they'd lower their bows - looking to each other with grins on their faces.

Yuki and Masaru clapped and cheered. "You two are amazing!" Yuki nodded to her brother's words. "We should play all together sometime."
Yuki and Masaru clapped and cheered. "You two are amazing!" Yuki nodded to her brother's words. "We should play all together sometime."

"thats a great idea!" Nia said agreeing with Yuki.


Both Dei and Malvo would bow, the both of them getting out of the tree.

"I wouldn't mind that." Malvo blinked, looking from Yuki and Nia to Dei-Loki - whom would nod in agreement. Akumu chuckling softly.

~T I M E  S K I P~




Dei-Loki and Malvo would sigh softly, with the occasional peeking into the kitchen to check on both Chloe and Ruvik. A bit of a protective wave seeming to mentally crash through their houses. Though, neither said anything. At least out loud.

"Bastard thinks he can come in here and just--..." Dei-Loki sighed, Malvo glancing to her brother. She'd gone to say something, but then widened her eyes as Akumu grabbed both her and Dei-Loki by the back of the shirt - tugging them both into the dining hall itself.

"I found 'em! Let's get this multidimensional trip going!" Akumu would grin while calling out to the others.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
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~T I M E  S K I P




Dei-Loki and Malvo would sigh softly, with the occasional peeking into the kitchen to check on both Chloe and Ruvik. A bit of a protective wave seeming to mental crash through their houses. Though, neither said anything. At least out loud.

"Bastard thinks he can come in here and just--..." Dei-Loki sighed, Malvo glancing to her brother. She'd gone to say something, but then widened her eyes as Akumu grabbed both her and Dei-Loki by the back of the shirt - tugging them both into the dining hall itself.

"I found 'em! Let's get this multidimensional trip going!" Akumu would grin while calling out to the others.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

"I still don't understand why we're doing this, but let's go." Yuki and Nicholas skipped around Masaru. "Field trip! Field trip! Everyone loves a field trip!" Masaru couldn't help himself. He burst out laughing. He had been more happy these days. The Nogitsune seemed to be in his control now and it felt utterly good. 
"I still don't understand why we're doing this, but let's go." Yuki and Nicholas skipped around Masaru. "Field trip! Field trip! Everyone loves a field trip!" Masaru couldn't help himself. He burst out laughing. He had been more happy these days. The Nogitsune seemed to be in his control now and it felt utterly good. 

Nia skipped around Masaru too, repeating Nicholas's words.

The twins seemed a bit confused as to what was going on - so their gazes would travel from the others to their older brother. Malvo speaking up, in question; "Reality hopping?"

"Mmmmmmhm." Akumu let them go, soon pivoting and heading to the front doors. "Whenever you all are ready, head outside. I don't want t' get in trouble fer the warp making a mess of the dining hall."
The twins seemed a bit confused as to what was going on - so their gazes would travel from the others to their older brother. Malvo speaking up, in question; "Reality hopping?"

"Mmmmmmhm." Akumu let them go, soon pivoting and heading to the front doors. "Whenever you all are ready, head outside. I don't want t' get in trouble fer the warp making a mess of the dining hall."

Masaru, Yuki and Nicholas did as Akumu said.

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