Indescribable (Closed)

"No. YOU go first." she pushed him in.

"Hey! HURRY UP! BEFORE I KICK ALL OF YOUR BUTTS!" Masaru shook his fist and kept a straight face before smiling. 

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania

Akumu quirked his brows at that, yelping in surprise as he grinned and stumbled through the warp.

"Masaru's right. Quit foolin' around, it makes you all too slooowwwwwww." Dei-Loki huffed, grinning slightly as Malvo made her way through.
Akumu quirked his brows at that, yelping in surprise as he grinned and stumbled through the warp.

"Masaru's right. Quit foolin' around, it makes you all too slooowwwwwww." Dei-Loki huffed, grinning slightly as Malvo made her way through.

"Wooo! Portal time!" Yuki and Nicholas said, jumping in. Masaru then waved towards Dei to go.
Watching them go though the portal, Dei-Loki glanced to Masaru and followed the others through after nodding to him.

Masasru walked through afterwards. His eyes squinting as he looked around at the room. "Oka-." Yuki squealed. "OH MY GODS! OH MY GODS! Look at our clothes! Look at the T.V.! We're in Pokemon world!" Nicholas and Masaru looked down at their clothes, a symbol of a Poké Ball on their clothing. Nicholas then looked towards the T.V. A news station was on. They seemed to be talking about the legendary gyarados in Pallet Town. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Yuki jumped up and down. Nicholas began to do the same, holding onto Yuki's hands. Masaru, on the other hand, stared. "What's a Pokeman?" Yuki and Nicholas's eyes widen. "Pokemon! And Pokemon is like the yokai in your world, Masaru, but way less terrifying and they don't kill you." Masaru nodded. "So like . . . . Okami?" Yuki nodded. "Yes yes! Exactly right! They're like animals in a way. They're afraid of people, but once they get to know you, they're not. Then you can travel onward to great places and become the legendary trainer and beat gym trainers, and it's just so cool." Nicholas nodded. 
Masasru walked through afterwards. His eyes squinting as he looked around at the room. "Oka-." Yuki squealed. "OH MY GODS! OH MY GODS! Look at our clothes! Look at the T.V.! We're in Pokemon world!" Nicholas and Masaru looked down at their clothes, a symbol of a Poké Ball on their clothing. Nicholas then looked towards the T.V. A news station was on. They seemed to be talking about the legendary gyarados in Pallet Town. "EEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE!" Yuki jumped up and down. Nicholas began to do the same, holding onto Yuki's hands. Masaru, on the other hand, stared. "What's a Pokeman?" Yuki and Nicholas's eyes widen. "Pokemon! And Pokemon is like the yokai in your world, Masaru, but way less terrifying and they don't kill you." Masaru nodded. "So like . . . . Okami?" Yuki nodded. "Yes yes! Exactly right! They're like animals in a way. They're afraid of people, but once they get to know you, they're not. Then you can travel onward to great places and become the legendary trainer and beat gym trainers, and it's just so cool." Nicholas nodded. 

Both Malvo and Dei-Loki would happily skip and jump around the room in excitement before stopping and staring at the TV.

"Figures we'd come here first." Akumu commented, soon glancing to Dei-Loki. "Though, I can't help but think this is somehow your doing."

"HEY. It brings back memories of those family trips we took t' Midgard, when uncle grizzly bear bought us those Gameboys." after Dei-Loki spoke, Malvo nodded in agreement.
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Nia looked around "cool. All I know is" she pulled out her pokedex, looking at the map. "gotta go get my first!"
"What generation is this!? Please tell me that they have Cyndaquil! That's my baby!" Nicholas ran downstairs. Yuki grabbed Masaru's hand, laughing as she went with Nicholas. 
Nia looked around "cool. All I know is" she pulled out her pokedex, looking at the map. "gotta go get my first!"

"What generation is this!? Please tell me that they have Cyndaquil! That's my baby!" Nicholas ran downstairs. Yuki grabbed Masaru's hand, laughing as she went with Nicholas. 

Akumu watched them go, smirking as he looked to his blank Pokédex - glancing to the number once scrolling to the bottom as he made his way to the stairs. "This is one of the newer versions, that's for sure..."

"I. Want. A Growlithe. I don't care if it isn't a starter, that's my goal." Dei-Loki commented, quickly following the others as Malvo rushed after him.
Professor Oak looked up from his clipboard to the newcomers that walked through the door. "Hellooooooo. My name is Professor Ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh! Excuse me, so what brings you all here today-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Professor Oak doubled towards his table, and held onto it as he seemed to contemplate something. He cleared his throat, and then gave an agonizing groan again. The room filled with a disgusting odor. "Oh no! Oh no! Nurse Joy! Fetch me my diaper! Find your starter pokemon and pokedex. I GOTTA GO!" A brown stained painted his white labcoat as he zoomed off to never be seen again. "Your pokemon world is weiiiiiiiiiird."

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
Nia got a Fennekin, letting it out of the pokeball as she approached it cautiously.  "Hey buddy, wanna be my first pokemon?" She asked it.

The Fennekin just looked at her.
Nicholas picked his cyndaquil and Yuki picked a Torchic. While those two picked actual pokemon. Masaru looked over to see an egg. The egg was reddish brownish with dark red swirls on the bottom. It reminded him of the time he went sailing with a crew to see what lands they could discovered as a slave. It lead to blood in the waters, that was sure. He gave an evil smirk, and picked up the egg. "Alright i'm ready." Yuki and Nicholas looked over to Masaru and blinked. "What? It reminds me of the good ol' days." They both sighed as Masaru held it gently to him with a innocent smile as he remembered killing the crew with no remorse. "Ahhhhh, good ol' times."
Nia got a Fennekin, letting it out of the pokeball as she approached it cautiously.  "Hey buddy, wanna be my first pokemon?" She asked it.

The Fennekin just looked at her.

Nicholas picked his cyndaquil and Yuki picked a Torchic. While those two picked actual pokemon. Masaru looked over to see an egg. The egg was reddish brownish with dark red swirls on the bottom. It reminded him of the time he went sailing with a crew to see what lands they could discovered as a slave. It lead to blood in the waters, that was sure. He gave an evil smirk, and picked up the egg. "Alright i'm ready." Yuki and Nicholas looked over to Masaru and blinked. "What? It reminds me of the good ol' days." They both sighed as Masaru held it gently to him with a innocent smile as he remembered killing the crew with no remorse. "Ahhhhh, good ol' times."

Dei-Loki glanced over, soon ooing at the egg before looking to the other choices. With a huff, he blinked before glancing over to his sister, Malvo, whom had picked Snivy.

Gizmo growled in disagreement, Malvo lifting a brow. "What? You aren't a Pokémon." Gizmo let out somewhat of a squeak, causing Malvo to sigh as she handed the Snivy Poké ball over to Dei-Loki.

Dei-Loki blinked a few times, looking to it as he lifted a brow. "No, that's your favourite starter."

"Y' seem so indecisive, though... Besides, Gizmo apparently thinks he can be my starter."

"You'd best give him a type and abilities, then." Dei-Loki spoke before grinning and heading over - taking a Zorua. (Not a starter, I know. BUT I COULDN'T DECIIIIDE. This is what he looks like.)


"How did I know!?" Akumu snorted as he watched Dei, snickering before looking around - soon blinking and lifting his brows at the Poké ball that had been further back than the others. Curiosity sparking his interest, he grabbed the Poké ball before letting the Pokémon out. It was a small Pikachu. A small... somehow serial killer, demonic seeming electric type. Watching the creature, he would grin widely. Soon blinking as it would hop onto his shoulder. "How the heck are y' so adorably creepy!?"

Masaru looked towards Dei's pokemon. "Ah, as small and vicious as you are, it seems." He held the egg tightly to his chest and looked straight into the Zorua's eyes. "If you break this, fido, i'll break you. Good day." He lifted the egg more onto his chest with a curious look. "I wanna know what is in this bloody egg? How long do these Pokemon eggs take before they hatch?"
Masaru looked towards Dei's pokemon. "Ah, as small and vicious as you are, it seems." He held the egg tightly to his chest and looked straight into the Zorua's eyes. "If you break this, fido, i'll break you. Good day." He lifted the egg more onto his chest with a curious look. "I wanna know what is in this bloody egg? How long do these Pokemon eggs take before they hatch?"

Nia picked up her Fennekin and put it on her head. Then walking out the door ""Adventure awaits!"

The Zorua blinked from the warning before buffing and hopping onto Dei-Loki's shoulder - Dei-Loki soon grinning a bit. "They hatch after a certain amount of walking is done. Which means, if ya wanna see what's in that egg, we'd best get this adventure started!"

Malvo, grinning, handed out a Pokédex to everyone that didn't have one before pointing to the door - Snivy at her side. "Let's go be the very best!"

Akumu grinned widely, glancing to his siblings before following Nia out the door. His Pikachu sitting on his shoulder.
The Zorua blinked from the warning before buffing and hopping onto Dei-Loki's shoulder - Dei-Loki soon grinning a bit. "They hatch after a certain amount of walking is done. Which means, if ya wanna see what's in that egg, we'd best get this adventure started!"

Malvo, grinning, handed out a Pokédex to everyone that didn't have one before pointing to the door - Snivy at her side. "Let's go be the very best!"

Akumu grinned widely, glancing to his siblings before following Nia out the door. His Pikachu sitting on his shoulder.

Masaru took his Pokedex and nodded. He then followed after Nia and them, looking down at the egg. "So, where are we going and how long do i have to walk to hatch this thing? I'm impatient."
Masaru took his Pokedex and nodded. He then followed after Nia and them, looking down at the egg. "So, where are we going and how long do i have to walk to hatch this thing? I'm impatient."

"It really depends on what type of Pokémon it is." Dei-Loki blinked, glancing to Masaru with a smile. "Just hang on for a bit, I'm sure it'll hatch in no time. And, as for traveling, I'm assuming to the next town. We need more Poké balls, anyways. I do know I have one Pokémon I'm dying to get before we get too far, though."

Malvo listened, perking her brows a bit as she came to a stop when she saw something rustling in the bushes.
"It really depends on what type of Pokémon it is." Dei-Loki blinked, glancing to Masaru with a smile. "Just hang on for a bit, I'm sure it'll hatch in no time. And, as for traveling, I'm assuming to the next town. We need more Poké balls, anyways. I do know I have one Pokémon I'm dying to get before we get too far, though."

Malvo listened, perking her brows a bit as she came to a stop when she saw something rustling in the bushes.

Masaru lowered to the ground as he noticed the rustling as well. His ears twitched as he watched. "Do we attack? Do i kill it?" He rest the egg into his inventory bag on his back, keeping it from being crushed as he began to shimmy into the wild grass.
Masaru lowered to the ground as he noticed the rustling as well. His ears twitched as he watched. "Do we attack? Do i kill it?" He rest the egg into his inventory bag on his back, keeping it from being crushed as he began to shimmy into the wild grass.

Dei-Loki blinked, looking to the grass as he would lift his brows. "We have our Pokémon att-- Masaru, come back! All ya have is an egg!"

"Give y' guys ten t' one it's a Pidgey." Akumu smirked.
Dei-Loki blinked, looking to the grass as he would lift his brows. "We have our Pokémon att-- Masaru, come back! All ya have is an egg!"

"Give y' guys ten t' one it's a Pidgey." Akumu smirked.

"And my hands!" Masaru came back with a tight grip around the Pidgey's waist. "Thankfully, i've been alone in the wild before so this is child's play. Now, the real question is. How are we going to eat it? Roasted, sauteed, grilled, what? I need to know! Oh! Can i feed it to my egg when it hatches? I bet it needs food. It's the color of blood, so i bet it's a carnivore or omnivore." The pidgey fluttered wildy in his hands, but was unable to go anywhere. 
"And my hands!" Masaru came back with a tight grip around the Pidgey's waist. "Thankfully, i've been alone in the wild before so this is child's play. Now, the real question is. How are we going to eat it? Roasted, sauteed, grilled, what? I need to know! Oh! Can i feed it to my egg when it hatches? I bet it needs food. It's the color of blood, so i bet it's a carnivore or omnivore." The pidgey fluttered wildy in his hands, but was unable to go anywhere. 

"See? I told you."

Malvo blinked and huffed, lowering an ear. [COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]"Masaru, let it go. We don't eat the Pidgey, we befriend the Pidgey!"[/COLOR]
"See? I told you."

Malvo blinked and huffed, lowering an ear. [COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]"Masaru, let it go. We don't eat the Pidgey, we befriend the Pidgey!"[/COLOR]

"Then what's the pooiiiiiiiiint? I'm taking my egg and teach him or her to be a killer with justice of course." He let go of Pidgey and stepped out of the wildlife.

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