Indescribable (Closed)

Nia softly sang to him. 

"Don't be disappointed,
Don't let your heart break.
Don't spend another minute,
In this way.
It's okay.

Dry your eyes now, baby;
Broken wings won't hold you down.
You'll take flight soon, baby.
You'll be lifted up,
And you'll be there~" 

Akumu would listen to her, a small smile forming on his face as he'd keep a hold of her hand. Once she finished, he would voice a response. His voice a hushed, raspy whisper. "Y' really do have the voice of an angel..."
Akumu would listen to her, a small smile forming on his face as he'd keep a hold of her hand. Once she finished, he would voice a response. His voice a hushed, raspy whisper. "Y' really do have the voice of an angel..."

Nia's ears perked up. "Akumu! You're awake! How are you feeling?" Nia asked, sitting up and feeling his forehead. Clear worry written across her face.
Nia's ears perked up. "Akumu! You're awake! How are you feeling?" Nia asked, sitting up and feeling his forehead. Clear worry written across her face.

Even with a heated forehead, he'd manage a small smile before attempting to sit up a bit. "I'm--" he'd then wince, the pain surging through his veins like fire as he'd lay back down. He'd then pant softly, his smirk fading from his face as he coughed. "very thirsty .."
Even with a heated forehead, he'd manage a small smile before attempting to sit up a bit. "I'm--" he'd then wince, the pain surging through his veins like fire as he'd lay back down. He'd then pant softly, his smirk fading from his face as he coughed. "very thirsty .."

Nia gasped in suprise at his actions. "Ok, ok ok ok. Don't move" she said quickly, running to get a glass of cold water, and a cold wet rag. Quickly returning with a straw in it as she held it next to him, putting the straw close to his mouth. "drink" she said putting the rag on his forehead.
Nia gasped in suprise at his actions. "Ok, ok ok ok. Don't move" she said quickly, running to get a glass of cold water, and a cold wet rag. Quickly returning with a straw in it as she held it next to him, putting the straw close to his mouth. "drink" she said putting the rag on his forehead.

Akumu would force air out of his nose as he tried to relax. His head having rest against the pillow before he'd then turn his head slightly - eagerly sipping the water through the straw like he hadn't drank anything in days on end. 
Akumu would force air out of his nose as he tried to relax. His head having rest against the pillow before he'd then turn his head slightly - eagerly sipping the water through the straw like he hadn't drank anything in days on end. 

Nia let him drink the water, then holding his hand with both of hers as she sat on the edge of the bed. "Anything else I can do?" She said looking at his eyes.
Nia let him drink the water, then holding his hand with both of hers as she sat on the edge of the bed. "Anything else I can do?" She said looking at his eyes.

Shaking his head, Akumu would firm up his hold on Nia's fingers the best be could, which wasn't much. "Just bein' here is enough..." and, though he'd wince again, he tried to ignore his pain. "How're the others? Are they alright?.."
Shaking his head, Akumu would firm up his hold on Nia's fingers the best be could, which wasn't much. "Just bein' here is enough..." and, though he'd wince again, he tried to ignore his pain. "How're the others? Are they alright?.."

Nia nodded "yeah, everyone is fine. Masaru is awake. Everyone is okay, at least physically, but everyone is stressed." she said obviously, distraught.
Nia nodded "yeah, everyone is fine. Masaru is awake. Everyone is okay, at least physically, but everyone is stressed." she said obviously, distraught.

"I'm sure my current condition isn't helpin' at all..." Akumu gave a faint chuckle as a pained smile appeared on his face.
Nia frowned "Don't laugh! It's not funny... y-you could d-die" she said with a cracky voice, as she started to tear up.

Akumu's pained smile shrank to a frown of his own. His brows furrowing as he'd softly reach up to dry Nia's tears with his thumbs. His hands cupping her cheeks. "I'm sorry...  I'll... I'll keep fighting, though. And, maybe, if I tough it out long enough, we'll find something t' stop this..."
Akumu's pained smile shrank to a frown of his own. His brows furrowing as he'd softly reach up to dry Nia's tears with his thumbs. His hands cupping her cheeks. "I'm sorry...  I'll... I'll keep fighting, though. And, maybe, if I tough it out long enough, we'll find something t' stop this..."

Nia shook her head, taking a deep breath, then laying her head gently on his chest. "I can't loose you... I can't." she said, her voice cracking. 
Nia shook her head, taking a deep breath, then laying her head gently on his chest. "I can't loose you... I can't." she said, her voice cracking. 

Akumu was left silent, his ears flattening against his head as he had brought his arms around her. His fingers softly stroking her hair as he'd shakily sigh. Feeling a sting in his eyes as tears would brick the corners. "If... if I do go, I... Nia, I need y' t' promise me something..."
Akumu was left silent, his ears flattening against his head as he had brought his arms around her. His fingers softly stroking her hair as he'd shakily sigh. Feeling a sting in his eyes as tears would brick the corners. "If... if I do go, I... Nia, I need y' t' promise me something..."

Nia winced her eyes shut. "w-w-what? Of course, anything..." She said, tears beginning to flow down her face. Her grip tightened on the blanket, struggling to process these overwhelming emotions.
Nia winced her eyes shut. "w-w-what? Of course, anything..." She said, tears beginning to flow down her face. Her grip tightened on the blanket, struggling to process these overwhelming emotions.

His fingers would softly run through her hair in an effort to soothe her a bit as his ears would remain flat. "I need ya t' look out fer Dei, Malvo and the others... I don't... I don't know how well they'll hold up, but it's important fer everyone t' stick together, especially in times like this..."

Nia winced her eyes shut. "w-w-what? Of course, anything..." She said, tears beginning to flow down her face. Her grip tightened on the blanket, struggling to process these overwhelming emotions.

His fingers would softly run through her hair in an effort to soothe her a bit as his ears would remain flat. "I need ya t' look out fer Dei, Malvo and the others... I don't... I don't know how well they'll hold up, but it's important fer everyone t' stick together, especially in times like this..."
Nia winced her eyes shut. "w-w-what? Of course, anything..." She said, tears beginning to flow down her face. Her grip tightened on the blanket, struggling to process these overwhelming emotions.

His fingers would softly run through her hair in an effort to soothe her a bit as his ears would remain flat. "I need ya t' look out fer Dei, Malvo and the others... I don't... I don't know how well they'll hold up, but it's important fer everyone t' stick together, especially in times like this..."
His fingers would softly run through her hair in an effort to soothe her a bit as his ears would remain flat. "I need ya t' look out fer Dei, Malvo and the others... I don't... I don't know how well they'll hold up, but it's important fer everyone t' stick together, especially in times like this..."

Nia slowly shook her head no "i wont look out for them, because you'll be there t' do it with me. " she got up. "Don't know why I didn't think of this sooner." she raised her hands over Akumu "please hold. very. Still. And don't breath as much, shallow breaths. And be sure you relax."
Nia slowly shook her head no "i wont look out for them, because you'll be there t' do it with me. " she got up. "Don't know why I didn't think of this sooner." she raised her hands over Akumu "please hold. very. Still. And don't breath as much, shallow breaths. And be sure you relax."

Having blinked, Akumu watched her before nodding, and then remaining still. With this, as instructed, he kept his breathing to a minimum.
Having blinked, Akumu watched her before nodding, and then remaining still. With this, as instructed, he kept his breathing to a minimum.

Nia closed her eyes. "this probably won't feel too good on your end"  she cautioned.  Before slightly moving her hands. Nia was moving the poison itself in his veins, along with blood trying to isolate it and get it out of his system.
Nia closed her eyes. "this probably won't feel too good on your end"  she cautioned.  Before slightly moving her hands. Nia was moving the poison itself in his veins, along with blood trying to isolate it and get it out of his system.

Akumu winced and released an uncomfortable, stifled grunt, and then a painful groan as the poison was slowly being worked out of him. Though, he still remained still.
Akumu winced and released an uncomfortable, stifled grunt, and then a painful groan as the poison was slowly being worked out of him. Though, he still remained still.

Nia eventually managed to clear out his system. The pinkish purple poison leaking out of his wound.
Nia un-bandaged him, carefully cleaning his wound and replacing the bandage with a clean one. Offering him a smile as she spoke "there..." she said panting "that should do the trick."

Akumu blinked, slowly having sat up. And, though the wound itself was still tender, the spreading burn had been gone. He looked to his hands for a moment, become gently laughing and looking to Nia with a truly thankful smile. "Proof the All Father does good work when restoring powers, eh?" he'd then pull her into an embrace, nuzzling the side of her head. "Ah, gods... thank you, Nia... thank y' so much..."
Akumu blinked, slowly having sat up. And, though the wound itself was still tender, the spreading burn had been gone. He looked to his hands for a moment, become gently laughing and looking to Nia with a truly thankful smile. "Proof the All Father does good work when restoring powers, eh?" he'd then pull her into an embrace, nuzzling the side of her head. "Ah, gods... thank you, Nia... thank y' so much..."

Nia returned the hug. "You would have done the same. You can't die. You haven't seen our kids yet." she said wagging her tail and perking her ears.

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