Indescribable (Closed)

Holding a smile, Akumu brought an arm around her as he'd quietly sigh.

Malvo gazed into her eyes, shifting on her feet as she'd smile softly. "S-Sorry, I... I thought that might've cheered y' up a bit..."

"It did. It cheered up a lot, actually." Yuki gave a genuine smile, light shining through her eyes as if she just discovered the meaning of Christmas. 
Nia nodded. "yeah. It waz quite the feels trip" she said looking over to Masaru. "Can't believe I cried over him" Nia said jokingly.

Akumu chuckled gently, lowering an ear a bit more. "Well, it was a pretty tragic event."

"It did. It cheered up a lot, actually." Yuki gave a genuine smile, light shining through her eyes as if she just discovered the meaning of Christmas. 

"Good, I'm glad." Malvo released a small giggle, finding joy in watching her eyes. Her tail would sway a bit in the process of this.
Akumu chuckled gently, lowering an ear a bit more. "Well, it was a pretty tragic event."

"Good, I'm glad." Malvo released a small giggle, finding joy in watching her eyes. Her tail would sway a bit in the process of this.

"Yeah, I suppose it was." she looked up to see Malvo and Yuki. "at least one good thing came out of it..." she said with a happy sigh.
"Good, I'm glad." Malvo released a small giggle, finding joy in watching her eyes. Her tail would sway a bit in the process of this.

Yuki smiled and nodded. Nicholas came out of one of the rooms, wearing black rimmed glasses. "Since when did you were glasses?" Nicholas munched on his apple before looking up at Yuki. "Since my contacts fell out. I tried to get a new pair here, but they don't have contacts yet, so i'm stuck with these bad boys. Whatcha think, i look pretty shexy in them, eh?" Yuki sighed, standing up, taking off Nicholas's glasses as he gotten close and backhanded his cheek. He hissed as the smack radiated around the room. "How could you? How could you put a bullet it in him?" Nicholas stood up, his nose wrinkling and for once, his smirk wasn't present on his face. Instead, a deep snarl filled his lips. "Do you think i wanted to do that? Of course not. I never wanted to. But it was either us or it. Think for a second, Yuki. He didn't want to live in that condition for the rest of his life. He didn't want to be the one to kill us. That's why he was so against the fucking thought of being like his father. You both watched your mother and yourselves be beaten for so long. How do you think he would've reacted if somehow he came to his senses and found, not only our blood, but the blood of so many innocence covering his hands." Yuki staggered back a little, her eyes shifted to Masaru before giving Nicholas's glasses back. He put them as Yuki tighten her fist. He pulled her into a hug, running his head down her hair. "I understand. I love him as much as anyone, but i made a promise to him, that i will never let him hurt anyone that he loves. Now, stop moping about." He pushed her off of him with a teasing, reassuring smile. Yuki gave the same. 
"Yeah, I suppose it was." she looked up to see Malvo and Yuki. "at least one good thing came out of it..." she said with a happy sigh.

Akumu blinked and glanced to Malvo and Yuki following Nia's words. A smile seen on his face, he'd watch them both, until Nicholas made his way in. This causing his attention to shift in said direction.

Yuki smiled and nodded. Nicholas came out of one of the rooms, wearing black rimmed glasses. "Since when did you were glasses?" Nicholas munched on his apple before looking up at Yuki. "Since my contacts fell out. I tried to get a new pair here, but they don't have contacts yet, so i'm stuck with these bad boys. Whatcha think, i look pretty shexy in them, eh?" Yuki sighed, standing up, taking off Nicholas's glasses as he gotten close and backhanded his cheek. He hissed as the smack radiated around the room. "How could you? How could you put a bullet it in him?" Nicholas stood up, his nose wrinkling and for once, his smirk wasn't present on his face. Instead, a deep snarl filled his lips. "Do you think i wanted to do that? Of course not. I never wanted to. But it was either us or it. Think for a second, Yuki. He didn't want to live in that condition for the rest of his life. He didn't want to be the one to kill us. That's why he was so against the fucking thought of being like his father. You both watched your mother and yourselves be beaten for so long. How do you think he would've reacted if somehow he came to his senses and found, not only our blood, but the blood of so many innocence covering his hands." Yuki staggered back a little, her eyes shifted to Masaru before giving Nicholas's glasses back. He put them as Yuki tighten her fist. He pulled her into a hug, running his head down her hair. "I understand. I love him as much as anyone, but i made a promise to him, that i will never let him hurt anyone that he loves. Now, stop moping about." He pushed her off of him with a teasing, reassuring smile. Yuki gave the same. 

Malvo would silently watch the two, soon sitting next to Dei-Loki as she leaned back a bit. Dei-Loki flinched slightly at the sound of the skin to skin contact. His gaze not leaving his hands.

His clothes, thanks to his other form, has been torn once more beyond repair, but that didn't seem to bother him. In fact, he didn't even seem to notice. Instead, he studied the pitch-black finger print areas on his fingers, lightly running his thumb over the skin.
Nia listened to them. "How long until Masaru is conscious again?" She asked, concerned about him.

Nicholas looked towards Nia before shifting his attention to the man in the bed. "I really don't know, i never seen someone brought back from the dead." Yuki spoke up. "About a day or two, his mind is still shifting in and out of afterlife and life. He's trying to find the middle ground before he realizes to climb back into this world." Nicholas quirked his brows and Yuki explained further, gently caressing his cheek. "Don't worry. My brother is stubborn, he won't go to the afterlife if he has a second chance at life."
Nia listened to them. "How long until Masaru is conscious again?" She asked, concerned about him.

Nicholas looked towards Nia before shifting his attention to the man in the bed. "I really don't know, i never seen someone brought back from the dead." Yuki spoke up. "About a day or two, his mind is still shifting in and out of afterlife and life. He's trying to find the middle ground before he realizes to climb back into this world." Nicholas quirked his brows and Yuki explained further, gently caressing his cheek. "Don't worry. My brother is stubborn, he won't go to the afterlife if he has a second chance at life."

Akumu gave an understanding nod, soon glancing to his younger brother as he shifted quietly.

Malvo softly rubbed Dei-Loki's back as Dei listened - giving a quiet nod of his own.
(Time skip to a few days later.) 

Nicholas stretched as he slept in a chair near Masaru and his mother. Yuki slept on the other side, waiting. 
(Time skip to a few days later.) 

Nicholas stretched as he slept in a chair near Masaru and his mother. Yuki slept on the other side, waiting. 

Dei-Loki found himself occasionally leaving his own seat to check on his brother, who'd been in the bed across the room. A couple of days with that nonstop anxiety tearing Dei apart. He'd hope for the best, but, as we all know, that anxiety doesn't just 'go away'.

Akumu would cough, the blood on his bandages tinted purple and he'd been profusely sweating... as well as unconscious. Turning his head to the side, he'd mumble. "No, he... Dei isn't a monster. Yer all nothin' but fools and cowards... y' don't... understand..."

Dei-Loki stared at his unconscious older brother, Malvo watching as she'd shakily sigh.
Dei-Loki found himself occasionally leaving his own seat to check on his brother, who'd been in the bed across the room. A couple of days with that nonstop anxiety tearing Dei apart. He'd hope for the best, but, as we all know, that anxiety doesn't just 'go away'.

Akumu would cough, the blood on his bandages tinted purple and he'd been profusely sweating... as well as unconscious. Turning his head to the side, he'd mumble. "No, he... Dei isn't a monster. Yer all nothin' but fools and cowards... y' don't... understand..."

Dei-Loki stared at his unconscious older brother, Malvo watching as she'd shakily sigh.

Nia was at his side, holding his hand in both of hers. Letting out a shaky breath. "Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay"
Nia was at his side, holding his hand in both of hers. Letting out a shaky breath. "Please be okay. Please be okay. Please be okay"

Dei-Loki stopped at Nia's side, continuing to study his brother. Soon, he found himself glancing to his sister-in-law before back down to his brother once more. His voice, though shaky and somehow numb, seemed to hold sincerity to it. "Akumu is strong and stubborn. He'll keep the fight goin' fer as long as he can."

Malvo continued to silently watch, sitting beside Yuki's chair as she'd hug herself. 
Dei-Loki stopped at Nia's side, continuing to study his brother. Soon, he found himself glancing to his sister-in-law before back down to his brother once more. His voice, though shaky and somehow numb, seemed to hold sincerity to it. "Akumu is strong and stubborn. He'll keep the fight goin' fer as long as he can."

Malvo continued to silently watch, sitting beside Yuki's chair as she'd hug herself. 

Nia sniffled "I hope your right..." she said kissing Akumu's forehead.
Dei-Loki and Malvo quietly nodded as they watched Nia go. Soon glancing to themselves as they softly spoke to each other, careful not to wake the others.

"How y' holdin' up, little Loki? Y' alright?.." Malvo whispered soothingly. Her head slightly tilting.

Dei-Loki blinked at that, shifting as he looked to his hands. "Yes, Dorchadas (dor-kah-dus), I'm fine... No need t' worry."

Malvo perked at the familiar name, smiling a bit. "Dorchadas? No one's called me Darkness in a long time..."

"I'm sorry... I can stop, if y' want me to." Dei-Loki huffed, pulling his leg up to his chest as he'd rest the heel of his foot on the chair. "Just, you mam and dad have been callin' me little Loki, again... figured y' wanted yer old nickname back."

Malvo blinked, watching him as she smiled a bit more. "No, it's fine. I kinda missed being called little Dorchadas. The name brings back good memories, somethin' we all need. Especially right now..."

Dei-Loki smiled in return, giving a nod as he glanced about. "... Ya remember when we got into a fight with that group of villagers? The ones constantly teasing us both?"

"Oh yeaaaaah. That was back when ya still had that stutter." Malvo snickered, closing her eyes. "And look how far y've come since then. Speakin' clearly and everythin'. Aaaahhhh... And I remember when ya used t' build the kingdom of Cookietin, too."

"Mmmmhm, complete with guards and everythin'. Had t' have ya help me protect it from uncle grizzly bear, though. He used t' love stealing a cookie, or two." The twins would softly laugh in remembrance, their gazes traveling about.

Nia stood up and left the room. "im going to get some air" she said heading to the garden.

Ruvik would quietly roam the courtyard, blinking when he spotted Nia. And, with his hands in the pockets of his jacket, he approached. "Any changes?.."
Ruvik would quietly roam the courtyard, blinking when he spotted Nia. And, with his hands in the pockets of his jacket, he approached. "Any changes?.."

Nia looked up to him with clear sadness in her eyes as she shook her head no. "no... he's not doing any better..." she said with a croaky voice, a clear sign of her worry.
Nia looked up to him with clear sadness in her eyes as she shook her head no. "no... he's not doing any better..." she said with a croaky voice, a clear sign of her worry.

Frowning, he stopped at her side before looking around. "I'm sure he'll manage to pull through. No way in hell he'll leave you all behind."


"There was also the time we turned half the staff of the Royal Guard into frogs." Dei-Loki grinned, looking to Malvo again.

Malvo laughed softly, closing her eyes. "Aaaah, dad's angry voice. Though, that's nothing when compared to mam's angry look, alone. Like when ya cast that anti-gravity spell in the throne room."

"Oooooo, my arse hurts thinkin' about it." Dei-Loki huffed, shifting in his seat as he rubbed his face. "We were hellions."

"Lovable hellions.This whole family loved us, all three of us, no matter what we did."

"Yep... though, sometimes, I wonder why..." Dei-Loki rubbed his face, chuckling as a pained look was held on his face. "All the blood on my hands, the Phantomfang slaughter, and they still loved me..."

"Stop that. Stop that now." Malvo gave her brother a firm look. "It's in the past, Dei-Loki. And we both know it was justified..." Dei-Loki looked down, Malvo standing and heading over to hug him. Dei-Loki hugging her back as he listened to her. "We all have our demons... but, it's who we are in the present, and what we've done to better ourselves - slip ups or no slip ups, you're not a monster. A monster is someone like Lucifel, someone that holds no remorse of anything. But you've got a heart, little Loki." Dei-Loki shakily inhaled, tightening the embrace as Malvo gently rubbed his back.
Frowning, he stopped at her side before looking around. "I'm sure he'll manage to pull through. No way in hell he'll leave you all behind."

Nia sigh. "Im sure he doesn't want too. But you don't know that. Life isn't just a fairy tale... sometimes there aren't happy endings."
Nia sigh. "Im sure he doesn't want too. But you don't know that. Life isn't just a fairy tale... sometimes there aren't happy endings."

Ruvik blinked, soon exhaling as his gaze fell to the bushes. "... Did they find out what sort of poison it was? I'll see if I can gather up some info on it. I used to study poisons and stuff like this. Albeit, at the time, it was for another reason... But, maybe I can help."
Masaru opened his eyes, staring at the light above him. He stared at the light above him for a whole minute. Terrified coiled in his stomach, not wanting him to move. Afraid that the truth will reveal what happened. His hand was shaking as he placed it over his heart, feeling a bump of scarred tissue over his chest. He could feel it, the bullet flying into him. The sound of the gunshot and the smell of his blood masking the rest of the forest. He looked over to his right, saw Nicholas sleeping and then turned. His beating heart caught in his throat as he saw the ghost in his childhood. He looked towards Yuki and then back to Nicholas. This was it. This was death. He was dead and his demons arrived to come and torture him. He tighten his fist, trying to find his voice. Trying to scream. To pray and beg for release. His muscles stayed tense, not being able to move as he stared at the light above. "H-Help." His voice barely even whispered. "N-N-No." He was petrified.

Tears leaked out of his eyes as he stayed there, afraid to wake up these ghosts. But something, someone, made him want to scream. To say that he was alive. "S-S-Squishy. Where's my Squishy? Dei. . . i'm not dead. I'm not dead until you tell me to die. I'm not dead." His voice began to squeak, Nicholas shifted in his sleep. He inhaled and imagined Dei. Then he imagined his family, and how they smiled and how they laughed and how they loved. He closed his eyes. "I'm not dead. I'm not dead. I'm Masaru Oshiro, i have a family that loves me. I'm not dead. I'm not dead. I'm . . . I'm . . ." His breathing grew rapid before he launched himself up and screamed. "I"M NOT DEAD!" Nicholas and Yuki awoke immediately and ran towards the hysteric Masaru whose body trembled and felt cold to the touch. "It's okay, Masaru. It's okay, breathe. I'll go get you some water." Nicholas quickly sprinted towards the water bottle in the kitchen and came back without a word, letting Masaru take sips slowly from the bottle. The Oshiro's mom stayed asleep.
Ruvik blinked, soon exhaling as his gaze fell to the bushes. "... Did they find out what sort of poison it was? I'll see if I can gather up some info on it. I used to study poisons and stuff like this. Albeit, at the time, it was for another reason... But, maybe I can help."

"It's from Midgardso I doubt anyone here would know anything" she said slightly trembling in place.
Masaru opened his eyes, staring at the light above him. He stared at the light above him for a whole minute. Terrified coiled in his stomach, not wanting him to move. Afraid that the truth will reveal what happened. His hand was shaking as he placed it over his heart, feeling a bump of scarred tissue over his chest. He could feel it, the bullet flying into him. The sound of the gunshot and the smell of his blood masking the rest of the forest. He looked over to his right, saw Nicholas sleeping and then turned. His beating heart caught in his throat as he saw the ghost in his childhood. He looked towards Yuki and then back to Nicholas. This was it. This was death. He was dead and his demons arrived to come and torture him. He tighten his fist, trying to find his voice. Trying to scream. To pray and beg for release. His muscles stayed tense, not being able to move as he stared at the light above. "H-Help." His voice barely even whispered. "N-N-No." He was petrified.

Tears leaked out of his eyes as he stayed there, afraid to wake up these ghosts. But something, someone, made him want to scream. To say that he was alive. "S-S-Squishy. Where's my Squishy? Dei. . . i'm not dead. I'm not dead until you tell me to die. I'm not dead." His voice began to squeak, Nicholas shifted in his sleep. He inhaled and imagined Dei. Then he imagined his family, and how they smiled and how they laughed and how they loved. He closed his eyes. "I'm not dead. I'm not dead. I'm Masaru Oshiro, i have a family that loves me. I'm not dead. I'm not dead. I'm . . . I'm . . ." His breathing grew rapid before he launched himself up and screamed. "I"M NOT DEAD!" Nicholas and Yuki awoke immediately and ran towards the hysteric Masaru whose body trembled and felt cold to the touch. "It's okay, Masaru. It's okay, breathe. I'll go get you some water." Nicholas quickly sprinted towards the water bottle in the kitchen and came back without a word, letting Masaru take sips slowly from the bottle. The Oshiro's mom stayed asleep.

Dei-Loki quickly looked up from Malvo's shoulder, glancing to Masaru before he'd quickly move from his chair - embracing Masaru tightly as several tears escaped his winced shut gaze.

"It's from Midgardso I doubt anyone here would know anything" she said slightly trembling in place.

"You'd be surprised." Ruvik replied, looking to her with sincerity in his gaze. He truly did want to help. And, if help meant simply lending knowledge, he was more than willing to share. 
Dei-Loki quickly looked up from Malvo's shoulder, glancing to Masaru before he'd quickly move from his chair - embracing Masaru tightly as several tears escaped his winced shut gaze.

Masaru's hands let go of the bottle as he gave an awkward hug with Dei. He touched Dei's face, moving his fingers on his eyes, nose, lips, even to his chin. He felt his hair, his stomach, his regular heartbeat. "You're real? You're really real? I'm not dead? You're real? I didn't kill you? I-I can hold you. You're real? You're real?" He repeated the sentence over as his lips quivered from the words, he hugged Dei close to him, petting his hair. 

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