Indescribable (Closed)

Masaru's hands let go of the bottle as he gave an awkward hug with Dei. He touched Dei's face, moving his fingers on his eyes, nose, lips, even to his chin. He felt his hair, his stomach, his regular heartbeat. "You're real? You're really real? I'm not dead? You're real? I didn't kill you? I-I can hold you. You're real? You're real?" He repeated the sentence over as his lips quivered from the words, he hugged Dei close to him, petting his hair. 

Dei-Loki sniffled, a trembling smile on his face as he nodded. "I'm real." he would repeat in reassurance, returning the embrace once more as he would tremble in Masaru's hold. "Yer not dead. You're living. Maker's breath, yer living!"

"I guess you could take a look then..."

"I'll do the best I can."
Dei-Loki sniffled, a trembling smile on his face as he nodded. "I'm real." he would repeat in reassurance, returning the embrace once more as he would tremble in Masaru's hold. "Yer not dead. You're living. Maker's breath, yer living!"

Masaru grabbed Dei tighter in his hug. "If that's true, then. . .Yuki, what happened? Why can i see our mother in the bed next to me?" Yuki sighed and then explained. Once she was done, Masaru stayed silent, looking towards his mother. 
Masaru grabbed Dei tighter in his hug. "If that's true, then. . .Yuki, what happened? Why can i see our mother in the bed next to me?" Yuki sighed and then explained. Once she was done, Masaru stayed silent, looking towards his mother. 

Dei-Loki listened and watched, not letting go of Masaru's torso.

Nia remained silent, then sitting down as she held her head in her hands.

Ruvik watched as she sat down, soon quietly letting out a sigh as he shifted in place.
"Ah this is going to be something else." He rested his hand against Dei's chest, feeling his heartbeat. 

Dei-Loki gave a nod, moving his hand to the hand Masaru had on his chest. Gently clutching it in his own. "At least the worst part of it is over, I think..."

Nia waved her hand dismisively "go on. Go try and see what is wrong with him"

Blinking, Ruvik would nod and turn to go before glancing to Nia once more. "You gonna be alright alone?"
Nia stood and went to go check on Akumu. Stopping and doing a double take as she passed Masaru's room. "Masaru!" she said happily, her face lighting up as she ran in and hugged him. "Your back!" 
"True." Dei-Loki smiled, soon releasing a shaky sigh as he closed his eyes and kissed the side of Masaru's head. "Gods, I was so scared..."

Nia stood and went to go check on Akumu. Stopping and doing a double take as she passed Masaru's room. "Masaru!" she said happily, her face lighting up as she ran in and hugged him. "Your back!" 

"I know, but i'm here. . . surprisingly." Masaru turned his attention towards Nia's hug. "Ah! She's showing affection to me! Everyone, i think i am dead! This is what Hell is!" He chuckled, pulling her tightly to him as he hugged her. 
Nia stood and went to go check on Akumu. Stopping and doing a double take as she passed Masaru's room. "Masaru!" she said happily, her face lighting up as she ran in and hugged him. "Your back!" 

"I know, but i'm here. . . surprisingly." Masaru turned his attention towards Nia's hug. "Ah! She's showing affection to me! Everyone, i think i am dead! This is what Hell is!" He chuckled, pulling her tightly to him as he hugged her. 

Dei-Loki glanced to Nia as soon as he heard her. A smile on his face as he'd flick a lowered ear.
"I know, but i'm here. . . surprisingly." Masaru turned his attention towards Nia's hug. "Ah! She's showing affection to me! Everyone, i think i am dead! This is what Hell is!" He chuckled, pulling her tightly to him as he hugged her. 

Dei-Loki glanced to Nia as soon as he heard her. A smile on his face as he'd flick a lowered ear.

"I know! It's horrible!" she said overexagerating "Don't die again.  I love you too much ...she finished quietly, holding him tight.
"I know! It's horrible!" she said overexagerating "Don't die again.  I love you too much ...she finished quietly, holding him tight.

"I won't. Unless you make me sick with your affectionate, then i'll wish for death." He gave a small, teasing smile. 
"I won't. Unless you make me sick with your affectionate, then i'll wish for death." He gave a small, teasing smile. 

Nia smiled "Never change you grumpy old fox" she said ruffling his hair. "I'm going to check on Akumu now. Talk to you two later" she said as she left the room.
Nia smiled "Never change you grumpy old fox" she said ruffling his hair. "I'm going to check on Akumu now. Talk to you two later" she said as she left the room.

"She ruffled my hair! Bai." He then sprung his arms around Dei, dragging him down and wrapping his frame around the smaller male, cuddling Dei.
Nia smiled "Never change you grumpy old fox" she said ruffling his hair. "I'm going to check on Akumu now. Talk to you two later" she said as she left the room.

"She ruffled my hair! Bai." He then sprung his arms around Dei, dragging him down and wrapping his frame around the smaller male, cuddling Dei.

Dei-Loki watched Nia take her leave, waving before he'd then cuddle Masaru in return. Softly having kissed his nose in the process.
Nia knocked on the door before entering Akumu's room. Sitting on the bed before then laying next to him, on his non injured side, holding him close to herself.


Akumu would shift a small bit in the bed, slightly wincing as he'd reach up and gently take Nia's hand in his.

Masaru fell back to sleep as he had Dei in his arms.

Dei-Loki remained awake for a bit, softly stroking his hair as he quietly would hum.
Akumu would shift a small bit in the bed, slightly wincing as he'd reach up and gently take Nia's hand in his.

Nia softly sang to him. 

"Don't be disappointed,
Don't let your heart break.
Don't spend another minute,
In this way.
It's okay.

Dry your eyes now, baby;
Broken wings won't hold you down.
You'll take flight soon, baby.
You'll be lifted up,
And you'll be there~" 

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