Indescribable (Closed)

Nicholas pushed everyone away from the last Nogitsune. It tore through everything. Stomping on the blighters with ease as it swallowed some whole. The beast created the rotten flames around Lucifel and his members, huddling them together as he moved close to them, ready to pop their heads with his teeth. 

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx
Cheshire began to circle him. "I remember the last time we did this. That was fun" she said with a laugh.

Nia fired a red arrow at Lucifel, which would release a hissing sound before exploding.

Nicholas pushed everyone away from the last Nogitsune. It tore through everything. Stomping on the blighters with ease as it swallowed some whole. The beast created the rotten flames around Lucifel and his members, huddling them together as he moved close to them, ready to pop their heads with his teeth. 

@Heir of Dalania @xXLittleLokiXx

Akumu glared, eyeing Cheshire while trying to ignore the stinging in his torso.

Lucifel lifted his brows as he watched the Nogitsune approach. A soft growl escaping him as he'd glance to his companions - somewhat lifting a hand and snapping his fingers - teleporting the three a safe distance away. "Well, I do believe we've had enough fun here, don't you two?"
Akumu glared, eyeing Cheshire while trying to ignore the stinging in his torso.

Lucifel lifted his brows as he watched the Nogitsune approach. A soft growl escaping him as he'd glance to his companions - somewhat lifting a hand and snapping his fingers - teleporting the three a safe distance away. "Well, I do believe we've had enough fun here, don't you two?"

Nia watched the Nogitsune. "oh... shit."

cheshire nodded 
Once they teleported away, the Nogitsune turned towards the group, strings of saliva running down the corner of its mouth and into its fur. Nicholas raised his gun, shaking as his finger laid on the trigger. Yuki shook her head. "You can't do this! There's gotta be another way! Please, Nicholas, think! It doesn't have to be like this!" Yet, she stayed back from Nicholas, clenching her fist until her knuckles turned white and her vision became fuzzy from the tears that edged their way closer. "I'm sorry, Yuki." He bit his bottom lip, tears stinging his eyes once more as he leveled the gun and aimed for the beast's heart. "Goodnight, Masaru." The bullet rung in the forest. Birds squawked as they flew away. The beast walked backwards, moving its enormous paws to the bullet hole in his chest. The Nogitsune slowly began to dissolve back to a standing Masaru. The black, inky blood poured out of his wound and down onto the forest floor. He looked to his family and smiled. His eyes slowly showing no trace of life as he fell to his knees. "Thank you all. . .  for making my life worth living. I am so thankful that i can call you. . . my family." The tears splashed onto the forest floor, mixing in with his blood as he released a shaky breath, looking to the sky. "Thank you all. . . for loving me. . . when i couldn't . . . love myself. Thank you." He fell, the life draining from his eyes as they stared to the bright, cloudless sky, watching the sun burn and illuminate. A smile permanently on his lips. 

Yuki cupped her hand to her mouth, the salt touching her mouth as she tried to catch her breath. She rushed to her brother, looking for a way to stay in denial. Nicholas grabbed the handle tighter in his head before throwing it at a tree and screaming. They grieved and groaned, kneeling on the ground as the sun burned against the sky. 
Nia watched the Nogitsune. "oh... shit."

cheshire nodded 

Once they teleported away, the Nogitsune turned towards the group, strings of saliva running down the corner of its mouth and into its fur. Nicholas raised his gun, shaking as his finger laid on the trigger. Yuki shook her head. "You can't do this! There's gotta be another way! Please, Nicholas, think! It doesn't have to be like this!" Yet, she stayed back from Nicholas, clenching her fist until her knuckles turned white and her vision became fuzzy from the tears that edged their way closer. "I'm sorry, Yuki." He bit his bottom lip, tears stinging his eyes once more as he leveled the gun and aimed for the beast's heart. "Goodnight, Masaru." The bullet rung in the forest. Birds squawked as they flew away. The beast walked backwards, moving its enormous paws to the bullet hole in his chest. The Nogitsune slowly began to dissolve back to a standing Masaru. The black, inky blood poured out of his wound and down onto the forest floor. He looked to his family and smiled. His eyes slowly showing no trace of life as he fell to his knees. "Thank you all. . .  for making my life worth living. I am so thankful that i can call you. . . my family." The tears splashed onto the forest floor, mixing in with his blood as he released a shaky breath, looking to the sky. "Thank you all. . . for loving me. . . when i couldn't . . . love myself. Thank you." He fell, the life draining from his eyes as they stared to the bright, cloudless sky, watching the sun burn and illuminate. A smile permanently on his lips. 

Yuki cupped her hand to her mouth, the salt touching her mouth as she tried to catch her breath. She rushed to her brother, looking for a way to stay in denial. Nicholas grabbed the handle tighter in his head before throwing it at a tree and screaming. They grieved and groaned, kneeling on the ground as the sun burned against the sky. 

Neo would also nod, Lucifel causing his men to retreat at the sound of the gunshot.

Dei-Loki lifted his head at the gunshot, quickly turning his head to look before he'd then try and dart in said direction.

"Dei-Loki, no!" Malvo had shouted, moving in front of the large wolf before managing to hug his throat. Dei-Loki quickly shifting back into his more human-esk of forms.

"MASARUUUU!" Dei-Loki screamed, his voice cracking. And, with his arm reached out in said direction, his tears instantly spilled. "Malvo, let me go. LET ME GO! I need t'--" Once he broke free, he rushed to Masaru's side, sliding on his knees as he studied him. His own body trembling, and his breath shaky. "Y'... Ya can't be... we... we never even found a..." Dei-Loki winced his eyes shut, hunching forward as he'd rest his face on Masaru's chest. "WHO TOLD YA YOU COULD DIE ON ME, Y' BASTARD!? I NEVER-- Please... PLEASE... Grumpytails, please... I... I can't... I love you, I can't let go... I..."

Akumu's heart sank, hand on his wound as he'd watch the commotion in stunned silence.
Neo would also nod, Lucifel causing his men to retreat at the sound of the gunshot.

Dei-Loki lifted his head at the gunshot, quickly turning his head to look before he'd then try and dart in said direction.

"Dei-Loki, no!" Malvo had shouted, moving in front of the large wolf before managing to hug his throat. Dei-Loki quickly shifting back into his more human-esk of forms.

"MASARUUUU!" Dei-Loki screamed, his voice cracking. And, with his arm reached out in said direction, his tears instantly spilled. "Malvo, let me go. LET ME GO! I need t'--" Once he broke free, he rushed to Masaru's side, sliding on his knees as he studied him. His own body trembling, and his breath shaky. "Y'... Ya can't be... we... we never even found a..." Dei-Loki winced his eyes shut, hunching forward as he'd rest his face on Masaru's chest. "WHO TOLD YA YOU COULD DIE ON ME, Y' BASTARD!? I NEVER-- Please... PLEASE... Grumpytails, please... I... I can't... I love you, I can't let go... I..."

Akumu's heart sank, hand on his wound as he'd watch the commotion in stunned silence.

"Masaru!" Nia yelled as she found herself at Dei's side. "No no no no no! Please!" Nia pleaded. Her rate of breathing increased as she cried. 
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As people wept and others grieved in their own way, a soft melody slowly filtered through the forest. The sounds of the wind blowing echoed as the voice continued. It rosed and fell with the birds and the soft winds. A figure, cloaked in black stepped out of the forest, moving their hand. A small, white flame moved as if it was a sparkler, but the flame was smooth as if it was satin. 

"Cast away your worries, my dear.For tomorrow comes a new day.Hold to me, you've nothing to fear.For your dreams are not far away." 

As the cloaked figure moved closer, weaving her flame in the air, Masaru rose from the ground. A light spilling from his wound and over his chest, almost as a barrier. "As you lay your head and you rest.May your dreams take over my love.Listen close, my son of the west.For your destiny lies above." 

Masaru became covered in the glow, it hummed with the voice. 
"Though the world is cruel.There's a light that still shines.In the darkest days of our lives." 

The amber cocoon gave a soft wave of gold every beat. It soon began to break. A crack, then another and another. 

"When all hope seems lost.And you can't find your way.Think of me as you look to the sky."

The figured moved closer laying their hand on the cocoon. As Nicholas stayed confused, Yuki knew exactly who it was. Even if it seemed impossible.
"Child mine, your future is bright.For your father's blood's in your veins.In dark times, I pray you will fight.For the world will soon know your name."

The cocoon broke and shattered around the ground, revealing a breathing Masaru with a scar over his heart. The bullet laid in his open palm. The figure's dainty hands rested on Masaru's hair. "Forgive me, my sweet Kogitsune." Yuki blinked, standing up. "Mother?" The figure seemed defeated, tired from the amount of energy that it used. "I'm sorry, my daughter. Forgive me, for i flow with the current and i did not push myself out." She stood up, staggering and breathing heavily before falling onto the ground, unconscious to the world. Her hood was then off, showing her features. Showing the truth slowly, but surely. 
"Masaru!" Nia yelled as she found herself at Dei's side. "No no no no no! Please!" Nia pleaded. Her rate of breathing increased as she cried. 

As people wept and others grieved in their own way, a soft melody slowly filtered through the forest. The sounds of the wind blowing echoed as the voice continued. It rosed and fell with the birds and the soft winds. A figure, cloaked in black stepped out of the forest, moving their hand. A small, white flame moved as if it was a sparkler, but the flame was smooth as if it was satin. 

"Cast away your worries, my dear.For tomorrow comes a new day.Hold to me, you've nothing to fear.For your dreams are not far away." 

As the cloaked figure moved closer, weaving her flame in the air, Masaru rose from the ground. A light spilling from his wound and over his chest, almost as a barrier. "As you lay your head and you rest.May your dreams take over my love.Listen close, my son of the west.For your destiny lies above." 

Masaru became covered in the glow, it hummed with the voice. 
"Though the world is cruel.There's a light that still shines.In the darkest days of our lives." 

The amber cocoon gave a soft wave of gold every beat. It soon began to break. A crack, then another and another. 

"When all hope seems lost.And you can't find your way.Think of me as you look to the sky."

The figured moved closer laying their hand on the cocoon. As Nicholas stayed confused, Yuki knew exactly who it was. Even if it seemed impossible.
"Child mine, your future is bright.For your father's blood's in your veins.In dark times, I pray you will fight.For the world will soon know your name."

The cocoon broke and shattered around the ground, revealing a breathing Masaru with a scar over his heart. The bullet laid in his open palm. The figure's dainty hands rested on Masaru's hair. "Forgive me, my sweet Kogitsune." Yuki blinked, standing up. "Mother?" The figure seemed defeated, tired from the amount of energy that it used. "I'm sorry, my daughter. Forgive me, for i flow with the current and i did not push myself out." She stood up, staggering and breathing heavily before falling onto the ground, unconscious to the world. Her hood was then off, showing her features. Showing the truth slowly, but surely. 

Dei-Loki wept until his ears picked up on the singing. Slowly, he looked up to find Masaru glowing, his attention traveling to the cloaked, singing figure before he'd then glance back down to Masaru. The minute he began to breathe once again, more tears burst from his eyes as he'd tug him into an embrace. Not a single word escaping him.

Malvo watched, studying the figure with slightly widened eyes as she had watched her fall - quickly approaching soon after.
"Come on, guys. Let's go take these two to the clinic in the palace." Yuki grabbed her mother, feeling weird to be even doing it. Nicholas did the same.
Nia hugged him, still crying.

"Come on, guys. Let's go take these two to the clinic in the palace." Yuki grabbed her mother, feeling weird to be even doing it. Nicholas did the same.

Dei-Loki gave a nod, soon lifting Masaru to his best attempt as he'd sniffle. Malvo helping with Yuki and Masaru's mother as Akumu coughed and went to help with Masaru.
They moved quickly to the clinic, placing them down on their beds. Yuki then turned around as she smelled a different type of blood, wolf's blood. "Akumu, i think you should go get that checked out right now." 
They moved quickly to the clinic, placing them down on their beds. Yuki then turned around as she smelled a different type of blood, wolf's blood. "Akumu, i think you should go get that checked out right now." 
Nia went over to Masaru, still tears in her eyes as she'd wipe them away only to be replaced by more. 

They moved quickly to the clinic, placing them down on their beds. Yuki then turned around as she smelled a different type of blood, wolf's blood. "Akumu, i think you should go get that checked out right now." 

Akumu aided Dei-Loki in setting Masaru on the bed, soon looking to Yuki before then lowering his ears a bit. "This? Nah..." he gestured to his wound, soon closing his eyes. "I'll be fine..."

"Just go and get it tended to, Akumu... please..." Dei-Loki numbly would voice, sitting down beside Masaru's bed. "It'll make us all feel better..."
Akumu aided Dei-Loki in setting Masaru on the bed, soon looking to Yuki before then lowering his ears a bit. "This? Nah..." he gestured to his wound, soon closing his eyes. "I'll be fine..."

"Just go and get it tended to, Akumu... please..." Dei-Loki numbly would voice, sitting down beside Masaru's bed. "It'll make us all feel better..."

Nia bandaged Akumu's wound.
Yuki sat by her mother and brother. Her eyes watching her mother's face, touching it once in a while to make sure that it was real and not some well made mask. She was in complete and utter shock. She didn't know how she felt, nor how Masaru would feel when he woke up to see this. 
Nia bandaged Akumu's wound.

Akumu winced a bit as this was done, a small smile forming on his face as he'd look to his wife. "Thank you, Sugar Cookie. I appreciate it..."

Yuki sat by her mother and brother. Her eyes watching her mother's face, touching it once in a while to make sure that it was real and not some well made mask. She was in complete and utter shock. She didn't know how she felt, nor how Masaru would feel when he woke up to see this. 

Dei-Loki would stare at his hands, silently remaining seated as Malvo went to Yuki's side.

"Is... is that really her? Your mother?.." Malvo softly would ask out of curiosity, her ears remaining low.
Akumu winced a bit as this was done, a small smile forming on his face as he'd look to his wife. "Thank you, Sugar Cookie. I appreciate it..."

Dei-Loki would stare at his hands, silently remaining seated as Malvo went to Yuki's side.

"Is... is that really her? Your mother?.." Malvo softly would ask out of curiosity, her ears remaining low.

"I . . . i don't know. I'm confused. She knew . . . she knew the lullaby that she use to sing to us when we were just kits. So many centuries, of being told that she was dead. That she didn't exist in this world. It's like. . . it's like staring at a ghost that's trying to become alive once more. It's exactly that, but she looks, so . . . alive. Oh Gods, i don't know what to do." She held her own hands together, trying to stop her mind from racing. Words swirled in her head as she tried to find a clear understanding of what was happening around her. 
"I . . . i don't know. I'm confused. She knew . . . she knew the lullaby that she use to sing to us when we were just kits. So many centuries, of being told that she was dead. That she didn't exist in this world. It's like. . . it's like staring at a ghost that's trying to become alive once more. It's exactly that, but she looks, so . . . alive. Oh Gods, i don't know what to do." She held her own hands together, trying to stop her mind from racing. Words swirled in her head as she tried to find a clear understanding of what was happening around her. 

Malvo softly exhaled, hesitating before slowly moving closer to Yuki and pulling her into a comforting embrace. She wasn't too sure what to say, so... this was the only thing better that she could think of. And, soon after that, she'd gently move in front of Yuki, only for Malvo to softly turn her head and lay her lips against Yuki's - engaging in a soft kiss.
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Malvo softly exhaled, hesitating before slowly moving closer to Yuki and pulling her into a comforting embrace. She wasn't too sure what to say, so... this was the only thing better that she could think of. And, soon after that, she'd gently move in front of Yuki, only for Malvo to softly turn her head and lay her lips against Yuki's - engaging in a soft kiss.

Yuki accepted the hug before widening her eyes immensely as Malvo kissed her. Yet, she didn't pull back. In actuality,Yuki cupped the back of Malvo's head gently and kissed her back. Before pulling back after a few seconds with a beet red blush on her face as her eyes seemed to flutter with warmth. "W-W-Wow." 
"No problem floofytails" she said sitting next to him, wrapping her tail around his.

Holding a smile, Akumu brought an arm around her as he'd quietly sigh.

Yuki accepted the hug before widening her eyes immensely as Malvo kissed her. Yet, she didn't pull back. In actuality,Yuki cupped the back of Malvo's head gently and kissed her back. Before pulling back after a few seconds with a beet red blush on her face as her eyes seemed to flutter with warmth. "W-W-Wow." 

Malvo gazed into her eyes, shifting on her feet as she'd smile softly. "S-Sorry, I... I thought that might've cheered y' up a bit..."

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