Indescribable (Closed)

Malvo traveled at Nia's side, hands in her pockets. "Why would anyone not hate them? That's the better question. They just simply... shouldn't be. They're too human-like, and yet not at all. Simply horrifying, how they're just... around."

Nia nodded "I hate geese"
Nia browsed clothes, then put on a bow over her wolf ears like blake. "what do you think, bow or no?"

Malvo flicked her ear while sorting through the clothes, her attention soon traveling to Nia as she raised a brow at the sight of the bow. A smile forming on her face. "Y' look better without the bow."
Malvo flicked her ear while sorting through the clothes, her attention soon traveling to Nia as she raised a brow at the sight of the bow. A smile forming on her face. "Y' look better without the bow."

Nia took off the bow, and handed a dark green cloak to Malvo. "try that on"


Cheshire was carefully coating her shuriken with a bright pink sappy fluid, stored in a glass vile. Her mask was off and she was concentrating on her work.
Nia took off the bow, and handed a dark green cloak to Malvo. "try that on"


Cheshire was carefully coating her shuriken with a bright pink sappy fluid, stored in a glass vile. Her mask was off and she was concentrating on her work.

Malvo blinked, her gaze now on the cloak as she'd take it and put it on. A smile growing a bit larger on her face as she'd then tug the hood over her head.


Neo silently toyed with her umbrella, looking up to see Lucifel casually walking in.

"Ladies." Lucifel had grinned, glancing back and forth between the two before he'd then glance to one of the tables. His fingers lightly running over it as he lifted a brow. "Seems we'll need to do a bit of traveling for this." He'd then look to Cheshire, lifting his brow as he'd notice her mask-less face.
Malvo blinked, her gaze now on the cloak as she'd take it and put it on. A smile growing a bit larger on her face as she'd then tug the hood over her head.


Neo silently toyed with her umbrella, looking up to see Lucifel casually walking in.

"Ladies." Lucifel had grinned, glancing back and forth between the two before he'd then glance to one of the tables. His fingers lightly running over it as he lifted a brow. "Seems we'll need to do a bit of traveling for this." He'd then look to Cheshire, lifting his brow as he'd notice her mask-less face.

Nia patted her on the head "looks great on ya" 


Cheshire glanced over smiled and disappeared into a mist which evaporated into the air.

Then appearing behind Lucifel she would be seen floating with her stomach to the ceiling, arms and legs crossed, looking at him upside-down with her light-blue, greenish eyes and long blue/purple hair which fell towards the floor as she smiled her distinct grin. "and to where, exactly. Are we going? Oh, I do so love to travel" she said the last sentence with a gesture to her heart.
Nia patted her on the head "looks great on ya" 


Cheshire glanced over smiled and disappeared into a mist which evaporated into the air.

Then appearing behind Lucifel she would be seen floating with her stomach to the ceiling, arms and legs crossed, looking at him upside-down with her light-blue, greenish eyes and long blue/purple hair which fell towards the floor as she smiled her distinct grin. "and to where, exactly. Are we going? Oh, I do so love to travel" she said the last sentence with a gesture to her heart.

Malvo blinked from the pat, but kept her smile as she'd soon close her eyes, giving a nod. "Thank you."


Lucifel quirked his brow, turning to look at Cheshire once more as he'd grin slightly. "To Engranussia. It's to my understanding that our targets have moved house after their previous one seems to have been destroyed. All that's left is a single toilet, oddly enough."
Malvo blinked from the pat, but kept her smile as she'd soon close her eyes, giving a nod. "Thank you."


Lucifel quirked his brow, turning to look at Cheshire once more as he'd grin slightly. "To Engranussia. It's to my understanding that our targets have moved house after their previous one seems to have been destroyed. All that's left is a single toilet, oddly enough."

Nia paid for the cloak. "what shall we do now?"


"oh another world. How exciting!" cheshire said flipping 180 and floated over to her mask, then winked at Lucifel before putting it on. "What are we waiting for? Time is valuable, I suggest we get moving" 
Nia paid for the cloak. "what shall we do now?"


"oh another world. How exciting!" cheshire said flipping 180 and floated over to her mask, then winked at Lucifel before putting it on. "What are we waiting for? Time is valuable, I suggest we get moving" 

Malvo blinked and shrugged, taking a look around. "Any ideas?"


Lucifel snickered, soon grabbing his limited supplies as Neo would do the same.
Nia went back to the castle because plot.


Cheshire waited outside fully equipped and ready to go. 

Malvo followed, hands in her pockets.


Neo would wait, as well. Lucifel soon whistling as he'd exit the warehouse and join with the group. Soon lifting his hand, he'd then open a warp that would let them through beside the gates.
Malvo followed, hands in her pockets.


Neo would wait, as well. Lucifel soon whistling as he'd exit the warehouse and join with the group. Soon lifting his hand, he'd then open a warp that would let them through beside the gates.

Cheshire entered and upon exiting would look to Lucifel "this is your turf. Show us what to do" she said floating around him on her back.
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Cheshire entered and upon exiting would look to Lucifel "this is your turf. Show us what to do" she daid floating around him on her back.

Lucifel would give a single, somehow gentle nod to Cheshire. A smirk being warn on his face as he'd soon glance to the gate once more. He'd keep sure to keep the group of three out of sight of the guards as he'd cast a blood red orb into the distance. The area around and them then began to quake as both the air and ground seemed to crack into a portal, calling forth his men that were already here, as well as some of the ones back around the warehouse in Midgard. The action causing the guards to widen their eyes and ready their weapons as the gates were stormed. 'Hmmmm, back at this again?' 'Renée? Ah, and here I had thought you'd left me, beautiful water lily.' 'Well, I--... Ruvik is here.' 'Mmmm, he is.' Once the guards were killed, he glanced to the others. "Alright, you two. Follow me."


Ruvik, still talking to Chloe at the time, would soon pause and quickly stand as he'd look in the direction of the gates, growling softly as he'd narrow his gaze. "Dammit..."
Lucifel would give a single, somehow gentle nod to Cheshire. A smirk being warn on his face as he'd soon glance to the gate once more. He'd keep sure to keep the group of three out of sight of the guards as he'd cast a blood red orb into the distance. The area around and them then began to quake as both the air and ground seemed to crack into a portal, calling forth his men that were already here, as well as some of the ones back around the warehouse in Midgard. The action causing the guards to widen their eyes and ready their weapons as the gates were stormed. 'Hmmmm, back at this again?' 'Renée? Ah, and here I had thought you'd left me, beautiful water lily.' 'Well, I--... Ruvik is here.' 'Mmmm, he is.' Once the guards were killed, he glanced to the others. "Alright, you two. Follow me."


Ruvik, still talking to Chloe at the time, would soon pause and quickly stand as he'd look in the direction of the gates, growling softly as he'd narrow his gaze. "Dammit..."

Nia's ears would perk up, currently in the living room with several others. "did you guys hear something?"


Cheshire followed.
Nia's ears would perk up, currently in the living room with several others. "did you guys hear something?"

Masaru nodded. "It sounds like it's coming from outside." The handcuffs were already around his wrist and connected to his wheelchair once more. Masaru seemed more agitated, his skin crawling as if bugs lived under it. His bottom jaw twitched as Nicholas offered him another hashbrown. He took it and wolfed it down. 
Nia's ears would perk up, currently in the living room with several others. "did you guys hear something?"


Cheshire followed.

Masaru nodded. "It sounds like it's coming from outside." The handcuffs were already around his wrist and connected to his wheelchair once more. Masaru seemed more agitated, his skin crawling as if bugs lived under it. His bottom jaw twitched as Nicholas offered him another hashbrown. He took it and wolfed it down. 

"I heard it, too." Akumu would nod, glancing to the window.

"Wonder what it--" Malvo blinked a few times and tensed after her senses caught onto the blight presence. Her gaze drifting to Dei-Loki after having heard him growl softly. His abilities as a warden allowing him to pick up on it as quick as his twin.

"Son of a fucking bitch..." Dei-Loki would then stand, leaning forward to look out the window before he'd then growl a bit louder as he'd turn and head out of the room to go outside. "Ohhh, not this time, ya ballsy fock. Not this fucking time."

Malvo raised her brows and sighed as she watched him go. "Not again..." Then, also standing up, she'd follow after Dei-Loki.


"Ruvy~!" Lucifel would call out the minute they'd reach full sight of the palace. "Not cheating on me with a pirate, are you? Such a large step in taste."

Chloe paused at the voice, her own gaze narrowing. "Is that..?"

"Stay close..." Ruvik softly spoke, turning his head a bit to look at Chloe before glaring to Lucifel and the others. "I'd ask why you're here, but I have a feeling that I already know."
"I heard it, too." Akumu would nod, glancing to the window.

"Wonder what it--" Malvo blinked a few times and tensed after her senses caught onto the blight presence. Her gaze drifting to Dei-Loki after having heard him growl softly. His abilities as a warden allowing him to pick up on it as quick as his twin.

"Son of a fucking bitch..." Dei-Loki would then stand, leaning forward to look out the window before he'd then growl a bit louder as he'd turn and head out of the room to go outside. "Ohhh, not this time, ya ballsy fock. Not this fucking time."

Malvo raised her brows and sighed as she watched him go. "Not again..." Then, also standing up, she'd follow after Dei-Loki.


"Ruvy~!" Lucifel would call out the minute they'd reach full sight of the palace. "Not cheating on me with a pirate, are you? Such a large step in taste."

Chloe paused at the voice, her own gaze narrowing. "Is that..?"

"Stay close..." Ruvik softly spoke, turning his head a bit to look at Chloe before glaring to Lucifel and the others. "I'd ask why you're here, but I have a feeling that I already know."

Nia stood up "what's going on!?" she asked.


Cheshire smiled under her mask. "hmm, actually. We're just looking for directions." she said beginning to float around horizontally, twisting her body and head as she drifted ever so closer to Ruvik, speaking again with her sly, feline voice.

"So if you could point us to the nearest hell, I'm sure we'd be right at home home there" 
"I heard it, too." Akumu would nod, glancing to the window.

"Wonder what it--" Malvo blinked a few times and tensed after her senses caught onto the blight presence. Her gaze drifting to Dei-Loki after having heard him growl softly. His abilities as a warden allowing him to pick up on it as quick as his twin.

"Son of a fucking bitch..." Dei-Loki would then stand, leaning forward to look out the window before he'd then growl a bit louder as he'd turn and head out of the room to go outside. "Ohhh, not this time, ya ballsy fock. Not this fucking time."

Malvo raised her brows and sighed as she watched him go. "Not again..." Then, also standing up, she'd follow after Dei-Loki.

Nicholas rolled Masaru towards where Dei went and Yuki followed. 

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