Indescribable (Closed)

Nia stood up "what's going on!?" she asked.


Cheshire smiled under her mask. "hmm, actually. We're just looking for directions." she said beginning to float around horizontally, twisting her body and head as she drifted ever so closer to Ruvik, speaking again with her sly, feline voice.

"So if you could point us to the nearest hell, I'm sure we'd be right at home home there" 

Nicholas rolled Masaru towards where Dei went and Yuki followed. 

"Whatever it is, it can't be good..." Akumu shot out of his seat, soon having followed as he'd grab his blade on the way out.

"Alright, Dei-Loki, just... Don't do anything too drastic. I heard about the leeway the All Father had given ya, don't blow it please. I don't need t' loose my brother again..." Malvo would plead, Dei-Loki keeping his angered gaze forward.

"I can't promise anything." Dei-Loki bluntly put. A thick, somehow luminous blackish purple energy forcing the doors of the palace open as he walked out. "LUUU~CIII~FEEELLL~"


"Back the way y' came." Ruvik narrowed his gaze as he'd watch Cheshire float closer, firmly standing his ground as he would stare.

"Ohhh, ow." Lucifel dramatically gripped his chest, giving a taunting smirk. "And we came all this way, too~" He'd then look up at the sound of his name, now grinning as he'd seen Dei-Loki. "And the Dragon Bonded Shadow Warden enters the Frey. How are you, little Loki? Your mammy doing alright?"

"You'd best shut yer fockin' mouth before I stitch it shut and burn holes in your torso so your screams make bloody tears in your skin." Dei-Loki snarled as pure murderous intent circled in his eyes.
"Whatever it is, it can't be good..." Akumu shot out of his seat, soon having followed as he'd grab his blade on the way out.

"Alright, Dei-Loki, just... Don't do anything too drastic. I heard about the leeway the All Father had given ya, don't blow it please. I don't need t' loose my brother again..." Malvo would plead, Dei-Loki keeping his angered gaze forward.

"I can't promise anything." Dei-Loki bluntly put. A thick, somehow luminous blackish purple energy forcing the doors of the palace open as he walked out. "LUUU~CIII~FEEELLL~"


"Back the way y' came." Ruvik narrowed his gaze as he'd watch Cheshire float closer, firmly standing his ground as he would stare.

"Ohhh, ow." Lucifel dramatically gripped his chest, giving a taunting smirk. "And we came all this way, too~" He'd then look up at the sound of his name, now grinning as he'd seen Dei-Loki. "And the Dragon Bonded Shadow Warden enters the Frey. How are you, little Loki? Your mammy doing alright?"

"You'd best shut yer fockin' mouth before I stitch it shut and burn holes in your torso so your screams make bloody tears in your skin." Dei-Loki snarled as pure murderous intent circled in his eyes.

Nia grabbed her sword on the way out. Stopping once she spotted Cheshire. "You." she said spitefully, drawing her sword. "Me!" she said playfully, appearing closer to Nia in an instant. "hey prin-cess. How have you been?" Nia stared the mysterious assassin down, as she floated over to Akumu upside-down. "you are looking as handsome as ever loverboy." she said caressing his cheek before quickly disappearing again and mockingly laugh, causing it to echo around the castle.
"Whatever it is, it can't be good..." Akumu shot out of his seat, soon having followed as he'd grab his blade on the way out.

"Alright, Dei-Loki, just... Don't do anything too drastic. I heard about the leeway the All Father had given ya, don't blow it please. I don't need t' loose my brother again..." Malvo would plead, Dei-Loki keeping his angered gaze forward.

"I can't promise anything." Dei-Loki bluntly put. A thick, somehow luminous blackish purple energy forcing the doors of the palace open as he walked out. "LUUU~CIII~FEEELLL~"


"Back the way y' came." Ruvik narrowed his gaze as he'd watch Cheshire float closer, firmly standing his ground as he would stare.

"Ohhh, ow." Lucifel dramatically gripped his chest, giving a taunting smirk. "And we came all this way, too~" He'd then look up at the sound of his name, now grinning as he'd seen Dei-Loki. "And the Dragon Bonded Shadow Warden enters the Frey. How are you, little Loki? Your mammy doing alright?"

"You'd best shut yer fockin' mouth before I stitch it shut and burn holes in your torso so your screams make bloody tears in your skin." Dei-Loki snarled as pure murderous intent circled in his eyes.

Masaru growled, the handcuffs making a mechanical clank as Masaru tried to stand up. He sat back down as the cuff bit into his wrist. His skin slowly burning and sizzling. Nicholas placed a hand on Masaru's shoulder and stood next to Dei as Yuki went over to Malvo. 
Nia grabbed her sword on the way out. Stopping once she spotted Cheshire. "You." she said spitefully, drawing her sword. "Me!" she said playfully, appearing closer to Nia in an instant. "hey prin-cess. How have you been?" Nia stared the mysterious assassin down, as she floated over to Akumu upside-down. "you are looking as handsome as ever loverboy." she said caressing his cheek before quickly disappearing again and mockingly laugh, causing it to echo around the castle.

Akumu stared in a bit of disbelief in Cheshire's direction. His fingers tightening on the sheathe when his cheek had been caressed before he'd then draw the blade. His gaze quickly scanning the area after she'd disappear.

Masaru growled, the handcuffs making a mechanical clank as Masaru tried to stand up. He sat back down as the cuff bit into his wrist. His skin slowly burning and sizzling. Nicholas placed a hand on Masaru's shoulder and stood next to Dei as Yuki went over to Malvo. 

"Such a nasty one, you are. It's too bad you weren't here to defend your mother when this all took place. Could've been quite the show." Lucifel would laugh.

Dei-Loki forced out an angry sigh, soon chuckling gently as well while a black, shadowy mist seemed to begin seeping off of him. "Aaaah, yer a masochist like me. Now it makes sense."

"Dei-Loki..." Malvo cautioned, looking to him as Yuki made her way over to her side. Though, she'd then pause and blink. There was a third person here... who? Turning her attention enough to survey the area, she'd then tense and widen her eyes as she'd look to Neo, whom would slightly wave with a smirk on her face. "Wha-- Neo!?"
Akumu stared in a bit of disbelief in Cheshire's direction. His fingers tightening on the sheathe when his cheek had been caressed before he'd then draw the blade. His gaze quickly scanning the area after she'd disappear.

"Such a nasty one, you are. It's too bad you weren't here to defend your mother when this all took place. Could've been quite the show." Lucifel would laugh.

Dei-Loki forced out an angry sigh, soon chuckling gently as well while a black, shadowy mist seemed to begin seeping off of him. "Aaaah, yer a masochist like me. Now it makes sense."

"Dei-Loki..." Malvo cautioned, looking to him as Yuki made her way over to her side. Though, she'd then pause and blink. There was a third person here... who? Turning her attention enough to survey the area, she'd then tense and widen her eyes as she'd look to Neo, whom would slightly wave with a smirk on her face. "Wha-- Neo!?"

Masaru sat back, his skin began to crawl immensely as he watched Lucifel like an attack dog. He felt himself began to salivate, imagining what it would taste and feel to chew down on Lucifel. Yuki watched all three of newcomers, watching their every, slight movement.
Akumu stared in a bit of disbelief in Cheshire's direction. His fingers tightening on the sheathe when his cheek had been caressed before he'd then draw the blade. His gaze quickly scanning the area after she'd disappear.

"Such a nasty one, you are. It's too bad you weren't here to defend your mother when this all took place. Could've been quite the show." Lucifel would laugh.

Dei-Loki forced out an angry sigh, soon chuckling gently as well while a black, shadowy mist seemed to begin seeping off of him. "Aaaah, yer a masochist like me. Now it makes sense."

"Dei-Loki..." Malvo cautioned, looking to him as Yuki made her way over to her side. Though, she'd then pause and blink. There was a third person here... who? Turning her attention enough to survey the area, she'd then tense and widen her eyes as she'd look to Neo, whom would slightly wave with a smirk on her face. "Wha-- Neo!?"

Cheshire floated down, invisible, and pulled down Dei's pants, quickly floating above him and spinning in the air, before descending next to Neo "you know her?" 
Masaru sat back, his skin began to crawl immensely as he watched Lucifel like an attack dog. He felt himself began to salivate, imagining what it would taste and feel to chew down on Lucifel. Yuki watched all three of newcomers, watching their every, slight movement.

Cheshire floated down, invisible, and pulled down Dei's pants, quickly floating above him and spinning in the air, before descending next to Neo "you know her?" 

Dei-Loki glanced back to Masaru for a moment, and then paused when his pants were around his ankles. Lucifel coughing to hide a laugh as Dei-Loki's face contorted and stretched into a wolf-like grin. His eyes closing. "Ah, saved me a pair of pants from taring, at least." There it was again. Slowly bubbling to the surface to grasp control. And the corruption in his blood hadn't been helping sate the beast, either. They were working together to try and break the mental gate and bring something awful. And there was a large part of Dei-Loki's mind that wanted this. Oh, to feel his jaws clamp down and split the fucker in front of him like a carrot. But, at the same time, there was that... worry. That worry about the All Father's warnings. The conflict in the young demigod's mind... was strong.

"Let's see it, then! Let's see that inner beast." 'Lucifel.' "The weapon that King Adrian used to greedily take control of the other three countries, the true demigod! All of it! Show me the true Dei-Loki Seamus Alaois so I may have even MORE fun stripping you of everything!" 'Your taunts will get us killed.'

Neo glanced to Cheshire and gave a nod, soon shooting her phone a massage with her own. "We were old friends, back when she was with another group."

Malvo stuck close to Yuki, lowering her ears a bit as she squinted slightly while watching Neo. "I see you've moved on in terms of teammates." Following this, Neo would nod and look to Malvo while doing so.
Dei-Loki glanced back to Masaru for a moment, and then paused when his pants were around his ankles. Lucifel coughing to hide a laugh as Dei-Loki's face contorted and stretched into a wolf-like grin. His eyes closing. "Ah, saved me a pair of pants from taring, at least." There it was again. Slowly bubbling to the surface to grasp control. And the corruption in his blood hadn't been helping sate the beast, either. They were working together to try and break the mental gate and bring something awful. And there was a large part of Dei-Loki's mind that wanted this. Oh, to feel his jaws clamp down and split the fucker in front of him like a carrot. But, at the same time, there was that... worry. That worry about the All Father's warnings. The conflict in the young demigod's mind... was strong.

"Let's see it, then! Let's see that inner beast." 'Lucifel.' "The weapon that King Adrian used to greedily take control of the other three countries, the true demigod! All of it! Show me the true Dei-Loki Seamus Alaois so I may have even MORE fun stripping you of everything!" 'Your taunts will get us killed.'

Neo glanced to Cheshire and gave a nod, soon shooting her phone a massage with her own. "We were old friends, back when she was with another group."

Malvo stuck close to Yuki, lowering her ears a bit as she squinted slightly while watching Neo. "I see you've moved on in terms of teammates." Following this, Neo would nod and look to Malvo while doing so.

Cheshire drew her twin sai twirling them on her fingers. "I for one think that Mr.Loki here, and everyone else in this merry band of heros has a very obvious weak spot." she pointed at Masaru. "him." she said floating as if laying back in a recliner, with her arms behind her head.
Cheshire drew her twin sai twirling them on her fingers. "I for one think that Mr.Loki here, and everyone else in this merry band of heros has a very obvious weak spot." she pointed at Masaru. "him." she said floating as if laying back in a recliner, with her arms behind her head.

"Is that so?" Lucifel would grin, moving his gaze towards Masaru. However, he cocked his brow a tad when Dei-Loki stepped in front of him.

"Is he a weak spot? Is he really? Or is he in the same boat as us, fit enough to tare up the next fock t' open their mouth?" Dei-Loki snarled, glaring. "Because, the way I see it, if he's as pissed as I am, he'll be more than happy t' sink his teeth into y' AND have fun doin' it."
"Is that so?" Lucifel would grin, moving his gaze towards Masaru. However, he cocked his brow a tad when Dei-Loki stepped in front of him.

"Is he a weak spot? Is he really? Or is he in the same boat as us, fit enough to tare up the next fock t' open their mouth?" Dei-Loki snarled, glaring. "Because, the way I see it, if he's as pissed as I am, he'll be more than happy t' sink his teeth into y' AND have fun doin' it."

Cheshire drew her twin sai twirling them on her fingers. "I for one think that Mr.Loki here, and everyone else in this merry band of heros has a very obvious weak spot." she pointed at Masaru. "him." she said floating as if laying back in a recliner, with her arms behind her head.

Masaru's skin became bumpy as if actual bugs were crawling under his skin. A wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide shit eating grin appeared on his face, showing his pearly teeth and elongated fangs. Something slowly began to bend in his brain as his eyes turned into their deadly dark. "Heh-hehehehehahahahahhahAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! HA! HA! HA! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. London bridge is falling down. Falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, My fair lady~. Make them scream at the dead of night, the dead of night, the dead of night. Make them scream at the dead of night, my fair lady~.Rip their hearts out and eat it fast, eat it fast. Rip their hearts out and eat it fast, my faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair lady~. Ahhhhhh Lucy goosy! C'mere my wittle puppeteer. Let's see who's whose puppet! C'mere! I just want to plaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaay~. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!" The Nogitsune/Masaru laughed maniacally, stomping his foot into the ground as he threw his head back.  Nicholas and Yuki looked to a Masaru that they never met before. Masaru began to hum old Nursery rhymes, rocking back and forth as he waited with his shit eating grin. 
Masaru's skin became bumpy as if actual bugs were crawling under his skin. A wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide shit eating grin appeared on his face, showing his pearly teeth and elongated fangs. Something slowly began to bend in his brain as his eyes turned into their deadly dark. "Heh-hehehehehahahahahhahAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! HA! HA! HA! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. London bridge is falling down. Falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, My fair lady~. Make them scream at the dead of night, the dead of night, the dead of night. Make them scream at the dead of night, my fair lady~.Rip their hearts out and eat it fast, eat it fast. Rip their hearts out and eat it fast, my faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair lady~. Ahhhhhh Lucy goosy! C'mere my wittle puppeteer. Let's see who's whose puppet! C'mere! I just want to plaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaay~. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!" The Nogitsune/Masaru laughed maniacally, stomping his foot into the ground as he threw his head back.  Nicholas and Yuki looked to a Masaru that they never met before. Masaru began to hum old Nursery rhymes, rocking back and forth as he waited with his shit eating grin. 

"This guys got the right idea! We are all just absolutely mad aren't we hehehe." she proceeded to pace about "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?" she appeared in front of Masaru, slowly floating around him a safe distance away. "our poor Alice here appears to be going down the rabbit hole. Or, in this case is it a fox hole?" she questioned, gesturing towards Masaru with one of her sai.
Masaru's skin became bumpy as if actual bugs were crawling under his skin. A wiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiide shit eating grin appeared on his face, showing his pearly teeth and elongated fangs. Something slowly began to bend in his brain as his eyes turned into their deadly dark. "Heh-hehehehehahahahahhahAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHA! HA! HA! HA! Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. London bridge is falling down. Falling down, falling down. London bridge is falling down, My fair lady~. Make them scream at the dead of night, the dead of night, the dead of night. Make them scream at the dead of night, my fair lady~.Rip their hearts out and eat it fast, eat it fast. Rip their hearts out and eat it fast, my faaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaair lady~. Ahhhhhh Lucy goosy! C'mere my wittle puppeteer. Let's see who's whose puppet! C'mere! I just want to plaaaaaaaaaaaa-aaaaaaaaaay~. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAA!" The Nogitsune/Masaru laughed maniacally, stomping his foot into the ground as he threw his head back.  Nicholas and Yuki looked to a Masaru that they never met before. Masaru began to hum old Nursery rhymes, rocking back and forth as he waited with his shit eating grin. 

"This guys got the right idea! We are all just absolutely mad aren't we hehehe." she proceeded to pace about "If I had a world of my own, everything would be nonsense. Nothing would be what it is, because everything would be what it isn't. And contrary wise, what is, it wouldn't be. And what it wouldn't be, it would. You see?" she appeared in front of Masaru, slowly floating around him a safe distance away. "our poor Alice here appears to be going down the rabbit hole. Or, in this case is it a fox hole?" she questioned, gesturing towards Masaru with one of her sai.

Dei-Loki turned and stared at the madness-seeping Masaru and lifted his brows in surprise. His ears flattening against his head a tad as Lucifel kept a cocked brow. A grin on his face as he cracked his neck.

"Ah! The fun ones are always the most troubled. Good thing we came t' end your misery, eh?" Lucifel grinned, Dei-Loki shooting Lucifel a near paralyzing glare. Lucifel had then flinched as he'd been blown back a bit by an unseen force. His feet skidding against the ground, kicking up dust as a large, black mist would briefly cloud the air enough to limit mostly everyone's eyesight for a short time. And when he looked up, there it was...


Where Dei-Loki once stood, now stood a beast vicious enough to put the gods in their place. Though not overly gigantic, this wolf stood the size of two - count 'em - two dire wolves. His pitch black fur continuing to produce that seeping, shadowy mist as he'd release a growl from deep in his throat. The sky above seeming to grow dark storm clouds as thunder would rumble in the sky.
Nia looked up at Dei "how long has he been able t' do that?" she asked Akumu, raising her blade to the enemy. Cheshire was floating around Dei "thats a neat little trick, can you teach me?!" She said loudly, soon landing next to Neo. Crouching down into a fighting stance "I think we've had enough talk now don't you?!" 
Dei-Loki turned and stared at the madness-seeping Masaru and lifted his brows in surprise. His ears flattening against his head a tad as Lucifel kept a cocked brow. A grin on his face as he cracked his neck.

"Ah! The fun ones are always the most troubled. Good thing we came t' end your misery, eh?" Lucifel grinned, Dei-Loki shooting Lucifel a near paralyzing glare. Lucifel had then flinched as he'd been blown back a bit by an unseen force. His feet skidding against the ground, kicking up dust as a large, black mist would briefly cloud the air enough to limit mostly everyone's eyesight for a short time. And when he looked up, there it was...

Where Dei-Loki once stood, now stood a beast vicious enough to put the gods in their place. Though not overly gigantic, this wolf stood the size of two - count 'em - two dire wolves. His pitch black fur continuing to produce that seeping, shadowy mist as he'd release a growl from deep in his throat. The sky above seeming to grow dark storm clouds as thunder would rumble in the sky.

Nia looked up at Dei "how long has he been able t' do that?" she asked Akumu, raising her blade to the enemy. Cheshire was floating around Dei "thats a neat little trick, can you teach me?!" She said loudly, soon landing next to Neo. Crouching down into a fighting stance "I think we've had enough talk now don't you?!" 

Masaru cocked his head. "You should come closer, kitty~. If you were truly crazy, you wouldn't be scared of nothing. Are you scared me, love~? Are you scared of the idea of how sweetly satisfying it would be for me to put my hands around your neck and watch the life slowly drip from your eyes? How your eyes would bulge from their sockets and your cute little voice begging for me to let go as you try and gasp the tainted air that i bring. You do not know crazy, my wittle butterfly. You are merely just an insect, but i can make you better. Let me show you what pain feels like. Let me give you the true taste of insanity, my sweet dove and then you might just be-as crazy . . .  as me. HehehehehahahHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!" He threw his head back and laughed once more. The inky veins becoming visible under his skin. He then licked his lips at the sight of his fading lover. A tent formed in his pants as his attention became solely on the exquisite beast in front of him. He moaned as the power radiating off of Dei drove him even crazier than he was. 
Nia looked up at Dei "how long has he been able t' do that?" she asked Akumu, raising her blade to the enemy. Cheshire was floating around Dei "thats a neat little trick, can you teach me?!" She said loudly, soon landing next to Neo. Crouching down into a fighting stance "I think we've had enough talk now don't you?!" 

Masaru cocked his head. "You should come closer, kitty~. If you were truly crazy, you wouldn't be scared of nothing. Are you scared me, love~? Are you scared of the idea of how sweetly satisfying it would be for me to put my hands around your neck and watch the life slowly drip from your eyes? How your eyes would bulge from their sockets and your cute little voice begging for me to let go as you try and gasp the tainted air that i bring. You do not know crazy, my wittle butterfly. You are merely just an insect, but i can make you better. Let me show you what pain feels like. Let me give you the true taste of insanity, my sweet dove and then you might just be-as crazy . . .  as me. HehehehehahahHAHAHAHAHAHHAHAHAHAHHA!" He threw his head back and laughed once more. The inky veins becoming visible under his skin. He then licked his lips at the sight of his fading lover. A tent formed in his pants as his attention became solely on the exquisite beast in front of him. He moaned as the power radiating off of Dei drove him even crazier than he was. 

"For as long as I've known him." Akumu replied while pointing his blade in the same direction.

Dei-Loki snarled, jumping up to snap at Cheshire as she'd float by before landing back on the ground. Soon huffing out that shadow-like substance from his nostrils before he turned his attention to the three causing such an angry, crazy spark.

Malvo stared at Masaru, and then to Dei. A shaky sigh escaping her as she'd known it wouldn't end well. But, she had no control over it. She could only be there for the times needed. So, instead of sitting in worry, she drew her own weapons and glared to the enemy.

Lucifel watched with caution as he'd both enter a battle stance and draw his weapon. Neo having also nodded as she'd draw the blade from her umbrella, shifting ever so slightly on her feet.
"For as long as I've known him." Akumu replied while pointing his blade in the same direction.

Dei-Loki snarled, jumping up to snap at Cheshire as she'd float by before landing back on the ground. Soon huffing out that shadow-like substance from his nostrils before he turned his attention to the three causing such an angry, crazy spark.

Malvo stared at Masaru, and then to Dei. A shaky sigh escaping her as she'd known it wouldn't end well. But, she had no control over it. She could only be there for the times needed. So, instead of sitting in worry, she drew her own weapons and glared to the enemy.

Lucifel watched with caution as he'd both enter a battle stance and draw his weapon. Neo having also nodded as she'd draw the blade from her umbrella, shifting ever so slightly on her feet.

Nia threw off her cloak and sheathed her sword. Looking down to her left hand and her fathers ring as she then formed a fist with her hand, then opening it. When she did, a black, almost glass looking, semi transparent bow appeared in her hands, as well as a blue, ghostly quiver on her back. She knocked an arrow and drew back. Once drawn all the way, the arrow turned red.

Cheshire waited, her free hand near her belt of useful equipment.
Nia threw off her cloak and sheathed her sword. Looking down to her left hand and her fathers ring as she then formed a fist with her hand, then opening it. When she did, a black, almost glass looking, semi transparent bow appeared in her hands, as well as a blue, ghostly quiver on her back. She knocked an arrow and drew back. Once drawn all the way, the arrow turned red.

Cheshire waited, her free hand near her belt of useful equipment.

Masaru waited for the first drop of blood.

Dei-Loki's beast would snarl, eyeing them as he'd both pin his ears back and slowly stalk towards them.

Lucifel watched the large wolf, as well as the others. His blade slowly lifting as he grinned, soon jumping back the moment Dei-Loki would lunge forward. Several blighters then quickly piled onto the dark creature - weighing him down for a moment.

The wolf would huff, turning and biting into one of the several blighters before sending said blighter careening into the nearest maple tree. And with a deep growl, a dark force blew the rest of them off. His luminous gaze returning forward as he charged again, only to have several more blighters repeat their actions.

Akumu watched his brother for a moment before he, too, would charge. His blade slicing through a few blighters on the way.
Dei-Loki's beast would snarl, eyeing them as he'd both pin his ears back and slowly stalk towards them.

Lucifel watched the large wolf, as well as the others. His blade slowly lifting as he grinned, soon jumping back the moment Dei-Loki would lunge forward. Several blighters then quickly piled onto the dark creature - weighing him down for a moment.

The wolf would huff, turning and biting into one of the several blighters before sending said blighter careening into the nearest maple tree. And with a deep growl, a dark force blew the rest of them off. His luminous gaze returning forward as he charged again, only to have several more blighters repeat their actions.

Akumu watched his brother for a moment before he, too, would charge. His blade slicing through a few blighters on the way.

Nia fired an arrow at Cheshire, who ducked under it, causing the wall behind her to explode.  "thats new. " she said throwing a smokebomb at her feet and disappearing.

Nia cursed and started shooting some of the blighters off of loki.
Masaru roared and then looked towards Nicholas, "get me out of this! They'll hurt him!" Nicholas shook his head, fighting against the blighters as Yuki did the same. "He's crazy, Massy. The Nogitsune is so close to the surface, I can't loose you." Masaru jerked the handcuff up, the sizzling of his skin causing black fumes to escape from the wound. "Nicholas . . .  I'm already lost. Let me do this. Let me be a hero for once. You don't know how long I've wanted to be a hero. You always were. The world looked up to you, because you were their savior against me. But I don't want you to be the hero this time. . . It's time to let go of this demon."

Nicholas stayed in denial, shaking his head profusely. "Nicholas . . . This is my last wish . . . Please. Let me go. I don't want to be a pain anymore." Nicholas ripped a blighter's throat open, tears stinging his eyes. "Don't you understand? You were never a pain.  Stop talking nonsense, idiot! I’m not letting you go!" Masaru tsked with a ghostly, tired smile. "You're so optimistic, just like Dei. Just like everyone. Nicholas . . . Not everyone gets a happy ending. FOR GODS' SAKES, my brother killed your parents! HATE ME! I DON'T DESERVE THIS! I DON'T DESERVE THIS FAMILY! I DON'T DESERVE HAPPINESS!"

Nicholas ripped a head off and turned to look at Masaru, his eyes puffy and red. "How can you say that!? After everything!? I thought you forgave yourself! WHY CAN'T  YOU FORGIVE!?YOU'RE NOT A FUCKING MONSTER, MASARU! You're breakable, vulnerable, imperfect, and that makes you you. That makes you the boy that I fell in love with at the beginning of it all. THE SAME FUCKING BOY THAT TAUGHT ME TO BE ME! I can't! You promised! . . . Please. You're not a monster. I know you. You love cute things and eating ice-cream under the summer sun. You like to sing and play the piano. You love to plant cherry blossom trees because they make you at peace. You love making food for the family. You love to love! Why? Why can't you just see yourself as that!? How can i show you. . . how!? Tell me because i'll do it!" 

Masaru closed his eyes, trembling as the wind picked up. Tears dropped onto his shirt as he looked up to Nicholas with that sick smile. A smile that you would see on a dying family member as they breathed their last breath and told you that they loved you, and that they'll never leave you. That smile that made you feel as if your life was crumpling apart and only was staying together by glue. 

"Let me go, Nicholas. Let me be a hero for my last moments." Nicholas clutched his fist, his tears following quickly as he raced his hand in Masaru's hair. "I hate you. I hate that I love you." Masaru looked into Nicholas's eyes, the tears touching his lips and going down his chin as he gave that same, tired, sickly smile. "I know. I love you too. Tell everyone else. .  . That I love them too, and that I'm not going anywhere, as long as they keep me in their hearts." Masaru brought his hands on Nicholas's cheeks and kissed the corner of his lips. "Thanks for making my life . . . Worth living, Nickel." Nicholas hands shook as he took the handcuffs off and watched as Masaru stood up, stepping off of the wheelchair and walking for a short while before turning towards Nicholas.
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Nia fired an arrow at Cheshire, who ducked under it, causing the wall behind her to explode.  "thats new. " she said throwing a smokebomb at her feet and disappearing.

Nia cursed and started shooting some of the blighters off of loki.

Akumu snarled a bit from the smoke bomb, bringing his arm to his face as he relied on his hearing.

Malvo growled and took out the blighters rushing her way. Her eyes having flashed as she cleared her own way. Her gaze traveling about before she'd then widen her eyes, pivot and block Neo's attack with her own blades. A growl slipping through her teeth as Neo would smile.

As the blighters dropped from him like flies, Dei-Loki - once more, pressed forward. Shaking off the remainder that, though shot at, would still hang on. His attention solely on Lucifel in terms of targets. And Lucifel, though waiting, would grin. Standing his ground as he'd observe.
Akumu snarled a bit from the smoke bomb, bringing his arm to his face as he relied on his hearing.

Malvo growled and took out the blighters rushing her way. Her eyes having flashed as she cleared her own way. Her gaze traveling about before she'd then widen her eyes, pivot and block Neo's attack with her own blades. A growl slipping through her teeth as Neo would smile.

As the blighters dropped from him like flies, Dei-Loki - once more, pressed forward. Shaking off the remainder that, though shot at, would still hang on. His attention solely on Lucifel in terms of targets. And Lucifel, though waiting, would grin. Standing his ground as he'd observe.

Cheshire dived out of the smoke, slashing wildly at Akumu.

Nia shot more blighters.
A silent pause went between the two. Nicholas gave a shaky exhale as he stared at the swaying trees. He looked back to Masaru, standing up and smiled. "Go be a hero. Show yourself that you're not a monster. I'll be here, waiting for you to return . . . To home." Nicholas wiped away a tear, but couldn't wipe away the rest as Masaru turned and walked towards his destination. Nicholas padded his pocket and brought out the gun that would end the last Nogitsune. The tears splashed onto the metal as he whispered his final goodbyes.

Nicholas looked to the rest except for Dei. "Help me get Dei out of the way." He put the gun back into his pocket as Masaru moved quickly, changing slowly. His bones breaking and they were replaced into the beast. The tears vanishing under the thick fur of him. As his eyes went back into unrecognition. Forgetting anyone that he came to knew as the Masaru slipped, falling in the void, drowning in nothing as he became numb to the world around him. The Nogitsune finally taking control as it let out a mighty roar from its throat.

Yuki shook her head. "No! Nicholas, what are you doing!?" Nicholas grabbed the tuff of Dei's neck and began to move away quickly from the Nogitsune. "What does it look like, Yuki? I'm letting him be a hero. I'm showing him that he's not a monster. I'm . . . I'm fulfilling his last wish." He moved everyone, pushing them from the Nogitsune that tore everything in its path.

Masaru waited for the first drop of blood.
Cheshire dived out of the smoke, slashing wildly at Akumu.

Nia shot more blighters.

Akumu quickly would dart his gaze in the direction of the blade, jumping back and flinching slightly as the slash managed to graze the front of his torso.

A silent pause went between the two. Nicholas gave a shaky exhale as he stared at the swaying trees. He looked back to Masaru, standing up and smiled. "Go be a hero. Show yourself that you're not a monster. I'll be here, waiting for you to return . . . To home." Nicholas wiped away a tear, but couldn't wipe away the rest as Masaru turned and walked towards his destination. Nicholas padded his pocket and brought out the gun that would end the last Nogitsune. The tears splashed onto the metal as he whispered his final goodbyes.

Nicholas looked to the rest except for Dei. "Help me get Dei out of the way." He put the gun back into his pocket as Masaru moved quickly, changing slowly. His bones breaking and they were replaced into the beast. The tears vanishing under the thick fur of him. As his eyes went back into unrecognition. Forgetting anyone that he came to knew as the Masaru slipped, falling in the void, drowning in nothing as he became numb to the world around him. The Nogitsune finally taking control as it let out a mighty roar from its throat.

Yuki shook her head. "No! Nicholas, what are you doing!?" Nicholas grabbed the tuff of Dei's neck and began to move away quickly from the Nogitsune. "What does it look like, Yuki? I'm letting him be a hero. I'm showing him that he's not a monster. I'm . . . I'm fulfilling his last wish." He moved everyone, pushing them from the Nogitsune that tore everything in its path.

Masaru waited for the first drop of blood.

Dei-Loki paused at that, snarling and squirming in Nicholas's hold, Malvo knocking Neo back before going to help Nicholas move the still angrily flailing wolf beast.
Akumu quickly would dart his gaze in the direction of the blade, jumping back and flinching slightly as the slash managed to graze the front of his torso.

Dei-Loki paused at that, snarling and squirming in Nicholas's hold, Malvo knocking Neo back before going to help Nicholas move the still angrily flailing wolf beast.

Cheshire began to circle him. "I remember the last time we did this. That was fun" she said with a laugh.

Nia fired a red arrow at Lucifel, which would release a hissing sound before exploding.

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