Indescribable (Closed)

Kairos smiled down to Masaru. "If you all excuse me, go and visit some of the enchanting things of the Spirit Realm. Leave me with Masaru. I could try and preserve him from his curse for just a bit longer. But it must be done alone or otherwise my magic shall not work." Kairos gave a mighty swoop to his hands and the group, except for Masaru, moved out of the stoned cave and into this. 

Nicholas and Yuki began to walk around, looking for spirits that they might know.

The three blinked as the scene changed, Akumu marveling at the beauty of the tree as he'd 'oo' quietly.

Dei-Loki and Malvo did the same, Malvo soon lowering her ears again once Dei-Loki looked to her.

"Kinda wish grandpa Grant and grandma Aileen could be found here, to be honest... It would be a nice way t' pass the time and distract my mind, at least... Plus, it'd be nice t' visit them during a time that I'm not recovering from a near-death experience." Dei-Loki whined as his ears, too, would lower. Malvo smirking a small bit.

"Yeah..." Malvo exhaled, but then blinked and raised her brow. "We could always look! It is a land for the ones who've passed, after all. Maybe grandpa takes grandma here sometimes."

Dei-Loki's eyes lit up at the idea, looking to his sister as a bit of an innocent, childish smile formed on his face. "I... C-Can we look? I wanna look..."
"You- You think my parents are here?" She asked the group, looking around.

"They could be." Akumu blinked, looking to Nia as he managed a small smile. "If you'd like t', we can look fer them?"

"Y' both are welcome t' come with us and search, if ya want." Malvo perked her ears, looking over to Nia and Akumu. 
"They could be." Akumu blinked, looking to Nia as he managed a small smile. "If you'd like t', we can look fer them?"

"Y' both are welcome t' come with us and search, if ya want." Malvo perked her ears, looking over to Nia and Akumu. 

Nia nodded as they began to look around. "wait" she swallowed out of fear. "So when you guys die you go to Valhalla?"
Nia nodded as they began to look around. "wait" she swallowed out of fear. "So when you guys die you go to Valhalla?"

Dei-Loki smiled a bit wider, jumping up and down in a fit of childish joy at the idea of what they were doing. "EEEEE, we're gonna find nanna and granda!" he'd squeal, only to stop and look over to Nia. Malvo looking in the same direction as they sighed. Their smiles seeming to fall a bit from the fear they felt coming from Nia.

Akumu lowered an ear, sighing. "Well... yes. As warriors of Engranussia, we are granted a right of passage into Valhalla once our time has come."
Dei-Loki smiled a bit wider, jumping up and down in a fit of childish joy at the idea of what they were doing. "EEEEE, we're gonna find nanna and granda!" he'd squeal, only to stop and look over to Nia. Malvo looking in the same direction as they sighed. Their smiles seeming to fall a bit from the fear they felt coming from Nia.

Akumu lowered an ear, sighing. "Well... yes. As warriors of Engranussia, we are granted a right of passage into Valhalla once our time has come."

Nia had tears well up in her eyes. "so that means... I might not be able to see any of you once we all go"
Nia had tears well up in her eyes. "so that means... I might not be able to see any of you once we all go"

Akumu widened his eyes at that, his ears lowering as he pulled Nia into a tight embrace. "No, now don't think like that... spirit realms spill into each other quite a bit. So, I'm sure we'll all still see each other in the afterlife..."
Akumu widened his eyes at that, his ears lowering as he pulled Nia into a tight embrace. "No, now don't think like that... spirit realms spill into each other quite a bit. So, I'm sure we'll all still see each other in the afterlife..."

"You're right" Nia said returning the embrace "We'll see when we get there." she said with a sniffle before resuming the search for her parents.
"You're right" Nia said returning the embrace "We'll see when we get there." she said with a sniffle before resuming the search for her parents.

Akumu nodded, kissing her head before walking with her. "And may that not be for a long time."

Dei and Malvo watched the two before following. Dei-Loki keeping an eye out for their grandparents as Malvo looked to Nia with a smile.

"So, if we find them, how do ya think yer parents will react t' ya being married?" Malvo curiously asked as she tilted her head.
Akumu nodded, kissing her head before walking with her. "And may that not be for a long time."

Dei and Malvo watched the two before following. Dei-Loki keeping an eye out for their grandparents as Malvo looked to Nia with a smile.

"So, if we find them, how do ya think yer parents will react t' ya being married?" Malvo curiously asked as she tilted her head.

"I'm not sure really" Nia said with a shrug "both of them will probably want to talk to you about everything"
"I'm not sure really" Nia said with a shrug "both of them will probably want to talk to you about everything"

Malvo snickered, glancing to Akumu. "Hope yer ready t' have yer ear talked off."

Akumu shrugged, smiling a bit as he flicked an ear. "You say that as if I mind."
Malvo snickered, glancing to Akumu. "Hope yer ready t' have yer ear talked off."

Akumu shrugged, smiling a bit as he flicked an ear. "You say that as if I mind."

"Nia!?" She would hear from the side. She would turn and see her mother, Summer, who ran up and hugged her. "what are you doing here! Are y-" Nia cut her off "no, Im not dead mom, just here in the company of some demigod" Summer blinked "how'd you manage that?" "I married one of them" Summer looked over the boys with her arms crossed. "which one?" she asked curious and happy. 
"Nia!?" She would hear from the side. She would turn and see her mother, Summer, who ran up and hugged her. "what are you doing here! Are y-" Nia cut her off "no, Im not dead mom, just here in the company of some demigod" Summer blinked "how'd you manage that?" "I married one of them" Summer looked over the boys with her arms crossed. "which one?" she asked curious and happy. 

Dei-Loki and Malvo glanced over as their ears perked, Akumu giving a slight wave as he took a half step forward. "Me. It's a pleasure t' meet you."
Dei-Loki and Malvo glanced over as their ears perked, Akumu giving a slight wave as he took a half step forward. "Me. It's a pleasure t' meet you."

Summer looked him over. "Three questions my husband will want to know once he shows ul. Who are you, what do you do, and, will you be willing to die for her?... As for me, I'm just happy Nia met someone who she can be happy with" she said giving her a hug as Nia smiled. "Love you" "love you too" Summer said ruffling her hair.
Summer looked him over. "Three questions my husband will want to know once he shows ul. Who are you, what do you do, and, will you be willing to die for her?... As for me, I'm just happy Nia met someone who she can be happy with" she said giving her a hug as Nia smiled. "Love you" "love you too" Summer said ruffling her hair.

Akumu would nod to this, being sure to compile his answers as he folded his arms behind his back and watched. As for Dei-Loki and Malvo, the both of them would sigh when their search was found to be all but a success so far. Malvo quietly turning her gaze to the sky.
Akumu would nod to this, being sure to compile his answers as he folded his arms behind his back and watched. As for Dei-Loki and Malvo, the both of them would sigh when their search was found to be all but a success so far. Malvo quietly turning her gaze to the sky.

Nia watched as her father came over a hill "HI DAD! I'M JUST VISITING!" Nia said with a wave. Her father picked her up and spun her around  "How's my little princess!?" Nia laughed as she was spun "Happy. I'm really happy" "thats great. Oh, I see you took my ring. Have you figured out out how to get Kaen no Mai?" "I have, I've been making you two proud. And dad." "yes?" "I got married." "you what now?"
Nia watched as her father came over a hill "HI DAD! I'M JUST VISITING!" Nia said with a wave. Her father picked her up and spun her around  "How's my little princess!?" Nia laughed as she was spun "Happy. I'm really happy" "thats great. Oh, I see you took my ring. Have you figured out out how to get Kaen no Mai?" "I have, I've been making you two proud. And dad." "yes?" "I got married." "you what now?"

Akumu watched and listened, slightly bowing as he'd deeply inhale. "Prince Akumu Elliott Alaois. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

"Elliott.Dei-Loki snickered, Malvo elbowing him in the side with a playful glare.

"Be nice." Malvo squinted, soon softly exhaling.

Dei-Loki snickered once more, yelping in surprise as a firm, slightly buff arm wrapped around his smaller figure - lifting him up. The same happening with Malvo.

"I knew I heard a set of familiar voices!" The male would release a joyfully deep laugh.

"GRANDAAAA! I was hoping we'd find ya here!" Dei-Loki would also laugh, managing to turn around and hug him in return.
Akumu watched and listened, slightly bowing as he'd deeply inhale. "Prince Akumu Elliott Alaois. Pleasure to meet your acquaintance."

"Elliott.Dei-Loki snickered, Malvo elbowing him in the side with a playful glare.

"Be nice." Malvo squinted, soon softly exhaling.

Dei-Loki snickered once more, yelping in surprise as a firm, slightly buff arm wrapped around his smaller figure - lifting him up. The same happening with Malvo.

"I knew I heard a set of familiar voices!" The male would release a joyfully deep laugh.

"GRANDAAAA! I was hoping we'd find ya here!" Dei-Loki would also laugh, managing to turn around and hug him in return.

Her father squinted "would you be willing to die for her... no thats too easy. Would you live for her? Carry her when she needs it and be there for her above everyone else?"
Her father squinted "would you be willing to die for her... no thats too easy. Would you live for her? Carry her when she needs it and be there for her above everyone else?"

Akumu gave a nod, glancing to him in this process as he slowly straightened his posture. "Of course. As I live and breathe, I am here to stand beside her and hold her above all others."

"See, Dei? And you didn't believe me when I said grandpa Grant would be here."

Dei-Loki stared at Malvo, glaring as she stuck out her tongue in a playful fashion before then looking to the male embracing them both. A smile on his face. "What brings ya t' the spirit realm!? I thought fer sure you'd be back in Valhalla."

"Just brought the misses along for a visit." Grant had chuckled, nuzzling their heads before softly setting them down. "Though, I should be asking the same with you both."
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Akumu gave a nod, glancing to him in this process as he slowly straightened his posture. "Of course. As I live and breathe, I am here to stand beside her and hold her above all others."

"See, Dei? And you didn't believe me when I said grandpa Grant would be here."

Dei-Loki stared at Malvo, glaring as she stuck out her tongue in a playful fashion before then looking to the male embracing them both. A smile on his face. "What brings ya t' the spirit realm!? I thought fer sure you'd be back in Valhalla."

"Just brought the misses along for a visit." Grant had chuckled, nuzzling their heads before softly setting them down. "Though, I should be asking the same with you both."

Nia gave Akumu a hug, looking up to her father with a smile. "I like him" her mother said leaning over to her husband, who nodded in approval.
Nia gave Akumu a hug, looking up to her father with a smile. "I like him" her mother said leaning over to her husband, who nodded in approval.

Akumu hugged Nia in return, soon smiling from their approval as he released a sigh of relief.

Grant watched Akumu and the others for a moment before looking back to the twins - figuring he'd wait as to not interrupt.

"Well, we aren't dead, that's for sure. We're here t' help my mate. He's... not well..." Dei-Loki sighed, looking to the ground.

Malvo softly patted Dei-Loki's back, looking to him before then looking to their grandfather. "We're dimension-hopping for answers. Hopefully we find one here..."
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Akumu hugged Nia in return, soon smiling from their approval as he released a sigh of relief.

Grant watched Akumu and the others for a moment before looking back to the twins - figuring he'd wait as to not interrupt.

"Well, we aren't dead, that's for sure. We're here t' help my mate. He's... not well..." Dei-Loki sighed, looking to the ground.

Malvo softly patted Dei-Loki's back, looking to him before then looking to their grandfather. "We're dimension-hopping for answers. Hopefully we find one here..."

Nia smiled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck as she spoke to everyone. "there's something I need to tell you all." she paused and took a breath. "I'm uhh... pregnant"
Nia smiled nervously, rubbing the back of her neck as she spoke to everyone. "there's something I need to tell you all." she paused and took a breath. "I'm uhh... pregnant"

Akumu paused, looking to her with lifted brows as Dei-Loki and Malvo quickly looked over, as well with smiles on their faces.


"Really!?" Dei-Loki blinked, soon tossing his hands into the air with a wide smile, keeping his arms up. "I'm gonna be an uncle!?"
Akumu paused, looking to her with lifted brows as Dei-Loki and Malvo quickly looked over, as well with smiles on their faces.


"Really!?" Dei-Loki blinked, soon tossing his hands into the air with a wide smile, keeping his arms up. "I'm gonna be an uncle!?"

Nia sheepishly laughed.

Her mom clapped happily"Finally! I'm a grandma!" her father just stared at Akumu.
Nia sheepishly laughed.

Her mom clapped happily"Finally! I'm a grandma!" her father just stared at Akumu.

Akumu would sheepishly laugh, as well. His gaze traveling to Nia's father as he'd then soon silently pocket his hands. Both Malvo and Dei-Loki walked over, hugging Nia while, in sync, saying; "Congratulations!"

"Just determined on making me feel like the oldest man around, aren't ya?" Grant laughed, clapping Akumu on the back. Akumu stumbling forward as he'd lower an ear slightly.

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