Indescribable (Closed)

Nicholas sighed, his voice was cold, showing no hint of emotion in it. "You can try, but it's highly likely that you won't find anything for him. I knew Masaru waaaaaaaaaaay before he knew me. The Council made sure of it. When they use to be good, before Alexander got replaced with Margoth. They gave me a vision of his past. I saw it all and more than i wanted to. The one thing that stuck out most to me was his father. Ayumu was just like Masaru. Just like him. Strong, stubborn and loved his family with all his heart. But then . . . the Nogitsune erupted inside of him like a volcano. It began to hurt Ayumu's wife. Its own soulmate. Then it was the kids Then it was the world, and before anyone could find a cure. He was longer than gone. If you want to find a cure for him. Then you better do it quick. He's already hurt Dei. Those marks around his neck don't lie about a thing. I'm going to check on him, make sure he's got anything." Nicholas began to walk towards the door before stopping and turning around. "Oh, and Nia. Don't kill him. . . . that's my job. I am his terrible Guardian after all." Nicholas raised his arms as if saying, 'what are you going to do?' before walking off, out of everyone's view. 

Nia shook her head. Then hugged her knees to her chest and lowered her face in them. "Im scared." she said in a weak, shaky voice.
Nicholas sighed, his voice was cold, showing no hint of emotion in it. "You can try, but it's highly likely that you won't find anything for him. I knew Masaru waaaaaaaaaaay before he knew me. The Council made sure of it. When they use to be good, before Alexander got replaced with Margoth. They gave me a vision of his past. I saw it all and more than i wanted to. The one thing that stuck out most to me was his father. Ayumu was just like Masaru. Just like him. Strong, stubborn and loved his family with all his heart. But then . . . the Nogitsune erupted inside of him like a volcano. It began to hurt Ayumu's wife. Its own soulmate. Then it was the kids Then it was the world, and before anyone could find a cure. He was longer than gone. If you want to find a cure for him. Then you better do it quick. He's already hurt Dei. Those marks around his neck don't lie about a thing. I'm going to check on him, make sure he's got anything." Nicholas began to walk towards the door before stopping and turning around. "Oh, and Nia. Don't kill him. . . . that's my job. I am his terrible Guardian after all." Nicholas raised his arms as if saying, 'what are you going to do?' before walking off, out of everyone's view. 

Nia shook her head. Then hugged her knees to her chest and lowered her face in them. "Im scared." she said in a weak, shaky voice.

Akumu looked away from Dei-Loki, heading to Nia's side as he'd gently rub her back. "We all are..."

"Fucking FOCK." Dei-Loki would eventually erupt as tears, once more, would spill from his eyes, turning and hitting his forehead against the hardwood wall as he growled. He was angry. Angry with himself, and angry with the world. Like fate agreed to take a drastic turn in the vehicle of life - which rendered him nauseated and in pain. He wasn't prepared for loosing, he was never good at it. Even in absolute strife, he seemed to always come out alive - and, in most situations, with the upper hand. "I fucking hate this. I want to... I want--" Dei-Loki growled from the pain once more. His hand lifting as a pitch black shadow would coat and shield the wall before he angrily flung his fist into it. His body trembling as the shadow would melt off the wall - proving to have protected it from the blow. "I feel sick, I feel stuck. I hate it. I'm so close t' taring someone's fucking face off out of frustration. THERE HAS T' BE A FUCKING WAY. Something! ANYTHING!Huffing out a black smoke-like substance that sank down into the shadow below him, Dei-Loki rubbed his face, paced for a moment, before then angrily walking out of the kitchen.

Akumu flinched slightly as he listened to Dei-Loki, whom had obviously been in pain. His ears remaining flat as he'd call out to him, even though Dei hadn't replied. "Dei-Loki! Where are you going!?"
Akumu looked away from Dei-Loki, heading to Nia's side as he'd gently rub her back. "We all are..."

"Fucking FOCK." Dei-Loki would eventually erupt as tears, once more, would spill from his eyes, turning and hitting his forehead against the hardwood wall as he growled. He was angry. Angry with himself, and angry with the world. Like fate agreed to take a drastic turn in the vehicle of life - which rendered him nauseated and in pain. He wasn't prepared for loosing, he was never good at it. Even in absolute strife, he seemed to always come out alive - and, in most situations, with the upper hand. "I fucking hate this. I want to... I want--" Dei-Loki growled from the pain once more. His hand lifting as a pitch black shadow would coat and shield the wall before he angrily flung his fist into it. His body trembling as the shadow would melt off the wall - proving to have protected it from the blow. "I feel sick, I feel stuck. I hate it. I'm so close t' taring someone's fucking face off out of frustration. THERE HAS T' BE A FUCKING WAY. Something! ANYTHING!Huffing out a black smoke-like substance that sank down into the shadow below him, Dei-Loki rubbed his face, paced for a moment, before then angrily walking out of the kitchen.

Akumu flinched slightly as he listened to Dei-Loki, whom had obviously been in pain. His ears remaining flat as he'd call out to him, even though Dei hadn't replied. "Dei-Loki! Where are you going!?"

Nia's fist found the counter as she slammed down on it. "DEI. LOKI. GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE!" Nia looked up to Akumu 

"We're going, pack what you need. And meet back here. We're jumping now. We can't waist anymore time bickering and being edgy."
Nia's fist found the counter as she slammed down on it. "DEI. LOKI. GET YOUR BUTT BACK HERE!" Nia looked up to Akumu 

"We're going, pack what you need. And meet back here. We're jumping now. We can't waist anymore time bickering and being edgy."

Akumu would nod, hesitating a moment before heading off to pack what he needed.

Ignoring the demand though still planning to return, Dei-Loki walked to the main hall and rubbed his face, pacing in his own effort to calm down. Him being like this had meant he wasn't any help. And so, before he could return, he'd need to ensure his negativity didn't slip farther into intensity... easier said than done.

Malvo huffed, soon pausing when she picked up on the negative energy before she quickly approached. Slowing down once she'd spotted Dei-Loki. "Dei-Loki..?"

Dei-Loki paused and inhaled through a sniffle. Not bothering to look at Malvo. "D... Don't..."

Malvo's ears had flattened, heading to Dei-Loki's side slowly before then forcefully pulling him into a firm, tight embrace. Her hand softly rubbing his back as she'd keep him close. Just as she'd done when they were younger. "Hey... it's gonna be okay, y' hear?.. No one's giving up that easy. It may seem impossible... but, ya remember what else we thought was impossible? That curse y' we're plagued with. And we fought through that before it destroyed ya..."

"Not really the best example, seeing as that curse is still somewhat bound with the corruption..." Dei-Loki muttered as he'd stare at Malvo's shoulder. His arms slightly around her as he sniffed.

"Ah, but yer still breathing... Remember how ya were, back when y' still had the majority of that curse..? Coughing up blood and just in excruciating pain all the time... The healer claimed here was no cure, and we even overheard her claim y' we're gonna die within a few months?" Malvo smiled, glancing to Dei-Loki as she'd still keep him in her tight, comforting hold. "Everyone was so worried, so heart broken and just... like we all are right now with Masaru. But, little Loki, nothing is impossible. Anything can be accomplished, and a lot of us are living proof of that. No conflict is the end, they're just obstacles waiting to be passed so we can move on to the next. And all of us surpassing these obstacles make us even stronger."

Dei-Loki grimaced, tightening the embrace a bit more as he sniffled with a small smile. Sobbing in this process. "How the hell does dad love us? We're just a couple of sappy focks..."

"Him being a sappy fock as well is probably why. Plus, we're adorable, eh?" Malvo laughed lightly, clapping Dei on the back before looking around.
Nia also went and packed some things, aswell as changing to a more durable outfit.

Once he'd been packed, Akumu softly exhaled. All he needed within a small satchel hanging at his side.


"Now, what're we all doing? Have we thought of anything?"

"We're gonna try dimension-hopping t' find a cure. Though, Nicholas says there's only a small chance we'll find anything..."

"Never know until we try, now, do we?" Malvo kept a smile, patting Dei-Loki on the back after wiping his tears away before softly tugging Dei-Loki along. "Now, come on. Let's go get ready so we can do this. And, in the meantime, I can tell ya what dad is planning t' give to ya and I can tell ya what I saw outsiiiide."

Dei-Loki blinked several times as he glanced to Malvo. The both of them heading upstairs to pack the bare essentials. "What? What did ya see outside?"
Yuki, and Nicholas walked through the door. As for Masaru, he rolled out in his wheelchair, two handcuffs on both wrist, linking to the handlebars of his chair. The handcuffs seemed to be engulfed in melted mercury, sizzling Masaru's wrist slightly. Masaru stared at the ground as he made it to the Dei and Malvo. "Before you ask any questions, i made this decision on my own. It's for everyone's safety that i leave these on, especially after hearing. . . after hearing what i did to you. I'm sorry, Dei.  But Gods, sorry never cuts it." Yuki shook her head. "It doesn't have to be this way." Masaru looked to his sister for a long minute before giving a sad smile. "Of course it is. We'll go find a cure, but i must stay in this wheelchair, Yukiine. I refuse to hurt anyone of you like Ayumu did to us."
Yuki, and Nicholas walked through the door. As for Masaru, he rolled out in his wheelchair, two handcuffs on both wrist, linking to the handlebars of his chair. The handcuffs seemed to be engulfed in melted mercury, sizzling Masaru's wrist slightly. Masaru stared at the ground as he made it to the Dei and Malvo. "Before you ask any questions, i made this decision on my own. It's for everyone's safety that i leave these on, especially after hearing. . . after hearing what i did to you. I'm sorry, Dei.  But Gods, sorry never cuts it." Yuki shook her head. "It doesn't have to be this way." Masaru looked to his sister for a long minute before giving a sad smile. "Of course it is. We'll go find a cure, but i must stay in this wheelchair, Yukiine. I refuse to hurt anyone of you like Ayumu did to us."

Nia waited for the rest.

Dei-Loki looked from Malvo to Masaru as he spoke, his heart instantly sinking the moment he'd spot the and cuffs. That familiar sting in his eyes instantly returned as he'd watch him speak before then moving forward, his arms managing to wrap around Masaru in an embrace as he would heavily sigh. "Just... just know that I'm... I'm not mad, alright? I know y' had no control over it... A-And we'll fix this, I promise..."

Malvo watched in silence, her ears lowering as her hands would slowly pocket. Akumu silently following Nia out to join the others.
Dei-Loki looked from Malvo to Masaru as he spoke, his heart instantly sinking the moment he'd spot the and cuffs. That familiar sting in his eyes instantly returned as he'd watch him speak before then moving forward, his arms managing to wrap around Masaru in an embrace as he would heavily sigh. "Just... just know that I'm... I'm not mad, alright? I know y' had no control over it... A-And we'll fix this, I promise..."

Malvo watched in silence, her ears lowering as her hands would slowly pocket. Akumu silently following Nia out to join the others.

Masaru gave a shaky exhale as if he had been holding his breath in. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Squishy. Fairy tales only belong to the good guys, and i'm no good guy. I can't lie to you, i'm sorry. I can only tell you the truth, those happy ever afters only belong to the good guys. But as long as i'm kickin', we'll try and find this cure. If it makes you happy and i'll try my best to stay by your side as long as i can for it. Let's go, Nicholas." Nick nodded, wheeling him towards Akumu. 
Nia looked at everyone "we all set?" she asked adjusting her small backpack and pulling up her hood, her wolf ears poking through small holes she made for them.
Masaru gave a shaky exhale as if he had been holding his breath in. "Don't make promises you can't keep, Squishy. Fairy tales only belong to the good guys, and i'm no good guy. I can't lie to you, i'm sorry. I can only tell you the truth, those happy ever afters only belong to the good guys. But as long as i'm kickin', we'll try and find this cure. If it makes you happy and i'll try my best to stay by your side as long as i can for it. Let's go, Nicholas." Nick nodded, wheeling him towards Akumu. 

Nia looked at everyone "we all set?" she asked adjusting her small backpack and pulling up her hood, her wolf ears poking through small holes she made for them.

Dei-Loki released the embrace and looked down in complete and utter silence. Though this was true... he was still stubborn. Stubborn enough to put his own life on the line. Malvo would softly rub his back as she'd flatten her ears. Her hand soon sliding up and squeezing his shoulder while she looked to the others. Dei-Loki had then hugged himself as he trembled from the constant flow of negative emotions. It was a wonder how he wasn't numb, at this point.

"Seems we're all set." Akumu watched as Nicholas and Masaru had approached, soon opening a warp as he'd close his eyes. 
Dei-Loki released the embrace and looked down in complete and utter silence. Though this was true... he was still stubborn. Stubborn enough to put his own life on the line. Malvo would softly rub his back as she'd flatten her ears. Her hand soon sliding up and squeezing his shoulder while she looked to the others. Dei-Loki had then hugged himself as he trembled from the constant flow of negative emotions. It was a wonder how he wasn't numb, at this point.

"Seems we're all set." Akumu watched as Nicholas and Masaru had approached, soon opening a warp as he'd close his eyes. 

Nicholas and Masaru moved through the portal.
Nicholas and Masaru moved through the portal.

Nia was next through the portal.

Malvo glanced to Dei-Loki, gently gripping his shoulder a bit tighter to grab his attention. "Hey. C'mon, little Loki. It's our turn t' head through..."

Dei-Loki glanced to Malvo, giving a soft nod before looking down and heading through. Malvo following close behind.

Akumu would wait until everyone was through before stepping through, himself. The warp closing behind him.
Masaru and Nicholas gaped at where they were at. 


"This place. . . it's so beautiful."
Nia also stared. "woah. This is.... just woah."

Dei-Loki and Malvo looked up to marvel the scenery, Malvo slowly taking a few steps forward. "Where... are we?"

A voice boomed from the center of the small pond. The bottom of him was twisted tree trunks as the top part of him was given a face and could speak clearly, but with a slight accent of all languages. "This! Is the Spirit Realm, Dei-Loki Seamus Alaois."
A voice boomed from the center of the small pond. The bottom of him was twisted tree trunks as the top part of him was given a face and could speak clearly, but with a slight accent of all languages. "This! Is the Spirit Realm, Dei-Loki Seamus Alaois."

"The spirit realm!?! SHIT! ... Am I dead?"
A voice boomed from the center of the small pond. The bottom of him was twisted tree trunks as the top part of him was given a face and could speak clearly, but with a slight accent of all languages. "This! Is the Spirit Realm, Dei-Loki Seamus Alaois."

"The spirit realm!?! SHIT! ... Am I dead?"

"The Spirit realm..?" Dei-Loki would also repeat, his brows lifting in surprise as Malvo continued to look around in awe. Soon looking to Dei-Loki as her tail wagged slightly.

"Y' think grandma and grandpa are here?" Malvo asked, Dei-Loki having shaken his head as he looked to her.

"I doubt it. Each time I've talked to them, they're around the doors of Valhalla." Dei-Loki exhaled through his nose. Hands entering his pockets. "Besides. We're here t' help Masaru, not t' visit our relatives."

Malvo blinked, softly huffing as she nodded. "Right. Sorry."

"Huh... quite the jump." Akumu quietly had remarked as he'd look towards the voice.
"The Spirit realm..?" Dei-Loki would also repeat, his brows lifting in surprise as Malvo continued to look around in awe. Soon looking to Dei-Loki as her tail wagged slightly.

"Y' think grandma and grandpa are here?" Malvo asked, Dei-Loki having shaken his head as he looked to her.

"I doubt it. Each time I've talked to them, they're around the doors of Valhalla." Dei-Loki exhaled through his nose. Hands entering his pockets. "Besides. We're here t' help Masaru, not t' visit our relatives."

Malvo blinked, softly huffing as she nodded. "Right. Sorry."

"Huh... quite the jump." Akumu quietly had remarked as he'd look towards the voice.

"The spirit realm!?! SHIT! ... Am I dead?"

"No, Nia Davion." Masaru looked to the man. "My Mother.  .  . is she here?" The wooden human-looking figure turned awkwardly towards Masaru. "Masaru Oshiro . . . Fate is at your door. At all of your doors. You visited this place before. You arrived with a mighty roar. You danced with your little brother. Oh, how he wished to smother. Then a third person came and stopped the game. Who was it?" Masaru flinched, his memories seemed to be burning in his head like photos in a fire. "Don't worry, my child of the night and day. Your fate will come your way. Hang on tightly and walk tall, my son with many names. Your questions will be answered shortly, but for now. Hold your breath and plunge into your Father's darkness. Keep your eyes open though. Even if it hurts. Keep your eyes wiiiiiiiiiide~ open and don't stop pushing upwards. Swim to the sun, my child. Swim to the sun and if you see a hand, take it. Don't fret, my boy. Breathe and believe of a brighter day."
"No, Nia Davion." Masaru looked to the man. "My Mother.  .  . is she here?" The wooden human-looking figure turned awkwardly towards Masaru. "Masaru Oshiro . . . Fate is at your door. At all of your doors. You visited this place before. You arrived with a mighty roar. You danced with your little brother. Oh, how he wished to smother. Then a third person came and stopped the game. Who was it?" Masaru flinched, his memories seemed to be burning in his head like photos in a fire. "Don't worry, my child of the night and day. Your fate will come your way. Hang on tightly and walk tall, my son with many names. Your questions will be answered shortly, but for now. Hold your breath and plunge into your Father's darkness. Keep your eyes open though. Even if it hurts. Keep your eyes wiiiiiiiiiide~ open and don't stop pushing upwards. Swim to the sun, my child. Swim to the sun and if you see a hand, take it. Don't fret, my boy. Breathe and believe of a brighter day."

Nia listened and shuffled a bit.

Akumu, Dei and Malvo would also listen. Dei-Loki shifting in place as he stepped forward after witnessing the flinch, only to have Malvo softly pull him back. Malvo's hand firmly resting on Dei-Loki's shoulder in a reassuring sense while they would continue to listen.
Akumu, Dei and Malvo would also listen. Dei-Loki shifting in place as he stepped forward after witnessing the flinch, only to have Malvo softly pull him back. Malvo's hand firmly resting on Dei-Loki's shoulder in a reassuring sense while they would continue to listen.

Nia listened and shuffled a bit.

Kairos smiled down to Masaru. "If you all excuse me, go and visit some of the enchanting things of the Spirit Realm. Leave me with Masaru. I could try and preserve him from his curse for just a bit longer. But it must be done alone or otherwise my magic shall not work." Kairos gave a mighty swoop to his hands and the group, except for Masaru, moved out of the stoned cave and into this. 

Nicholas and Yuki began to walk around, looking for spirits that they might know.

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