Indescribable (Closed)

"Ya look cute like this." he chuckled. "Though, you'll look cute t' me no matter what."

Nia smiled "thaaaank youuu~" she said then looking up to her head and wiggling her ears. Giggling cheerfully as she moved them. "gotta fit into the family" she said pecking him on the cheek.
Dei-Loki grinned widely at that, slowly lifting a brow. "I thought y'd never ask."


Reaver held a grin, glancing up at Graham in the process. "Whisk me away, oh great sexy dancer~"

Masaru grabbed Dei, wrapping Dei's legs around his waist as he grabbed Nicholas's hand, walking quickly to their room and opened the door, putting all of them inside and shut it. "This is really happening? This isn't from some sort of drug? I'm living in the fantasy world." Masaru snickered and shook his head. "All real~. So Dei, you wanted this so bad, tell us what to do."
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Nia smiled "thaaaank youuu~" she said then looking up to her head and wiggling her ears. Giggling cheerfully as she moved them. "gotta fit into the family" she said pecking him on the cheek.

Akumu held his own smile as he gently nuzzled one of Nia's ears. "Ya didn't have t' change, fer that."

Masaru grabbed Dei, wrapping Dei's legs around his waist as he grabbed Nicholas's hand, walking quickly to their room and opened the door, putting all of them inside and shut it. "This is really happening? This isn't from some sort of drug? I'm living in the fantasy world." Masaru snickered and shook his head. "All real~. So Dei, you wanted this so bad, tell us what to do."

Dei-Loki flicked his ear, wrapping his arms around Masaru's neck as the three took their leave to their bedroom. Sliding down, Dei-Loki wandered over to the bed. His hands softly gripping the hems of their pants as he pulled the two a long with him. "A bit ah foreplay would be nice, t' start out with."
Akumu held his own smile as he gently nuzzled one of Nia's ears. "Ya didn't have t' change, fer that."

Dei-Loki flicked his ear, wrapping his arms around Masaru's neck as the three took their leave to their bedroom. Sliding down, Dei-Loki wandered over to the bed. His hands softly gripping the hems of their pants as he pulled the two a long with him. "A bit ah foreplay would be nice, t' start out with."

The boys followed. They both gave a sluggish grin, looking to each other before sitting down between Dei. They each took turns kissing him, wrapping their limbs with Dei's as they moved their hands onto Dei's skin. Clothes spilled onto the floor as the boys moved quickly and hungrily.
The boys followed. They both gave a sluggish grin, looking to each other before sitting down between Dei. They each took turns kissing him, wrapping their limbs with Dei's as they moved their hands onto Dei's skin. Clothes spilled onto the floor as the boys moved quickly and hungrily.

Dei-Loki would slowly curl his tail, returning each kiss as he softly would pant through his nose. His fingers slowly dragging down Masaru and Nicholas's chests while his eyes became half-lidded.

"well I did. So get over it." Nia said nuzzling back, her tail wrapping itself with Akumu's.

"As long as yer happy." he chuckled, kissing the top of Nia's head.
Akumu would watch, moving his head so he could watch her tail as he grinned a bit. "So? How's it feel?"

"it feels weird. I'm not used to having something here. Aside from my great ass of course." she said with a wink "But thats not a movable apendage, nor is it as cute" Nia said continuing to move it around.
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"it feels weird. I'm not used to having something here. Aside from my great ass of course." she said with a wink "But thats not a movable apendage, nor is it as cute" Nia said continuing to move it around.

Akumu snickered, continuing to watch as he'd flick his ear. "Ah, it's still cute, though."
Akumu would sort through his things, careful not to wake Nia as he smiled. That feeling of nostalgia seeming to wash over him tossing in a few good memories he had of the place. Silently sliding a drawer open, he would sort through it.


Dei-Loki stretched, placing his hands behind his head as he walked around with Malvo.

"Twice the fun, eh?" Malvo snickered, Dei-Loki having nodded. Though, she'd then pat his back. "Well, as long as you're happy."

"More than you'd believe." Dei-Loki grinned, though he'd soon blink and look up as he looked to Adrian - whom smiled upon seeing them.

"You both have a minute? There's something I'd like t' give t' ya both."

Dei and Malvo also blinked, looking to each other before looking to their father again - nodding and following after him.


Ruvik exhaled, standing at the docks as he studied the boats with his hands tucked away in his pockets.

"A beautiful sight, isn't it?" Chloe would speak up, a smile on her face as she watched Ruvik - whom paused and turned his attention to her briefly before looking back out to the ships.

"It is." Ruvik blinked, exhaling as he shifted a bit.
Akumu would sort through his things, careful not to wake Nia as he smiled. That feeling of nostalgia seeming to wash over him tossing in a few good memories he had of the place. Silently sliding a drawer open, he would sort through it.

Nia shuffled in her sleep. "mmm... waffles" she mumbled, turned on her side.
Nicholas got out of bed and went out. As for Masaru, he broke into a cold sweat. Once Nicholas was gone, he trudged to the bathroom. He stared intently on his face. "I'm me. I'm me. Not him. I won't be him. I WON'T!" He smashed the glass with his fist, cuts appearing on his hand, palm and wrist. He hissed in pain. He then lurched towards the seat and threw up the black substance once more. The dark liquid dripping out of his ears, nose and mouth as he groaned in pained. 

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