Indescribable (Closed)

"I know I am" Nia said wiggling her butt.

Akumu gave a brief, quick and quiet inhale from the action, quickly downing the rest of his drink before setting the glass back down. A smirk resting on his face.


"Nia is goooooone." Dei-Loki snickered before glancing up to Masaru, poking his cheek softly. "Ya still owe me a show~"
"Nia is goooooone." Dei-Loki snickered before glancing up to Masaru, poking his cheek softly. "Ya still owe me a show~"

Masaru smirked and then looked to Nicholas. Nicholas cleared the area around Dei. Masaru grabbed a black cap off a bouncer and so did Nicholas. The bouncers squinted, looking around as if that just happened. Rude Boy started playing in the back as the boys put on their hats. They pressed down their caps as they moved side to side. Embarrassed smiles appeared his face as they began to roll their hips to the beat. They danced swiftly and naturally. The embarrassed smiles were replaced by smirks as they slowly pulled off their shirt, enjoying the attention. They put the hem of their shirts into their mouth, exposing their tattooed, leaned bodies. They began to gyrate their hips at the beat. Feeling like a god, they bit his lip, winking and slowly pulled at their belts. It was almost as if they became the same person, moving their pelvis more into Dei's direction as they rolled their hips. Before it could get any more heated Masaru and Nicholas laughed. Masaru leaned down, kissing Dei's lips and then Nicholas immeadiately did the same. As Nicholas came back up, Masaru reached the back of Nicholas's head, shoving his face to his own and kissing him, pulling on his bottom lip and licking the blood that spilled from his lip. Nicholas's face was in pure disbelief that just happened, a blush reddening on his cheeks. "I'm dead. This is what Heaven is like." Masaru laughed, hugging Nicholas as he swayed around. 

(Graham did the same because i'm too lazy to make the actual scene.) 
Nia continued the action. "Booootyyyyy"

Slightly tightening his hold on her waist, he would curl his tail and blush slightly. "Nia, staaaaaaahp please."

Masaru smirked and then looked to Nicholas. Nicholas cleared the area around Dei. Masaru grabbed a black cap off a bouncer and so did Nicholas. The bouncers squinted, looking around as if that just happened. Rude Boy started playing in the back as the boys put on their hats. They pressed down their caps as they moved side to side. Embarrassed smiles appeared his face as they began to roll their hips to the beat. They danced swiftly and naturally. The embarrassed smiles were replaced by smirks as they slowly pulled off their shirt, enjoying the attention. They put the hem of their shirts into their mouth, exposing their tattooed, leaned bodies. They began to gyrate their hips at the beat. Feeling like a god, they bit his lip, winking and slowly pulled at their belts. It was almost as if they became the same person, moving their pelvis more into Dei's direction as they rolled their hips. Before it could get any more heated Masaru and Nicholas laughed. Masaru leaned down, kissing Dei's lips and then Nicholas immeadiately did the same. As Nicholas came back up, Masaru reached the back of Nicholas's head, shoving his face to his own and kissing him, pulling on his bottom lip and licking the blood that spilled from his lip. Nicholas's face was in pure disbelief that just happened, a blush reddening on his cheeks. "I'm dead. This is what Heaven is like." Masaru laughed, hugging Nicholas as he swayed around. 

(Graham did the same because i'm too lazy to make the actual scene.) 

Dei-Loki grinned while watching them both. His body slowly sitting up in his seat while his cheeks would redden a bit more, and a small stream of blood could be seen coming from his nose. At this point, it was clear that his blush was not just a result of the alcohol, but out of clear entertainment, as well. 

Following the boy's laughter, Dei-Loki would laugh as well. Kissing them back before watching the two kiss in front of him with slightly widened eyes. The flow of blood that was streaming form his nose becoming just a bit thicker. "Ya both kno' how ta work it~"


Reaver looked up as Graham would preform the same act. His eyes having widened while admiring the smooth body movements with a smile. "Hoooooly... Aaaaahhhheheheheh~" 'REAVER. WORDS. YOU'VE GOT TWO TICKETS TO PAAAARADISE.'


Couldn't resist.XD )
Slightly tightening his hold on her waist, he would curl his tail and blush slightly. "Nia, staaaaaaahp please."

Dei-Loki grinned while watching them both. His body slowly sitting up in his seat while his cheeks would redden a bit more, and a small stream of blood could be seen coming from his nose. At this point, it was clear that his blush was not just a result of the alcohol, but out of clear entertainment, as well. 

Following the boy's laughter, Dei-Loki would laugh as well. Kissing them back before watching the two kiss in front of him with slightly widened eyes. The flow of blood that was streaming form his nose becoming just a bit thicker. "Ya both kno' how ta work it~"


Reaver looked up as Graham would preform the same act. His eyes having widened while admiring the smooth body movements with a smile. "Hoooooly... Aaaaahhhheheheheh~" 'REAVER. WORDS. YOU'VE GOT TWO TICKETS TO PAAAARADISE.'


Couldn't resist.XD )

"Damn right we do!" Masaru snickered, lowering down and wiping the blood off with a tissue. Meanwhile, Nicholas was in paradise, dreaming away as he stared at the ceiling. 

Graham snickered once he was done. "That was the first time i ever did that. Sooooo . . . . how was i, babe?" He put his shirt back on as he asked. 
Nia stopped then turned a180 around so her body was facing Akumu "whyyyyyyyy?" she said, the smell of spirits on her breath.

Akumu whined slightly, not really having wanted to explain. But, thanks to the alcohol, he was able to rest his head on Nia's as he spoke softly. "Because yer waking somethin' uuup."

"Damn right we do!" Masaru snickered, lowering down and wiping the blood off with a tissue. Meanwhile, Nicholas was in paradise, dreaming away as he stared at the ceiling. 

Graham snickered once he was done. "That was the first time i ever did that. Sooooo . . . . how was i, babe?" He put his shirt back on as he asked. 

Dei-Loki would release a snicker of his own, letting Masaru clean the blood from his face before then glancing to Nicholas with a grin. "Ah think 'e's broken."


"That was perfect." Reaver grinned widely, his ear having flicked. "Just like you. I lave ya soooo much..."
Akumu whined slightly, not really having wanted to explain. But, thanks to the alcohol, he was able to rest his head on Nia's as he spoke softly. "Because yer waking somethin' uuup."

Nia booped his nose "oh well" she said before closing her eyes and giving him a hug, holding that position as she soflty groaned.
Dei-Loki would release a snicker of his own, letting Masaru clean the blood from his face before then glancing to Nicholas with a grin. "Ah think 'e's broken."


"That was perfect." Reaver grinned widely, his ear having flicked. "Just like you. I lave ya soooo much..."

"Ehhhh, he want be broken once we get back to our room~."

Graham laughed. "You're drunk." He leaned down and kissed Reaver's lips.
Nia booped his nose "oh well" she said before closing her eyes and giving him a hug, holding that position as she soflty groaned.

Akumu smiled a bit more from the boop, soon returning the gesture before having returned the hug - nuzzling her hair. "Yer hair smells nice."

"Ehhhh, he want be broken once we get back to our room~."

Graham laughed. "You're drunk." He leaned down and kissed Reaver's lips.

"Thaaaaaat's fer sure~" Dei-Loki grinned, gently flicking an ear with a snicker.


"And yer sexy~" Reaver would also laugh, kissing him in return before having leaned forward to hug him. "And I'm not facked up enough ta not remember thiiis niiiight~... Ah, at least I hope not, anyway."
Akumu gasped quietly, hugging her a small bit tighter. "Noooo, don' pull that! I'm sowwyyy."

Nia reached up and rubbed his ears now. "these. These are like. Oh my gods." Nia closed her eyes and hummed. Her elf ears dissapeared and she grew ears and a tail just like Akumu's, they were a mix of red and white fur. "there"
Nia reached up and rubbed his ears now. "these. These are like. Oh my gods." Nia closed her eyes and hummed. Her elf ears dissapeared and she grew ears and a tail just like Akumu's, they were a mix of red and white fur. "there"

Akumu closed his eyes at the feeling, his tail thumping against her slightly. And, when he opened his eyes, he looked to the ears and tail as his eyes widened a bit. "Oooooooo!" As if unable to resist, he'd reach up and gently rub her newly appeared wolf ears.
"Thaaaaaat's fer sure~" Dei-Loki grinned, gently flicking an ear with a snicker.


"And yer sexy~" Reaver would also laugh, kissing him in return before having leaned forward to hug him. "And I'm not facked up enough ta not remember thiiis niiiight~... Ah, at least I hope not, anyway."

"Wanna go break him s'more?" Masaru waggled his eyebrows.

"Well what do you say we take this to our room?"
Akumu closed his eyes at the feeling, his tail thumping against her slightly. And, when he opened his eyes, he looked to the ears and tail as his eyes widened a bit. "Oooooooo!" As if unable to resist, he'd reach up and gently rub her newly appeared wolf ears.

Nia flinched at the new feeling, before leaning into it. "ohhhh. Wow. That feels good."
"Wanna go break him s'more?" Masaru waggled his eyebrows.

"Well what do you say we take this to our room?"

Dei-Loki grinned widely at that, slowly lifting a brow. "I thought y'd never ask."


Reaver held a grin, glancing up at Graham in the process. "Whisk me away, oh great sexy dancer~"

Nia flinched at the new feeling, before leaning into it. "ohhhh. Wow. That feels good."

"Seeeeeeeeeeee?" Akumu chuckled, continuing the action while softly humming.
[SIZE= inherit]"Seeeeeeeeeeee?" [/SIZE][SIZE= inherit]Akumu chuckled, continuing the action while softly humming.[/SIZE]

Nia would suddenly let out a quiet moan. Her hands quickly shooting up and covering her mouth, her eyes wide. 'did I just?!?" she thought to herself.
Nia would suddenly let out a quiet moan. Her hands quickly shooting up and covering her mouth, her eyes wide. 'did I just?!?" she thought to herself.

Akumu paused at the noise, his fingers having temporarily stopped their movements as he glanced to her and lazily wagged his tail.
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