Indescribable (Closed)

Nia shuffled in her sleep. "mmm... waffles" she mumbled, turned on her side.

Akumu perked his ears, looking over to Nia as he smiled softly. His tail having wagged a bit before he looked back to the desk drawer - pulling out a couple of photos.

Nicholas got out of bed and went out. As for Masaru, he broke into a cold sweat. Once Nicholas was gone, he trudged to the bathroom. He stared intently on his face. "I'm me. I'm me. Not him. I won't be him. I WON'T!" He smashed the glass with his fist, cuts appearing on his hand, palm and wrist. He hissed in pain. He then lurched towards the seat and threw up the black substance once more. The dark liquid dripping out of his ears, nose and mouth as he groaned in pained. 

Dei-Loki continued to follow his sister and father before stopping in his tracks and looking back in the direction of his room. "... Actually, I--... Do ya think y' can give it to me later? Sorry, I... I just need t'--"

Adrian blinked, soon smiling a bit as he nodded. "Go ahead, little Loki. I'll find y' after."

"Thank y'..." Dei spoke, heading in the direction of his room before stepping in and turning his attention to the bathroom at the sound of the retching. Quickly, he rushed in to find Masaru on the floor. His ears flattened, and he approached to console. His hand resting on Masaru's back after he flushed what had been in the bowl. "Keep fighting it off for just a bit longer, Masaru..."


"I've always been a fan of the sea, even got myself my own ship." Chloe smiled, heading to Ruvik's side.

"Really? Is it here?" Ruvik lifted his brows, looking to each ship, as if to search.

"Mmmmmhmmm." Chloe nodded, gesturing to one of the larger ships. Ruvik glancing over before staring in a bit of awe.


(Except, knowing the name of the crew, the flag is actually this;wolf_pirate_flag_by_crewofthebloodydawn.jpg)

"The one with the red sails?" Chloe nodded, Ruvik blinking a few times. "Hah, with a ship like that, one might call you a--" Chloe gave a wide smile as Ruvik looked to her and widened his gaze. "Wait, you're a--?"

"Yep!" Chloe laughed before playfully deepening her voice as she thickened her accent and acted serious. "Best speak kindly with Cap'in Chloe, at yer side!" And, just like that, she laughed once more. Ruvik blinking a few more times before following as Chloe dragged him along while she started towards her ship. "C'mon! I'll show ya around!"
Akumu perked his ears, looking over to Nia as he smiled softly. His tail having wagged a bit before he looked back to the desk drawer - pulling out a couple of photos.

Nia mumbled further in her sleep. "No no. No no no no no!" she tossed and turned. "Mas-Masaru please!.... NO!" she yelled as she shot upright, panting heavily, and her ears lowered.
Dei-Loki continued to follow his sister and father before stopping in his tracks and looking back in the direction of his room. "... Actually, I--... Do ya think y' can give it to me later? Sorry, I... I just need t'--"

Adrian blinked, soon smiling a bit as he nodded. "Go ahead, little Loki. I'll find y' after."

"Thank y'..." Dei spoke, heading in the direction of his room before stepping in and turning his attention to the bathroom at the sound of the retching. Quickly, he rushed in to find Masaru on the floor. His ears flattened, and he approached to console. His hand resting on Masaru's back after he flushed what had been in the bowl. "Keep fighting it off for just a bit longer, Masaru..."

Masaru turned, his eyes were back in their mucky, black color as small inky veins showed visibly on his face. "Don't you fucking touch me, bitch." He shot his hands around Dei's throat, rising quickly as he pushed Dei down to the ground. His hands tighten as his lips snarled. His elongated fangs showing in the light of the bathroom. "You killed her! You killed my daughter! MY EVERYTHING! I'm going to let you feel the exact same pain as i feel. I'm going to make you beg for death, I'm uncultured~." Tears trickled down his eyes as he laughed, it sounded rusty. As if it had been years since he laughed.
Nia mumbled further in her sleep. "No no. No no no no no!" she tossed and turned. "Mas-Masaru please!.... NO!" she yelled as she shot upright, panting heavily, and her ears lowered.

Akumu jumped, looking over to Nia. He'd gone to speak, but he'd then stop when he sensed his younger brother's struggle. His eyes having instantly darted to the door.

Masaru turned, his eyes were back in their mucky, black color as small inky veins showed visibly on his face. "Don't you fucking touch me, bitch." He shot his hands around Dei's throat, rising quickly as he pushed Dei down to the ground. His hands tighten as his lips snarled. His elongated fangs showing in the light of the bathroom. "You killed her! You killed my daughter! MY EVERYTHING! I'm going to let you feel the exact same pain as i feel. I'm going to make you beg for death, I;m uncultured~." Tears trickled down his eyes as he laughed, it sounded rusty. As if it had been years since he laughed.

Dei-Loki widened his eyes, instantly gripping Masaru's wrists as he'd try and pry the grip off of his neck all the while struggling to breathe. "Masaru, it's me! Yer Squishy!" he whined, while panicked tears would flee his eyes. The mark on his chest burning and pulsating in an instinctual need to defend. And yet, he held back the corruption, as well as most of his other power. And, wincing his eyes shut, he'd struggle even more as the grip tightened. "F-Fight it off! This isn't you! Mis...ter..."


"Welcome aboard The Poison Cutlass! Now, looking t' that patch on your face, I'd presume you've been on one of these ships before, as well?" Chloe smiled softly, glancing to Ruvik as she'd board the ship.

Ruvik scanned the deck, glancing up to the sails before then looking to Chloe. "Eh? Oh, no, I'm... not a pirate."
Akumu jumped, looking over to Nia. He'd gone to speak, but he'd then stop when he sensed his younger brother's struggle. His eyes having instantly darted to the door.

Dei-Loki widened his eyes, instantly gripping Masaru's wrists as he'd try and pry the grip off of his neck all the while struggling to breathe. "Masaru, it's me! Yer Squishy!" he whined, while panicked tears would flee his eyes. The mark on his chest burning and pulsating in an instinctual need to defend. And yet, he held back the corruption, as well as most of his other power. And, wincing his eyes shut, he'd struggle even more as the grip tightened. "F-Fight it off! This isn't you! Mis...ter..."


"Welcome aboard The Poison Cutlass! Now, looking t' that patch on your face, I'd presume you've been on one of these ships before, as well?" Chloe smiled softly, glancing to Ruvik as she'd board the ship.

Ruvik scanned the deck, glancing up to the sails before then looking to Chloe. "Eh? Oh, no, I'm... not a pirate."

Nia jumped out of bed, and using her magic both, instantly dressed herself, and made her blade fly out of it's sheath and into her hand.

She ran to their room instantly kicking Masaru off of dei causing his back to hit the wall as she pointed her sword at him, her hand trembling in fear. "Ma- ma- mm

Ma-sa-ru..." she said with tears going down her cheeks. "P-p-please" she begged.
Nia jumped out of bed, and using her magic both, instantly dressed herself, and made her blade fly out of it's sheath and into her hand.

She ran to their room instantly kicking Masaru off of dei causing his back to hit the wall as she pointed her sword at him, her hand trembling in fear. "Ma- ma- mm

Ma-sa-ru..." she said with tears going down her cheeks. "P-p-please" she begged.

Dei-Loki widened his eyes, instantly gripping Masaru's wrists as he'd try and pry the grip off of his neck all the while struggling to breathe. "Masaru, it's me! Yer Squishy!" he whined, while panicked tears would flee his eyes. The mark on his chest burning and pulsating in an instinctual need to defend. And yet, he held back the corruption, as well as most of his other power. And, wincing his eyes shut, he'd struggle even more as the grip tightened. "F-Fight it off! This isn't you! Mis...ter..."

His eyes shifted before hittign the wall. He opened his black globs and stared at Nia with a sinister grin. "You're going to regret that when i overpower him. Don't worry, Nia~. Once Masaru's gone, i'll have you each and everyone of you to myself. And, i'll let you feast your eyes on a true demon. You can't get rid of the Nogitsune that easily. You love him too much, and that will be your downfall. Say goodbye to Masaru, once and for all." He leaned his head back. His eyes changed into their normal colors as the inky veins retreated. He then slept against the cold wall.
Nia jumped out of bed, and using her magic both, instantly dressed herself, and made her blade fly out of it's sheath and into her hand.

She ran to their room instantly kicking Masaru off of dei causing his back to hit the wall as she pointed her sword at him, her hand trembling in fear. "Ma- ma- mm

Ma-sa-ru..." she said with tears going down her cheeks. "P-p-please" she begged.

His eyes shifted before hittign the wall. He opened his black globs and stared at Nia with a sinister grin. "You're going to regret that when i overpower him. Don't worry, Nia~. Once Masaru's gone, i'll have you each and everyone of you to myself. And, i'll let you feast your eyes on a true demon. You can't get rid of the Nogitsune that easily. You love him too much, and that will be your downfall. Say goodbye to Masaru, once and for all." He leaned his head back. His eyes changed into their normal colors as the inky veins retreated. He then slept against the cold wall.

Dei-Loki gasped for air the moment he'd been given the chance. Sitting up and rubbing his neck as his trembling eyes darted over to Masaru. His position remaining behind Nia as he teared up a small bit more.

Akumu rushed out of one of the shadows in the corner of the bathroom, crouching as he glanced to Dei-Loki while listening to the confrontation between Nia and Masaru. "Y' okay, little Loki?.."

"I-I... I'm fine..." Dei-Loki sniffled, wiping the tears from his eyes onto the fabric of the glove covering his thumb. His voice shaky and a bit lost. "I'm fine..."


Chloe squinted a bit, looking Ruvik over before then closing her eyes as she shrugged. "... If ya say so, Ruvy. Let's go, I'll give ya a tour."

Ruvik cocked a brow, following after her as he'd pocket his hands once more. "Youngest sister to the Queen is a pirate... never thought I'd see that one coming."

"Not many people would." She'd remark, glancing back to him briefly with a smile before looking ahead once more. Hands behind her back.
His eyes shifted before hittign the wall. He opened his black globs and stared at Nia with a sinister grin. "You're going to regret that when i overpower him. Don't worry, Nia~. Once Masaru's gone, i'll have you each and everyone of you to myself. And, i'll let you feast your eyes on a true demon. You can't get rid of the Nogitsune that easily. You love him too much, and that will be your downfall. Say goodbye to Masaru, once and for all." He leaned his head back. His eyes changed into their normal colors as the inky veins retreated. He then slept against the cold wall.

"Then you obviously don't know me" Nia said, her voice spiteful and cold. She turned her back and left the room, sitting on the bed as she hugged herself. "I'll do whatever it takes. I'm tired of loosing family. And if a family member is a threat to the rest of us. I don't care if that thing looks like Masaru, it isn't. If it really takes control..." she paused "I won't hesitate. I can't." Nia said while looking at her reflection on the mirror polish light blue blade in her hand.
"Then you obviously don't know me" Nia said, her voice spiteful and cold. She turned her back and left the room, sitting on the bed as she hugged herself. "I'll do whatever it takes. I'm tired of loosing family. And if a family member is a threat to the rest of us. I don't care if that thing looks like Masaru, it isn't. If it really takes control..." she paused "I won't hesitate. I can't." Nia said while looking at her reflection on the mirror polish light blue blade in her hand.

Akumu watched Nia walk out, glancing back to Dei-Loki as he lowered his ears. "Y' sure yer alright?"

"I'm fine..." Dei-Loki quietly spoke, watching the floor. "Go t' yer wife... I'm gonna stay here and watch Masaru."

"You sure that's a good idea? He just tried t'--" Akumu stopped, noticing Dei-Loki glaring to him before Akumu would give a soft nod. "Right... just be careful..."

Dei-Loki watched Akumu walk out before looking back to Masaru again. His hand lowering from his own neck as he moved and sat beside him, softly pulling the glass from Masaru's hand and wrist before wrapping it and huffing. His eyes on his gloves as he silently thought to himself.

Akumu exhaled as he returned to his room, looking to Nia as he both silently approached and sat beside her.


"Can't imagine they were too happy t' hear about it." Ruvik smirked, watching Chloe.

"You'd be surprised. I thought they'd all be mad at me. But the only thing they were mad about was the fact that I didn't tell them what I was doing sooner."
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Akumu watched Nia walk out, glancing back to Dei-Loki as he lowered his ears. "Y' sure yer alright?"

"I'm fine..." Dei-Loki quietly spoke, watching the floor. "Go t' yer wife... I'm gonna stay here and watch Masaru."

"You sure that's a good idea? He just tried t'--" Akumu stopped, noticing Dei-Loki glaring to him before Akumu would give a soft nod. "Right... just be careful..."

Dei-Loki watched Akumu walk out before looking back to Masaru again. His hand lowering from his own neck as he moved and sat beside him. His eyes on his gloves as he silently thought to himself.

Akumu exhaled as he returned to his room, looking to Nia as he both silently approached and sat beside her.

Nia got up and gently picked Masaru up with her magic, and then set him on the bed.

Then sitting in a chair hunching over with her sword in between her legs, gripping it tight enough to make her knuckles go white. "I'm not going to leave you alone with him Dei."
Nia got up and gently picked Masaru up with her magic, and then set him on the bed.

Then sitting in a chair hunching over with her sword in between her legs, gripping it tight enough to make her knuckles go white. "I'm not going to leave you alone with him Dei."

Dei-Loki widened his eyes a bit, following to the room as he looked to Nia. "It's fine! It was just a slip."

"A slip!?" Akumu growled, before forcing an exhale and closing his eyes. "Slip or no, this is safer than you two being alone."

"Yer gonna make him think that he's more of a threat!" Dei-Loki growled, his eyes trembling as they'd revealed something a bit more personal. Like he'd had first-hand experience with such an idea.


"Really?" Ruvik, clearly surprised, would reply. "The royals are alright with one of their own being a pirate."

"Well, in all honesty, I'm merely a pirate by association."

"... I'm sorry, I don't follow."
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Dei-Loki widened his eyes a bit, following to the room as he looked to Nia. "It's fine! It was just a slip."

"A slip!?" Akumu growled, before forcing an exhale and closing his eyes. "Slip or no, this is safer than you two being alone."

"Yer gonna make him think that he's a threat!" Dei-Loki growled, his eyes trembling as they'd revealed something a bit more personal. Like he'd had first-hand experience with such an idea.

"Because it is a threat Dei! It could have killed you!" Nia growled back in response. "I love him too Dei... but I also love you. I'd rather loose one loved one than two." Nia said softly, looking at her feet. "I don't like this anymore than you do... but that... thingshe said pointing to Masaru and looking up to Dei-Loki. "Isn't Masaru! It's dark, evil, twisted, and will NOT hesitate to kill you! Me, Akumu, Nicholas, Malvo, and everyone else we care about! "
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"Because it is a threat Dei! It could have killed you!" Nia growled back in response. "I love him too Dei... but I also love you. I'd rather loose one loved one than two." Nia said softly, looking at her feet. "I don't like this anymore than you do... but that... thingshe said pointing to Masaru and looking up to Dei-Loki. "Isn't Masaru! It's dark, evil, twisted, and will NOT hesitate to kill you! Me, Akumu, Nicholas, Malvo, and everyone else we care about! "

Dei-Loki bared his teeth in response. His fingers balling into fists. "He's still Masaru on the inside, kogitsune or no! And he'll be back to his normal self by the time we stop that darkness from consuming him completely, and we will because I made a fucking promise!" Arms crossing, Dei-Loki teared up and glared down to the floor. "Nobody like this deserves the mark of such negativity..." his gaze traveled to a mirror as he'd look at himself - speaking quieter. "Nobody..."


"My first mate does the stealing. I'm just in it for the exploration and treasure hunting. But... since I'm his captain, eh... guilty by association."

"Oh." Ruvik blinked, Chloe sighing with a nod.

"I don't mind it, though. If it means I get a ship and I get t' explore... I'm happy."
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Dei-Loki bared his teeth in response. His fingers balling into fists. "He's still Masaru on the inside, kogitsune or no! And he'll be back to his normal self by the time we stop that darkness from consuming him completely, and we will because I made a fucking promise!" Arms crossing, Dei-Loki teared up and glared down to the floor. "Nobody like this deserves the mark of such negativity..." his gaze traveled to a mirror as he'd look at himself - speaking quieter. "Nobody..."

"I just want to be prepared for the worst. " Nia sighed "I remember when Cheshire was in me. You guys gave me the benefit of the doubt. So, I will do the same for Masaru. Because I trust you Dei. But It would be wise to not be alone with him. Just to be safe. Okay?" She said calmly.
"I just want to be prepared for the worst. " Nia sighed "I remember when Cheshire was in me. You guys gave me the benefit of the doubt. So, I will do the same for Masaru. Because I trust you Dei. But It would be wise to not be alone with him. Just to be safe. Okay?" She said calmly.

Dei-Loki looked away from the mirror and down to the floor. His folded arms hugging himself tightly as he sighed and gave a nod, speaking quietly. "Thank you, Nia. And, okay..."
Nia's ears perked up. "That could work. That could definitely work."

"Where do we start, though?"

"Wherever the jump takes us."


"Have y' been all over the map, then?" Ruvik grinned, resting his arms on the ship's railing as Chloe had done the same.

"I have!" Chloe would proudly exclaim. Her gaze traveling to Ruvik before then to the water. "I've been everywhere from here, all the way to the tip of Actifis."

"I see." Ruvik glanced down to his hands, his grin remaining. "How well can this ship handle storms?"

"She handles them well." She chuckled, softly patting the railing. "It gets bumpy, yes. But, the Poison Cutlass hasn't failed me yet."
Masaru groaned at the talking going on his room. The voices ringing in his ears as he sat up, rubbing his eye. "Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut up. I'm trying to sleep. Why are you all yelling in my room?" Nicholas walked in and tossed Masaru an ice pack. "Take this. It'll soothe down your headache." Masaru grabbed aimlessly and sighed at the cold pad against his thrumming temples. "Back to sleep, Massy. You got a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong day ahead of you. As for all of you, can i talk to you guys in a separate room so that Masaru could get some sleep? Yeah. Good, let's go. Go back to sleep, Masaru." Masaru did as he was told to do. Nicholas said as he grabbed everyone and shoved him out the room, shutting the door with him. He then went to the kitchen, scratching the back of his neck as he began to make coffee. 
Masaru groaned at the talking going on his room. The voices ringing in his ears as he sat up, rubbing his eye. "Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut up. I'm trying to sleep. Why are you all yelling in my room?" Nicholas walked in and tossed Masaru an ice pack. "Take this. It'll soothe down your headache." Masaru grabbed aimlessly and sighed at the cold pad against his thrumming temples. "Back to sleep, Massy. You got a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong day ahead of you. As for all of you, can i talk to you guys in a separate room so that Masaru could get some sleep? Yeah. Good, let's go. Go back to sleep, Masaru." Masaru did as he was told to do. Nicholas said as he grabbed everyone and shoved him out the room, shutting the door with him. He then went to the kitchen, scratching the back of his neck as he began to make coffee. 

"That's a possibility, yes." Akumu would lift his brow. A faint smirk on his face as he sighed.

Nia sat on the kitchen counter. Looking at the ceiling as she spoke. "we gotta do something soon "
Masaru groaned at the talking going on his room. The voices ringing in his ears as he sat up, rubbing his eye. "Shuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuut up. I'm trying to sleep. Why are you all yelling in my room?" Nicholas walked in and tossed Masaru an ice pack. "Take this. It'll soothe down your headache." Masaru grabbed aimlessly and sighed at the cold pad against his thrumming temples. "Back to sleep, Massy. You got a loooooooooooooooooooooooooong day ahead of you. As for all of you, can i talk to you guys in a separate room so that Masaru could get some sleep? Yeah. Good, let's go. Go back to sleep, Masaru." Masaru did as he was told to do. Nicholas said as he grabbed everyone and shoved him out the room, shutting the door with him. He then went to the kitchen, scratching the back of his neck as he began to make coffee. 

Nia sat on the kitchen counter. Looking at the ceiling as she spoke. "we gotta do something soon "

Dei-Loki silently propped himself up against the wall while glaring to the ground. Softly rubbing his arm as his tail protectively curled around his waist.

Akumu watched Dei-Loki, softly sighing as be both lowered an ear and rubbed the back of his head. "The multi-world search is still on the table..."
Nia sat on the kitchen counter. Looking at the ceiling as she spoke. "we gotta do something soon "

Dei-Loki silently propped himself up against the wall while glaring to the ground. Softly rubbing his arm as his tail protectively curled around his waist.

Akumu watched Dei-Loki, softly sighing as be both lowered an ear and rubbed the back of his head. "The multi-world search is still on the table..."

Nicholas sighed, his voice was cold, showing no hint of emotion in it. "You can try, but it's highly likely that you won't find anything for him. I knew Masaru waaaaaaaaaaay before he knew me. The Council made sure of it. When they use to be good, before Alexander got replaced with Margoth. They gave me a vision of his past. I saw it all and more than i wanted to. The one thing that stuck out most to me was his father. Ayumu was just like Masaru. Just like him. Strong, stubborn and loved his family with all his heart. But then . . . the Nogitsune erupted inside of him like a volcano. It began to hurt Ayumu's wife. Its own soulmate. Then it was the kids Then it was the world, and before anyone could find a cure. He was longer than gone. If you want to find a cure for him. Then you better do it quick. He's already hurt Dei. Those marks around his neck don't lie about a thing. I'm going to check on him, make sure he's got anything." Nicholas began to walk towards the door before stopping and turning around. "Oh, and Nia. Don't kill him. . . . that's my job. I am his terrible Guardian after all." Nicholas raised his arms as if saying, 'what are you going to do?' before walking off, out of everyone's view. 

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