Indescribable (Closed)

After staring into her lovers eyes for a moment, she simply asked; ".... wanna make out?"

Blinking, Akumu grinned slightly as he'd lean down a bit closer. "Sure."

"Patience gentlemen, we strike at the perfect timing. Once the clothes are off we will send the weapons in." Masaru squatted way into the corner of the room and melted down the wall in the small corner with his decaying flames. 

Dei-Loki would nod, watching Masaru's actions as he'd both smirk and tuck his hands into his pockets. "Okie."
Blinking, Akumu grinned slightly as he'd lean down a bit closer. "Sure."

Dei-Loki would nod, watching Masaru's actions as he'd both smirk and tuck his hands into his pockets. "Okie."

Masaru waited by the whole. Nicholas went and grab the packets of firecrackers and smoke bombs. Nicholas then sat down and relaxed next to Masaru. Masaru patted the seat between them as Nicholas began to tie a few firecrackers and smoke bombs together. 
Nia heavily exhaled and half lidded her eyes, wrapping her arms around Akumu's neck.

Akumu would gently lock lips with Nia once close enough. His eyes slowly closing as he'd keep his hands on either side of her.

Masaru waited by the whole. Nicholas went and grab the packets of firecrackers and smoke bombs. Nicholas then sat down and relaxed next to Masaru. Masaru patted the seat between them as Nicholas began to tie a few firecrackers and smoke bombs together. 

Dei-Loki sat inbetween the two as he'd then help Nicholas out with tying the smoke bombs and fire crackers to one and other. His tail curling around his feet as he'd keep his knees bent and up to his chest.
Akumu would gently lock lips with Nia once close enough. His eyes slowly closing as he'd keep his hands on either side of her.

Nia also closed her eyes and returned the kiss. Breaking contact after a time "gods I love you!" She said slightly out of breath before bringing him back into the kissing with newfound energy and passion.
Nia also closed her eyes and returned the kiss. Breaking contact after a time "gods I love you!" She said slightly out of breath before bringing him back into the kissing with newfound energy and passion.

Akumu would gently lock lips with Nia once close enough. His eyes slowly closing as he'd keep his hands on either side of her.

Dei-Loki sat inbetween the two as he'd then help Nicholas out with tying the smoke bombs and fire crackers to one and other. His tail curling around his feet as he'd keep his knees bent and up to his chest.

Masaru looked to Dei and smiled. "You're a good helper. Nickel, hand me a few." Nicholas did and then Masaru worked on his own. He then pushed himself to the other side of the whole in the corner. He whispered, "once they're naked, Dei throw yours in and then Nicholas and I will throw ours in. And since they're naked, it'll take awhile for them to come out of there room and look for who did it. By that time, we'll be eating like kings that buffet. Don't worry, i'm payin'." Nicholas nodded with a smile, getting onto his belly as well as Masaru and waited right by the hole. 
Nia also closed her eyes and returned the kiss. Breaking contact after a time "gods I love you!" She said slightly out of breath before bringing him back into the kissing with newfound energy and passion.

"I love you, too." Akumu had panted, quickly returning the kiss as he'd both grin and begin to remove his shirt.

Masaru looked to Dei and smiled. "You're a good helper. Nickel, hand me a few." Nicholas did and then Masaru worked on his own. He then pushed himself to the other side of the whole in the corner. He whispered, "once they're naked, Dei throw yours in and then Nicholas and I will throw ours in. And since they're naked, it'll take awhile for them to come out of there room and look for who did it. By that time, we'll be eating like kings that buffet. Don't worry, i'm payin'." Nicholas nodded with a smile, getting onto his belly as well as Masaru and waited right by the hole. 

"Thank you." Dei-Loki smiled from the praise, before then nodding to the instruction as he'd peek in and wait for the right moment.
"I love you, too." Akumu had panted, quickly returning the kiss as he'd both grin and begin to remove his shirt.

Nia watched and grinned. "How about a role reversal? Instead of you being whipped and doing what I say, we switch it around. So how bout it? Show me your dominant side.~" Nia said also then taking off her shirt.
"I love you, too." Akumu had panted, quickly returning the kiss as he'd both grin and begin to remove his shirt.

"Thank you." Dei-Loki smiled from the praise, before then nodding to the instruction as he'd peek in and wait for the right moment.

Nia watched and grinned. "How about a role reversal? Instead of you being whipped and doing what I say, we switch it around. So how bout it? Show me your dominant side.~" Nia said also then taking off her shirt.

The boys waited. 
Nia watched and grinned. "How about a role reversal? Instead of you being whipped and doing what I say, we switch it around. So how bout it? Show me your dominant side.~" Nia said also then taking off her shirt.

Akumu held a grin as he tossed his shirt to the side, moving his face to Nia's neck as he kissed it gently. "Sure, why not."

The boys waited. 

Dei-Loki did the same.
Once he'd removed the rest of their clothes, Akumu grinned and kissed her once more.

Dei-Loki quickly grinned as he lit the fire cracker he had, quickly tossing it into the room before moving away from the hole.

Masaru and Nicholas used their demonic speed and put the rest of the lit firecrackers and smoke bombs into the hole. Masaru then jumped up. "Let's book it now." He quickly, but quietly left, holding Dei's hands as Nicholas shut the door and followed them to the buffet. 
Masaru and Nicholas used their demonic speed and put the rest of the lit firecrackers and smoke bombs into the hole. Masaru then jumped up. "Let's book it now." He quickly, but quietly left, holding Dei's hands as Nicholas shut the door and followed them to the buffet. 

Dei-Loki nodded, managing to quickly follow after Masaru so he wasn't dragged behind. His teeth loosely biting down on his tongue as he restrained his laughter until they got to the buffet.
Dei-Loki nodded, managing to quickly follow after Masaru so he wasn't dragged behind. His teeth loosely biting down on his tongue as he restrained his laughter until they got to the buffet.

Nicholas and Masaru jumped between and gave each other a high-five. They then patted Dei's back as they laughed. "The Devilish Boys are back!" Nicholas did a cartwheel followed by a back handspring, landing it perfectly as he cheered. "Now, shall we stop or continue?" Nicholas drummed his fingers on his hip before snapping. "I say, we continue until we get caught, whatya think, hot-stuff?" He looked to Dei with a smirk. 
Nia jumped upon hearing the loud bang.. "what the fuck was that!?!' she said sitting up to look around the room.

Akumu, whom also jumped, quickly looked in the direction of the many, mini explosions that would light up through the smoke. His ears flattening from the noise. "What-- Where the hell did those come from!?"

Nicholas and Masaru jumped between and gave each other a high-five. They then patted Dei's back as they laughed. "The Devilish Boys are back!" Nicholas did a cartwheel followed by a back handspring, landing it perfectly as he cheered. "Now, shall we stop or continue?" Nicholas drummed his fingers on his hip before snapping. "I say, we continue until we get caught, whatya think, hot-stuff?" He looked to Dei with a smirk. 

Dei-Loki grinned, looking between both Masaru and Nicholas as he'd laugh. That same grin remaining on his face as he nodded in approval. "That sounds like a plan t' me!"
Dei-Loki grinned, looking between both Masaru and Nicholas as he'd laugh. That same grin remaining on his face as he nodded in approval. "That sounds like a plan t' me!"

"Woo! Now, let's go eat. I'm hungry." Nicholas patted his belly. They found a seat and began to look for food to put on their plates. 
"Woo! Now, let's go eat. I'm hungry." Nicholas patted his belly. They found a seat and began to look for food to put on their plates. 

Dei-Loki followed, grabbing a plate for himself as he'd pick out the food he wanted. His stomach growling the moment the scents from the different foods made it to his nose.
Dei-Loki followed, grabbing a plate for himself as he'd pick out the food he wanted. His stomach growling the moment the scents from the different foods made it to his nose.

The boys sat down at their table. Masaru stretched. "Ah, so what's the next prank plan?" Nicholas tapped his chin. He fidgeted in his pockets and brought out laxatives. "We wait until they're out of their room. Then one of us, preferably Masaru, because he can hide in the shadows, can go and crush laxatives in their drinks in the fridge. Whatya think?" Masaru shrugged. 
The boys sat down at their table. Masaru stretched. "Ah, so what's the next prank plan?" Nicholas tapped his chin. He fidgeted in his pockets and brought out laxatives. "We wait until they're out of their room. Then one of us, preferably Masaru, because he can hide in the shadows, can go and crush laxatives in their drinks in the fridge. Whatya think?" Masaru shrugged. 

Though he could also hide in shadows, thanks to being a shadow-creature, Dei-Loki would remain silent as he'd both blink and also shrug upon sitting in his seat. His back against the back of his seat as he set his plate on the table. "That could work."
Though he could also hide in shadows, thanks to being a shadow-creature, Dei-Loki would remain silent as he'd both blink and also shrug upon sitting in his seat. His back against the back of his seat as he set his plate on the table. "That could work."

"You gotta any other ideas, Cutie?" Nicholas winked while Masaru sneered and squinted. 
Akumu, whom also jumped, quickly looked in the direction of the many, mini explosions that would light up through the smoke. His ears flattening from the noise. "What-- Where the hell did those come from!?"

Nia got up and walked over to the remains of the firecrackers. "Why" she blinked "is there a hole in our wall?"
"You gotta any other ideas, Cutie?" Nicholas winked while Masaru sneered and squinted. 

Dei-Loki blinked, snickering gently from Masaru's expression as he'd then bring his hands up to rub his own face. "Let's see... We could toss their clothes off the edge of the boat, we could place Pop Its underneath the toilet seat for them to go off when they either sit down or drop the seat down, I could summon a murder of shadow ravens to create chaos the bedroom like when a bird gets stuck in your house..."

Nia got up and walked over to the remains of the firecrackers. "Why" she blinked "is there a hole in our wall?"

Akumu blinked a few times. "What?" He cocked his brow, heading over to look through the hole in the wall.

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