Indescribable (Closed)

Masaru gave a happy sigh at the action. 
Yuki looked to Malvo as she chew the last one. "But they're sooooo good. Take one. Eat it, tell me how you like it." 

Dei-Loki snickered from the sigh, smiling as he huffed before blinking. "I've always wanted to ask, what's it like with so many tails? It's gotta be a pain, sometimes."


Malvo lifted a brow at that, taking one of the cream puffs before having tried it for herself.
Dei-Loki snickered from the sigh, smiling as he huffed before blinking. "I've always wanted to ask, what's it like with so many tails? It's gotta be a pain, sometimes."


Malvo lifted a brow at that, taking one of the cream puffs before having tried it for herself.

"Well, i can hide them in my spiritual form, but i never really want to. Yes, they might cause be discomfort, but . . . even though i'm a nogitsune. . . i don't want to forget what i really am. Where i came from. Even if it was from him. My mom always told me, "your father was a good man some when, but you'll be better. You're a Nogitsune. But you definitely are not a curse." Sometimes, i believe, so i keep my tails out. So that way . . . the world could see, that maybe i'm not the bad guy." Masaru watched the pew in front of him, studying the wood. 


"Good, right?"
"Well, i can hide them in my spiritual form, but i never really want to. Yes, they might cause be discomfort, but . . . even though i'm a nogitsune. . . i don't want to forget what i really am. Where i came from. Even if it was from him. My mom always told me, "your father was a good man some when, but you'll be better. You're a Nogitsune. But you definitely are not a curse." Sometimes, i believe, so i keep my tails out. So that way . . . the world could see, that maybe i'm not the bad guy." Masaru watched the pew in front of him, studying the wood. 


"Good, right?"

Dei-Loki listened, his fingers continuing their light, repeated run through his mate's hair. A smile still residing on his face as his eyes would close. "Well... you've more than proven ya aren't the bad guy, in my eyes..."


Quickly grabbing another, Malvo finished chewing the one she had before swallowing and smiling as she glanced to Yuki. "They're amazing!"
Dei-Loki listened, his fingers continuing their light, repeated run through his mate's hair. A smile still residing on his face as his eyes would close. "Well... you've more than proven ya aren't the bad guy, in my eyes..."


Quickly grabbing another, Malvo finished chewing the one she had before swallowing and smiling as she glanced to Yuki. "They're amazing!"

Masaru gave a small, ghostly smile as his eyes remained shut from the feeling. "Thanks. I try not to be. Not anymore at least. Not after i started loving you."

"I know right! I want an endless supply of these. A girl can only wish." Yuki sighed, popping one into her mouth and quickly ate it. Her tails wagged as she squealed with her mouth close. She twirled on her foot and sighed once she stopped. "Soooooooo good~." She laughed. 
"heh. I guess it does. Even though we... hardly know eachother." he said as Nia laid her head on Akumu's shoulder.

Akumu brought his arm around Nia, gently having chuckled. "Thank the gods we have time t' change that, eh?"

Masaru gave a small, ghostly smile as his eyes remained shut from the feeling. "Thanks. I try not to be. Not anymore at least. Not after i started loving you."

"I know right! I want an endless supply of these. A girl can only wish." Yuki sighed, popping one into her mouth and quickly ate it. Her tails wagged as she squealed with her mouth close. She twirled on her foot and sighed once she stopped. "Soooooooo good~." She laughed. 

Dei-Loki snickered gently as his ear had flicked. "I am the cure!"


Malvo chuckled gently as she watched Yuki twirl. Soon eating the other one in her hand as she blinked. "Y' try the cake, yet?"
Dei-Loki snickered gently as his ear had flicked. "I am the cure!"


Malvo chuckled gently as she watched Yuki twirl. Soon eating the other one in her hand as she blinked. "Y' try the cake, yet?"

Masaru laughed. "Yeah, you're definitely my cure. You're my wittle miracle. Although, if we have kids, i'm giving them that title." Masaru leaned up once more, pecking Dei's lips before laying back down. Masaru thought of something and snorted with a smile growing a immensely on his lips. "If we do have children, they're going to grow up, and be taller than you be the age of thirteen." 


"Yeah, i think i've tried about everything here." Yuki said, looking to Malvo. 'Except you', she thought and instantly blushed. She turned and grabbed another cream puff, trying to hide her face.
Masaru laughed. "Yeah, you're definitely my cure. You're my wittle miracle. Although, if we have kids, i'm giving them that title." Masaru leaned up once more, pecking Dei's lips before laying back down. Masaru thought of something and snorted with a smile growing a immensely on his lips. "If we do have children, they're going to grow up, and be taller than you be the age of thirteen." 


"Yeah, i think i've tried about everything here." Yuki said, looking to Malvo. 'Except you', she thought and instantly blushed. She turned and grabbed another cream puff, trying to hide her face.

Dei-Loki would return the peck. Pausing from the thought before then rubbing his face. "Now there's a reminder I don't think I needed." and, despite his words, he laughed gently at the thought.


Malvo quirked a brow from the blush, though she pretended not to notice as she'd look to the rest of the foods on the table. "I've just eaten the cake and cream puffs, thus far."
Dei-Loki would return the peck. Pausing from the thought before then rubbing his face. "Now there's a reminder I don't think I needed." and, despite his words, he laughed gently at the thought.


Malvo quirked a brow from the blush, though she pretended not to notice as she'd look to the rest of the foods on the table. "I've just eaten the cake and cream puffs, thus far."

"Don't worry though. That's a good thing. Because, even when they're taller than you, you'll be the cutest thing that i have ever laid eyes on. Although, them as babies on the other hand, you'll have some competition." Masaru snickered. 


"Oooo, then i gotta show you the chocolate fountain. You can dip; strawberries, pineapple, marshmallow, and so many other stuff!" Yuki grabbed her hand and ushered her to the fountain. "VOILA!"
"Don't worry though. That's a good thing. Because, even when they're taller than you, you'll be the cutest thing that i have ever laid eyes on. Although, them as babies on the other hand, you'll have some competition." Masaru snickered. 


"Oooo, then i gotta show you the chocolate fountain. You can dip; strawberries, pineapple, marshmallow, and so many other stuff!" Yuki grabbed her hand and ushered her to the fountain. "VOILA!"

"It's all still something t' look forward to, nonetheless." he'd snicker, as well.


"THERE'S A CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!?" Malvo widened her eyes, being ushered over without a fight as she stared toothed running chocolate in awe.
Akumu brought his arm around Nia, gently having chuckled. "Thank the gods we have time t' change that, eh?"

"I suppose we do" he said, interlocking his fingers on the table as he leaned forward slightly.

Nia sneezed. "wait. Did I hear someone say 'chocolate fountain'?"
"It's all still something t' look forward to, nonetheless." he'd snicker, as well.


"THERE'S A CHOCOLATE FOUNTAIN!?" Malvo widened her eyes, being ushered over without a fight as she stared toothed running chocolate in awe.

"That's true. One day, though, we'll get married first. Not today, obviously though, it's Nia's day. ONLY Nia's day." 

"I know, it's a gift from the Gods and Goddesses. Take your pick and dip. Dip, Pooka, dip!"
"I suppose we do" he said, interlocking his fingers on the table as he leaned forward slightly.

Nia sneezed. "wait. Did I hear someone say 'chocolate fountain'?"

Akumu quickly perked his ears in reaction to the sneeze. "Bless y'. And, yeah," He gestured over to the fountain where Yuki and Malvo were. "Right over there."

"That's true. One day, though, we'll get married first. Not today, obviously though, it's Nia's day. ONLY Nia's day." 

"I know, it's a gift from the Gods and Goddesses. Take your pick and dip. Dip, Pooka, dip!"

"Mhm." Dei-Loki nodded, leaning back. "And it should be the best day, for her."


Malvo's currently curled tail would soon wag rapidly as she quickly grabbed a marshmallow - dipping it before then quickly eating it with a heaven-driven sigh to follow.
Akumu quickly perked his ears in reaction to the sneeze. "Bless y'. And, yeah," He gestured over to the fountain where Yuki and Malvo were. "Right over there."

Nia zipped over to the fountain, dipping and eating a strawberry with a moan of satisfaction leaving her mouth, careful not to drip on her dress as she smiled at the other two there. "I couldn't resist" 


Aiden watched her go. "man, she hasnt changed much." she said with a chuckle.
Nia zipped over to the fountain, dipping and eating a strawberry with a moan of satisfaction leaving her mouth, careful not to drip on her dress as she smiled at the other two there. "I couldn't resist" 

"Mhm." Dei-Loki nodded, leaning back. "And it should be the best day, for her."


Malvo's currently curled tail would soon wag rapidly as she quickly grabbed a marshmallow - dipping it before then quickly eating it with a heaven-driven sigh to follow.

"She looks like she's having the time of her life." Masaru leaned his back even more in Dei's lap to see Nia dash to the chocolate fountain. He chuckled and shook his head.

"I knoooooooooow!" Yuki giggled then turned her head towards Nia. "Understandable. Havin' a good time, i hope?" 
Nia zipped over to the fountain, dipping and eating a strawberry with a moan of satisfaction leaving her mouth, careful not to drip on her dress as she smiled at the other two there. "I couldn't resist" 


Aiden watched her go. "man, she hasnt changed much." she said with a chuckle.
"She looks like she's having the time of her life." Masaru leaned his back even more in Dei's lap to see Nia dash to the chocolate fountain. He chuckled and shook his head.

"I knoooooooooow!" Yuki giggled then turned her head towards Nia. "Understandable. Havin' a good time, i hope?" 

Akumu chuckled at that, watching Nia go as he leaned back in his seat.


Malvo glanced to Nia as she made her way over, laughing in response as she nodded in agreement to Yuki.


Dei lifted a brow, watching as Nia rushed the chocolate fountain. A grin sliding up his face. "I should say so!"
Akumu chuckled at that, watching Nia go as he leaned back in his seat.


Malvo glanced to Nia as she made her way over, laughing in response as she nodded in agreement to Yuki.


Dei lifted a brow, watching as Nia rushed the chocolate fountain. A grin sliding up his face. "I should say so!"

"She looks like she's having the time of her life." Masaru leaned his back even more in Dei's lap to see Nia dash to the chocolate fountain. He chuckled and shook his head.

"I knoooooooooow!" Yuki giggled then turned her head towards Nia. "Understandable. Havin' a good time, i hope?" 

Nia nodded "happiest day of my life, chocolate fountain makes it even better" 


Aiden smirked. "you should have seen her when she was 15" 
Nia nodded "happiest day of my life, chocolate fountain makes it even better" 

Malvo glanced to Nia as she made her way over, laughing in response as she nodded in agreement to Yuki.


Dei lifted a brow, watching as Nia rushed the chocolate fountain. A grin sliding up his face. "I should say so!"

"Everyone's so happy. It's nice. It's different." Masaru's lips shrunk back into a ghostly smile once more. 

"You're right about that. Chocolate makes everything better." Yuki snickered. 
Nia nodded "happiest day of my life, chocolate fountain makes it even better" 


Aiden smirked. "you should have seen her when she was 15" 

"Everyone's so happy. It's nice. It's different." Masaru's lips shrunk back into a ghostly smile once more. 

"You're right about that. Chocolate makes everything better." Yuki snickered. 

"Was she as much of a ray of sunshine even then?"


"Truer words were never spoken." Malvo snickered, only to then lift her brow. "Unless changed to caramel."


"It is different. Everyone's so carefree and peaceful..." Dei-Loki gently exhaled. "It's almost off-putting..."
"Was she as much of a ray of sunshine even then?"


"Truer words were never spoken." Malvo snickered, only to then lift her brow. "Unless changed to caramel."

"Everyone's so happy. It's nice. It's different." Masaru's lips shrunk back into a ghostly smile once more. 

"You're right about that. Chocolate makes everything better." Yuki snickered. 

"Yeah, she had her hair cut rather short too."


Nia smirked, before raising her hands to the chocolate, after a few hand gestures, she turned it into caramel.
"Yeah, she had her hair cut rather short too."


Nia smirked, before raising her hands to the chocolate, after a few hand gestures, she turned it into caramel.

[SIZE= inherit]"Truer words were never spoken." [/SIZE][SIZE= inherit]Malvo snickered, only to then lift her brow. [/SIZE][SIZE= inherit]"Unless changed to caramel."[/SIZE]


"It is different. Everyone's so carefree and peaceful..." Dei-Loki gently exhaled. "It's almost off-putting..."

"Let's not worry about it now. . . right? Good day and all?" 


"Whoa! There ya go, Pooka!"
"Yeah, she had her hair cut rather short too."


Nia smirked, before raising her hands to the chocolate, after a few hand gestures, she turned it into caramel.
"Let's not worry about it now. . . right? Good day and all?" 


"Whoa! There ya go, Pooka!"

"Really?" Akumu widened his eyes in a bit of surprise, glancing to Aiden with a lifted brow.


Malvo's eyes sparkled with wonder as soon as the chocolate switched to caramel. Her finger wiping away a single tear as she smiled. "It's beaaaauuuuuutiful..."


Dei-Loki blinked, soon huffing as he closed his eyes and smirked - rubbing the back of his head. "Right! Sorry..."
"Really?" Akumu widened his eyes in a bit of surprise, glancing to Aiden with a lifted brow.


Malvo's eyes sparkled with wonder as soon as the chocolate switched to caramel. Her finger wiping away a single tear as she smiled. "It's beaaaauuuuuutiful..."


Dei-Loki blinked, soon huffing as he closed his eyes and smirked - rubbing the back of his head. "Right! Sorry..."

Aiden nodded. "she was also rather flat chested. But she was always so full of energy and optimism."


Nia did a curtsy "glad I could be of assistance" 
Malvo's eyes sparkled with wonder as soon as the chocolate switched to caramel. Her finger wiping away a single tear as she smiled. "It's beaaaauuuuuutiful..."


Dei-Loki blinked, soon huffing as he closed his eyes and smirked - rubbing the back of his head. "Right! Sorry..."

Nia did a curtsy "glad I could be of assistance" 

"Shhhhh, you're okay. I mean, if ya want, i could keep your mind busy right now." Masaru smirked, something that he hasn't done in a long while.

Yuki laughed at Malvo's reaction. "Go, Pooka, dip your soul out!" Yuki grabbed a strawberry, dipped it and bite into it. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~."
Aiden nodded. "she was also rather flat chested. But she was always so full of energy and optimism."


Nia did a curtsy "glad I could be of assistance" 
"Shhhhh, you're okay. I mean, if ya want, i could keep your mind busy right now." Masaru smirked, something that he hasn't done in a long while.

Yuki laughed at Malvo's reaction. "Go, Pooka, dip your soul out!" Yuki grabbed a strawberry, dipped it and bite into it. "MMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMMM~."

Akumu smiled from the second part, and he laughed gently. "Some things never change, then. I love how she just manages to light up the room."


"Thank you, Nia!" Malvo would thank after nodding. Grabbing a strawberry for herself before both dipping and eating with a wide grin.


Dei-Loki blinked a few times, glancing to Masaru as he both grinned and snickered. "Ooohhhhh?"

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