Indescribable (Closed)

"oh... ok..." she said, before releasing her partner and sitting down. "What would our kids look like? Elf and shadow wolf. I mean, we're not even from the same planet. Can we have kids in the first place?" She said putting her face on the table and whining, the veil, flopping over her face as she did so.

Akumu slowly sat down beside Nia, softly rubbing her back as he closed his eyes. "I'm sure it's possible, and I'm sure our kids will be beautiful. Beautiful, and strong."

"You wanna know the best part about their wedding?"

"What is it?"
Akumu slowly sat down beside Nia, softly rubbing her back as he closed his eyes. "I'm sure it's possible, and I'm sure our kids will be beautiful. Beautiful, and strong."

"I guess there's only one way to find out." she said sitting up, and attempted to blow the veil out of her face, only to have it float back. Repeating this process several times.
"Hopefully, the honeymoon will keep them busy so that way i can keep you busy as well." Masaru laid down his head onto Dei's lap and wiggled his eyebrows with a smile.

Dei-Loki lifted his brows, soon grinning and snickering as he softly patted Masaru's hair while nodding in agreement. "Ah, just think! We won't have anyone walking in on us."

"I guess there's only one way to find out." she said sitting up, and attempted to blow the veil out of her face, only to have it float back. Repeating this process several times.

Akumu gave an agreeing nod before soon looking to her as he gently chuckled, moving the veil out of her face. "Of course, I don't want to rush things. I want you t' feel ready for the idea before we try anything."
Akumu gave an agreeing nod before soon looking to her as he gently chuckled, moving the veil out of her face. "Of course, I don't want to rush things. I want you t' feel ready for the idea before we try anything."

"of course. We'll wait until we are ready." she said before sighing and looking around "where did everyone go?"
"of course. We'll wait until we are ready." she said before sighing and looking around "where did everyone go?"

Lifting a brow, he glanced around the ballroom with a lifted brow. "I'm not sure... I see Ruvik and Malvo, though."

"Oh, that would be heavenly."

Dei-Loki nodded once more, softly running his fingers through Masaru's hair as he snickered gently. "That it would."
Dei-Loki nodded once more, softly running his fingers through Masaru's hair as he snickered gently. "That it would."

Masaru hummed at touch. The feeling of Dei's fingers in his hair was driving him into a sweet, calming bliss. His ears twitched as he closed his eyes. "Can you never stop running your fingers through my hair, please?"
Lifting a brow, he glanced around the ballroom with a lifted brow. "I'm not sure... I see Ruvik and Malvo, though."

Nia waved at them as Aiden sat down next to her. "congratulations sis! You picked a good, loyal, whipped man. I commend you." he said ruffling her hair. "Hush you! And cut that out!" she said slapping him on the arm.
Masaru hummed at touch. The feeling of Dei's fingers in his hair was driving him into a sweet, calming bliss. His ears twitched as he closed his eyes. "Can you never stop running your fingers through my hair, please?"

Dei-Loki's smile grew, continuing his actions as he nodded. "I'll do it for as long as I can."

Nia waved at them as Aiden sat down next to her. "congratulations sis! You picked a good, loyal, whipped man. I commend you." he said ruffling her hair. "Hush you! And cut that out!" she said slapping him on the arm.

Malvo and Ruvik returned the wave, Akumu grinning before huffing from the comment. Watching them both as he held the still happy expression on his face.
"Nothin' in particular." Dei-Loki assured, looking down to the kogitsune in his lap as he smiled happily. 

"Y'know what be weird though? Especially when you and i do get married . . . i'm going to look like a pedophile. Thanks to you." Masaru poked his cheek.
"Y'know what be weird though? Especially when you and i do get married . . . i'm going to look like a pedophile. Thanks to you." Masaru poked his cheek.

Dei-Loki blinked and playfully squinted. "It's not my fault! I'm stuck being compact and adorable."
Dei-Loki blinked and playfully squinted. "It's not my fault! I'm stuck being compact and adorable."

"Damn right you are! You're so compact and adorable, i don't know why the officers haven't arrested me yet. Especially since it looks like i'm a pedo." He snickered. 
"With great effort... and magic. Lots and lots of magic." Dei-Loki would melt into the touch, closing his eyes.

Masaru snickered, he rubbed Dei's chin and then rested his hands on his own stomach. "No, Dei. Don't change anything about you for me. On occasion thouuuuuuuugh~, it would be nice if you changed a few things temporarily."
Masaru snickered, he rubbed Dei's chin and then rested his hands on his own stomach. "No, Dei. Don't change anything about you for me. On occasion thouuuuuuuugh~, it would be nice if you changed a few things temporarily."

Dei-Loki kept his eyes closed until Masaru moved his hand away from his face, to which then he'd open an eye and glance down to him. "As iiin..?"
Dei-Loki kept his eyes closed until Masaru moved his hand away from his face, to which then he'd open an eye and glance down to him. "As iiin..?"

". . . to be honest, i don't really know. Right now, you're imperfectly perfect." Masaru cupped Dei's cheek, sat up slightly to kiss him and then laid back down.
". . . to be honest, i don't really know. Right now, you're imperfectly perfect." Masaru cupped Dei's cheek, sat up slightly to kiss him and then laid back down.

Having perked his ears at that, Dei-Loki kissed Masaru in return. A snicker escaping himself as he'd then turn to kiss his hand soon after. "Nice t' know you think so~"

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