Indescribable (Closed)

Zuzana would exhale in discomfort during the first moments of the paste being applied, though she'd then blink after noticing the pain slowly subsiding and, by the time she had looked, the wound had been healed. And, with her eyes filling with surprise, she looked from the scar to Yuki. A smile on her face. "Thank you. Thank you so much."

Seeing the smile brightened Dei-Loki's own. His ears having perked as he had watched.

Akumu would nod in return, leaning back against the fridge once more as he huffed.


Reaver gave a single nod of understanding, blinking as he quirked his brow a bit more. "How many others were trapped?"

Nia left to go check on everyone else.


Aiden sighed "too many... some were there by choice... " he chuckled "but that is a story for another day"
"It's no problem. You should be thanking Dei a lot too. He helped a lot! Such a good son that you got there." Nicholas squinted. "Well I-." Masaru's hand, secretly out of Zuzana's view, squeezed onto Nicholas's genitals tightly enough to make Nicholas groan and shut up. "As i was saying, I think he did all the work! Yup! Such a good good son. You're lucky to have such a good son!" Masaru nodded, again secretly, patting Nicholas's lower region before resting his hands on his lap. 

Dei-Loki lifted his brows at the given responsibility, his brows somewhat furrowing and, before he could say anything against it, he turned his attention back to his mother.

"Did you?" She'd ask, slowly sitting up as she glanced over to Dei-Loki.

Dei rubbed the back of his head, smiling a bit as he watched her with a nod as he approached. "Ah, well, I felt like I owed it t' ya. Not to mention, it's no fun seeing you stuck in bed."

Zuzana's smile held its shape on her face as her expression held a warm feel. Soon gently pulling Dei-Loki into a hug as she rubbed his back. "Thank you, Dei-Loki."

Somewhat surprised, Dei-Loki still soon returned the hug. His eyes closing as the smile remained on his face. "Yer welcome, mam..."

Nia left to go check on everyone else.


Aiden sighed "too many... some were there by choice... " he chuckled "but that is a story for another day"

Akumu lifted his brow. Watching Nia go before having followed after her.


Reaver blinked, nodding as he had lowered an ear. "I see."
Dei-Loki lifted his brows at the given responsibility, his brows somewhat furrowing and, before he could say anything against it, he turned his attention back to his mother.

"Did you?" She'd ask, slowly sitting up as she glanced over to Dei-Loki.

Dei rubbed the back of his head, smiling a bit as he watched her with a nod as he approached. "Ah, well, I felt like I owed it t' ya. Not to mention, it's no fun seeing you stuck in bed."

Zuzana's smile held its shape on her face as her expression held a warm feel. Soon gently pulling Dei-Loki into a hug as she rubbed his back. "Thank you, Dei-Loki."

Somewhat surprised, Dei-Loki still soon returned the hug. His eyes closing as the smile remained on his face. "Yer welcome, mam..."

The boys and Yuki smiled at the endearing moment. Masaru leaned back in his chair. Something tightened in his heart, sinking stones in his stomach. He gulped down, trying to depress it. To stop the Nogitsune from getting too close to the surface. After a few seconds, the best in his head, his heart and in his soul/spirit subsided back into the darkness, lurking and waiting. Masaru smiled again, putting his best acting skills to the test, and presume to be normal.
Dei-Loki lifted his brows at the given responsibility, his brows somewhat furrowing and, before he could say anything against it, he turned his attention back to his mother.

"Did you?" She'd ask, slowly sitting up as she glanced over to Dei-Loki.

Dei rubbed the back of his head, smiling a bit as he watched her with a nod as he approached. "Ah, well, I felt like I owed it t' ya. Not to mention, it's no fun seeing you stuck in bed."

Zuzana's smile held its shape on her face as her expression held a warm feel. Soon gently pulling Dei-Loki into a hug as she rubbed his back. "Thank you, Dei-Loki."

Somewhat surprised, Dei-Loki still soon returned the hug. His eyes closing as the smile remained on his face. "Yer welcome, mam..."

Akumu lifted his brow. Watching Nia go before having followed after her.


Reaver blinked, nodding as he had lowered an ear. "I see."

@Forever J

Nia walked into the room everyone else was in. "how are you feeling now?" She asked Zuzana, while getting a strange vibe off Masaru. Like, stanger than normal. She pushed the thought aside for now though.


Aiden simply said "yep" before heading back inside.
The boys and Yuki smiled at the endearing moment. Masaru leaned back in his chair. Something tightened in his heart, sinking stones in his stomach. He gulped down, trying to depress it. To stop the Nogitsune from getting too close to the surface. After a few seconds, the best in his head, his heart and in his soul/spirit subsided back into the darkness, lurking and waiting. Masaru smiled again, putting his best acting skills to the test, and presume to be normal.

@Forever J

Nia walked into the room everyone else was in. "how are you feeling now?" She asked Zuzana, while getting a strange vibe off Masaru. Like, stanger than normal. She pushed the thought aside for now though.


Aiden simply said "yep" before heading back inside.

Malvo had gotten that same vibe once she glanced to the others, but remained silent. Her attention traveling back to her mother and brother as she'd hug herself slightly.

"Far better than before." Zuzana assured as she glanced to Nia. Loosening her hold on Dei-Loki soon after to allow him to straighten his posture.


Reaver watched as he went, soon having lifted his flamethrower before both turning and following him back inside.
Malvo had gotten that same vibe once she glanced to the others, but remained silent. Her attention traveling back to her mother and brother as she'd hug herself slightly.

"Far better than before." Zuzana assured as she glanced to Nia. Loosening her hold on Dei-Loki soon after to allow him to straighten his posture.

Yuki smiled and stood up. "Wanna try standing up and tell me how you feel?" She held out a hand to Zuzana. As this was happening, Masaru could feel a lightening bolt going off repeatedly in his head. The pain was immense, making him feel utterly sick to the very core of his being. He grabbed the wheelchair rims and rolled himself quickly to Zuzana's bathroom. He open the door, a crack in the threshold, throwing him out of the restroom. He then proceed to crawl quickly, even with his legs exploding in pain and his body producing a high fever, sweat dripping down his forehead, he finally made it to the toilet. Throwing the lid up and then throwing up. Black, inky substances went out of Masaru's mouth and into the toilet. He groaned once he was done, laying in sweat on the bathroom floor. "No more. Please. No more." Nicholas flushed the toilet's remnants and picked him up into one arm, having Masaru hang his arms around Nicholas's neck. "I got you. I got you. Shhhhh, i got you." He patted Masaru's back as Masaru mumbled incoherent words.
Yuki smiled and stood up. "Wanna try standing up and tell me how you feel?" She held out a hand to Zuzana. As this was happening, Masaru could feel a lightening bolt going off repeatedly in his head. The pain was immense, making him feel utterly sick to the very core of his being. He grabbed the wheelchair rims and rolled himself quickly to Zuzana's bathroom. He open the door, a crack in the threshold, throwing him out of the restroom. He then proceed to crawl quickly, even with his legs exploding in pain and his body producing a high fever, sweat dripping down his forehead, he finally made it to the toilet. Throwing the lid up and then throwing up. Black, inky substances went out of Masaru's mouth and into the toilet. He groaned once he was done, laying in sweat on the bathroom floor. "No more. Please. No more." Nicholas flushed the toilet's remnants and picked him up into one arm, having Masaru hang his arms around Nicholas's neck. "I got you. I got you. Shhhhh, i got you." He patted Masaru's back as Masaru mumbled incoherent words.

Zuzana gave a nod, taking Yuki's hand as she stood. Her gaze quickly shifted to Masaru as Dei-Loki's, Malvo's and, eventually Akumu's gazes had done the same.

In an instant, Dei-Loki darted over to the bathroom to follow after. His ears having flattened against his head while listening to the gagging noises before Nicholas went to console. With his stomach in knots, he wasted no time in joining in on the consoling. Softly rubbing Masaru's back as concern swirled about in his gaze.
Nia helped Zuzana aswell. Closing her eyes as she focused. "He feels

... sick, in pain, maybe scared? Scared of something dark within him. Somthing dark and twisted." she said more to herself than anyone else. Then opening her eyes "but like, more dark and twisted than Masaru already is..." she said blinking.


@Forever J

Nia helped Zuzana aswell. Closing her eyes as she focused. "He feels

... sick, in pain, maybe scared? Scared of something dark within him. Somthing dark and twisted." she said more to herself than anyone else. Then opening her eyes "but like, more dark and twisted than Masaru already is..." she said blinking.


@Forever J


Masaru's ears twitched. He slowly turned his head towards the sound. His pupils constricted, making only tiny black dots in his golden irises. A blush crept onto his cheeks as he seemed sluggish. "Maria~. My sweet, little fox. Don't fight with me, Ma-ri-a~. This is for your own good. Your daddy's going to be juuuuuuuuust fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine~. Don't cry. Stop crying, my little fox. I'll be juuuuuuust fiiiiiiine~. Go home, back to your Mommy. I'll be home shortly after i take one more stop on my journey." He petted Nia's hair with a smile. "I'll be back. I'll always be back. I'll never forget any of you. My sweet, little Maria. My little fox, don't cry." He continued to pet Nia's hair and soon fell into unconsciousness. "What's happening to him, Yuki?" Yuki looked to her feet. "The same, first thing that happened to our Father as he slowly lost it." Nicholas clutched Masaru tightly to his chest. "How do we stop it?" Yuki shook her head. "I don't know. It's never been done before. Our line runs with only pain and bad endings. Especially for the last males. The first male Oshiro had the Nogitsune blood. He then passed it on to the last sons of each Oshiro. When a Nogitsune son turns into a father, he will have three boys. The last boy has always been the next Nogitsune. Yet, no one has figured out how to stop it." Nicholas sighed. "Where are your other family members?" Yuki's lips quivered before she too let out a shaky sigh. "You know that answer, Nicholas. Masaru and myself are the last Oshiros. The rest live six feet under."
Masaru's ears twitched. He slowly turned his head towards the sound. His pupils constricted, making only tiny black dots in his golden irises. A blush crept onto his cheeks as he seemed sluggish. "Maria~. My sweet, little fox. Don't fight with me, Ma-ri-a~. This is for your own good. Your daddy's going to be juuuuuuuuust fiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiine~. Don't cry. Stop crying, my little fox. I'll be juuuuuuust fiiiiiiine~. Go home, back to your Mommy. I'll be home shortly after i take one more stop on my journey." He petted Nia's hair with a smile. "I'll be back. I'll always be back. I'll never forget any of you. My sweet, little Maria. My little fox, don't cry." He continued to pet Nia's hair and soon fell into unconsciousness. "What's happening to him, Yuki?" Yuki looked to her feet. "The same, first thing that happened to our Father as he slowly lost it." Nicholas clutched Masaru tightly to his chest. "How do we stop it?" Yuki shook her head. "I don't know. It's never been done before. Our line runs with only pain and bad endings. Especially for the last males. The first male Oshiro had the Nogitsune blood. He then passed it on to the last sons of each Oshiro. When a Nogitsune son turns into a father, he will have three boys. The last boy has always been the next Nogitsune. Yet, no one has figured out how to stop it." Nicholas sighed. "Where are your other family members?" Yuki's lips quivered before she too let out a shaky sigh. "You know that answer, Nicholas. Masaru and myself are the last Oshiros. The rest live six feet under."

Dei-Loki's heart sank as he watched. Ears flat against his head as his mind slowly wrapped around what was going on. With a shaky sigh of his own, he rubbed his face in thought before closing his eyes and balling his hands into fists once they'd left the contact with his face. His position falling into a sit as he took the unconscious kogitsune's hand into his own. Lacing their fingers together with his worried yet angrily determined gaze locked down on the action. "We'll... We'll find a way t' stop it. We're not loosing him to this. I refuse. I diúltaím! I REFUSE!"

Malvo shifted slightly, listening to Dei-Loki temporarily switch to the Màkrish language out of his typical anger before back to English once more. A huff fleeing her nose.
Nia watched and listened feeling a knot in her stomach, as her heart sank at Yuki's words  "The same, first thing that happened to our Father as he slowly lost it."

She reached out to touch him, but then retracted her hand, looking to Yuki as she spoke, clearly saddened and distraught by this turn of events. "Yuki, what's going to happen to him? Is-is he going to be okay?"
Nia watched and listened feeling a knot in her stomach, as her heart sank at Yuki's words  "The same, first thing that happened to our Father as he slowly lost it."

She reached out to touch him, but then retracted her hand, looking to Yuki as she spoke, clearly saddened and distraught by this turn of events. "Yuki, what's going to happen to him? Is-is he going to be okay?"

"I don't. . . i don't know, Nia. For the first time, in the long time, i can't see what's going to happen. The future is blurry. Gods damn it, Masaru. Why did you have to kill him? What was your point in killing Dad?" Masaru shifted, waking up to clutch onto Dei's hand. His voice raspy and raw as he spoke. "Because i was mad at the world, Yukiine. He took the world from me. My everything. He ruined my childhood, my love for anything. I was numb inside, couldn't feel the pain. Almost as if i was drowning in the coldest water known to man kind. I'm sorry." Yuki stood up and patted Masaru's head. 
Nia watched and listened feeling a knot in her stomach, as her heart sank at Yuki's words  "The same, first thing that happened to our Father as he slowly lost it."

She reached out to touch him, but then retracted her hand, looking to Yuki as she spoke, clearly saddened and distraught by this turn of events. "Yuki, what's going to happen to him? Is-is he going to be okay?"

"I don't. . . i don't know, Nia. For the first time, in the long time, i can't see what's going to happen. The future is blurry. Gods damn it, Masaru. Why did you have to kill him? What was your point in killing Dad?" Masaru shifted, waking up to clutch onto Dei's hand. His voice raspy and raw as he spoke. "Because i was mad at the world, Yukiine. He took the world from me. My everything. He ruined my childhood, my love for anything. I was numb inside, couldn't feel the pain. Almost as if i was drowning in the coldest water known to man kind. I'm sorry." Yuki stood up and patted Masaru's head. 

Dei-Loki kept his emerald eyes on Masaru's hand, softly clutching it in return before gently rubbing the back of it with his free hand in complete silence. His mind violently dancing through his thoughts as he'd try to come up with something. A solution, aid, anything! Nothing coming to mind driving a major, metaphorical spike through Dei-Loki's heart, leaving him with the stinging, heavy and sinking feeling of helplessness weighing on him. 
Nia stood up "I can't see him like this" she said stepping out into the hall, where she'd then sit in the floor, back against the wall as she looked up at the ceiling.
Dei-Loki kept his emerald eyes on Masaru's hand, softly clutching it in return before gently rubbing the back of it with his free hand in complete silence. His mind violently dancing through his thoughts as he'd try to come up with something. A solution, aid, anything! Nothing coming to mind driving a major, metaphorical spike through Dei-Loki's heart, leaving him with the stinging, heavy and sinking feeling of helplessness weighing on him. 

"We'll find a way. We always do, right, Squishy? You're right, i'm not letting you go that easily."
"We'll find a way. We always do, right, Squishy? You're right, i'm not letting you go that easily."

Dei-Loki nodded, softly kissing his hand in the process. "Right. I'll make sure we'll find a way."

Nia stood up "I can't see him like this" she said stepping out into the hall, where she'd then sit in the floor, back against the wall as she looked up at the ceiling.

Akumu moved so Nia could exit, soon glancing to her with a sigh before heading over to sit beside her.
Dei-Loki nodded, softly kissing his hand in the process. "Right. I'll make sure we'll find a way."

Akumu moved so Nia could exit, soon glancing to her with a sigh before heading over to sit beside her.

Nia hugged tight to Akumu, softly crying into his shoulders. "I don't want to loose him. We have to find a way. We have to..."
Nia hugged tight to Akumu, softly crying into his shoulders. "I don't want to loose him. We have to find a way. We have to..."

Akumu would return the tight embrace as his hand would gently rub her back. "I know, and we will. I'm sure of it..."

Masaru laid his head back onto Nicholas's chest. "We always do."

Dei-Loki softly squeezed Masaru's hand once more, heavily sighing as he closed his eyes.
Akumu would return the tight embrace as his hand would gently rub her back. "I know, and we will. I'm sure of it..."

Dei-Loki softly squeezed Masaru's hand once more, heavily sighing as he closed his eyes.

Nia took a deep breath then stood, soon reentering the room, clapping her hands together once. "ALRIGHT! No more moping around! Zuzana is up and able again! Time to have us a wedding!" 

@Forever J
Nia took a deep breath then stood, soon reentering the room, clapping her hands together once. "ALRIGHT! No more moping around! Zuzana is up and able again! Time to have us a wedding!" 

@Forever J

Nicholas, Yuki and Masaru nodded. "Can i let you go now?" Masaru yawned and shook his head. Nicholas sighed. "I really am your butler." Masaru snickered and nodded. 
Nia took a deep breath then stood, soon reentering the room, clapping her hands together once. "ALRIGHT! No more moping around! Zuzana is up and able again! Time to have us a wedding!" 

@Forever J

Akumu watched her. Listening as he slowly stood and peeked in.

Malvo nodded to that. Looking from Nia to the others.

Nicholas, Yuki and Masaru nodded. "Can i let you go now?" Masaru yawned and shook his head. Nicholas sighed. "I really am your butler." Masaru snickered and nodded. 

Dei-Loki smirked a small bit as he listened. Glancing to both Nicholas and Masaru after temporarily glancing to Nia.
Masaru sat in the rows. Feeling decent after puking his guts out a few days back. Yuki sat next to him as Nicholas sat on the other side of him.
Nia's heart was racing and she soflty exhaled, waiting for her que to enter.
Masaru sat in the rows. Feeling decent after puking his guts out a few days back. Yuki sat next to him as Nicholas sat on the other side of him.

Akumu waited up at the alter for Nia, a soft exhale slipping through his teeth as he held his hands behind him.

Dei-Loki and Malvo sat together in the same row as their parents. A smile forming on Malvo's face as she leaned back.

"Gods, I don't think I've ever seen him this nervous..." Dei-Loki commented, Malvo grinning.

"As t' be expected on such a big day. Think he'll be able to stomach cake after the major anxiety is through?" Malvo asked, Dei-Loki snickering.

"Have we ever known him t' ever turn down cake? That's like uncle saying no to pastries. It's unheard of." And, after getting a quiet chuckle out of Malvo, Dei-Loki then glanced back to Masaru and the others - whom had been seated behind them. His ear having slowly lowered as he quietly asked; "How y' holding up?"

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