Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki snickered a bit more, softly rubbing Masaru's hand before then glancing to Nicholas with a nod.

"Woo! Give me all the dirty dets." Nicholas rose his fist to the air in excitement. Yuki rolled her eyes. "Anyways. When is this wedding happening? I hope soon. I'm ready for some wedding cake."
"Woo! Give me all the dirty dets." Nicholas rose his fist to the air in excitement. Yuki rolled her eyes. "Anyways. When is this wedding happening? I hope soon. I'm ready for some wedding cake."

"as soon as Dei's mom is ok. We should have it the week of." Nia said with a smile.


Aiden raised a brow. "Reminds me of someone I once met... Turned a Thermos into a fire launcher."
"Woo! Give me all the dirty dets." Nicholas rose his fist to the air in excitement. Yuki rolled her eyes. "Anyways. When is this wedding happening? I hope soon. I'm ready for some wedding cake."
"as soon as Dei's mom is ok. We should have it the week of." Nia said with a smile.


Aiden raised a brow. "Reminds me of someone I once met... Turned a Thermos into a fire launcher."

Akumu nodded in agreement, a smile on his face as he closed his eyes. "Wouldn't be fair to not have her be a part of it."


Reaver raised his brows at this, grinning a bit at the thought. "What-- really!?"
Akumu nodded in agreement, a smile on his face as he closed his eyes. "Wouldn't be fair to not have her be a part of it."

Yuki nodded with them. "If ya want, i could probably heal her up in no time. If it's not a magic injury, that is. If it's something like a stab wound or of some sort. I just need a few items; aloe vera, peppermint, thyme, rosemary, chamomile, pot marigold, sage, and lavender. I also need need wolf's blood." She looked at Malvo, Dei and then to even Nicholas. "I'll help." Yuki shook her head. "Absolutely not. You need to gain back your aura. It's almost gone, Masaru. If you use it up anymore, you'll never get it back, and then the Nogitsune." Masaru sighed, "I get it. If i stay weak, the Nogitsune could takeover completely." Yuki petted her brother's head and kissed his temple. 
Yuki nodded with them. "If ya want, i could probably heal her up in no time. If it's not a magic injury, that is. If it's something like a stab wound or of some sort. I just need a few items; aloe vera, peppermint, thyme, rosemary, chamomile, pot marigold, sage, and lavender. I also need need wolf's blood." She looked at Malvo, Dei and then to even Nicholas. "I'll help." Yuki shook her head. "Absolutely not. You need to gain back your aura. It's almost gone, Masaru. If you use it up anymore, you'll never get it back, and then the Nogitsune." Masaru sighed, "I get it. If i stay weak, the Nogitsune could takeover completely." Yuki petted her brother's head and kissed his temple. 

Dei-Loki looked up and over to Yuki, speaking with absolutely no hesitation. "Use mine."

Malvo widened her eyes at that, looking to her brother as she lowered an ear. "Are y' sure that's wise? I mean, the Corruption--"

"It won't be an issue. I've got enough untainted blood in my veins to spare, seeing as it hasn't completely spread, yet." 

"... I could always lend mine--"

"No!" Dei-Loki growled, causing both Malvo and Akumu to fall silent. He then sighed, rubbing his face. "... I'm sorry... just... please. Please let me help heal mam. Let me do this. I owe it t' her. Please..."
Dei-Loki looked up and over to Yuki, speaking with absolutely no hesitation. "Use mine."

Malvo widened her eyes at that, looking to her brother as she lowered an ear. "Are y' sure that's wise? I mean, the Corruption--"

"It won't be an issue. I've got enough untainted blood in my veins to spare, seeing as it hasn't completely spread, yet." 

"... I could always lend mine--"

"No!" Dei-Loki growled, causing both Malvo and Akumu to fall silent. He then sighed, rubbing his face. "... I'm sorry... just... please. Please let me help heal mam. Let me do this. I owe it t' her. Please..."

Yuki and Nicholas blinked. Masaru, on the other hand, nodded. "Let Dei do this. We all know how stubborn he gets, so let him just do it. As long as he's sure that it won't harm him nor his mother, then it shall be no harm."
Nia nodded aswell "I agree with Masaru, Dei should do it. If its safe of course."


Aiden chuckled "I have seen some mighty strange things in my time. And met even stranger people."
Yuki and Nicholas blinked. Masaru, on the other hand, nodded. "Let Dei do this. We all know how stubborn he gets, so let him just do it. As long as he's sure that it won't harm him nor his mother, then it shall be no harm."
Nia nodded aswell "I agree with Masaru, Dei should do it. If its safe of course."


Aiden chuckled "I have seen some mighty strange things in my time. And met even stranger people."

Dei-Loki lowered his hands from his face, smiling from the support as he'd then nod to both Masaru and Nia. "Thank you..."


Reaver grinned, resting his weapon on his shoulder as his brows lifted. "Well, that makes two of us, then."
Dei-Loki lowered his hands from his face, smiling from the support as he'd then nod to both Masaru and Nia. "Thank you..."


Reaver grinned, resting his weapon on his shoulder as his brows lifted. "Well, that makes two of us, then."

Nia smiled in return "your welcome"


Aiden smirked "so are you going to use that or not?"
"As long as you know what you're doing. I'll be there to back you up, one hundred percent."
Nia smiled in return "your welcome"


Aiden smirked "so are you going to use that or not?"

"I do know." Dei-Loki assured, sighing through his small smile as he closed his eyes.

Akumu blinked several times, soon exhaling while Malvo unintentionally mimicked his actions.


Reaver blinked, but soon grinned as he took the blade off of his shoulder. "Oh! Right." He'd then, after pointing his weapon forward, would pull back the trigger now at the base of the guard. The flame soon shooting from the nozzle as it easily engulfed the blade. The action surprisingly not as loud as one would think.
"I do know." Dei-Loki assured, sighing through his small smile as he closed his eyes.

Akumu blinked several times, soon exhaling while Malvo unintentionally mimicked his actions.


Reaver blinked, but soon grinned as he took the blade off of his shoulder. "Oh! Right." He'd then, after pointing his weapon forward, would pull back the trigger now at the base of the guard. The flame soon shooting from the nozzle as it easily engulfed the blade. The action surprisingly not as loud as one would think.

Nia booped Akumu.


Aiden watched and whistled at the sight. 
"Then let's do this. Can i get my ingredients please?"

Malvo nodded, sliding off of her chair before then looking over to Yuki. "Let me go round it all up for y'."

Nia booped Akumu.


Aiden watched and whistled at the sight. 

Akumu blinked, smiling widely as he booped her in return.


Reaver held his grin, looking to his blade. "The only real flaw is that it eats up a LOT of fuel, no matter what I use for it."
Malvo nodded, sliding off of her chair before then looking over to Yuki. "Let me go round it all up for y'."

Akumu blinked, smiling widely as he booped her in return.


Reaver held his grin, looking to his blade. "The only real flaw is that it eats up a LOT of fuel, no matter what I use for it."

Nia giggled at the response.


Aiden nodded. "If only you could store it in like a pocket dimension or something" he said with a chuckle.
Yuki nodded.

Malvo would nod once more, quickly heading off to do so. Dei-Loki watching her go before letting out a shaky sigh.

Nia giggled at the response.


Aiden nodded. "If only you could store it in like a pocket dimension or something" he said with a chuckle.

Akumu couldn't help but keep his smile as he'd heard the giggle, soon tugging Nia into an embrace as he'd happily huff.


Reaver snickered, easing up on the trigger as he nodded. "That would be useful."
Malvo would nod once more, quickly heading off to do so. Dei-Loki watching her go before letting out a shaky sigh.

Akumu couldn't help but keep his smile as he'd heard the giggle, soon tugging Nia into an embrace as he'd happily huff.

 Masaru looked to Dei as he gave a shaky sigh. "What's up?"
Malvo would nod once more, quickly heading off to do so. Dei-Loki watching her go before letting out a shaky sigh.

Akumu couldn't help but keep his smile as he'd heard the giggle, soon tugging Nia into an embrace as he'd happily huff.


Reaver snickered, easing up on the trigger as he nodded. "That would be useful."

Nia snuggled her petite little body into the imbrace. Happily letting out a breath as she watched Malvo leave, then turning to Yuki "so where and when did you learn medicine?" she would ask.


Aiden glanced around. "you wouldn't happen to have a place I could do some target practice do you?"
 Masaru looked to Dei as he gave a shaky sigh. "What's up?"

Dei-Loki blinked, returning Masaru's look before looking to the table. "Nearly the entire time I've been back here, I've felt guilty with what happened to her. I'm just hoping this'll remove that guilt."

Nia snuggled her petite little body into the imbrace. Happily letting out a breath as she watched Malvo leave, then turning to Yuki "so where and when did you learn medicine?" she would ask.


Aiden glanced around. "you wouldn't happen to have a place I could do some target practice do you?"

Akumu rubbed Nia's back gently as he listened. His gaze traveling to Dei-Loki as he silently sighed.


"We do. We've got a whole training area around back."
Dei-Loki blinked, returning Masaru's look before looking to the table. "Nearly the entire time I've been back here, I've felt guilty with what happened to her. I'm just hoping this'll remove that guilt."

Akumu rubbed Nia's back gently as he listened. His gaze traveling to Dei-Loki as he silently sighed.


"We do. We've got a whole training area around back."

Nia looked to Dei. "I'm sure it will. Almost like the plot demands it..." Nia said looking into the camera.


"mind showing me how to get there?"
Dei-Loki blinked, returning Masaru's look before looking to the table. "Nearly the entire time I've been back here, I've felt guilty with what happened to her. I'm just hoping this'll remove that guilt."

Nia snuggled her petite little body into the imbrace. Happily letting out a breath as she watched Malvo leave, then turning to Yuki "so where and when did you learn medicine?" she would ask.

"Well. When i can't really say. I'm still learning it. Although, where is a different story.  La Nouvelle-Orléans, the end of year, 1718. I met a very very old friend that taught me many spells. He taught a lot of people. That's why New Orleans is know as the Supernatural's Vacation. Well, use to, before the whole world found out about Supernaturals." Masaru nodded and then looked back to Dei. "Don't be. She's alive. She's healthy, and once Yuki does a few spells onto her. She'll be good as new. Even better, hopefully. I just hope that your Mother can handle blood and the smell of herbs."
Nia looked to Dei. "I'm sure it will. Almost like the plot demands it..." Nia said looking into the camera.


"mind showing me how to get there?"
"Well. When i can't really say. I'm still learning it. Although, where is a different story.  La Nouvelle-Orléans, the end of year, 1718. I met a very very old friend that taught me many spells. He taught a lot of people. That's why New Orleans is know as the Supernatural's Vacation. Well, use to, before the whole world found out about Supernaturals." Masaru nodded and then looked back to Dei. "Don't be. She's alive. She's healthy, and once Yuki does a few spells onto her. She'll be good as new. Even better, hopefully. I just hope that your Mother can handle blood and the smell of herbs."

Akumu had listened intently, blinking in the process of this as Dei-Loki nodded to Nia before then glancing to Masaru. A faint smirk on his face. "She can."


Reaver, having nodded, would press the button on his weapon again - allowing it to revert back to normal before he then began to lead the way. "Right this way."
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Akumu had listened intently, blinking in the process of this as Dei-Loki nodded to Nia before then glancing to Masaru. A faint smirk on his face. "She can."


Reaver, having nodded, would press the button on his weapon again - allowing it to revert back to normal before he then began to lead the way. "Right this way."

Nia continued to cuddle into Akumu.


Aiden followed, once there he would ask. "Is the gravity here different from earth?"
Akumu had listened intently, blinking in the process of this as Dei-Loki nodded to Nia before then glancing to Masaru. A faint smirk on his face. "She can."

"Good! Then we'll be good to go. Now, that i think about it. I'll need your blood too, Nick." Nicholas folded his arms behind his head and leaned back. "Whatever. Anything to help." 

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