Indescribable (Closed)

"whos that?" she would ask, looking in his direction.

"That's the All-Father." Akumu quietly would reply to Nia's question. Dei-Loki scooting behind the both of them.

"Yes. And I... am not here." Dei-Loki quietly spoke up, Akumu sighing softly.

"He's going t' know you're there, just own up to what you did. I'm sure his punishment won't be extreme."

"You clearly don't know him as well as I do." Dei-Loki whispered, clearly in a frustrated and nervous state once more.

"Dei-Loki!" Odin thundered, Dei-Loki having whined.

"That's the All-Father." Akumu quietly would reply to Nia's question. Dei-Loki scooting behind the both of them.

"Yes. And I... am not here." Dei-Loki quietly spoke up, Akumu sighing softly.

"He's going t' know you're there, just own up to what you did. I'm sure his punishment won't be extreme."

"You clearly don't know him as well as I do." Dei-Loki whispered, clearly in a frustrated and nervous state once more.

"Dei-Loki!" Odin thundered, Dei-Loki having whined.


Nia waved at him "Hiiiiiii!" Nia said happily, then pulling loki over to him by the ear. "Come on dei. Let's talk to the guy." 
Nia waved at him "Hiiiiiii!" Nia said happily, then pulling loki over to him by the ear. "Come on dei. Let's talk to the guy." 

Dei-Loki widened his eyes, soon wincing as he'd been tugged along. "Ow! Nia, no! Please!"

Odin watched while Nia dragged Dei-Loki over. A stern sort of look on his stoic exterior.
Dei-Loki widened his eyes, soon wincing as he'd been tugged along. "Ow! Nia, no! Please!"

Odin watched while Nia dragged Dei-Loki over. A stern sort of look on his stoic exterior.

"here he is" Nia said letting go, and looking up at him with a overly happy smile.
Yuki still laid in bed, passed out from the sedative that could take out twenty elephants. On the other hand, Masaru let Nicholas wheeled him around in the wheelchair. Masaru sighed and switched a bit. He hissed at the feeling of static pain in his legs. "I get it, you don't like staying in one place for too long, but you've only been in this chair for five minutes. The nurse said that the spell that the Council put on you will leave shortly." Masaru growled, "How long is shortly!? I can't stay in this, Nicholas! Ah!" Masaru winced and punched his armrest at the feeling of his legs buzzing with energy and sizzling. "Just relax. Let's go find something to keep your attention busy." Nicholas continued to push Masaru down the hallway. Masaru sighed, a frown went onto his lips as he stared at the ground. Nothing hurt more than knowing that your Mother's grave, and the falling cherry blossom on the trees and the green, fresh grass was nothing, but burnt memories. How everything he worked hard for, and lived for was nothing, but rubble as the forest of Trystle caught on fire. As the creatures ran and were killed. As the photos of their family flew gently in the wind, only to crumple up as the fire caught it and engulfed it. Nothing hurt more than knowing that he will never go home again.
"here he is" Nia said letting go, and looking up at him with a overly happy smile.

"Thanks... for that..." Dei-Loki grimaced through the sarcasm, rubbing his face as he glanced up at Odin in an... 'innocent', very Loki-esk fashion. "Ah... eh... Hello, grandfather... What brings you off of the Asgardian throne?"

Odin would stare for a moment as his gaze would slowly narrow. "I do believe you know exactly why I've come here, little Loki."

Dei-Loki grimaced at this, rubbing the back of his head as he'd nervously let loose a chuckle. "Ah! That. Well... yes... I can explain. There's a reason. A method t' my madness! Because, you see--"

"You think I care that there is a reason!?" Odin would thunder once more. "There was a promise that you made t' us all. A promise that restricts most use of your powers for the safety of others. Therefore option should be null, and VOID!"

Dei-Loki flinched from the shouting, his hands clenching into fists.
"Thanks... for that..." Dei-Loki grimaced through the sarcasm, rubbing his face as he glanced up at Odin in an... 'innocent', very Loki-esk fashion. "Ah... eh... Hello, grandfather... What brings you off of the Asgardian throne?"

Odin would stare for a moment as his gaze would slowly narrow. "I do believe you know exactly why I've come here, little Loki."

Dei-Loki grimaced at this, rubbing the back of his head as he'd nervously let loose a chuckle. "Ah! That. Well... yes... I can explain. There's a reason. A method t' my madness! Because, you see--"

"You think I care that there is a reason!?" Odin would thunder once more. "There was a promise that you made t' us all. A promise that restricts most use of your powers for the safety of others. Therefore option should be null, and VOID!"

Dei-Loki flinched from the shouting, his hands clenching into fists.

"can I have your autograph?"

"Thanks... for that..." Dei-Loki grimaced through the sarcasm, rubbing his face as he glanced up at Odin in an... 'innocent', very Loki-esk fashion. "Ah... eh... Hello, grandfather... What brings you off of the Asgardian throne?"

Odin would stare for a moment as his gaze would slowly narrow. "I do believe you know exactly why I've come here, little Loki."

Dei-Loki grimaced at this, rubbing the back of his head as he'd nervously let loose a chuckle. "Ah! That. Well... yes... I can explain. There's a reason. A method t' my madness! Because, you see--"

"You think I care that there is a reason!?" Odin would thunder once more. "There was a promise that you made t' us all. A promise that restricts most use of your powers for the safety of others. Therefore option should be null, and VOID!"

Dei-Loki flinched from the shouting, his hands clenching into fists.

Masaru's ears perked. "Nicholas, roll me out of here right now and to him. Face to face." Nicholas did exactly that, not stopping for everyone to gape at Masaru. He swung the wheelchair around so that Masaru stared up, but directly in the eyes of Odin. "Please, have at me! Not him! It is my fault and my fault alone for Dei-loki to loose control. Do not blame him for wanting to protect the ones he cares for! Blame me and only me for that action! I beg of thee! Give Dei-Loki sympathy for he was only trying to be a good! Isn't that what you want, Odin, King of Aesir, God of the Norse!? If you wish to smite me, then do so. Please, don't yell at the boy who only wanted to do good in this bitter, nasty world. Give me your anger, but please, do not give it to him." Masaru dropped his gaze to the ground once more as he gripped the armrests. "I am the one and only that deserves your wrath, your highness. No one else, but me. So please, give me your worst." He looked back up, straight into the eyes of Odin, looking directly into his Godly soul.
"can I have your autograph?"

Masaru's ears perked. "Nicholas, roll me out of here right now and to him. Face to face." Nicholas did exactly that, not stopping for everyone to gape at Masaru. He swung the wheelchair around so that Masaru stared up, but directly in the eyes of Odin. "Please, have at me! Not him! It is my fault and my fault alone for Dei-loki to loose control. Do not blame him for wanting to protect the ones he cares for! Blame me and only me for that action! I beg of thee! Give Dei-Loki sympathy for he was only trying to be a good! Isn't that what you want, Odin, King of Aesir, God of the Norse!? If you wish to smite me, then do so. Please, don't yell at the boy who only wanted to do good in this bitter, nasty world. Give me your anger, but please, do not give it to him." Masaru dropped his gaze to the ground once more as he gripped the armrests. "I am the one and only that deserves your wrath, your highness. No one else, but me. So please, give me your worst." He looked back up, straight into the eyes of Odin, looking directly into his Godly soul.

Odin paused, turning his attention to Nia with a slowly lifting brow. "... My what?"

Dei-Loki would pause, as well. His gaze shifting back and forth between both Nia and Odin with a quiet, relieved sigh. Thankful the attention had temporarily been off of himself. However, he'd then turn his attention to Masaru with wide, surprised eyes. "What!? No--"

Odin's gaze snapped back to Masaru as his attention was brought back to the task at hand. He was silent for a few moments, soon speaking as he'd glare. "If anything is certain, you should both be punished. There are no exceptions towards the rule that was placed."

"Which is what always made this damned rule a foolish decision, in the first place!" Dei-Loki angrily spoke up. Glaring up at his grandfather - whom glared down at him in return. "Something that needs to be realised is the exceptions that need t' be made, because I bet you can't tell me you haven't killed others with your own power!"

"THIS. IS NOT. ABOUT. ME." The All-Father would growl upon the verbal challenge, looking around to Dei-Loki. "This is about your negligence in restriction! Whether others step up to defend you, or offer to take the punishment upon themselves, it rolls right back onto you. You were fully aware of the consequences you would be faced with."

Dei-Loki paused, glaring up at him before then forcing half a laugh. His eyes closing in the process. "Ah, so that's it, isn't it? Almighty Odin, the father to all other Norse gods can't grant his grandson one pardon for his slip up. And, why is that? Why can't ya just let it be, even when I have others vouching justification to my actions? Hmm? Is it because of who my father is? Is that it? It sure seems so, and I'm fairly certain it's always been that way." Dei-Loki spun around to face away from the God, spreading his arms as he'd both laugh and speak loud enough to cause an echo. "Little Loki! Son of Loki; the God of Mischief and Lies, cannot be trusted by ANYONE. His father is nothing but a mischievous WOLF among others, so WHY trust his youngest? IS THAT IT, ODIN?" Dei-Loki turned back to face Odin, a painful smile on his face. "Just a monster parents tell their children about at night? Because, you're not far off. I suppose your spot on because you're wise enough to know everything."
Odin paused, turning his attention to Nia with a slowly lifting brow. "... My what?"

Dei-Loki would pause, as well. His gaze shifting back and forth between both Nia and Odin with a quiet, relieved sigh. Thankful the attention had temporarily been off of himself. However, he'd then turn his attention to Masaru with wide, surprised eyes. "What!? No--"

Odin's gaze snapped back to Masaru as his attention was brought back to the task at hand. He was silent for a few moments, soon speaking as he'd glare. "If anything is certain, you should both be punished. There are no exceptions towards the rule that was placed."

"Which is what always made this damned rule a foolish decision, in the first place!" Dei-Loki angrily spoke up. Glaring up at his grandfather - whom glared down at him in return. "Something that needs to be realised is the exceptions that need t' be made, because I bet you can't tell me you haven't killed others with your own power!"

"THIS. IS NOT. ABOUT. ME." The All-Father would growl upon the verbal challenge, looking around to Dei-Loki. "This is about your negligence in restriction! Whether others step up to defend you, or offer to take the punishment upon themselves, it rolls right back onto you. You were fully aware of the consequences you would be faced with."

Dei-Loki paused, glaring up at him before then forcing half a laugh. His eyes closing in the process. "Ah, so that's it, isn't it? Almighty Odin, the father to all other Norse gods can't grant his grandson one pardon for his slip up. And, why is that? Why can't ya just let it be, even when I have others vouching justification to my actions? Hmm? Is it because of who my father is? Is that it? It sure seems so, and I'm fairly certain it's always been that way." Dei-Loki spun around to face away from the God, spreading his arms as he'd both laugh and speak loud enough to cause an echo. "Little Loki! Son of Loki; the God of Mischief and Lies, cannot be trusted by ANYONE. His father is nothing but a mischievous WOLF among others, so WHY trust his youngest? IS THAT IT, ODIN?" Dei-Loki turned back to face Odin, a painful smile on his face. "Just a monster parents tell their children about at night? Because, you're not far off. I suppose your spot on because you're wise enough to know everything."

Masaru looked between the two and then stood up, shaking and grunting to get Odin's attention. The pain in his legs exploded, but he stayed up. "Odin, God of Gods and Goddesses. The King of all Norse beings. Hear his words, hear them wisely! Please, do not be angry with the demigod who seeks for the world to be good. You have anger, then give it to me and only me, but do not blame your Grandson for something he can not control. He has given his all, have you no heart!? To treat your own Grandson like a parasite!? I never liked you Gods. Because all of you are the same. You betray and wish to hurt your family as if nothing. As if your family is nothing, but flimsy paper. Your Grandson tried to do a good thing, but you're push him away even more. Do you wish for him to be like Loki? Do you think that yelling at this boy is the right thing to do? You're not saving anyone, Odin. You're only making the world worse. The more you yell, the more they rebel. As the saying goes. Choose your words wisely before you actually have a demon on your hands. For all i see, is a demigod, named Dei-Loki Alaois who only wants to protect the people that he loves. Last time i checked, that wasn't a crime at all." 
Masaru looked between the two and then stood up, shaking and grunting to get Odin's attention. The pain in his legs exploded, but he stayed up. "Odin, God of Gods and Goddesses. The King of all Norse beings. Hear his words, hear them wisely! Please, do not be angry with the demigod who seeks for the world to be good. You have anger, then give it to me and only me, but do not blame your Grandson for something he can not control. He has given his all, have you no heart!? To treat your own Grandson like a parasite!? I never liked you Gods. Because all of you are the same. You betray and wish to hurt your family as if nothing. As if your family is nothing, but flimsy paper. Your Grandson tried to do a good thing, but you're push him away even more. Do you wish for him to be like Loki? Do you think that yelling at this boy is the right thing to do? You're not saving anyone, Odin. You're only making the world worse. The more you yell, the more they rebel. As the saying goes. Choose your words wisely before you actually have a demon on your hands. For all i see, is a demigod, named Dei-Loki Alaois who only wants to protect the people that he loves. Last time i checked, that wasn't a crime at all." 

Dei-Loki turned his gaze to Masaru as he stood. His eyes having widened once more as he felt the pain radiation therapy off of him before he'd then quickly move to offer himself as support for Masaru's weight. His attention averting to the ground as he listened.

Odin's gaze soon traveled to Masaru yet again. In his action of listening, he'd soon force out a sigh as he forced back his anger. "... You get... one pardon, little Loki. ONE. Should you break this again, I will not be so courteous."
Dei-Loki turned his gaze to Masaru as he stood. His eyes having widened once more as he felt the pain radiation therapy off of him before he'd then quickly move to offer himself as support for Masaru's weight. His attention averting to the ground as he listened.

Odin's gaze soon traveled to Masaru yet again. In his action of listening, he'd soon force out a sigh as he forced back his anger. "... You get... one pardon, little Loki. ONE. Should you break this again, I will not be so courteous."

Nia let out a breath. Taking a step forward to Odin "excuse me, Mr. Odin sir... I knoe this isnt the best time, but. I have a-a uh favor to ask of you..." she said shyly.
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Dei-Loki turned his gaze to Masaru as he stood. His eyes having widened once more as he felt the pain radiation therapy off of him before he'd then quickly move to offer himself as support for Masaru's weight. His attention averting to the ground as he listened.

Odin's gaze soon traveled to Masaru yet again. In his action of listening, he'd soon force out a sigh as he forced back his anger. "... You get... one pardon, little Loki. ONE. Should you break this again, I will not be so courteous."

"Thank you." Masaru bowed to Odin and then gently sat back in his wheelchair. His legs only aching after. He grunted and then got as comfortable as he could. He petted Deii's cheek and gave a small smile.
Nia let out a breath. Taking a step forward to Odin "excuse me, Mr. Odin sir... I knoe this isnt the best time, but. I have a-a uh favor to ask of you..." she said shyly.

"Thank you." Masaru bowed to Odin and then gently sat back in his wheelchair. His legs only aching after. He grunted and then got as comfortable as he could. He petted Deii's cheek and gave a small smile.

Odin gave a nod to Masaru before then turning to look at Nia with a sigh. His voice curious. "Yes? What is it?"

Dei-Loki, utterly surprised by the outcome, gave his grandfather a thankful nod as he'd then helped Masaru sit back down, managing a small smile of his own as he'd then heavily sigh. "Thank y', Grumpytails... and I'm sorry you had t' witness and take part in this whole thing... really sorry..."
Odin gave a nod to Masaru before then turning to look at Nia with a sigh. His voice curious. "Yes? What is it?"

Dei-Loki, utterly surprised by the outcome, gave his grandfather a thankful nod as he'd then helped Masaru sit back down, managing a small smile of his own as he'd then heavily sigh. "Thank y', Grumpytails... and I'm sorry you had t' witness and take part in this whole thing... really sorry..."

Nia sighed "a long while ago, I had my magic taken away from me. Very powerful and rare elven magic, a gift from our gods to certain individuals, some users could level entire countries by themselves. I apparently had great potential in this field, though I chose not to pursue the skills of a wizardess. But now that It's gone... I realize what could have been, and how much I need it." she sighed "it was like a 6th sense, and I want to know if there was some way you could restore it?"
Nia sighed "a long while ago, I had my magic taken away from me. Very powerful and rare elven magic, a gift from our gods to certain individuals, some users could level entire countries by themselves. I apparently had great potential in this field, though I chose not to pursue the skills of a wizardess. But now that It's gone... I realize what could have been, and how much I need it." she sighed "it was like a 6th sense, and I want to know if there was some way you could restore it?"

Odin's brow would slowly lift a bit more upon hearing the request. His posture soon straightening in the process. "I do believe I can."
Odin would nod. A small smile forming on his face as he moved his hand over Nia's head. And, as his hand gave off a dim glow, the elven female could feel her powers soon returning to her.

Nia smiled and felt pure joy wash over her, as she looked down at her hands, speechless.
Odin gave a nod to Masaru before then turning to look at Nia with a sigh. His voice curious. "Yes? What is it?"

Dei-Loki, utterly surprised by the outcome, gave his grandfather a thankful nod as he'd then helped Masaru sit back down, managing a small smile of his own as he'd then heavily sigh. "Thank y', Grumpytails... and I'm sorry you had t' witness and take part in this whole thing... really sorry..."

"It's no problem, beautiful. As long as you're happy, i'm happy. That's all i ever need. That and cute things like you of course. So, that's just doubling the gift." Masaru smiled, his smile growing even bigger as Nia got her magic back. He pulled Dei into his lap and nuzzled his hair. "Sorry if i'm being over-affectionate. The world's spinning so much, i feel like i'm going to throw up and you're the only thing that keeps me grounded. Can i hold onto you just a bit more? You're so soft and warm, i don't want to let you go." Masaru whispered as he gave a shaky sigh. 

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