Indescribable (Closed)

Masaru groaned and shifted.

Dei-Loki glanced over to Masaru as he heard him, softly exhaling.

Nia looked at Dei-Loki and Malvo "what happened to dei?" She would ask


Aiden remained silent for a time. "So... your related to Akumu in some way I take it?"

"He took on his more demigod-esk of forms. And, because he hasn't done it in so long, the exertion took its toll on him." Malvo answered Nia as she watched Dei-Loki. "He'll be fine, in terms of recovery. But, I've got a feeling that, once our Grandfather arrives, it'll be another story."


"I am, as a matter of fact. I'm his father."
Dei-Loki glanced over to Masaru as he heard him, softly exhaling.

"He took on his more demigod-esk of forms. And, because he hasn't done it in so long, the exertion took its toll on him." Malvo answered Nia as she watched Dei-Loki. "He'll be fine, in terms of recovery. But, I've got a feeling that, once our Grandfather arrives, it'll be another story."


"I am, as a matter of fact. I'm his father."

"Who's your grandfather?"


Aiden blinked. "I'm Aiden, Nia's brother" he said extending a hand in greeting.
"Who's your grandfather?"


Aiden blinked. "I'm Aiden, Nia's brother" he said extending a hand in greeting.

"Odin." Malvo answered simply, looking over to Nia in the process.


Adrian cocked a brow once more. "Are you?" He then shook his hand. A smirk on his face as he'd reply before introducing himself. "Pleasure. King Adrian."
"Odin." Malvo answered simply, looking over to Nia in the process.


Adrian cocked a brow once more. "Are you?" He then shook his hand. A smirk on his face as he'd reply before introducing himself. "Pleasure. King Adrian."

"again, who?" she asked once more.


"everyone is here by the way, if you wanted to say hi"
"Odin." Malvo answered simply, looking over to Nia in the process.


Adrian cocked a brow once more. "Are you?" He then shook his hand. A smirk on his face as he'd reply before introducing himself. "Pleasure. King Adrian."

Masaru rose just a bit as his head pounded away. "Oh my head. Where the hell am i?" He groaned, looking around at the people in front of him. His eyes widen as he spotted Dei. "Squishy." He jumped out of bed and almost fell if Nicholas hadn't woken up and caught him. Nicholas laid Masaru back down in bed. "Relax. We can explain it all later. What do you remember of it?" Masaru's breathing was rigid as he tried to remember. "The council. They said something. I couldn't hear them. I feel like i fainted as soon as i saw them. Yuki. I felt her. Her change. Something broke in the Council. Twice. They're broken. They're so angry and they want me and they gave me a sicking name." Nicholas petted Masaru's sweaty hair as Masaru shuddered. "Don't worry about it for now. Just relax, Massy." For once, Masaru agreed. 
"again, who?" she asked once more.


"everyone is here by the way, if you wanted to say hi"

Malvo lifted a brow and blinked in response, shifting and leaning forward slightly. "The All-Father to all Norse Gods."


Adrian blinked at this, a bit surprised. "Are they? Why so early? The wedding isn't for a day, or so."

Masaru rose just a bit as his head pounded away. "Oh my head. Where the hell am i?" He groaned, looking around at the people in front of him. His eyes widen as he spotted Dei. "Squishy." He jumped out of bed and almost fell if Nicholas hadn't woken up and caught him. Nicholas laid Masaru back down in bed. "Relax. We can explain it all later. What do you remember of it?" Masaru's breathing was rigid as he tried to remember. "The council. They said something. I couldn't hear them. I feel like i fainted as soon as i saw them. Yuki. I felt her. Her change. Something broke in the Council. Twice. They're broken. They're so angry and they want me and they gave me a sicking name." Nicholas petted Masaru's sweaty hair as Masaru shuddered. "Don't worry about it for now. Just relax, Massy." For once, Masaru agreed. 

Dei-Loki perked at the sound of Masaru's voice and he widened his eyes when Masaru nearly fell on the floor. Wincing slightly, he sat up. "Gods, I was worried you'd never come to."
Malvo lifted a brow and blinked in response, shifting and leaning forward slightly. "The All-Father to all Norse Gods."


Adrian blinked at this, a bit surprised. "Are they? Why so early? The wedding isn't for a day, or so."

"oh. S-so he's really powerful then. Y' know, like really powerful?" she asked.


Aiden blinked "we need a place to hide or something, I'm not sure on the details myself."
Dei-Loki perked at the sound of Masaru's voice and he widened his eyes when Masaru nearly fell on the floor. Wincing slightly, he sat up. "Gods, I was worried you'd never come to."

"I . . .  can agree with you there. I'm sorry for doing that. They were calling to me and i just wanted them to leave. I didn't want them to do anything to you guys. Now, it feels like that is too late." Masaru stared at the ceiling as Nicholas went to check Yuki.
"oh. S-so he's really powerful then. Y' know, like really powerful?" she asked.


Aiden blinked "we need a place to hide or something, I'm not sure on the details myself."
"I . . .  can agree with you there. I'm sorry for doing that. They were calling to me and i just wanted them to leave. I didn't want them to do anything to you guys. Now, it feels like that is too late." Masaru stared at the ceiling as Nicholas went to check Yuki.

"Mhm." Malvo nodded, soon soon sighing heavily as she looked to Dei-Loki with a slight glare. "And now we may be in trouble because somebody had t' break the power exertion limitation that was placed."

"It won't be so bad. All that old bastard will do is yell, toss a threat and head back to Asgard." Dei-Loki looked to Malvo and sighed heavily before forcing himself to both stand and go to Masaru's bedside as he'd looked back to his mate. "If y' just told us, we could've dealt with it sooner. It's what we do. I'm not upset, though. I'm just glad t' see yer alright enough t' communicate..."


Adrian would blink, as well. His brow remaining quirked before he then sighed. "Well, you all are more than welcome t' lay low here. Now, I'm going t' go see if I can figure out what's going on."
"Mhm." Malvo nodded, soon soon sighing heavily as she looked to Dei-Loki with a slight glare. "And now we may be in trouble because somebody had t' break the power exertion limitation that was placed."

"It won't be so bad. All that old bastard will do is yell, toss a threat and head back to Asgard." Dei-Loki looked to Malvo and sighed heavily before forcing himself to both stand and go to Masaru's bedside as he'd looked back to his mate. "If y' just told us, we could've dealt with it sooner. It's what we do. I'm not upset, though. I'm just glad t' see yer alright enough t' communicate..."

"You couldn't. You can't deal with them, Dei. It's not that easy. They're higher than my own sister, and she's practically as old as Zeus. I can't loose you. None of you to them again. They like to make people pay if they don't agree to their rules. The Council are a different kind of monster. They took her from me. My wife. My kids. Hell, they even pushed my father into this nogitsune abyss. They won't stop until they get what they want and that's me. I . . . Dei, what have you done? Why did you kill a member? You could've run and yet, you never do. And now. . . now, i'll kill you. I'm going to loose it. My mind. My everything. I'm going to die. Or loose my fucking mind. Or . . . fuck! I"M GOING TO LOOSE YOU! WHY COULDN"T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! WHY COULDN"T YOU JUST HATE ME LIKE THE REST OF THE WORLD! I HATE YOU! GOD DAMN IT, DEI! I love you." Tears ran down his cheeks as he began to shake again, he covered his eyes with his hands and wept. "You're such an idiot. You should've ran. And now, i've cursed you. Just like everyone that i have ever come to love. I'll loose you all or you'll loose me. You deserved more. You always deserved more! I'm going to kill you. I'm going to end you and it's all my fault. It's all my fault for uttering those three fucking words."
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"Mhm." Malvo nodded, soon soon sighing heavily as she looked to Dei-Loki with a slight glare. "And now we may be in trouble because somebody had t' break the power exertion limitation that was placed."

"It won't be so bad. All that old bastard will do is yell, toss a threat and head back to Asgard." Dei-Loki looked to Malvo and sighed heavily before forcing himself to both stand and go to Masaru's bedside as he'd looked back to his mate. "If y' just told us, we could've dealt with it sooner. It's what we do. I'm not upset, though. I'm just glad t' see yer alright enough t' communicate..."


Adrian would blink, as well. His brow remaining quirked before he then sighed. "Well, you all are more than welcome t' lay low here. Now, I'm going t' go see if I can figure out what's going on."

Nia would nod before listing to Masaru and remaining quiet.


Aiden followed Adrian.
"You couldn't. You can't deal with them, Dei. It's not that easy. They're higher than my own sister, and she's practically as old as Zeus. I can't loose you. None of you to them again. They like to make people pay if they don't agree to their rules. The Council are a different kind of monster. They took her from me. My wife. My kids. Hell, they even pushed my father into this nogitsune abyss. They won't stop until they get what they want and that's me. I . . . Dei, what have you done? Why did you kill a member? You could've run and yet, you never do. And now. . . now, i'll kill you. I'm going to loose it. My mind. My everything. I'm going to die. Or loose my fucking mind. Or . . . fuck! I"M GOING TO LOOSE YOU! WHY COULDN"T YOU JUST LEAVE ME ALONE! WHY COULDN"T YOU JUST HATE ME LIKE THE REST OF THE WORLD! I HATE YOU! GOD DAMN IT, DEI! I love you." Tears ran down his cheeks as he began to shake again, he covered his eyes with his hands and wept. "You're such an idiot. You should've ran. And now, i've cursed you. Just like everyone that i have ever come to love. I'll loose you all or you'll loose me. You deserved more. You always deserved more! I'm going to kill you. I'm going to end and it's all my fault. It's all my fault for uttering those three fucking words."

Dei-Loki widened his eyes, flinching from the yelling while he flattened his ears against his head. His glance traveling to the sheets as a few tears had welled in his eyes. Some dripping onto the sheets. "Yeah, I am an idiot, aren't I?.. I'm an idiot in the sense that I shouldn't have killed one of them. But, I did it. And if I didn't, I think they would've caught up to us all." Dei then winced as he climbed onto the bed, straddling Masaru as he gently removed his hands from his face before placing his hands on the kogitsune's cheeks. His thumbs wiping away some of his tears. Soon, he rested his forehead on Masaru's as he continued to tear up, himself. "But, listen to me. I'm NOT leaving your side. I am here for you. And, if we have t' fucking live on the run, then so fucking be it! It wouldn't be the first time! And, as for this loosing your mind bit, we'll think of something. Y' won't kill me, y' won't loose anyone, and I'll be fucking DAMNED if I fucking loose you t' anybody! You hear me, Masaru? Hate me all you like but we. Will. Find. A. Way."

Nia would nod before listing to Masaru and remaining quiet.


Aiden followed Adrian.

Malvo and Akumu listened to it all, as well. Their ears low.


Adrian sighed, leading the way to the healing hall as he'd look around.
Dei-Loki widened his eyes, flinching from the yelling while he flattened his ears against his head. His glance traveling to the sheets as a few tears had welled in his eyes. Some dripping onto the sheets. "Yeah, I am an idiot, aren't I?.. I'm an idiot in the sense that I shouldn't have killed one of them. But, I did it. And if I didn't, I think they would've caught up to us all." Dei then winced as he climbed onto the bed, straddling Masaru as he gently removed his hands from his face before placing his hands on the kogitsune's cheeks. His thumbs wiping away some of his tears. Soon, he rested his forehead on Masaru's as he continued to tear up, himself. "But, listen to me. I'm NOT leaving your side. I am here for you. And, if we have t' fucking live on the run, then so fucking be it! It wouldn't be the first time! And, as for this loosing your mind bit, we'll think of something. Y' won't kill me, y' won't loose anyone, and I'll be fucking DAMNED if I fucking loose you t' anybody! You hear me, Masaru? Hate me all you like but we. Will. Find. A. Way."

Masaru's hands clasped behind each other on the back of Dei's head and kissed his lips. His voice merely a whisper as he gave a ghostly smile. "You're such a fucking idiot. . . and i am too. I guess, loving someone like this makes you an idiot. Whatever happens. . . i want you to know that i'm an idiot. I'm an idiot for falling in love with you. And sadly. . . i'm okay with that. I guess . . . it's better to love than to never loved at all, even if it hurts to loose the one you love. Gods damn it, Dei-loki. I've fallen into the bottom of hell for you and i don't think i ever want to get out. You make me crazy. You make me an idiot. And i'm . . . i'm really okay with that." He kissed Dei's lips again, salt from their tears, lingering on his lips as he smiled. He knew that he was doom from the beginning when he saw Dei-loki Alaois in the small town of Frayhaven. 
Masaru's hands clasped behind each other on the back of Dei's head and kissed his lips. His voice merely a whisper as he gave a ghostly smile. "You're such a fucking idiot. . . and i am too. I guess, loving someone like this makes you an idiot. Whatever happens. . . i want you to know that i'm an idiot. I'm an idiot for falling in love with you. And sadly. . . i'm okay with that. I guess . . . it's better to love than to never loved at all, even if it hurts to loose the one you love. Gods damn it, Dei-loki. I've fallen into the bottom of hell for you and i don't think i ever want to get out. You make me crazy. You make me an idiot. And i'm . . . i'm really okay with that." He kissed Dei's lips again, salt from their tears, lingering on his lips as he smiled. He knew that he was doom from the beginning when he saw Dei-loki Alaois in the small town of Frayhaven. 

Dei-Loki kissed Masaru's in return after softly sniffling. His hands remaining on his cheeks as he'd painfully smirk following Masaru's words before then returning the kiss once more.

"Maker's breath. Even when injured, ya both are bound at the lips." Adrian had joked to lighten the mood upon stepping into the room.
Dei-Loki kissed Masaru's in return after softly sniffling. His hands remaining on his cheeks as he'd painfully smirk following Masaru's words before then returning the kiss once more.

"Maker's breath. Even when injured, ya both are bound at the lips." Adrian had joked to lighten the mood upon stepping into the room.

Masaru smirked, pushing Dei onto his side gently and sat up just a tad bit. "What can i say? I'm hopelessly in love with your son." He gave an innocent shrug and looked to Dei, the smile blooming onto his face.
Masaru smirked, pushing Dei onto his side gently and sat up just a tad bit. "What can i say? I'm hopelessly in love with your son." He gave an innocent shrug and looked to Dei, the smile blooming onto his face.

Dei-Loki rolled until he was laying beside Masaru. Returning the smile soon after.

"I can tell." Adrian smirked, soon exhaling through his nose. "How are y' guys? Heard something happened, and I wanted to make sure everyone was still breathing."
Dei-Loki rolled until he was laying beside Masaru. Returning the smile soon after.

"I can tell." Adrian smirked, soon exhaling through his nose. "How are y' guys? Heard something happened, and I wanted to make sure everyone was still breathing."

"Decent, i guess." Masaru sighed before releasing the details of what just happened. Nicholas feeling in the bits that Masaru couldn't remember. 
"Decent, i guess." Masaru sighed before releasing the details of what just happened. Nicholas feeling in the bits that Masaru couldn't remember. 

Adrian listened as he'd been filled in. A sigh soon slipping from his lips as he'd both nod and cross his arms. "I see. Well, you are all more than welcome to stick around as long as ya like so y' can lay low."

Dei-Loki would nod, sighing quietly. "Thank ya, dad..."

"It's no trouble."
Adrian listened as he'd been filled in. A sigh soon slipping from his lips as he'd both nod and cross his arms. "I see. Well, you are all more than welcome to stick around as long as ya like so y' can lay low."

Dei-Loki would nod, sighing quietly. "Thank ya, dad..."

"It's no trouble."

"No, really Adrian, thank you." Masaru said. Nicholas look to everyone. "Alright everyone, that's enough. Let's let them rest up. Even you, Dei. Go out, get some food for him or sort out our rooms to where we can stay. Maybe change your room for two." Masaru eyes widen. "The room that i was going to make, the books, everything! My mother's grave! My home! Son of a bitch! It's all gone! Fuck! Fuck! Gods fucking damn it! They'll fucking pay for it all!" Masaru yelled into his cupped hands. "Later. Let's not worry about that now. Go to sleep, Masaru before you pop a blood vessel." Nicholas petted Masaru's head. "I lost your books. I lost your favorite items. I'm so so sorry, Dei." He whimpered. "Adrian can tell you, let my brother sleep." Nicholas ushered everyone out the door and shut it.
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"No, really Adrian, thank you." Masaru said. Nicholas look to everyone. "Alright everyone, that's enough. Let's let them rest up. Even you, Dei. Go out, get some food for him or sort out our rooms to where we can stay. Maybe change your room for two." Masaru eyes widen. "The room that i was going to make, the books, everything! My mother's grave! My home! Son of a bitch! It's all gone! Fuck! Fuck! Gods fucking damn it! They'll fucking pay for it all!" Masaru yelled into his cupped hands. "Later. Let's not worry about that now. Go to sleep, Masaru before you pop a blood vessel." Nicholas petted Masaru's head. "I lost your books. I lost your favorite items. I'm so so sorry, Dei." He whimpered. "Adrian can tell you, let my brother sleep." Nicholas ushered everyone out the door and shut it.

Dei-Loki's brows would lift as he nodded and slid off of the bed - only to widen his eyes from Masaru's yelling and whimpers. Before he could ask, he and the others were made to leave the room. Quietly, he looked to his father in question. And Adrian, whom would sigh heavily, issued a response as he placed a hand on Dei-Loki's head.

"It was a gift he was planning to make for you. He had me help round up your favourite things here to bring back t' where you all were staying to help fix your homesickness." While Adrian spoke, Dei-Loki could feel his heart sink - if just for a moment - before he closed his eyes.

"Fuckers are gonna wish I killed them all." Dei-Loki huffed, rubbing his face as Malvo placed a hand on his back.

"Hey, come on... I'll help y' fix up yer room for both you and Masaru." Malvo quietly spoke.

Dei-Loki would nod, lowering his hands. "I wanna check on mam, first." he would then pause in tense after remembering what Reaver had mentioned - looking up to Adrian with wide eyes as they all started down the hall. "Uncle Reaver said we 'almost lost the Queen'! What happened!?"

Adrian blinked, forcing an exhale. "... There was a blighter attack, and--"

"--And I wasn't here t' fucking help. I wasn't fucking here." Dei whined through a growl.


"Great. Great, great, GREAT." He'd then turn and look to both Malvo and Akumu. "Why aren't y' both freaking out about this!? It's almost like you already--... You both fucking knew already, didn't y'?" The lack of a response caused Dei-Loki to growl. "Of course. Of. Fucking. Course. Because NO ONE fucking tells Little Loki ANYTHING, right!?"

"We thought you already knew..." Malvo would whine as Akumu nodded in agreement.

"Y' didn't feel it?.." Akumu would add, his brows furrowing.

"I felt a shift in the family, but I didn't fucking know that THIS is what it was! AGH, GODS!" Dei-Loki clutched his bare chest, wincing in the process before glaring to Malvo before turning and leaving. "Forget about helping out with the room. I'll fucking do it, myself." 

@Heir of Dalania
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"not this shit again. Loki, just calm down. It's going to be fine. This family is strong. We can do it, we'll be fine" 
"not this shit again. Loki, just calm down. It's going to be fine. This family is strong. We can do it, we'll be fine" 

"It doesn't help that I wasn't told about it!" Dei-Loki growled and turned around to look.

"We thought you knew!" Akumu repeated Malvo's words, lowering his ears. "Do you really think we wouldn't tell you, on purpose?"
"It doesn't help that I wasn't told about it!" Dei-Loki growled and turned around to look.

"We thought you knew!" Akumu repeated Malvo's words, lowering his ears. "Do you really think we wouldn't tell you, on purpose?"

Nia stood back. "Dei... just, calm yourself. Breathe. Your already under alot of stress."
Dei-Loki would whine through a huff, watching Nia. "But..."

"Please, Dei..." Malvo pleaded, watching as Dei-Loki soon propped himself up against the wall.

"thank you." she said, then letting out a breath "I was going to knock him out" she said with a chuckle.

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