Indescribable (Closed)

Nia smiled "we should probably get dressed"

Akumu nodded, soon grabbing Nia's clothes for her before handing them over. "Here y' go." he smiled, soon grabbing his own.

Masaru laughed and shifted. 

The beast chattered and laid his snot down to Dei's face. "Let's go?"

Dei-Loki smiled widely, ruffling the fur on Masaru's current forms neck before climbing onto his back. "Let's go. To the unicorns!"
Akumu nodded, soon grabbing Nia's clothes for her before handing them over. "Here y' go." he smiled, soon grabbing his own.

Dei-Loki smiled widely, ruffling the fur on Masaru's current forms neck before climbing onto his back. "Let's go. To the unicorns!"

Masaru laughed again, running with immense speed as he leaped over logs and stones. He soon stopped short on a clear meadow with unicorns grazing. "Gods, they look delicious. Can i eat one, my lord~?" He whispered to Dei.
Nia got dressed. 

Akumu did the same, getting out of the water soon after.

Masaru laughed again, running with immense speed as he leaped over logs and stones. He soon stopped short on a clear meadow with unicorns grazing. "Gods, they look delicious. Can i eat one, my lord~?" He whispered to Dei.

Dei-Loki would wag his tail quickly, hugging Masaru's neck as he ran before looking up at the unicorns in both admiration and wonder. Soon lowering his ears as he looked down to the kogitsune. "Can I at least pet one, first?.."
Akumu did the same, getting out of the water soon after.

Dei-Loki would wag his tail quickly, hugging Masaru's neck as he ran before looking up at the unicorns in both admiration and wonder. Soon lowering his ears as he looked down to the kogitsune. "Can I at least pet one, first?.."

"I don't know. Do you have proper manners or do you ask for things without a 'please'? I swear, it seems that i haven't taught you that lesson at all. . . go quickly, you spoiled brat. I"m starving and soon these unicorns are going to become more endangered than they already are."
"I don't know. Do you have proper manners or do you ask for things without a 'please'? I swear, it seems that i haven't taught you that lesson at all. . . go quickly, you spoiled brat. I"m starving and soon these unicorns are going to become more endangered than they already are."

Dei-Loki would nod to that, climbing off of him before slowly approaching one of the unicorns. A smile spreading across his face as he'd softly pat one the moment it lowered it's head. "So majestic, and so beautiful..."

Nia stretched and went to the house.

Akumu would soon follow, cleaning his glasses. "Now what?"
Dei-Loki would nod to that, climbing off of him before slowly approaching one of the unicorns. A smile spreading across his face as he'd softly pat one the moment it lowered it's head. "So majestic, and so beautiful..."

Akumu would soon follow, cleaning his glasses. "Now what?"

Masaru smirked, resting his head onto his crossed forearms. He stayed silent, not wanting to scare away the creatures that Dei seem to love dearly. 
Masaru smirked, resting his head onto his crossed forearms. He stayed silent, not wanting to scare away the creatures that Dei seem to love dearly. 

Dei-Loki had then softly nuzzled the muzzle, steering clear of the horn as he'd then happily sigh before glancing back in Masaru's direction.
"You could ride me just fine. . . both forms." The giant fox smirked, stretching its front arms. 

"That's different." Dei-Loki replied as he lowered his ear and watched Masaru. "Not sure they'd take too kindly t' being ridden, anyways... My uncle was lucky when it came t' the unicorn he has. But only because he raised it from a foal."
"That's different." Dei-Loki replied as he lowered his ear and watched Masaru. "Not sure they'd take too kindly t' being ridden, anyways... My uncle was lucky when it came t' the unicorn he has. But only because he raised it from a foal."

"Then are you ready to go? You're going to get cold out here soon. I rather not have you loose a body part from severe frostbite." 
Dei swiftly would climb onto Masaru's back. Once more hugging the giant foxes neck as he looked ahead.

Masaru ran back and dropped him off to his clothes. "Mind grabbing mine too? Or do you still want to swim?" (Yuki and Malvo have already gone back home, okay?)
Masaru ran back and dropped him off to his clothes. "Mind grabbing mine too? Or do you still want to swim?" (Yuki and Malvo have already gone back home, okay?)

(Okie dokie.)

Feet setting on the ground as soon as Masaru stopped, Dei-Loki quickly got dressed before then grabbing Masaru's clothes. "I think I've had enough swimming for one day."
(Okie dokie.)

Feet setting on the ground as soon as Masaru stopped, Dei-Loki quickly got dressed before then grabbing Masaru's clothes. "I think I've had enough swimming for one day."

Masaru snickered, grabbed Dei with one of his tails and placed him on his back. He then ran home and dropped Dei off. 
Masaru snickered, grabbed Dei with one of his tails and placed him on his back. He then ran home and dropped Dei off. 

Dei-Loki smiled a bit wider as they quickly made it back home. Once more sliding off of Masaru's back before then stretching.

"I'm going to check on Aiden, feel free to tag along" she said as she left to do so.


Akumu would blink, only to nod and follow after Nia. His hands slightly in his pockets as he looked around.
Dei-Loki smiled a bit wider as they quickly made it back home. Once more sliding off of Masaru's back before then stretching.

Akumu would blink, only to nod and follow after Nia. His hands slightly in his pockets as he looked around.

Masaru shifted back into his naked self. He went inside, a small yawn coming from his lips.

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