Indescribable (Closed)

"What about you, Dei? How was your sex life before you met Mr. Sadist over here?"

Pausing at the question, Dei-Loki blushed slightly before having closed his eyes, thinking back to Dominic and the other guards as he shifted slightly. Lying through his teeth in the process. "Ah, it... it was nothing too intense..."


A slow, blood red crack began to split down the atmosphere nearby to the base. And, as the crack would open enough to form a portal, Lucifel slowly stepped out of the rift. A long, heavy sigh escaping the sly expression on his face as he'd wince from the wounds he'd been 'graced' with.

"This world... Simply beautiful." Lucifel spoke aloud while taking a brief look around, soon looking down to the gash on his chest as he'd then place a hand over it. This was pnly to pull it away from his wound as he'd examine the pitch black liquid - presumably blood - now coating his hand. "Fuckers really got me, didn't they? Ah well. Not like I expected to get away in one piece. Now..." he took a few steps forward. Silver bangs gently dancing away from his eyes as the wind had blown. "Where am I..?"

@Heir of Dalania
Pausing at the question, Dei-Loki blushed slightly before having closed his eyes, thinking back to Dominic and the other guards as he shifted slightly. Lying through his teeth in the process. "Ah, it... it was nothing too intense..."

Masaru quirked his eyebrow at the obvious lie. "Wow. You're a baaaaaaaaad liar. So, you've been sleeping with a lot of men from the sounds of it. Yo, Massy, he's like you! And me! You know, there is nothing wrong with having past relationships. I highly doubt your Master would mind a few tales of your veeeeeeery~ fun times." Masaru snapped his fingers. "You're drunk!" Nicholas widen his eyes and then laughed. "Finally you got it! Took you long enough. Hell yes, i'm goner than gone. Now, back to the question."
A slow, blood red crack began to split down the atmosphere nearby to the base. And, as the crack would open enough to form a portal, Lucifel slowly stepped out of the rift. A long, heavy sigh escaping the sly expression on his face as he'd wince from the wounds he'd been 'graced' with.

"This world... Simply beautiful." Lucifel spoke aloud while taking a brief look around, soon looking down to the gash on his chest as he'd then place a hand over it. This was pnly to pull it away from his wound as he'd examine the pitch black liquid - presumably blood - now coating his hand. "Fuckers really got me, didn't they? Ah well. Not like I expected to get away in one piece. Now..." he took a few steps forward. Silver bangs gently dancing away from his eyes as the wind had blown. "Where am I..?"

@Heir of Dalania

Lucifel would suddenly find three shuriken stick into the ground at his feet, their source, Cheshire, stood crouched down on top of the building. Staring down the new arrival through the dark eyes of her mask. "what. Are you doing here?"
Masaru quirked his eyebrow at the obvious lie. "Wow. You're a baaaaaaaaad liar. So, you've been sleeping with a lot of men from the sounds of it. Yo, Massy, he's like you! And me! You know, there is nothing wrong with having past relationships. I highly doubt your Master would mind a few tales of your veeeeeeery~ fun times." Masaru snapped his fingers. "You're drunk!" Nicholas widen his eyes and then laughed. "Finally you got it! Took you long enough. Hell yes, i'm goner than gone. Now, back to the question."

Dei-Loki, who's blush had grown a bit darker, huffed and made the most of his effort to change the subject once given the chance. A slight pout on his face. "Y' got drunk without us?"
Lucifel would suddenly find three shuriken stick into the ground at his feet, their source, Cheshire, stood crouched down on top of the building. Staring down the new arrival through the dark eyes of her mask. "what. Are you doing here?"

Lucifel cocked a brow as he darted his gaze to the shuriken now inches from his feet. "Just making an appearance." after stating so, he looked up and over to the masked figure at the top of the building as a small smirk climbed his face. "You seem pretty hostile. You protecting something here?"
Lucifel cocked a brow as he darted his gaze to the shuriken now inches from his feet. "Just making an appearance." after stating so, he looked up and over to the masked figure at the top of the building as a small smirk climbed his face. "You seem pretty hostile. You protecting something here?"

"not much worth protecting, but the location itself..." she pulled out her phone and sent a message to neo 'we've got a intruder'
"not much worth protecting, but the location itself..." she pulled out her phone and sent a message to neo 'we've got a intruder'

"It's a hideout, of sorts, then?" He blinked, looking over the building's exterior with curiosity in his very demon-esk eyes. 

Neo, whom lifted a brow after looking to her phone, had then made her way to the roof before heading over to where the others two were. Her eyes slightly having narrowed on Lucifel once she spotted him.
"It's a hideout, of sorts, then?" He blinked, looking over the building's exterior with curiosity in his very demon-esk eyes. 

Neo, whom lifted a brow after looking to her phone, had then made her way to the roof before heading over to where the others two were. Her eyes slightly having narrowed on Lucifel once she spotted him.

"what do you want?" she said sharply. "we have things to do, and people to kill. We run a tight schedule."
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Dei-Loki, who's blush had grown a bit darker, huffed and made the most of his effort to change the subject once given the chance. A slight pout on his face. "Y' got drunk without us?"

"Mhmmmmm~, i was actually out here, watching the sunrise while drinking. You gotta enjoy the sweet, little nothings in life for your life to mean something. Anyways, back to the question. So, how many men have you slept with?" 
"what do you want?" she said sharply. "we have things to do, and people to kill. We run a tight schedule."

Lucifel took note of the female now right beside Cheshire, but he'd still hold a smirk as he closed his eyes to reply. "Well, I was going to just ask for directions." he spread his arms a bit as his smirk grew into a slight grin. "But the sheer curiosity of this whole thing has piqued my interest. Can I join?"

"Mhmmmmm~, i was actually out here, watching the sunrise while drinking. You gotta enjoy the sweet, little nothings in life for your life to mean something. Anyways, back to the question. So, how many men have you slept with?" 

Dei-Loki listened and then huffed at the question's return. "Quite a few of the palace guards." he would reluctantly answer. "Not all of them, but... a lot of them."
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Lucifel took note of the female now right beside Cheshire, but he'd still hold a smirk as he closed his eyes to reply. "Well, I was going to just ask for directions." he spread his arms a bit as his smirk grew into a slight grin. "But the sheer curiosity of this whole thing has piqued my interest. Can I join?"

Cheshire blinked "w-what?" She asked obviously confused, looking at Neo. "why? What do you get out of it?" she said looking back to the stanger.
Dei-Loki listened and then huffed at the question's return. "Quite a few of the palace guards." he would reluctantly answer. "Not all of them, but... a lot of them."

"Does that make you feel jealous, Massy?" "Nope. As long as they don't try to touch or hit on him again, then we're fine. If they do though, i have a basement with their names on it."
Cheshire blinked "w-what?" She asked obviously confused, looking at Neo. "why? What do you get out of it?" she said looking back to the stanger.

Neo returned the look, equally confused as she'd then blink and look back to Lucifel.

"Entertainment?" Lucifel's facial expression would glow in a rather deviant fashion as he'd ponder on his intentions, though he stayed in place as he'd kept his natural hostile energy at bay. "Not to mention, it pays to have company when you're looking to take people down, does it not?"

"Does that make you feel jealous, Massy?" "Nope. As long as they don't try to touch or hit on him again, then we're fine. If they do though, i have a basement with their names on it."

"Wouldn't mind watching that..." Dei-Loki would snicker as he'd cross his arms.
Neo returned the look, equally confused as she'd then blink and look back to Lucifel.

"Entertainment?" Lucifel's facial expression would glow in a rather deviant fashion as he'd ponder on his intentions, though he stayed in place as he'd kept his natural hostile energy at bay. "Not to mention, it pays to have company when you're looking to take people down, does it not?"

Cheshire looked over to Neo "yes or no?"
Cheshire looked over to Neo "yes or no?"

Neo would initially shrug before glancing behind both her and Cheshire in remembrance to just how small the group really was. So, with a huff, she'd look back to Cheshire before then giving a nod of approval.

"Y'know, i think your mate is both a masochist and a sadist." Masaru nodded wiithout hesitation.

"That doesn't stop me from being lovable!" Dei-Loki spoke up as he closed his eyes. Arms still crossed.
Neo would initially shrug before glancing behind both her and Cheshire in remembrance to just how small the group really was. So, with a huff, she'd look back to Cheshire before then giving a nod of approval.

Cheshire nodded at Lucifel "fine." she said before pausing "what's your name?"
Neo would initially shrug before glancing behind both her and Cheshire in remembrance to just how small the group really was. So, with a huff, she'd look back to Cheshire before then giving a nod of approval.

"That doesn't stop me from being lovable!" Dei-Loki spoke up as he closed his eyes. Arms still crossed.

Masaru snickered, he lifted Dei into his arms and kissed his lips. "You're daaaaaaaaaaaamn right about that."
Cheshire nodded at Lucifel "fine." she said before pausing "what's your name?"

Lucifel grinned from the acceptance. "I go by many names." He'd answer, soon stepping over the shuriken stuck in the ground as he looked up at them both. "But, Lucifel suits me just fine."

Masaru snickered, he lifted Dei into his arms and kissed his lips. "You're daaaaaaaaaaaamn right about that."

Dei-Loki couldn't help but snicker, as well. Returning the kiss as he smiled widely.
Lucifel grinned from the acceptance. "I go by many names." He'd answer, soon stepping over the shuriken stuck in the ground as he looked up at them both. "But, Lucifel suits me just fine."

Cheshire dropped to the ground below, retrieving her shuriken as she then unlocked the door with a password. "welcome to the family I guess"

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