Indescribable (Closed)

"well... actually" she said with a nervous laugh, twiddling her thumbs. 

Masaru's eyes shot open. "YOU DID WHAT!?" He yelled to the point where even the birds heard and flew away. Nicholas submerged from somewhere underwater and titled his head. "She said, he got her pregnant." He looked to Nicholas and sighed. "Should i kill him or be happy?" Nicholas paddled around. "Don't kill him. We don't want the kids to grow up fatherless." Masaru sighed and huffed in agreeance. 

Yuki perked her ears up and looked over to the group. Her eyes widen. 
"well... actually" she said with a nervous laugh, twiddling her thumbs. 

Masaru's eyes shot open. "YOU DID WHAT!?" He yelled to the point where even the birds heard and flew away. Nicholas submerged from somewhere underwater and titled his head. "She said, he got her pregnant." He looked to Nicholas and sighed. "Should i kill him or be happy?" Nicholas paddled around. "Don't kill him. We don't want the kids to grow up fatherless." Masaru sighed and huffed in agreeance. 

Yuki perked her ears up and looked over to the group. Her eyes widen. 

"Wha-- WAIT REALLY!? YOU'RE REALLY--!?" Dei-Loki widened his eyes, as he looked to Nia. His eyes widening even more when he'd fallen off of Masaru and into the water.

Malvo blinked a few times at that, also looking over as she lifted her brows.
"Wha-- WAIT REALLY!? YOU'RE REALLY--!?" Dei-Loki widened his eyes, as he looked to Nia. His eyes widening even more when he'd fallen off of Masaru and into the water.

Malvo blinked a few times at that, also looking over as she lifted her brows.

Masaru and Nicholas immediately dived after Dei. Grabbing Dei quickly and pratically flying back up with Dei in both of their arms. Masaru went to the edge and Nicholas patted his back. "Hey, you okay, Dei?"

Yuki swam towards them, wondering what was wrong. She realized quickly that Dei just fell in the water.
"Wow. I was kidding" she said with a cheeky smile rubbing the back of her head. "but it is somthing we need to consider at some point babe." she said looking up at her fiancée with a blush. "later though"
Masaru and Nicholas immediately dived after Dei. Grabbing Dei quickly and pratically flying back up with Dei in both of their arms. Masaru went to the edge and Nicholas patted his back. "Hey, you okay, Dei?"

Yuki swam towards them, wondering what was wrong. She realized quickly that Dei just fell in the water.

Dei-Loki gasped once above the water, coughing as he clung to both Masaru and Nicholas out of pure fear and needed stability. His ears having been flat. "I... I-I'm okay! I'm okay, I'm okay..."

Malvo lowered her ears, moving a bit closer as she watched her brother with concern on her face.

"Wow. I was kidding" she said with a cheeky smile rubbing the back of her head. "but it is somthing we need to consider at some point babe." she said looking up at her fiancée with a blush. "later though"

Akumu blinked a few times, his eyes widening after having seen Dei-Loki fall into the water. An instant worry showing on his face as he'd look to Nia. "You scared my brother into the water!"
Akumu blinked a few times, his eyes widening after having seen Dei-Loki fall into the water. An instant worry showing on his face as he'd look to Nia. "You scared my brother into the water!"

"oh. Im so sorry, I didn't even notice it was Dei, I was just... caught up in the moment?"
"oh. Im so sorry, I didn't even notice it was Dei, I was just... caught up in the moment?"

Masaru looked towards Nia and growled. He then turned his attention towards Dei. "I'm sorry. That must've scared you even more. I tried, but i just can't. I'll never be good at taking care of you." Nicholas looked to Masaru who seemed defeated and then to Dei. His hand placed on Dei's knee. He carefully lifted himself up to the surface and whispered into Dei's ear. "Don't give up on this." He then dropped back into the water.
"oh. Im so sorry, I didn't even notice it was Dei, I was just... caught up in the moment?"

Masaru looked towards Nia and growled. He then turned his attention towards Dei. "I'm sorry. That must've scared you even more. I tried, but i just can't. I'll never be good at taking care of you." Nicholas looked to Masaru who seemed defeated and then to Dei. His hand placed on Dei's knee. He carefully lifted himself up to the surface and whispered into Dei's ear. "Don't give up on this." He then dropped back into the water.

Akumu sighed heavily, slightly nodding to Nia before looking back to the others with lowered ears.

Dei-Loki blinked a few times, keeping his own ears lowered as he listened to Masaru, nodding slightly to Nicholas's whispered words before he'd then lean forward - tugging Masaru into a tight embrace as he'd close his eyes. "Don't beat yerself up about it, accidents happen; and that's all this was. I love y'..."
Nia sighed and looked at her feet, kicking the dirt around.

Nicholas stood up, lifting Dei from his armpits to Nia's level. "Dei, are you mad at Nia for not seeing that you fell? Nia, do you feel bad for not seeing that Dei fell?"

Dei-Loki raised his brows as he was lifted. His wet ears having lowered as he looked to Nia. Shaking his head soon after as he huffed. "I'm not mad."
Dei-Loki raised his brows as he was lifted. His wet ears having lowered as he looked to Nia. Shaking his head soon after as he huffed. "I'm not mad."

"So, we are all good. Now, come on, Dei, let's try this water thing again, okay?" Nicholas handed Dei over to Masaru, who held him tightly in his chest as he floated back carefully. Nicholas dived in and popped up by them. "You're welcome to join whenever you two want!" Nicholas yelled to Nia and Akumu.
"I feel bad yeah"

"So, we are all good. Now, come on, Dei, let's try this water thing again, okay?" Nicholas handed Dei over to Masaru, who held him tightly in his chest as he floated back carefully. Nicholas dived in and popped up by them. "You're welcome to join whenever you two want!" Nicholas yelled to Nia and Akumu.

Dei-Loki nodded once more, leaning against Masaru as he slowly relaxed once more.

Akumu would nod before turning to Nia. Softly bringing an arm around her in the process. "... Y' up for a swim?"
Dei-Loki nodded once more, leaning against Masaru as he slowly relaxed once more.

"Alright, let's get this started. Masaru and i are going to keep you afloat, but you gotta move your arms and feet." Masaru nodded. "Just like before when we went to that beach." Their eyes went under Dei's stomach, keeping his body afloat, but enough to still be in the water.
"Alright, let's get this started. Masaru and i are going to keep you afloat, but you gotta move your arms and feet." Masaru nodded. "Just like before when we went to that beach." Their eyes went under Dei's stomach, keeping his body afloat, but enough to still be in the water.

Dei-Loki grimaced, but eventually complied as he began to move his arms and legs as he recalled doing before. Though this, he kept his eyes winced shut and his teeth clenched. Knowing that, if he hadn't looked at the water, it made it a bit easier.
Dei-Loki grimaced, but eventually complied as he began to move his arms and legs as he recalled doing before. Though this, he kept his eyes winced shut and his teeth clenched. Knowing that, if he hadn't looked at the water, it made it a bit easier.

Masaru kissed Dei's spine. "You're doing wonderful. Absolutely beautiful." Nicholas ran his hand on Dei's body to fix many things wrong with Dei's posture and movements. "Keep it like that. Breathe, don't panic. Breathe. Pretend your Masaru is right there beside you. Now, we're going to let you go and you're not going to sink." Masaru shook his head, "I don't wanna let him go." Nicholas pushed themselves to the shallow end and sighed. "You have to, Massy. He'll never learn if you keep holding him. Remember you posture." Nicholas grabbed Masaru's hands and made him push Dei with him outwards. "Show Massy that you can do it. Don't make him feel sad and defeated. Don't make him feel like a failure. We both know that it hurts to see him sad." He whispered that to Dei and then pushed Masaru away.
Masaru kissed Dei's spine. "You're doing wonderful. Absolutely beautiful." Nicholas ran his hand on Dei's body to fix many things wrong with Dei's posture and movements. "Keep it like that. Breathe, don't panic. Breathe. Pretend your Masaru is right there beside you. Now, we're going to let you go and you're not going to sink." Masaru shook his head, "I don't wanna let him go." Nicholas pushed themselves to the shallow end and sighed. "You have to, Massy. He'll never learn if you keep holding him. Remember you posture." Nicholas grabbed Masaru's hands and made him push Dei with him outwards. "Show Massy that you can do it. Don't make him feel sad and defeated. Don't make him feel like a failure. We both know that it hurts to see him sad." He whispered that to Dei and then pushed Masaru away.

Dei-Loki, teeth remaining tightly clenched. Still, he continued soldiering on as he kept his movements frequent enough to both keep himself up, and to move himself forward. However, he'd still refuse to look.
Dei-Loki, teeth remaining tightly clenched. Still, he continued soldiering on as he kept his movements frequent enough to both keep himself up, and to move himself forward. However, he'd still refuse to look.

"Now open your eyes. Don't you want to make a certain someone proud? You're doing such a good job. You're getting a hang of it now just open your eyes. There's no person here to hurt you. There's just you, me and Masaru." 
"Now open your eyes. Don't you want to make a certain someone proud? You're doing such a good job. You're getting a hang of it now just open your eyes. There's no person here to hurt you. There's just you, me and Masaru." 

"I--" Dei-Loki whined, but soon opened his eyes to see his own progress. The panic he'd felt, he forcefully pushed aside. Filling his mind with just the concentration he'd been placing on each and every movement preformed to keep himself afloat.

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