Indescribable (Closed)

Nia took a seat at the dining room table, Aiden sitting across from her, setting his rifle propped up against the table, hands folded together as he spoke, seriously. "Nia. What happened to Dalania?" 

*insert Nia's exposition*
Dei-Loki had shrugged, as well. His gaze traveling to Akumu, whom hesitated before following both Aiden and Nia.

"I know that if i was in her shoes, i would want to be left alone." Masaru looked over to his sister. "You're just saying that because you want to go see the magical creatures in the woods." Yuki nodded. 
Nia took a seat at the dining room table, Aiden sitting across from her, setting his rifle propped up against the table, hands folded together as he spoke, seriously. "Nia. What happened to Dalania?" 

*insert Nia's exposition*

Akumu sat beside Nia, letting the two catch up as he'd simply listen.

"I know that if i was in her shoes, i would want to be left alone." Masaru looked over to his sister. "You're just saying that because you want to go see the magical creatures in the woods." Yuki nodded. 

Dei-Loki snickered. "I wouldn't mind doing that, either."
"okay" was all he said, after receiving the information.

"so, what happened to you?"

Aiden took a deep breath "a few days after I left, a storm struck and send our ship down to the drink. To my knowledge I was the only survivor. I washed up onto an uninhabited island. I survived for... what was it- 7 years. I made my way home, and then after seeing it, tried to find any family I had left, and here I am."  
"Yay!" Dei-Loki snickered, his tail having curled when Masaru's hold had tightened.

"You two disgust me of how too close you are to each other." Masaru snickered, "we can get even closer if ya want to complain." Yuki squinted as Masasru wiggled his eyebrows. "Please have mercy on my soul. Come on, let's go. I want to meet a minotaur named Julius." Yuki began to head towards the woods, soon making into the thick of it.
"You two disgust me of how too close you are to each other." Masaru snickered, "we can get even closer if ya want to complain." Yuki squinted as Masasru wiggled his eyebrows. "Please have mercy on my soul. Come on, let's go. I want to meet a minotaur named Julius." Yuki began to head towards the woods, soon making into the thick of it.

Dei-Loki would also snicker, soon having slid out of Masaru's arms as he'd turn to follow.
"what was it like there?" she asked tilting her head. Aiden answered, a sort of humoring smile on his lips. "cold." 
Masaru and Yuki neared an old, fat tree stump. Moss covered most of it and the ground. "Wow! The magic in the air is remarkable!" Masaru shushed her immediately. "Keep your voices down. Do not scare the creatures of this forest." He and Yuki stayed silent. After ten minutes of waiting, just as Yuki got extremely impatient, a slight, sweet humming came out of everywhere and nowhere. Soon, the humming got louder and louder until it was chant of magic. Minotaurs, Gilled antelope, Deer woman, White Stag, kelpies, nymphs, Ents and many many more filled the forest. A pixie fluttered close by, shifting into a bigger version of herself as she bowed. "Greetings Masaru of Valkai." She thumped her forehead gently three times with her fist. "Greetings, Xino of Trystle Forest." He thumped the area above his heart three times as well. Xino smiled and turned to the forest creatures. "My family, welcome Masaru  of Valkai and his family home." The forest creatures cheered and danced. Xino turned back around with a smile. 
  "It's nice that you're back, Masaru." 
Aiden cleared his throat.  "so. where did you two meet, how long have you been together, and when is the we-.... wedding" he said struggling to say the last word.
Masaru and Yuki neared an old, fat tree stump. Moss covered most of it and the ground. "Wow! The magic in the air is remarkable!" Masaru shushed her immediately. "Keep your voices down. Do not scare the creatures of this forest." He and Yuki stayed silent. After ten minutes of waiting, just as Yuki got extremely impatient, a slight, sweet humming came out of everywhere and nowhere. Soon, the humming got louder and louder until it was chant of magic. Minotaurs, Gilled antelope, Deer woman, White Stag, kelpies, nymphs, Ents and many many more filled the forest. A pixie fluttered close by, shifting into a bigger version of herself as she bowed. "Greetings Masaru of Valkai." She thumped her forehead gently three times with her fist. "Greetings, Xino of Trystle Forest." He thumped the area above his heart three times as well. Xino smiled and turned to the forest creatures. "My family, welcome Masaru  of Valkai and his family home." The forest creatures cheered and danced. Xino turned back around with a smile. 
  "It's nice that you're back, Masaru." 

"Woaaah..." Dei-Loki perked his ears as he'd watch in absolute awe. Keeping himself hushed, as instructed, as he'd watch the creatures wander into view. His eyes following them all as they danced before turning his attention to the pixie.

Aiden cleared his throat.  "so. where did you two meet, how long have you been together, and when is the we-.... wedding" he said struggling to say the last word.

"We met around here, if you could believe it. I showed up to check on my brother to make sure he was alright, and Nia and I just sort of hit it off. Been together for four years." Akumu smiled a small bit. "And, as for the wedding date, it's in a few days. My mother is the one setting up most of it, she loves this sort of thing."
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"Woaaah..." Dei-Loki perked his ears as he'd watch in absolute awe. Keeping himself hushed, as instructed, as he'd watch the creatures wander into view. His eyes following them all as they danced before turning his attention to the pixie.

"We met around here, if you could believe it. I showed up to check on my brother to make sure he was alright, and Nia and I just sort of hit it off. Been together for three years." (I THINK. Don't quote me on that.) Akumu smiled a small bit. "And, as for the wedding date, it's in a few days. My mother is the one setting up most of it, she loves this sort of thing."

Aiden nodded "and have you... you know" he said pressing his hands together as Nia blushed.
"Woaaah..." Dei-Loki perked his ears as he'd watch in absolute awe. Keeping himself hushed, as instructed, as he'd watch the creatures wander into view. His eyes following them all as they danced before turning his attention to the pixie.

"It's good to see you too, Xino. Xino, this is my mate, Dei-Loki, and Yuki, my eldest sister and sibling of the Oshiros." Yuki bowed. Xino kissed Yuki's hand and then floated to Dei. She then kissed hands. "Greetings, son of Loki. You two are welcome whenever to visit. Just not at night though. Night time is more dangerous than day."
Akumu inhaled from the awkward question, heavily exhaling as he nodded. "... We have."

"oh" Aiden grabbed his rifle and Nia gasped. "Aiden what are you-" she was cut off by his hand, shooting up to indicate "stop" 

Then looking over to Nia "so is he any good in bed?" Nia blushed deeply "uhm... yeah, yeh, yes he is" Aiden smirked and set it back down, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.
"It's good to see you too, Xino. Xino, this is my mate, Dei-Loki, and Yuki, my eldest sister and sibling of the Oshiros." Yuki bowed. Xino kissed Yuki's hand and then floated to Dei. She then kissed hands. "Greetings, son of Loki. You two are welcome whenever to visit. Just not at night though. Night time is more dangerous than day."

Dei-Loki would also bow, watching Xino float her way over before having smiled and given a nod. However, he'd soon quirk his brow in a bit of curiosity. "Are creatures here more hostile come nightfall?"

"oh" Aiden grabbed his rifle and Nia gasped. "Aiden what are you-" she was cut off by his hand, shooting up to indicate "stop" 

Then looking over to Nia "so is he any good in bed?" Nia blushed deeply "uhm... yeah, yeh, yes he is" Aiden smirked and set it back down, leaning back in his chair and crossing his arms.

Akumu tensed as he watched, only to relax with a heavy sigh of relief. His eyes closing soon after. 
Dei-Loki would also bow, watching Xino float her way over before having smiled and given a nod. However, he'd soon quirk his brow in a bit of curiosity. "Are creatures here more hostile come nightfall?"

"Many. Masaru knows that all too well." Masaru scoffed, "I was curious of this place. Many had heard of it, only few could share a tale or two. I wanted to see for my own eyes, that's why i moved here. So close to this beauty of pure, raw magic and mystery." 
Aiden smirked then stretching as he said "is there any place I can rest and take a shower?" 

"There's still a few spare rooms with their own bathrooms left, I think." He'd then stand and stretch a bit. "We can show y' to them."

"Many. Masaru knows that all too well." Masaru scoffed, "I was curious of this place. Many had heard of it, only few could share a tale or two. I wanted to see for my own eyes, that's why i moved here. So close to this beauty of pure, raw magic and mystery." 

Dei-Loki blinked a few times, softly snickering as he'd soon pocket his hands. "I'll be sure t' keep that in mind if I'm ever faced with the curiosity."
"There's still a few spare rooms with their own bathrooms left, I think." He'd then stand and stretch a bit. "We can show y' to them."

Dei-Loki blinked a few times, softly snickering as he'd soon pocket his hands. "I'll be sure t' keep that in mind if I'm ever faced with the curiosity."

"You could always come with me if you like. But we would have to be careful not to wake anyone up."

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