Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki forced air through his nose, yet again, looking back to the sky quietly.

Akumu eventually made his way over with a loud sigh, allowing his eyes to study the clouds as he walked.

Masaru snickered before giving a quiet whine. He placed Dei's hands on his hair agian. "More."
Nia continued to look up at the sky.


Aiden, weary from his long trek, walked with a slight limp, and shuffle to his feet. His hood over his head to protect him from the sun and rifle lazily slung over his shoulder, the strap of which he held with his right hand to prevent it from falling and unfocusing, or damaging the old scope. 

His heightened hearing suddenly picked up sound behind him. He spun around, leveling his rifle as he got into a kneeling position, and scanned for movement. "hey buddy" said a voice "hand over your valuables or I'll gut you like a fish!" Aiden said nothing and scanned the surrounding area through his scope, looking for any trace of the bandit.


Aiden slowed his breathing and lowered the crosshair down to the only portion of him visible. His foot and toes. Aiden slowed his breathing and squeezed the trigger. The powerful 7.62 X 54R round leaving the unsupressed muzzle at incredible speed, the loud bang reverberating through the forest.

The bandit yelled in pain as he hobbled on one foot, holding the damaged one in his hands until he fell onto his butt, still holding what remained of his foot. Looking up at Aiden as he found himself looking down the barrel of his rifle from 40 feet away. "the next one goes through your eye..." he said coldly in his tough, yet soft voice, cycling the bolt.
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Nia continued to look up at the sky.


Aiden, weary from his long trek, walked with a slight limp, and shuffle to his feet. His hood over his head to protect him from the sun and rifle lazily slung over his shoulder, the strap of which he held with his right hand to prevent it from falling and unfocusing, or damaging the old scope. 

His heightened hearing suddenly picked up sound behind him. He spun around, leveling his rifle as he got into a kneeling position, and scanned for movement. "hey buddy" said a voice "hand over your valuables or I'll gut you like a fish!" Aiden said nothing and scanned the surrounding area through his scope, looking for any trace of the bandit.


Aiden slowed his breathing and lowered the crosshair down to the only portion of him visible. His foot and toes. Aiden slowed his breathing and squeezed the trigger. The powerful 7.62 X 54R round leaving the unsupressed muzzle at incredible speed, the loud bang reverberating through the forest.

The bandit yelled in pain as he hobbled on one foot, holding the damaged one in his hands until he fell onto his butt, still holding what remained of his foot. Looking up at Aiden as he found himself looking down the barrel of his rifle from 40 feet away. "the next one goes through your eye..." he said coldly in his tough, yet soft voice, cycling the bolt.

Masaru stood up quickly. Yuki appeared out of the doorway. She quirked a eyebrow at her brother. He growled and she nodded. Her eyes rolled back in her sockets. "A. . . man with a rifle. Red hair, green eyes. . . Ai-. ." Masaru whipped around to Nia. "Who did he shoot, Yuki?" Her eyes began to glow a radiant purple. "A thief." Masaru tsked and began to head to the direction of the gunshot. "It better be just that."
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Masaru stood up quickly. Yuki appeared out of the doorway. She quirked a eyebrow at her brother. He growled and she nodded. Her eyes rolled back in her sockets. "A. . . man with a rifle. Red hair, green eyes. . . Ai-. ." Masaru whipped around to Nia. "Who did he shoot, Yuki?" Her eyes began to glow a radiant purple. "A thief." Masaru tsked and began to head to the direction of the gunshot. "It better be just that."

Dei-Loki and Akumu quickly sat up, as well. Akumu slowly lifting his brow as Dei-Loki jumped to his feet to investigate with Masaru.
Dei-Loki and Akumu quickly sat up, as well. Akumu slowly lifting his brow as Dei-Loki jumped to his feet to investigate with Masaru.

Nia got up aswell to investigate. 


The theif quickly threw his coin purse in Aiden's direction. "p-please dont" the bandit begged crawling away. "I never want to see you again. And you better stop stealing, or I will find you." he threatened. The theif nodded and scurried off.

Aiden stood back up, and put in a fresh round to keep himself topped off. He slung his rifle back around his shoulder and continued walking, obviously exhausted, with his head to the ground, and hood on as he carried on.
Nia got up aswell to investigate. 


The theif quickly threw his coin purse in Aiden's direction. "p-please dont" the bandit begged crawling away. "I never want to see you again. And you better stop stealing, or I will find you." he threatened. The theif nodded and scurried off.

Aiden stood back up, and put in a fresh round to keep himself topped off. He slung his rifle back around his shoulder and continued walking, obviously exhausted, with his head to the ground, and hood on as he carried on.

Masaru found the man easily, the smell of blood filling the air. "Excuse me, sir? What are you doing on my property? There's a perfectly good road that you could've used instead of my forest."
Masaru found the man easily, the smell of blood filling the air. "Excuse me, sir? What are you doing on my property? There's a perfectly good road that you could've used instead of my forest."

Akumu, also following, had pocketed his hands quietly.

Dei-Loki looked up to the male as the group neared the male's position. Hands folded behind his back and his ears remained perked as he would listen for a response.
Aiden put his hands on his rifle, quickly putting his finger on the trigger out of  pure reflex. However he did keep the barrel lowered to the ground. "roads are common place for traps and ambush points. Although, I've just been proven... mostly wrong. As to why I'm here." he said taking off his hood. "just looking for some-" he froze, spotting Nia "family..."
Aiden put his hands on his rifle, quickly putting his finger on the trigger out of  pure reflex. However he did keep the barrel lowered to the ground. "roads are common place for traps and ambush points. Although, I've just been proven... mostly wrong. As to why I'm here." he said taking off his hood. "just looking for some-" he froze, spotting Nia "family..."

Masaru looked back between Aiden and Nia and sighed. "Welp, i had enough sappy family reunions, goodbye." Yuki grabbed the side of Masaru's ear and pulled him back. He growled and pouted. "If you guys want your privacy that is? Mi casa es su casa. Blah blah this and that. Is that all, my Queen?" He looked over to Yuki who punched him in the air. The impact rung in the air. He hissed and rubbed his arm. "Fine! Your welcome to stay here or whatever since clearly someone here knows you. Just don't shoot in this part of the forest again. There are faes and pixies that live here. Plues the nymphs. And the boulder creatures. And the minotaurs and the centaurs. Plus all the other rules that i'll fill you in on if you do stay. Plu-" Yuki clamped his mouth with her hand. "You're just doing this to annoy me, aren't you?" He nodded and she sighed.
Masaru looked back between Aiden and Nia and sighed. "Welp, i had enough sappy family reunions, goodbye." Yuki grabbed the side of Masaru's ear and pulled him back. He growled and pouted. "If you guys want your privacy that is? Mi casa es su casa. Blah blah this and that. Is that all, my Queen?" He looked over to Yuki who punched him in the air. The impact rung in the air. He hissed and rubbed his arm. "Fine! Your welcome to stay here or whatever since clearly someone here knows you. Just don't shoot in this part of the forest again. There are faes and pixies that live here. Plues the nymphs. And the boulder creatures. And the minotaurs and the centaurs. Plus all the other rules that i'll fill you in on if you do stay. Plu-" Yuki clamped his mouth with her hand. "You're just doing this to annoy me, aren't you?" He nodded and she sighed.

Dei-Loki restrained a snicker. His hands still folded behind his back as Akumu would glance back and forth between both Aiden and Nia. His brows remaining lifted out if sheer curiosity.
"Aiden?" Nia said astonished "Is it really you?!?" she said taking a step forward. Aiden smiled "Yes, Nia. it's me" Nia ran up with tears of joy in her eyes and hugged him. Aiden returned the hug. "I missed you too ya dwarf" he said with a happy laugh as they embraced. "Wha- what happened to you?! It's been 9 years!" "I could ask the same thing to you sis"
"Aiden?" Nia said astonished "Is it really you?!?" she said taking a step forward. Aiden smiled "Yes, Nia. it's me" Nia ran up with tears of joy in her eyes and hugged him. Aiden returned the hug. "I missed you too ya dwarf" he said with a happy laugh as they embraced. "Wha- what happened to you?! It's been 9 years!" "I could ask the same thing to you sis"

Masaru snickered, mumbling dwarf under his lips. "I think i can get to like this man. I don't know about you guys, i'm going to leave these two to reunite." Yuki agreed following her brother as she asked if there was really Ents in the forest. Masaru chuckled and began to tell her all sorts of magical creatures in the forest as they disappeared from view.
"Aiden?" Nia said astonished "Is it really you?!?" she said taking a step forward. Aiden smiled "Yes, Nia. it's me" Nia ran up with tears of joy in her eyes and hugged him. Aiden returned the hug. "I missed you too ya dwarf" he said with a happy laugh as they embraced. "Wha- what happened to you?! It's been 9 years!" "I could ask the same thing to you sis"

Akumu silently would listen as a small smile having grown on his face.

Masaru snickered, mumbling dwarf under his lips. "I think i can get to like this man. I don't know about you guys, i'm going to leave these two to reunite." Yuki agreed following her brother as she asked if there was really Ents in the forest. Masaru chuckled and began to tell her all sorts of magical creatures in the forest as they disappeared from view.

Dei-Loki would quickly tag along. Gaze traveling to the sky in the process.
Nia released her brother, "well I was going to introduce you to everyone. BUT THEY ALL LEFT" she yelled the last part so they could hear. "but we can start with Akumu, he's my... fiancé" After hearing this Aiden glared at Akumu "your going to marry my sister?!"
Nia released her brother, "well I was going to introduce you to everyone. BUT THEY ALL LEFT" she yelled the last part so they could hear. "but we can start with Akumu, he's my... fiancé" After hearing this Aiden glared at Akumu "your going to marry my sister?!"

Masaru turned around to hear the two shouts. "KILL HIM! I MEAN . . . SHOOT HIM WHERE THE SUN DOESN'T SHINE!" Masaru sighed, "i guess we have to go back. WHEN I WAS GIVING THEM SOME PEACE SO THAT WAY THEY CAN REUNITE! BUT WHATEVER! YOU BRIDEZILLA!" Masasru picked Dei up, tapping his butt to tell him to wrap his legs around his waist. He then walked back over to see the fight up close.
Nia released her brother, "well I was going to introduce you to everyone. BUT THEY ALL LEFT" she yelled the last part so they could hear. "but we can start with Akumu, he's my... fiancé" After hearing this Aiden glared at Akumu "your going to marry my sister?!"

Masaru turned around to hear the two shouts. "KILL HIM! I MEAN . . . SHOOT HIM WHERE THE SUN DOESN'T SHINE!" Masaru sighed, "i guess we have to go back. WHEN I WAS GIVING THEM SOME PEACE SO THAT WAY THEY CAN REUNITE! BUT WHATEVER! YOU BRIDEZILLA!" Masasru picked Dei up, tapping his butt to tell him to wrap his legs around his waist. He then walked back over to see the fight up close.

Akumu grit his teeth and grimaced from the glare, but gave a slight, brief bow of his head in respect as he spoke. "I am. And if this upsets you in any way shape or form, you have my sincerest apologies. But, as long as she wants me beside her, this wolf isn't going anywhere."

Dei-Loki blinked a few times as he'd been lifted, bringing his legs around the kogitsune's waist as he turned his head to look at the others.
Akumu grit his teeth and grimaced from the glare, but gave a slight, brief bow of his head in respect as he spoke. "I am. And if this upsets you in any way shape or form, you have my sincerest apologies. But, as long as she wants me beside her, this wolf isn't going anywhere."

Dei-Loki blinked a few times as he'd been lifted, bringing his legs around the kogitsune's waist as he turned his head to look at the others.

Aiden smirked and gave him a pat on the shoulder "that's what I wanted to hear." before looking over to Masaru and rest. "Bride... zilla?" he questioned, raising a brow. Nia sighed "I'm stressed, cut me some slack. Anyway we have a LOT of catching up to do" "yeah, I suppose so." he said rubbing the back of his neck. 'the Aiden you lost, isn't the one you found little sis..." he thought to himself. 
Aiden smirked and gave him a pat on the shoulder "that's what I wanted to hear." before looking over to Masaru and rest. "Bride... zilla?" he questioned, raising a brow. Nia sighed "I'm stressed, cut me some slack. Anyway we have a LOT of catching up to do" "yeah, I suppose so." he said rubbing the back of his neck. 'the Aiden you lost, isn't the one you found little sis..." he thought to himself. 

". . . . Didn't you just called us over to tell him who were are? Make up your mind."
Aiden smirked and gave him a pat on the shoulder "that's what I wanted to hear." before looking over to Masaru and rest. "Bride... zilla?" he questioned, raising a brow. Nia sighed "I'm stressed, cut me some slack. Anyway we have a LOT of catching up to do" "yeah, I suppose so." he said rubbing the back of his neck. 'the Aiden you lost, isn't the one you found little sis..." he thought to himself. 

Akumu blinked at the pat, but he'd then smile slightly before straightening his posture.

". . . . Didn't you just called us over to tell him who were are? Make up your mind."

Dei-Loki listened. His ear giving a flick before he'd then huff. "So indecisive..."
". . . . Didn't you just called us over to tell him who were are? Make up your mind."

Nia groaned "I cant think straight I just met my long lost brother okay?! Geez. Aiden this is Dei-Loki, we just call him dei, Malvo is... somewhere. Theres Yuki. Masaru, he's a prick, and Ruvik is inside cleaning. Did I miss anyone?" 
Nia groaned "I cant think straight I just met my long lost brother okay?! Geez. Aiden this is Dei-Loki, we just call him dei, Malvo is... somewhere. Theres Yuki. Masaru, he's a prick, and Ruvik is inside cleaning. Did I miss anyone?" 

"The rest of the house, but you'll meet them later. Hi, i'm Masaru, the famous prick of them all. I was made for people to despise me. Welcome." A corner of his lip arched into his familiar, devilish smirk.
Nia groaned "I cant think straight I just met my long lost brother okay?! Geez. Aiden this is Dei-Loki, we just call him dei, Malvo is... somewhere. Theres Yuki. Masaru, he's a prick, and Ruvik is inside cleaning. Did I miss anyone?" 

Dei-Loki have a single wave in greeting, not a word slipping from his mouth in this process.
Nia nodded "okay" she said happily. "I guess we should head inside and catch up. Ahh, gods I still can believe your alive!" she said giving him a hug before heading inside. 

Aiden watched and put his hands on his hips, shaking his head "she hasn't changed at all" he sad with a smile before following.
Nia nodded "okay" she said happily. "I guess we should head inside and catch up. Ahh, gods I still can believe your alive!" she said giving him a hug before heading inside. 

Aiden watched and put his hands on his hips, shaking his head "she hasn't changed at all" he sad with a smile before following.

". . . Should we let them have alone time or what?" Yuki shrugged.

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