Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki cocked a brow as he watched him, a curious yet somehow worried look in his eyes. "What might that be?"

"I throw you in the dumpster and ditch. That way it looks like i'm the bad guy and the smell of sex would wash right off of you."
"I throw you in the dumpster and ditch. That way it looks like i'm the bad guy and the smell of sex would wash right off of you."

Dei-Loki shifted slightly, blinking. "That'd make it a bit hard fer me t' see ya after, wouldn't it?"

Nia sat at a table after getting some and went to town.

Akumu followed her over, chuckling as he sat and began to eat, as well.
"About like a mile from here? . . . I could call Yuki and have her pick us up. We can both use separate showers, or . . . the same one."

"Do that, then." Dei blushed, shifting on his feet. "And, well... we did all of that... I-I suppose we could use the same one..."
"Do that, then." Dei blushed, shifting on his feet. "And, well... we did all of that... I-I suppose we could use the same one..."

Masaru snickered. He then called Yuki and in matter of a few minutes. She pulled up and Masaru dragged himself and Dei in. "Ahh, what am i going to do with you? Always getting into trouble. Always starting trouble."
Masaru snickered. He then called Yuki and in matter of a few minutes. She pulled up and Masaru dragged himself and Dei in. "Ahh, what am i going to do with you? Always getting into trouble. Always starting trouble."

After being dragged into the car, Dei-Loki sat and slightly hung his head as he rubbed the nape of his neck with his hand. "Thank ya fer picking us up, Yuki."
After being dragged into the car, Dei-Loki sat and slightly hung his head as he rubbed the nape of his neck with his hand. "Thank ya fer picking us up, Yuki."

Yuki nodded as she drove. "It's no problem, but don't say i didn't warn you." She parked her car in the driveway. The three got out and into the house. 
Dei-Loki was quiet as he followed, hands in his pockets as he'd blink.

Masaru grabbed his hands and waved goodbye to his sister with a snicker. Masaru took Dei by the hand to a dark wooden door and smiled as he revealed his room. 


"Welcome to my room that you'll be seeing often, beautiful." He pulled Dei into him from behind and kissed his neck. He then grabbed Dei's hand again and took him to the bathroom, revealing a bathroom that was like his bedroom. "And this is another place that you'll be seeing often." 

Masaru grabbed his hands and waved goodbye to his sister with a snicker. Masaru took Dei by the hand to a dark wooden door and smiled as he revealed his room. 

"Welcome to my room that you'll be seeing often, beautiful." He pulled Dei into him from behind and kissed his neck. He then grabbed Dei's hand again and took him to the bathroom, revealing a bathroom that was like his bedroom. "And this is another place that you'll be seeing often." 

Dei-Loki had glanced around the room in awe, a slight flush to his face after he felt the kiss, soon following him once more as he'd then perk his brow and grin. "Living in luxury."
"Of course."

(Back to normal Indescribable   @xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania)

Masaru stretched in the grass. It was close to the day of Nia's wedding.

Dei-Loki lied beside Masaru, watching the clouds as he flicked an ear and released air silently through his nose.

Nia was pacing back and forth in the yard.


Akumu exhaled, closing his eyes as he wandered out of the house. It was the first day in the week he hadn't been dragged along for wedding errands, and he planned to enjoy it as much as he could, despite the nervousness he'd felt.
Dei-Loki lied beside Masaru, watching the clouds as he flicked an ear and released air silently through his nose.

Akumu exhaled, closing his eyes as he wandered out of the house. It was the first day in the week he hadn't been dragged along for wedding errands, and he planned to enjoy it as much as he could, despite the nervousness he'd felt.

Masaru turned, laying half on Dei as groaned. "i'm going to get a headache just from watching you. Sit down, Nia and relax before i throw Akumu off a roof."
Masaru turned, laying half on Dei as groaned. "i'm going to get a headache just from watching you. Sit down, Nia and relax before i throw Akumu off a roof."

"fuck you" she said instantly and monotone, as she continued to pace.

"It isn't like the apocalypse is on the horizon. It's going t' be fine, Nia. It'll be a good day." Dei-Loki huffed, running a hand through Masaru's hair.
"It isn't like the apocalypse is on the horizon. It's going t' be fine, Nia. It'll be a good day." Dei-Loki huffed, running a hand through Masaru's hair.

"I fucking called it that Nia was going to be a bridezilla. Poor, poor Akumu. Bridezillas are the craziest." Masaru shifted again to move his head on Dei's upper stomach. He placed Dei's hands back onto his hair, wanting for him to continue.
"I fucking called it that Nia was going to be a bridezilla. Poor, poor Akumu. Bridezillas are the craziest." Masaru shifted again to move his head on Dei's upper stomach. He placed Dei's hands back onto his hair, wanting for him to continue.


"I fucking called it that Nia was going to be a bridezilla. Poor, poor Akumu. Bridezillas are the craziest." Masaru shifted again to move his head on Dei's upper stomach. He placed Dei's hands back onto his hair, wanting for him to continue.

Dei-Loki would snicker. Sighing as he continued his actions, the demigod soon looked to Nia to catch the expression. "It's a big day, we get it. But it will be fine."
Dei-Loki would snicker. Sighing as he continued his actions, the demigod soon looked to Nia to catch the expression. "It's a big day, we get it. But it will be fine."

". . . Celestia, my late wife, was just as scared of the wedding as you are. She was petrified, wandering back and forth, wondering if the Priest of the church would allow for an angel and the Devil to mix. They did, and it was beautiful. Just like i told Celestia, so very long ago, you have nothing to worry for the good comes for good people. It always does. That's how the world works, karma and all. So, please, Nia, lay down and stare at these clouds before you pass out from stress and worrying too much."
". . . Celestia, my late wife, was just as scared of the wedding as you are. She was petrified, wandering back and forth, wondering if the Priest of the church would allow for an angel and the Devil to mix. They did, and it was beautiful. Just like i told Celestia, so very long ago, you have nothing to worry for the good comes for good people. It always does. That's how the world works, karma and all. So, please, Nia, lay down and stare at these clouds before you pass out from stress and worrying too much."

"no." she said laying down and doing as he said.
". . . Celestia, my late wife, was just as scared of the wedding as you are. She was petrified, wandering back and forth, wondering if the Priest of the church would allow for an angel and the Devil to mix. They did, and it was beautiful. Just like i told Celestia, so very long ago, you have nothing to worry for the good comes for good people. It always does. That's how the world works, karma and all. So, please, Nia, lay down and stare at these clouds before you pass out from stress and worrying too much."

"no." she said laying down and doing as he said.

Dei-Loki forced air through his nose, yet again, looking back to the sky quietly.

Akumu eventually made his way over with a loud sigh, allowing his eyes to study the clouds as he walked.

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