Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki watched as Masaru lowered himself. A heavy sigh escaping him before he blinked and followed Yuki's gesture with his eyes.

Malvo would do the same, soon nodding as she grabbed Dei-Loki's sleeve before looking to Yuki and smiling. "Yeah, we should be going. See y' both tomorrow?"

Yuki smiled back, a faint blush across her cheeks as she nods. "Yeah, see ya tomorrow. Come on, Massy, let's go before the Council--STRIKES!"
"THAT'S NOT FUNNY. They could attack and draw half of our powers out." 
"Stop whispering. You're making it worse. Come on, you paranoid asshat." Yuki took his hand and walked towards the car, going in and driving off.
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Yuki smiled back, a faint blush across her cheeks as she nods. "Yeah, see ya tomorrow. Come on, Massy, let's go before the Council--STRIKES!"
"THAT'S NOT FUNNY. They could attack and draw half of our powers out." 
"Stop whispering. You're making it worse. Come on, you paranoid asshat." Yuki took his hand and walked towards the car, going in and driving off.

Both watching as Yuki and Masaru took their leave, they then went to Akumu's side before they, too, had gone home.
Adrian had sighed gently, pulling up in front of Nia's house as he lifted a brow and glanced to Akumu. "This the one?"

"It is." Akumu did reply, looking to the house before opening the car door - glancing to Adrian. "Please don't make this awkward...[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]"[/COLOR]

Adrian snorted, "When have I ever done that?"

Akumu stared for a moment, soon getting out as he'd fixed both his glasses and his clothing. Closing the door of the car before looking to the house once more.

@Heir of Dalania
Adrian had sighed gently, pulling up in front of Nia's house as he lifted a brow and glanced to Akumu. "This the one?"

"It is." Akumu did reply, looking to the house before opening the car door - glancing to Adrian. "Please don't make this awkward...[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]"[/COLOR]

Adrian snorted, "When have I ever done that?"

Akumu stared for a moment, soon getting out as he'd fixed both his glasses and his clothing. Closing the door of the car before looking to the house once more.

@Heir of Dalania

Nia opened the door and stepped out, wearing a red flannel shirt and black pants. Only be stopped at the door by her mom, who fixed her hair, only to be swatted away my Nia "moooom come on thats enough!" could be heard before they hugged and Nia crossed the yard.
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Nia opened the door and stepped out, wearing a red flannel shirt and black pants. Only be stopped at the door by her mom, who fixed her hair, only to be swatted away my Nia "moooom come on thats enough!" could be heard before they hugged and Nia crossed the yard.

Akumu perked up as he watched Nia exit the house. A smile forming on his face as he fixed up his dark purple dress shirt a bit more. His hands being held behind him while he watched her approach.
Akumu perked up as he watched Nia exit the house. A smile forming on his face as he fixed up his dark purple dress shirt a bit more. His hands being held behind him while he watched her approach.

Nia stood in front of him, looking up at the taller boy. She held her hands together infront of her, giving off a timid, shy girl vibe. She brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. "so... we ready to go?"
Nia stood in front of him, looking up at the taller boy. She held her hands together infront of her, giving off a timid, shy girl vibe. She brushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. "so... we ready to go?"

Akumu would then nod to her. Keeping his somehow warm smile. "Yep, as long as you're ready." he would then shut his deep purple eyes before speaking once again. "I... hope y' don't mind, but my father said he'd drive us there."
Akumu would then nod to her. Keeping his somehow warm smile. "Yep, as long as you're ready." he would then shut his deep purple eyes before speaking once again. "I... hope y' don't mind, but my father said he'd drive us there."

"sure, I dont care that much as long as we have fun" she said with a smile, while on the inside she thought 'I CARE IMMENSELY'
Akumu, with a nod, would then offer her his arm before turning and heading in the direction of the car - opening the door for her.

Nia got in the car, looking at Akumu's dad and raising a hand briefly to wave before putting both in between her legs as she said "Hi"
Nia got in the car, looking at Akumu's dad and raising a hand briefly to wave before putting both in between her legs as she said "Hi"

Akumu got in beside her, shutting the door behind him in the process as Adrian smirked and glanced to them through the rearview mirror. "Hello. You're Nia, I presume?"

And, peeking around the front seat, Dei-Loki grinned and waved slightly. "Hey-o, Nia!"
Akumu got in beside her, shutting the door behind him in the process as Adrian smirked and glanced to them through the rearview mirror. "Hello. You're Nia, I presume?"

And, peeking around the front seat, Dei-Loki grinned and waved slightly. "Hey-o, Nia!"

"yep! thats me!" she said, then blinking at the sight of Dei-Loki

'this is fine...' she thought to herself 
"yep! thats me!" she said, then blinking at the sight of Dei-Loki

'this is fine...' she thought to herself 

Masaru gave a muffle sigh as he looked up at darkness. His wrist were tied together and duct tape was slathered on his mouth. He just got back from the gym wearing nothing but pants, underwear, shoes and socks, when he got kidnapped. He use a bit of his energy, hitting the top of the trunk to make a decent sized sound.
"yep! thats me!" she said, then blinking at the sight of Dei-Loki

'this is fine...' she thought to herself 

Masaru gave a muffle sigh as he looked up at darkness. His wrist were tied together and duct tape was slathered on his mouth. He just got back from the gym wearing nothing but pants, underwear, shoes and socks, when he got kidnapped. He use a bit of his energy, hitting the top of the trunk to make a decent sized sound.

Akumu hadn't noticed Dei had come along until now, his eyes instantly widening when he saw him. "Dei-Loki!? When the hell did you get in here!?"

"I've been here the whole time... Dad said he'd take me and a... friend... out fer the evening." Dei-Loki grinned.

Akumu blinked a few times, pausing when he heard the large thunk in the back.
Akumu hadn't noticed Dei had come along until now, his eyes instantly widening when he saw him. "Dei-Loki!? When the hell did you get in here!?"

"I've been here the whole time... Dad said he'd take me and a... friend... out fer the evening." Dei-Loki grinned.

Akumu blinked a few times, pausing when he heard the large thunk in the back.

Masaru kicked the top part of his tied feet to the trunk. He was tired and couldn't waste any magic, but he smelled the boy. He could smell his scent from miles. It was sweet and soft and it lulled something deep in the back of Masaru's mind. He continued to kick the trunk until he was noticed by someone.
Nia sat quietly.  Her hand finding Akumus as she would then squeeze it.

Akumu softly squeezed Nia's hand in return, looking to her in an apologetic fashion.

Masaru kicked the top part of his tied feet to the trunk. He was tired and couldn't waste any magic, but he smelled the boy. He could smell his scent from miles. It was sweet and soft and it lulled something deep in the back of Masaru's mind. He continued to kick the trunk until he was noticed by someone.

"What the hell was that!?" Adrian widened his eyes slightly.

Dei-Loki paused, raising his brows. "Oh! It... it's nothing. Let's just go."

Glancing to his youngest son, Adrian narrowed his eyes a small bit in skepticism before pulling over and getting out to go and check it out.
Akumu softly squeezed Nia's hand in return, looking to her in an apologetic fashion.

"What the hell was that!?" Adrian widened his eyes slightly.

Dei-Loki paused, raising his brows. "Oh! It... it's nothing. Let's just go."

Glancing to his youngest son, Adrian narrowed his eyes a small bit in skepticism before pulling over and getting out to go and check it out.

Masaru sprung out of the trunk with his body weight once the trunk was opened. He moved his foot in a awkward position. He easily crushed it under his foot. He looked into the car and into Dei's eyes. "I would start runnin' if i were you." He growled, his eyes turned into nothing but utter black. 
Nia whined and buried her face in Akumu's neck. "whyyyyyyy?"

"I'm sorry. I should've just said we'd walk..." Akumu grimaced as he gently brought an arm around Nia.

Masaru sprung out of the trunk with his body weight once the trunk was opened. He moved his foot in a awkward position. He easily crushed it under his foot. He looked into the car and into Dei's eyes. "I would start runnin' if i were you." He growled, his eyes turned into nothing but utter black. 

Dei-Loki paused, grinning in a very slightly nervous fashion as he shifted in his seat. He'd gone to speak, only to perk his brows as he looked to his father - whom gotten in between the stare-off of the two.

Adrian, eyes seeming to be now glowing red, crossed his arms. His aura switching from normal to threatening in the blink of an eye as he'd speak through a growl. "No, he shouldn't. But you, on the other hand, should."
"I'm sorry. I should've just said we'd walk..." Akumu grimaced as he gently brought an arm around Nia.

Dei-Loki paused, grinning in a very slightly nervous fashion as he shifted in his seat. He'd gone to speak, only to perk his brows as he looked to his father - whom gotten in between the stare-off of the two.

Adrian, eyes seeming to be now glowing red, crossed his arms. His aura switching from normal to threatening in the blink of an eye as he'd speak through a growl. "No, he shouldn't. But you, on the other hand, should."

Nia got out of the car "this is ridiculous I'm calling my mom to drive us there'
Dei-Loki paused, grinning in a very slightly nervous fashion as he shifted in his seat. He'd gone to speak, only to perk his brows as he looked to his father - whom gotten in between the stare-off of the two.

Adrian, eyes seeming to be now glowing red, crossed his arms. His aura switching from normal to threatening in the blink of an eye as he'd speak through a growl. "No, he shouldn't. But you, on the other hand, should."

"I was kidding. He likes to say the same thing too. Right babe? Where are we going? I'm hungry. Wanna stop by a pizza place after we take these two love birds- or ms. Social butterfly can go and whine because she can't handle our beautiful drama. I think i was a great actor." Masaru splayed his long fingers onto his naked chest. 
Nia got out of the car "this is ridiculous I'm calling my mom to drive us there'

"I was kidding. He likes to say the same thing too. Right babe? Where are we going? I'm hungry. Wanna stop by a pizza place after we take these two love birds- or ms. Social butterfly can go and whine because she can't handle our beautiful drama. I think i was a great actor." Masaru splayed his long fingers onto his naked chest. 

Dei-Loki blinked a few more times, rubbing the back of his head as he spoke up. Knowing that, if he didn't, his father would likely try and tear Masaru apart - joke or no. Couldn't have that, now, could we? "Yep! We kid like this all the time!"

Adrian would glare for a few moments before soon barking out a loud laugh. The grin on his face easing his energy back down into a slightly friendlier feel. Though, it wasn't back to complete normality. "Ah, certainly had me fooled! Alright, come on." He'd then turn his gaze to Nia. His brow perking as Akumu had also moved to get out of the car. "Nonsense. Hop back in, we'll be heading off now."
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Dei-Loki blinked a few more times, rubbing the back of his head as he spoke up. Knowing that, if he didn't, his father would likely try and tear Masaru apart - joke or no. Couldn't have that, now, could we? "Yep! We kid like this all the time!"

Adrian would glare for a few moments before soon barking out a loud laugh. The grin on his face easing his energy back down into a slightly friendlier feel. Though, it wasn't back to complete normality. "Ah, certainly had me fooled! Alright, come on." He'd then turn his gaze to Nia. His brow perking as Akumu had also moved to get out of the car. "Nonsense. Hop back in, we'll be heading off now."

Masaru would smirk to Dei and got in the car. "So where do you wanna go, after dropping these two off, beautiful?"

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