Indescribable (Closed)

"You can make new friends somewhere else. This isn't for an easy social butterfly like you."

"why not? social butterfly, its in the title. I make friends with everyone! ... Besides, whats harm could I do? I dont think your team would mind. Right guys?" she said happily.
Yuki ooed at Malvo's lunch. Her eyes drawing right to the applesauce. "I'll trade you anything for that applesauce." She quickly turned her attention back to Dei. "Why do you keep staring at him? You and all the other's that do the same thing know that he's a cruel, manipulative piece of shit and yet, you're pratically have your tongue rolled out, dragging on the floor as you drool. He may be my brother, but he's a bad boy. A very, terrible bad boy that would love to see you in pain and in tears."

"I'll accept payment in sweets." Malvo smiled, looking to Yuki before then looking back to Dei-Loki yet again. Speaking on his behalf after he didn't answer. "He's an... interesting one when it comes to picking relationships. Let's put it that way."
"I'll accept payment in sweets." Malvo smiled, looking to Yuki before then looking back to Dei-Loki yet again. Speaking on his behalf after he didn't answer. "He's an... interesting one when it comes to picking relationships. Let's put it that way."

Yuki handed over her pudding immediately. "I see. Just to say this now, i'm sorry for whatever Masaru does to him. He's not going to do something crazy, but he'll probably break his heart a lot for fun. I can't control Masaru, so . . . yeah. I'm sorry."

"why not? social butterfly, its in the title. I make friends with everyone! ... Besides, whats harm could I do? I dont think your team would mind. Right guys?" she said happily.

The teens looked over to their quarterback, Masaru. He sighed, rubbing his forehead. "Fine. Just don't be annoying."
Yuki handed over her pudding immediately. "I see. Just to say this now, i'm sorry for whatever Masaru does to him. He's not going to do something crazy, but he'll probably break his heart a lot for fun. I can't control Masaru, so . . . yeah. I'm sorry."

Malvo would slide her applesauce in Yuki's direction after taking the pudding, sighing and shaking her head. "It's fine, I know you can't control him just like I can't control Dei's choices. I'll just need t' be there fer if and when he is hurt."
Malvo would slide her applesauce in Yuki's direction after taking the pudding, sighing and shaking her head. "It's fine, I know you can't control him just like I can't control Dei's choices. I'll just need t' be there fer if and when he is hurt."

Yuki began to eat the applesauce and nodded. "Yup. I just don't understand what girls and guys see in him. Masaru is a nice guys once you melt away that cruel, cold exterior, and he is attractive, but still, why be with a male whose known all through out school to be a player and sadistic?"

"what would you difine as annoying?"

"People who ask what you define as annoying."
Yuki began to eat the applesauce and nodded. "Yup. I just don't understand what girls and guys see in him. Masaru is a nice guys once you melt away that cruel, cold exterior, and he is attractive, but still, why be with a male whose known all through out school to be a player and sadistic?"

Malvo shrugged as she ate the pudding, a soft sigh escaping her. "It's a mystery t' me."

Dei-Loki silently faded in and out of listening to them both. Not having touched his lunch as he'd stay in position.
Malvo shrugged as she ate the pudding, a soft sigh escaping her. "It's a mystery t' me."

Dei-Loki silently faded in and out of listening to them both. Not having touched his lunch as he'd stay in position.

"So how's school been for you guys?"

"ooo feisty" she said with a jitter. Then poking him in the cheek "why are you such a butt?"

"Making because you're annoying. Can you go away? Go over there to Yuki and her friends. You know Malvo. Go bother her." He pushed her hand away and gestured towards Yuki's table.
[SIZE= inherit]"Making because you're annoying. Can you go away? Go over there to Yuki and her friends. You know Malvo. Go bother her." [/SIZE][SIZE= inherit]He pushed her hand away and gestured towards Yuki's table.[/SIZE]

"fine" she said getting up with a huff. Then going over and sitting at there table, where she then flopped down into her chair. "I got voted off the island"
"It's been going great. Haven't failed a class yet. So, that's something. What about for you?"

"Pretty good. Good grades and all. I really love art and anything involved in the arts. I've been playing the violin for a while. Yup, that's Masaru for you."
"Pretty good. Good grades and all. I really love art and anything involved in the arts. I've been playing the violin for a while. Yup, that's Masaru for you."

"You play violin, too!? So do Dei-Loki and I!" Malvo had then blinked, looking over to Nia before offering her a smile. "Well... Yer always welcome here."

@Heir of Dalania
Yuki snickered. "But yes, i play the violin. I play a lot of things. I was born with either a pen, a paintbrush or an instruments."

"Well... maybe we could... play together sometime?" She'd suggest with a bit of a blush, moving on to her sandwich.
"I have enough at home. And that would be amazing! I would love to play with you."

Malvo perked up at this, a smile spreading across her face as she nodded to Yuki. "Great!"

Dei-Loki huffed, blinking when Akumu obstructed his view. And, with a very slight glare, he sighed and looked up at him. "Where've you been?"

"Apparently not as far away as your mind is right now." Akumu lifted a brow, soon looking to the others with a smile. "Hey, guys."

@Heir of Dalania
Malvo perked up at this, a smile spreading across her face as she nodded to Yuki. "Great!"

Dei-Loki huffed, blinking when Akumu obstructed his view. And, with a very slight glare, he sighed and looked up at him. "Where've you been?"

"Apparently not as far away as your mind is right now." Akumu lifted a brow, soon looking to the others with a smile. "Hey, guys."

@Heir of Dalania

"Hey Akumu! Take a seat. We got plenty."
Malvo perked up at this, a smile spreading across her face as she nodded to Yuki. "Great!"

Dei-Loki huffed, blinking when Akumu obstructed his view. And, with a very slight glare, he sighed and looked up at him. "Where've you been?"

"Apparently not as far away as your mind is right now." Akumu lifted a brow, soon looking to the others with a smile. "Hey, guys."

@Heir of Dalania

Nia gave a quick, happy wave "Hiya!"
Akumu nodded to Yuki, sitting beside Nia as he smiled a bit wider. "Hey."

Nia seemed to hold herself up better as soon as Akumu showed up, smiling the entire time and sitting up straight. Then looking over to Akumu "so about earlier, I was just suprised by what you did. Not that I didn't want you too, I was just not expecting it. So if you were to do it again I wouldn't freak out as much. But its not like I want you to or anything...."she said avoiding eye contact.
Nia seemed to hold herself up better as soon as Akumu showed up, smiling the entire time and sitting up straight. Then looking over to Akumu "so about earlier, I was just suprised by what you did. Not that I didn't want you too, I was just not expecting it. So if you were to do it again I wouldn't freak out as much. But its not like I want you to or anything...."she said avoiding eye contact.

Akumu, opening his lunch bag, looked into it as he listened to Nia. Soon glancing to her as he slowly lifted a brow while a faint blush coated his cheeks. "... You mean y' wouldn't mind if I did it again, say, right now?"

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