Indescribable (Closed)

Akumu quirked a brow, smiling slightly before glancing to his arm - soon putting the weights back. "It's nothing."

"I'm not jealous.Dei-Loki huffed. "Y' just... deserve someone better."

"So, would that be you?" He grabbed Dei's chin like usual, moving his head to look into his eyes.
Nia sat up fully, crossing her legs. "really?" she asked, raising a brow.

"Really." Was Akumu's gentle yet somewhat sincere reply. His feet taking him over to the pull-up bar.

Masaru leaned closer to Dei and snickered. "Spit it out, cutie. Let me hear your desires."

"I... I might think it's me..." He'd whine after somehow managing to free his chin. His gaze falling to his fingers as he fiddled with them.
"Really." Was Akumu's gentle yet somewhat sincere reply. His feet taking him over to the pull-up bar.

"I... I might think it's me..." He'd whine after somehow managing to free his chin. His gaze falling to his fingers as he fiddled with them.

Masaru laughed and ruffled Dei's hair. "What else are we doing, Ruvik?"
Masaru laughed and ruffled Dei's hair. "What else are we doing, Ruvik?"

Eyes closing as his hair was ruffled, he then glanced over to Ruvik.

"That about does it for today." Ruvik spoke, back against the wall.

Nia huffed and laid back down. "when is this class oooover?" she groaned.

Akumu, having heard Ruvik's answer, gently dropped to his feet the moment he heard the bell ring. Stretching with a grin.
Eyes closing as his hair was ruffled, he then glanced over to Ruvik.

"That about does it for today." Ruvik spoke, back against the wall.

Akumu, having heard Ruvik's answer, gently dropped to his feet the moment he heard the bell ring. Stretching with a grin.

"Wow. Perfect timing." Masaru said as he slyly brushed his hand against Dei's crotch before getting up and leaving. Yuki turned towards Dei and Malvo as she was leaving. "Sorry about him. He likes to play with toys, the sick bastard. Be careful if you are romantically interested in my brother. He'll break your heart and force it down your throat. So watch it, okay?"
"Wow. Perfect timing." Masaru said as he slyly brushed his hand against Dei's crotch before getting up and leaving. Yuki turned towards Dei and Malvo as she was leaving. "Sorry about him. He likes to play with toys, the sick bastard. Be careful if you are romantically interested in my brother. He'll break your heart and force it down your throat. So watch it, okay?"

Dei-Loki jumped slightly upon contact, biting his lip as he shifted and lowered an ear. Though, his gaze soon traveled to Yuki after hearing her words. Soon hesitantly nodding as he blinked. Malvo gently patting his back before getting up and stretching.
Dei-Loki jumped slightly upon contact, biting his lip as he shifted and lowered an ear. Though, his gaze soon traveled to Yuki after hearing her words. Soon hesitantly nodding as he blinked. Malvo gently patting his back before getting up and stretching.

Yuki waved to the rest of the group and left.
Yuki waved to the rest of the group and left.

Malvo would then wave in return, a small smile on her face before she then sighed and looked to Dei-Loki. "Alright, come on lover boy. Lunch is next, I think."

Dei-Loki returned Malvo's look, soon sighing and nodding before heading out with her. His gaze on the ground.

"So... What did y' do to Vanessa? And don't lie to me. I know when you're lying." Malvo quietly spoke as she squinted, walking along side of him.
"Like I need to tell you." Dei-Loki replied, his eyes closing briefly in annoyance before yelping in a bit of surprise when Malvo pulled him closer.

"Y' didn't kill her, did you?" she quietly asked, Dei-Loki narrowing his eyes.

"What!? No! Of course not!" he would quietly reply with a narrowed gaze.

"What about yer powers? Did y' use them?"

"Didn't do that either." Dei-Loki would sigh, giving a shake of his head. "I just... may have copied her health documents and scattered them throughout the school for other students to find so they could see just how much of a... What!?" 

Malvo had been glaring at him as they entered the cafeteria. Soon sighing gently as she shook her head. "Gods... At least y' didn't kill her. That's something..."
Yuki and Masaru sat at different tables, talking to friends. Yuki waved Malvo and Dei to the two empty seats beside her.
Nia sat off to the side, scanning the room for someone to sit with. Choosing then to sit next to Masaru.

"Hi!" she said cheerfully, taking a seat at his table without asking.
Yuki and Masaru sat at different tables, talking to friends. Yuki waved Malvo and Dei to the two empty seats beside her.

Malvo, having her attention caught by the waving, had smiled and quickly made her way over to sit beside Yuki - tugging Dei along with her as they both had sat down.
Malvo, having her attention caught by the waving, had smiled and quickly made her way over to sit beside Yuki - tugging Dei along with her as they both had sat down.

Yuki smiled back at the two. "So what have you two brought for lunch?"

Nia sat off to the side, scanning the room for someone to sit with. Choosing then to sit next to Masaru.

"Hi!" she said cheerfully, taking a seat at his table without asking.

Masaru and the football team looked to Nia with a puzzled look etched on their faces. "Whatya want, Sunshine?"
Yuki smiled back at the two. "So what have you two brought for lunch?"

"Let's see..." Malvo blinked, opening the paper bag she set on the table before taking out the items as she'd say them. "A ham sandwich, water, and applesauce. What about you, Dei-Loki?" she'd wait a few seconds for an answer before looking over to him. "... Dei-Loki?" 

Dei-Loki had been looking over in Masaru's direction. Chin resting on his palm as he'd have his elbow on the table. Though, his brow soon perked in curiosity as he watched Nia sit beside the taller male. Briefly glancing to Malvo after she elbowed him before looking back in the direction of the other two. "Mam packed me the same thing."

@Heir of Dalania
Yuki smiled back at the two. "So what have you two brought for lunch?"

Masaru and the football team looked to Nia with a puzzled look etched on their faces. "Whatya want, Sunshine?"

Nia slightly shrugged "a girl can't just make new friends?"
"Let's see..." Malvo blinked, opening the paper bag she set on the table before taking out the items as she'd say them. "A ham sandwich, water, and applesauce. What about you, Dei-Loki?" she'd wait a few seconds for an answer before looking over to him. "... Dei-Loki?" 

Dei-Loki had been looking over in Masaru's direction. Chin resting on his palm as he'd have his elbow on the table. Though, his brow soon perked in curiosity as he watched Nia sit beside the taller male. Briefly glancing to Malvo after she elbowed him before looking back in the direction of the other two. "Mam packed me the same thing."

@Heir of Dalania

Yuki ooed at Malvo's lunch. Her eyes drawing right to the applesauce. "I'll trade you anything for that applesauce." She quickly turned her attention back to Dei. "Why do you keep staring at him? You and all the other's that do the same thing know that he's a cruel, manipulative piece of shit and yet, you're pratically have your tongue rolled out, dragging on the floor as you drool. He may be my brother, but he's a bad boy. A very, terrible bad boy that would love to see you in pain and in tears."

Nia slightly shrugged "a girl can't just make new friends?"

"You can make new friends somewhere else. This isn't for an easy social butterfly like you."

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