Indescribable (Closed)

Masaru sprinted, grabbing a ball and throwing at Nia. Yuki followed through, and sent a ball at Akumu. 

Akumu, running to grab a ball for himself, narrowly dodging the ball before then jumping back and tossing the one in his hands at Yuki.

Dei-Loki quickly ran to grab a ball, as well, his eyes widening as he quickly moved out of the way of a ball thrown in his direction - looking up to see Malvo with a grin on her face, only to watch her dodge as he tossed one at her.
Nia ducked under Masaru's throw, then backing up to the center of the gym, dropping two of the three balls she had grabbed at her feet.
Masaru turned and tossed the ball at Ruvik's head. Yuki dodged the ball by a sliver as she too, threw a ball at Akumu.
Ruvik winced following the PONK, growling before tossing the ball back into the center.

Akumu would swiftly duck to avoid the ball, picking up two more as he tossed one in Yuki's direction, and one in Masaru's.

Malvo held a grin after she dodged the ball Dei-Loki threw at her, quickly scooping one up and tossing it at Nia.
Nia deflected Malvo's ball with her own, then throwing it at Masaru and picking up another.

Masaru grabbed the two balls that flew at him and smiled. He then threw the two at Ruvik's crotch and face. Yuki dodged the ball and then watched the balls fly past her and at Ruvik. "Can you just play the game?" Masaru shook his head and threw another ball at Ruvik's nose.
Masaru grabbed the two balls that flew at him and smiled. He then threw the two at Ruvik's crotch and face. Yuki dodged the ball and then watched the balls fly past her and at Ruvik. "Can you just play the game?" Masaru shook his head and threw another ball at Ruvik's nose.

Ruvik, though clearly angered with the fact he was a target, observed the game. Lifting his arm to deflect the ball just in time to save his nose. "Nia and Akumu, Masaru caught your tosses. Head to the bench!"

"He's barely playing! Come on!"

Dei-Loki glanced in Akumu's and Nia's direction for a brief second before putting his head back in the game and grabbing another ball.
Masaru smirked and then moved his eyes to Dei. "Aren't you cute? Do you wanna play with me, cutie?" He shook the ball. Yuki threw a ball at him. He instantly stood, looking at his sister. "Who's side are you on?" Yuki chuckled, "the good guys' side, and you, Massy, are no good guy." He grabbed the ball and threw it at his sister, she dodged and threw one right back. This continued on.
Masaru smirked and then moved his eyes to Dei. "Aren't you cute? Do you wanna play with me, cutie?" He shook the ball. Yuki threw a ball at him. He instantly stood, looking at his sister. "Who's side are you on?" Yuki chuckled, "the good guys' side, and you, Massy, are no good guy." He grabbed the ball and threw it at his sister, she dodged and threw one right back. This continued on.

Akumu sighed, heading over and sitting beside Nia. His brow lifting as he watched.

Dei-Loki tensed a bit at that, a faint blush briefly coating his cheeks as he heard Masaru before quirking his brow when he watched the ball thrown by Yuki - which would soon cause the game to morph into a sibling war. Though, with them distracted, this have a good opportunity to turn the game around. But, as he crouched to grab a ball, he yelped in surprise when Malvo managed to finally hit him with a ball.

@Heir of Dalania
Akumu sighed, heading over and sitting beside Nia. His brow lifting as he watched.

Dei-Loki tensed a bit at that, a faint blush briefly coating his cheeks as he heard Masaru before quirking his brow when he watched the ball thrown by Yuki - which would soon cause the game to morph into a sibling war. Though, with them distracted, this have a good opportunity to turn the game around. But, as he crouched to grab a ball, he yelped in surprise when Malvo managed to finally hit him with a ball.

@Heir of Dalania

Nia huffed "well, we lost."
Yuki squealed as she got gently hit on her stomach. Masaru laughed, "I WON!" Yuki scoffed, "you won as a cheater, cheater." The same, similar sinister smile appeared on his lips, "no one said i couldn't." Yuki groaned, "IT"S IMPLIED!"
Ruvik watched as the other three would follow, shaking his head as he'd then also follow.

Malvo made her way to one of the bikes, glancing back to Dei-Loki as he did the same.
Akumu, grabbing a few weights, began to lift them. His gaze traveling around the room.

Malvo loosely gripped the handles of the exercise bike, looking to Dei-Loki with a small smirk. "Sorry about that."

"Eh, it's a game." Dei-Loki shrugged, in response. Occasionally glancing over to Masaru to watch him every now and again.
Masaru looked to Dei and jumped down, watching him intently as he laid down and began to bench press. Yuki ran even faster, her legs flying.

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