Indescribable (Closed)

Akumu blinked a few times, removing his glasses to wipe the lenses with this shirt. "That'd make for a fun class."

"Yep!" she said bencing backwards onto her hands and walking around on them. "Coach! Quit yelling at the buzz kill, lets do somthing I'm bored!"
Akumu blinked a few times, removing his glasses to wipe the lenses with this shirt. "That'd make for a fun class."

"AH! GODS! I can just make you sit out come the next game!"

Malvo watched as Yuki dropped to the floor to continue her stretching. Her brows perking a bit in the process before she then nodded - doing a few leg stretches. "As ready as someone who doesn't like gym can be."

"THEN YOU WOULDN"T WIN A GAME! Don't let me remind you of that one time in spring when your team couldn't even gain a single point without me. Who needs who?" 

"Don't worry. I'll pick you up if you loose your breath." She flipped herself onto her feet and smiled to Malvo.
"Yep!" she said bencing backwards onto her hands and walking around on them. "Coach! Quit yelling at the buzz kill, lets do somthing I'm bored!"

Akumu would watch as Nia walked on her hands, soon tilting his head slightly before chuckling with a grin. His gaze shifting to the coach.

"THEN YOU WOULDN"T WIN A GAME! Don't let me remind you of that one time in spring when your team couldn't even gain a single point without me. Who needs who?" 

"Don't worry. I'll pick you up if you loose your breath." She flipped herself onto her feet and smiled to Malvo.

Ruvik's brow twitched at the realisation, soon growling as he walked into the center of the gym. Loudly blowing into the whistle he wore around his neck to get the attention of the others before releasing it from his teeth. "THREE LAPS AROUND THE GYM AND MEET IN THE CENTER!"

Malvo blushed a small bit at Yuki's words, soon smiling a bit more before grimacing at the whistle - beginning to run.
Akumu would watch as Nia walked on her hands, soon tilting his head slightly before chuckling with a grin. His gaze shifting to the coach.

Ruvik's brow twitched at the realisation, soon growling as he walked into the center of the gym. Loudly blowing into the whistle he wore around his neck to get the attention of the others before releasing it from his teeth. "THREE LAPS AROUND THE GYM AND MEET IN THE CENTER!"

Malvo blushed a small bit at Yuki's words, soon smiling a bit more before grimacing at the whistle - beginning to run.

Masaru immediately went to the center. "Once you learn to not yell at me, maybe we can work this out." He rested his arm around Ruvik's shoulder and snickered. Yuki, on the other hand, ran with as much grace as a gazelle. She moved quickly, sprinting all the way until she quickly made it to the circle. 
Masaru immediately went to the center. "Once you learn to not yell at me, maybe we can work this out." He rested his arm around Ruvik's shoulder and snickered. Yuki, on the other hand, ran with as much grace as a gazelle. She moved quickly, sprinting all the way until she quickly made it to the circle. 

Ruvik would sigh heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose before then turning his gaze to the south doors of the gym as Dei-Loki made his way in. "And where were you?"

Dei-Loki lifted his brows at that, taking notice to Ruvik's angry tone as he stretched. Grinning in a slightly taunting manner before beginning his run. "Sorry, coach! I was at the nurse."

Malvo ran with Yuki, soon glancing back to Dei-Loki as she heard him before making his way to the center.

Nia very slowly handstand walked around the gym.

Akumu walked at Nia's side, grinning slightly in the process. "You'd think your wrists would get sore after a while."
Ruvik would sigh heavily, pinching the bridge of his nose before then turning his gaze to the south doors of the gym as Dei-Loki made his way in. "And where were you?"

Dei-Loki lifted his brows at that, taking notice to Ruvik's angry tone as he stretched. Grinning in a slightly taunting manner before beginning his run. "Sorry, coach! I was at the nurse."

Malvo ran with Yuki, soon glancing back to Dei-Loki as she heard him before making his way to the center.

Akumu walked at Nia's side, grinning slightly in the process. "You'd think your wrists would get sore after a while."

Masaru looked directly at Dei's ass and hummed in satisfaction. He then turned to see Yuki looking at him. "What? Can't i enjoy looking?" Yuki walked closely to Masaru, pulling him close by the collar. "His sister is cool and the first ever girl that i have ever met, that wasn't fake. So, you're going to be good. If you hurt hi-." Masaru pushed away. "Let me stop you there. When i set my eyes on the people that i want to have, i have them, any. way. i want. them. With their permission, of course. I'm not THAT much of a monster." Yuki sighed and looked straight into her brother's eyes. "Please, Masaru." There was a few seconds that went by before Masaru sighed. "Fine, i'll try and not to hurt him." She sighed, "I guess that's better than nothing." 
Masaru looked directly at Dei's ass and hummed in satisfaction. He then turned to see Yuki looking at him. "What? Can't i enjoy looking?" Yuki walked closely to Masaru, pulling him close by the collar. "His sister is cool and the first ever girl that i have ever met, that wasn't fake. So, you're going to be good. If you hurt hi-." Masaru pushed away. "Let me stop you there. When i set my eyes on the people that i want to have, i have them, any. way. i want. them. With their permission, of course. I'm not THAT much of a monster." Yuki sighed and looked straight into her brother's eyes. "Please, Masaru." There was a few seconds that went by before Masaru sighed. "Fine, i'll try and not to hurt him." She sighed, "I guess that's better than nothing." 

Nia got into the center "now what?"

Malvo inadvertently caught wind of Masaru and Yuki's convo, but she'd remain silent about it. Her posture straightening a bit as both Akumu and - eventually, Dei-Loki - made their way to the center, as well.

"TODAY," Ruvik lifted the bag of balls at his feet, "We're playing some good, old fashioned, dodgeball."
Malvo inadvertently caught wind of Masaru and Yuki's convo, but she'd remain silent about it. Her posture straightening a bit as both Akumu and - eventually, Dei-Loki - made their way to the center, as well.

"TODAY," Ruvik lifted the bag of balls at his feet, "We're playing some good, old fashioned, dodgeball."

"Sounds fun to me." Yuki nodded in agreement.
Malvo inadvertently caught wind of Masaru and Yuki's convo, but she'd remain silent about it. Her posture straightening a bit as both Akumu and - eventually, Dei-Loki - made their way to the center, as well.

"TODAY," Ruvik lifted the bag of balls at his feet, "We're playing some good, old fashioned, dodgeball."

"okay, cool. how are we doing teams? she asked
"Sounds fun to me." Yuki nodded in agreement.

"okay, cool. how are we doing teams? she asked

"Nia, you're the leader of team one, and... Masaru, you've got team two. Provided that you think you can handle it." Ruvik would squint and smirk for that last bit, soon closing his eye as he continued. "Both of you pick who you want on your team."
'I'll take Akumu, and Yuki"

Masaru scowled at this. "You can only pick one at a time, Nia. I want my sister. You can pick anyone else, but i want her." Yuki smiled, the protective, not-wanting-to-be-alone boy was still inside Masaru's spirit. He did almost everything with his sister and he hated to be separated from her.
Masaru scowled at this. "You can only pick one at a time, Nia. I want my sister. You can pick anyone else, but i want her." Yuki smiled, the protective, not-wanting-to-be-alone boy was still inside Masaru's spirit. He did almost everything with his sister and he hated to be separated from her.

"Awwww." Malvo smiled quietly at that, standing beside Dei-Loki as Akumu went to Nia's side.

@Heir of Dalania
Masaru scowled at this. "You can only pick one at a time, Nia. I want my sister. You can pick anyone else, but i want her." Yuki smiled, the protective, not-wanting-to-be-alone boy was still inside Masaru's spirit. He did almost everything with his sister and he hated to be separated from her.

"actually, your right, you can have your sister I want Dei, he's small and harder to hit."
Masaru did the same. He leaned down as if he was about to run in the Olympics. Yuki did the same and she looked to her brother and he looked to her. "Points on the bodies?" Yuki snickered. "Points on getting them out." Masaru nodded, "double?" She shook her head, "nah, we just need one point for when you get someone out." He smiled, "Sounds good to me. Time to release the Oshiros." 
Dei-Loki and Akumu did the same as Akumu, Akumu having nudged Dei-Loki with a smirk. "Alaois fire?"

Dei-Loki cocked a brow, soon having nodded.

Malvo stretched a bit after following her team, watching as Ruvik walked off to the side.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

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