Indescribable (Closed)

"Yer[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)] sure?" [/COLOR]Dei-Loki lowered an ear. "Because, if y' need help, I wouldn't mind..."

Malvo smiled at that. Glancing to Yuki briefly before then back up at the sky. "What about you?"

"I would never ask you to face your fear. Maybe your sexual fears, but i would never force you back into the water. Yes, i would like for you to clean my back and scrub my tails with me, but i can always do that on my own." 

"My little brother, Masaru. He's the only nogitsune that is left in our family; the other was our father. Even though, Massy is a nogitsune, it never stopped him from being a good guy, somewhere in the fucked up world that we live in. He would always make Mom laugh when we couldn't. He never realized this though, he was so young before everything went to shit, but i feel like Masaru can hear Mom's laugh somewhere in that mind of his and do good for the world. Even though i'm older, he's my role model."

"We still have the Saran Wrap idea?"

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki would blink, though he soon nodded with a slight smirk. "Well, alright..."

Malvo, whom listened, had smiled. Hands behind her head. "It must really feel nice t' have him let y' back in, then. I know it's certainly nice t' see." she would keep a smile, soon releasing a loud 'OOF' following Gizmo pouncing on her in his chibi form.

@Forever J
"We still have the Saran Wrap idea?"

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki would blink, though he soon nodded with a slight smirk. "Well, alright..."

Malvo, whom listened, had smiled. Hands behind her head. "It must really feel nice t' have him let y' back in, then. I know it's certainly nice t' see." she would keep a smile, soon releasing a loud 'OOF' following Gizmo pouncing on her in his chibi form.

@Forever J

Masaru quirked his eyebrows at the smirk. He was slightly confused, the first time in forever when he couldn't read his face and interpret on what he thought. "What are you thinking?" 


"It is." Yuki laughed as Gizmo pounced on Malvo. "He's so cute and a mighty protector." She scratched behind his large ear.
Masaru quirked his eyebrows at the smirk. He was slightly confused, the first time in forever when he couldn't read his face and interpret on what he thought. "What are you thinking?" 


"It is." Yuki laughed as Gizmo pounced on Malvo. "He's so cute and a mighty protector." She scratched behind his large ear.

Dei-Loki had blinked once more, soon allowing his eyes to close as he shrugged. Smirk forming to that of a smile. "Ah, it's nothin'. Come on, we've still got t' finish up with this prank."

Gizmo would lean into the scratching slightly, closing his eyes as Malvo snickered and sat up slightly with a nod. "He is! He also used to love t' bother my father."

Nia remained seated "I dont know. I feel like we should let the others do something."

"Or that. I'm alright with that, as well." Akumu smiled, shrugging his shoulders before looking up to watch it snow.
Dei-Loki had blinked once more, soon allowing his eyes to close as he shrugged. Smirk forming to that of a smile. "Ah, it's nothin'. Come on, we've still got t' finish up with this prank."

Gizmo would lean into the scratching slightly, closing his eyes as Malvo snickered and sat up slightly with a nod. "He is! He also used to love t' bother my father."

Masaru clicked his tongue as he decided to wait after the pranks were done, to ask. "So, who shall we go for, my lord~? Split the rat gunk in half and one can go for our sisters and the other can go for the soon-to-be-wedded couple? Or should we go for the dwarf and the masochist? Or should we go for our sisters only?" Masaru flickered back and forth behind him, the molasses dripping so ever slowly off his tails. 

Yuki giggled. "I bet. That is what foxes are made for. To be mischievous and cunning, isn't that right, my sneaky brethren?" She winked at the fox and rubbed his head between the ears.
Nia threw a snowball at Akumu 

Akumu yelped in a bit of surprise, shooting Nia a playful glare soon after.

Masaru clicked his tongue as he decided to wait after the pranks were done, to ask. "So, who shall we go for, my lord~? Split the rat gunk in half and one can go for our sisters and the other can go for the soon-to-be-wedded couple? Or should we go for the dwarf and the masochist? Or should we go for our sisters only?" Masaru flickered back and forth behind him, the molasses dripping so ever slowly off his tails. 

Yuki giggled. "I bet. That is what foxes are made for. To be mischievous and cunning, isn't that right, my sneaky brethren?" She winked at the fox and rubbed his head between the ears.

"Let's split it." Dei-Loki replied any glanced to him with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Can't leave anyone left out."

Malvo nodded, watching Gizmo rapidly wag his tail in response to the attention. "Y' should've been there fer their screaming matches. Funniest thing I've ever seen."
Akumu yelped in a bit of surprise, shooting Nia a playful glare soon after.

"Let's split it." Dei-Loki replied any glanced to him with a mischievous glint in his eyes. "Can't leave anyone left out."

Malvo nodded, watching Gizmo rapidly wag his tail in response to the attention. "Y' should've been there fer their screaming matches. Funniest thing I've ever seen."

"To the soon-to-be-wedded couple, we go!" He hurried over to the couple and waited as they were close to one another while throwing snowballs. He sat completely still on the tree, not making no noise at all and dumped half of the rat content onto the two. 

"That sounds amazing! I would love to see that!"
nia threw another snowball at him, laughing as she'd do so.

"To the soon-to-be-wedded couple, we go!" He hurried over to the couple and waited as they were close to one another while throwing snowballs. He sat completely still on the tree, not making no noise at all and dumped half of the rat content onto the two. 

"That sounds amazing! I would love to see that!"

"A snow war, is it?" Akumu grinned, wiping the snow from his face before he'd then go to make his own snow ball. Winding back to throw, he then paused upon having the rat contents poured over him.

While Masaru went and did that, Dei-Loki grabbed the other bucket before heading off to find Yuki and Malvo. Both hands holding the bucket behind his back by the handle.

"I'll bring y' with me fer the next holiday visit, then." Malvo smiled as she suggested. Her ears having instantly perked after sitting up completely. Holding Gizmo in her arms as she smiled brightly. "... If ya would like t' come, anyways..."

"A snow war, is it?" Akumu grinned, wiping the snow from his face before he'd then go to make his own snow ball. Winding back to throw, he then paused upon having the rat contents poured over him.

While Masaru went and did that, Dei-Loki grabbed the other bucket before heading off to find Yuki and Malvo. Both hands holding the bucket behind his back by the handle.

"I'll bring y' with me fer the next holiday visit, then." Malvo smiled as she suggested. Her ears having instantly perked after sitting up completely. Holding Gizmo in her arms as she smiled brightly. "... If ya would like t' come, anyways..."

"I would love to. It sounds like a plan to me." 



"Hiiiiiiiiiii~, Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia~. Why, you look so lovely today, it's way better than your usual look." Masaru burst out of the trees with laughter as he jumped near Nia. "Relax, i got a hot springs somewhere in the forest to watch that gunk off you both. All's fair in love and war."


"I would love to. It sounds like a plan to me." 


"Hiiiiiiiiiii~, Niiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiia~. Why, you look so lovely today, it's way better than your usual look." Masaru burst out of the trees with laughter as he jumped near Nia. "Relax, i got a hot springs somewhere in the forest to watch that gunk off you both. All's fair in love and war."

Akumu, whom flicked some of the blood from his ear, had grumbled as he'd glare in Masaru's direction after he landed. Though, with the gunk on his glasses, it made actually seeing him difficult. 

Malvo gave a nod to that, her tail wagging in the process. "Alright!"

The moment Dei-Loki spotted them, he grinned. Looking for a high place to hide in soon after. However, he'd then grimace after seeing their hadn't been a branch close enough. So, with a huff, he would tread silently in the snow until he'd been right behind them. And with a mischievous grin, he quickly poured the contents of the bucket on them both before leaping back a few feet to watch their reaction.
Akumu, whom flicked some of the blood from his ear, had grumbled as he'd glare in Masaru's direction after he landed. Though, with the gunk on his glasses, it made actually seeing him difficult. 

Malvo gave a nod to that, her tail wagging in the process. "Alright!"

The moment Dei-Loki spotted them, he grinned. Looking for a high place to hide in soon after. However, he'd then grimace after seeing their hadn't been a branch close enough. So, with a huff, he would tread silently in the snow until he'd been right behind them. And with a mischievous grin, he quickly poured the contents of the bucket on them both before leaping back a few feet to watch their reaction.

Nia turned and went into the forest looking for the hot springs. Pulling breifly and sharp on one of Masaru's rails before walking off.

@Forever J
Nia turned and went into the forest looking for the hot springs. Pulling breifly and sharp on one of Masaru's rails before walking off.

@Forever J

"Ow! HMPH!" He whisked the molasses covered tail to his face and petted it. Masaru then turned and went to Dei.

Akumu, whom flicked some of the blood from his ear, had grumbled as he'd glare in Masaru's direction after he landed. Though, with the gunk on his glasses, it made actually seeing him difficult. 

Malvo gave a nod to that, her tail wagging in the process. "Alright!"

The moment Dei-Loki spotted them, he grinned. Looking for a high place to hide in soon after. However, he'd then grimace after seeing their hadn't been a branch close enough. So, with a huff, he would tread silently in the snow until he'd been right behind them. And with a mischievous grin, he quickly poured the contents of the bucket on them both before leaping back a few feet to watch their reaction.

Yuki felt the hairs on her neck straighten up and she immediately grabbed onto to Malvo, pulling her into chest and fell down so that the gunk only rain down on her. "Ooooooo, rut guts~." She said as she sniffed the air, placing one of her fingers onto her back and brought it into her mouth. The finger came out with a satisfying plop.
Nia turned and went into the forest looking for the hot springs. Pulling breifly and sharp on one of Masaru's rails before walking off.

@Forever J

Akumu would follow, a heavy huff escaped.

"Ow! HMPH!" He whisked the molasses covered tail to his face and petted it. Masaru then turned and went to Dei.

Yuki felt the hairs on her neck straighten up and she immediately grabbed onto to Malvo, pulling her into chest and fell down so that the gunk only rain down on her. "Ooooooo, rut guts~." She said as she sniffed the air, placing one of her fingers onto her back and brought it into her mouth. The finger came out with a satisfying plop.

Malvo widened her eyes as she was protected from the gunk poured from the bucket.

Dei-Loki blinked a few times, grumbling with a pout. "Aw... no fair."
(skipping to alternete reality)

Nia walked into school early, sitting on her beanbag chair in the library. They had several there, BUT THIS ONE WAS HERS. Pulling out her notes for her astronomy presentatiom and reading the information to herself at a very quiet tone. "the planet Venus is known as Earths sister planet. However size, and relative distance to the sun is all these two terrestrial planets have in common. Venus's atmospheric pressure is 92 times that of Earth's, and is 92% carbon dioxide. The pressures are so high that it actually snows the "snow" appears to be a mineral condensate of lead, sulfide, and bismuth sulfide."
Yuki giggled with the people that she was near in the library. She turned to her brother, whom sat next to her. "Maybe if you stopped going to parties on school nights, you wouldn't be tired." Masaru tsked as he closed his eyes, leaning back in his chair.
Akumu traveled into the school with Malvo and Dei-Loki behind him. It was a line of ducks... but with wolves. "Can't believe I left my drumsticks here overnight..." Akumu forced a sigh, his gaze scanning the halls as he kept his hands in his pockets.

"Accidents happen." Malvo softly replied, hugging her books to her chest as she lowered an ear.

Dei-Loki, behind them both, walked silently as he looked around while they neared the library.
Nia folded up her notes. Lightly running over to the Alaois bunch. "Hi Malv!" she said giving her a hug and handing her a book "here is your book back" she moved to the next. "Hey lokster!" She said hugging him and briefly lifting him off the ground.  "I talked to the librarian, she said she could get more myth-y books" Then she hugged Akumu tightly. "Hey, you! Here, you left these here, I took them home for safekeeping." Nia said handing him his drumsticks. Except they had vines of roses drawn onto the side which read, 'play on drummer boy xoxo, Nia'
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"You're such an asshole." Yuki rolled her eyes, but instantly tensed up as Masaru leaned into to whisper into his sister's ear. "I might be an asshole, but at least i'm not fake like you. How many of these people can you call friends and not hate them?" Yuki furrowed her brows before then looking up and smiling to Malvo. She grabbed Masaru's hand and lead him over to the Alaois family. "Masaru, this is one of my friends that i truly care for." Masaru quirked his eyebrow, "what's her name then?" Yuki smiled regardless of Masaru's intense aura. "Malvo, i met her yesterday when she was taking pictures of the school's football team for the newspaper. Didn't you read it? No, of course you didn't. You were too busy banging some innocent, naive girl in your bed." Masaru bit his lower lip and chuckled. "Well, i can't lie." Yuki sighed and shook her head. She turned back to the gang, "so how's the photos?"
Malvo blinked a few times following Nia's hug, a small smile forming on her face as she took the book. "Thank you, Nia."

Dei-Loki cocked his brows when Nia moved to him, "Thank--" Though, he then grimaced and closed his eyes as he was lifted slightly. "Please don't hug me."

"Lighten up a bit, Dei. Y' won't make any--" Akumu then blinked as the drumsticks were handed to him. A smile growing on his face as he hugged her back. Soon lifting a brow from the drawn out note. Still, he continued to smile. "Aww, thank you."

Malvo had then looked over to watch as Yuki and Masaru had made their way over. "Morning, Yuki!" She called out while the smile remained on her face as she closed her eyes and nodded in both greeting and conformation. [COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]"They're going well. I've got a few more I need to develop today."[/COLOR]

Dei-Loki glanced over as he watched - staring at Masaru for a moment before having quickly averted his gaze to the floor.
Malvo blinked a few times following Nia's hug, a small smile forming on her face as she took the book. "Thank you, Nia."

Dei-Loki cocked his brows when Nia moved to him, "Thank--" Though, he then grimaced and closed his eyes as he was lifted slightly. "Please don't hug me."

"Lighten up a bit, Dei. Y' won't make any--" Akumu then blinked as the drumsticks were handed to him. A smile growing on his face as he hugged her back. Soon lifting a brow from the drawn out note. Still, he continued to smile. "Aww, thank you."

Malvo had then looked over to watch as Yuki and Masaru had made their way over. "Morning, Yuki!" She called out while the smile remained on her face as she closed her eyes and nodded in both greeting and conformation. [COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]"They're going well. I've got a few more I need to develop today."[/COLOR]

Dei-Loki glanced over as he watched - staring at Masaru for a moment before having quickly averted his gaze to the floor.

Nia simply smiled at Akumu in return. Then jabbing Dei in the shoulder with her elbow "stop being edgy. This is high-school. We gotta" she jumped up and did a 360 landing with jaz hands. "enjoy it!"
Malvo blinked a few times following Nia's hug, a small smile forming on her face as she took the book. "Thank you, Nia."

Dei-Loki cocked his brows when Nia moved to him, "Thank--" Though, he then grimaced and closed his eyes as he was lifted slightly. "Please don't hug me."

"Lighten up a bit, Dei. Y' won't make any--" Akumu then blinked as the drumsticks were handed to him. A smile growing on his face as he hugged her back. Soon lifting a brow from the drawn out note. Still, he continued to smile. "Aww, thank you."

Malvo had then looked over to watch as Yuki and Masaru had made their way over. "Morning, Yuki!" She called out while the smile remained on her face as she closed her eyes and nodded in both greeting and conformation. [COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)]"They're going well. I've got a few more I need to develop today."[/COLOR]

Dei-Loki glanced over as he watched - staring at Masaru for a moment before having quickly averted his gaze to the floor.

Masaru felt eyes on him and began to turn around. After checking a minute to see only a few girls and some guys staring at him, he looked back. It was normal for people to look at him as he moved in the halls or slept in the classes. But those eyes, were something far more better than the fake females that lived in the school. He was hungry to feel those eyes on him again. "That's great! I can't wait to see them."

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