Indescribable (Closed)

Akumu crouched beside her, his ears twitching as he thought for a moment. "We could put plastic wrap up, blocking the doors so they could walk into it?" he'd suggest the first thing that came to mind.

Malvo curled her tail from the smile, soon looking to the others.

Dei-Loki quirked his brows in response, snickering as he watched Masaru's expression. "Alright, deal."

"ok, that will be our start plan. But at some point I want to dropkick Masaru into a pool of jello"
"Sweeeeeeet~. Alright, so what do we want to do?" "I could ask you the same thing, Pooka?"

Dei-Loki pondered for a moment, grinning slightly as he glanced to the energy slowly swirling around his hands. "Well, our options are nearly limitless. Anything come t' mind?"

"Hmmmm... something with... levitation, maybe?" Malvo would ponder as she blinked.

"ok, that will be our start plan. But at some point I want to dropkick Masaru into a pool of jello"

"We can work that in. What else?" Akumu grinned.
Dei-Loki pondered for a moment, grinning slightly as he glanced to the energy slowly swirling around his hands. "Well, our options are nearly limitless. Anything come t' mind?"

"Hmmmm... something with... levitation, maybe?" Malvo would ponder as she blinked.

"We can work that in. What else?" Akumu grinned.

"well..." she lifted a hand and it started to snow. "we have lots of options now" she said with a smirk
Dei-Loki pondered for a moment, grinning slightly as he glanced to the energy slowly swirling around his hands. "Well, our options are nearly limitless. Anything come t' mind?"

"Hmmmm... something with... levitation, maybe?" Malvo would ponder as she blinked.

"We can work that in. What else?" Akumu grinned.

"I want to paint you naked onto the ceiling wall of Akumu and Nia's bedroom. I want to take pictures of you naked and shove them in their bedroom. I also want to make Akumu look like a masochist. Then we can just put rats blood in a bucket have those two walk in to take a shower and call it a day." 

Yuki nodded, "maybe we can rain cat piss in balloons from the sky?" Masaru turned around at this. "You truly are my sister!" Yuki laughed at that.
"well..." she lifted a hand and it started to snow. "we have lots of options now" she said with a smirk

Akumu, who's ears did twitch, looked to the sky with a widening grin on his face.

"I want to paint you naked onto the ceiling wall of Akumu and Nia's bedroom. I want to take pictures of you naked and shove them in their bedroom. I also want to make Akumu look like a masochist. Then we can just put rats blood in a bucket have those two walk in to take a shower and call it a day." 

Yuki nodded, "maybe we can rain cat piss in balloons from the sky?" Masaru turned around at this. "You truly are my sister!" Yuki laughed at that.

"Oh, how I LOVE yer mind, Mr. Grumpytails!" Dei-Loki grinned deviously as he watched him.

"Oooooo! We could also toss frozen blood into a snow machine and replace what's happening outside." Malvo grinned, pointing to the window after noticing the snow fall.
Akumu, who's ears did twitch, looked to the sky with a widening grin on his face.

"Oh, how I LOVE yer mind, Mr. Grumpytails!" Dei-Loki grinned deviously as he watched him.

"Oooooo! We could also toss frozen blood into a snow machine and replace what's happening outside." Malvo grinned, pointing to the window after noticing the snow fall.

"I just love being a dick." Masaru snickered. 

Yuki gasped at that. "Perfect, let's make this a very dark Christmas."
Akumu, who's ears did twitch, looked to the sky with a widening grin on his face.

"Oh, how I LOVE yer mind, Mr. Grumpytails!" Dei-Loki grinned deviously as he watched him.

"Oooooo! We could also toss frozen blood into a snow machine and replace what's happening outside." Malvo grinned, pointing to the window after noticing the snow fall.

Nia began twirling her hand in a circle. "just, give me a moment'
"I just love being a dick." Masaru snickered. 

Yuki gasped at that. "Perfect, let's make this a very dark Christmas."

Dei-Loki snickered, as well. Taking his hand as he gave a wag of his tail. "Shall we get started?"

Malvo grinned a bit wider jumping from toe to toe from the excitement of the idea as she looked to Yuki. "YES, LET'S!"

Nia began twirling her hand in a circle. "just, give me a moment'

Akumu would nod, observing what she was doing with a lifted brow.
Dei-Loki snickered, as well. Taking his hand as he gave a wag of his tail. "Shall we get started?"

Malvo grinned a bit wider jumping from toe to toe from the excitement of the idea as she looked to Yuki. "YES, LET'S!"

Akumu would nod, observing what she was doing with a lifted brow.

"Lead the way." The Oshiros said in sync. 
Akumu would continue to watch, his ears remaining perked.

Dei-Loki would nod, turning to lead Masaru upstairs as Malvo went to lead Yuki outside so they could get what they needed.

Masaru turned to smile at Dei. "So wanna go with you naked or the rat bucket idea?"

Yuki lead Malvo to a shed. "There's blood bags in the shed, i can freeze them and give them to you. Don't ask why there are blood bags. Foxes are carnivores and Masaru is the most sadistic one of them all. So, i want you to stay out of there."
"Let's go with the rat bucket idea." Dei-Loki would suggest with a smile of his own. soon blinking a few times once having been buried in the snow.

Malvo nodded as she followed Yuki. "Doesn't surp--" cut off by a brief yelp from the snow, her sentence went unfinished.

Akumu bit back a laugh as best he could, eventually failing as it escaped him through the now open mouthed grin on his face.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
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Nia laughed and fled the scene. "let it snow let snow let it snow!~" she sang as she ran.
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Nia laughed and fled the scene. "let it snow let snow let it snow!~" she sang as she ran.

Masaru brought his phone to his eyesight and hit one button before it started ringing. He put it to his ear and smirked. "Hey Zeus! Remember that favor that you asked me, the one about saving your daughter, Athena? Well, i need a favor back. You see, there is a girl named Nia and another girl, he says that he is a boy, named Akumu running on my property. I was wanderi- NO! Don't kill them. I like torturing more than killing, you know how i work. Just shoot some decent sized lightening bolts around them, okay? Cool, thanks Zeus." He hangs up on the God and shakes the snow off of his head. 

Zeus does exactly what he is asked. He throws lightning bolts around the two's feet and laughs. The laughter sounding exactly like thunder. 
Dei-Loki flicked the snow from his ear as he watched Masaru, biting back a snicker in the process.

Akumu quickly followed after Nia, yelping in surprise as he'd attempt to dodge the bolts of thunder tossed at their feet.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Nia drew her sword and raised it up to the sky, allowing it to be struck by lightning. The blue blade absorbed the strike, sparking out blue lighting along the length of the blade. She then lowered the blade at the house, lightning striking its power box, and causing a blackout.

"WOO! IM NOT DEAD!" she chered.
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Nia drew her sword and raised it up to the sky, allowing it to be struck by lightning. The blue blade absorbed the strike, sparking out blue lighting along the length of the blade. She then lowered the blade at the house, lightning striking its power box, and causing a blackout.

"WOO! IM NOT DEAD!" she chered.

Masaru just snickered, his eyes turning into a bright amber glow. His vision became slightly clear as he smiled to Dei. "She was so close. Only if she knew that the Canes and Vulpes can see well in the night. So, what next, beautiful?"

Yuki shook the snow easily with a smile. She then hurried into the shed and came back with gallons of blood in bags. She then touched each with her own hands, mumbling some dark spell under her lips until all of the blood bags were frozen. "There we go! Now, what else did you wanted to do?"
Nia drew her sword and raised it up to the sky, allowing it to be struck by lightning. The blue blade absorbed the strike, sparking out blue lighting along the length of the blade. She then lowered the blade at the house, lightning striking its power box, and causing a blackout.

"WOO! IM NOT DEAD!" she chered.

Akumu widened his eyes as he watched the lightning strike the power box. His ears flattening as he blinked a few times. "Holy shit."

Masaru just snickered, his eyes turning into a bright amber glow. His vision became slightly clear as he smiled to Dei. "She was so close. Only if she knew that the Canes and Vulpes can see well in the night. So, what next, beautiful?"

Yuki shook the snow easily with a smile. She then hurried into the shed and came back with gallons of blood in bags. She then touched each with her own hands, mumbling some dark spell under her lips until all of the blood bags were frozen. "There we go! Now, what else did you wanted to do?"

Dei-Loki's eyes gave off an emerald glow of their own. Ears having instantly perked as he returned the look. "We need t' find some rats fer the rat blood."

Malvo had watched as her tail had curled. A smile spreading across her face as she then looked around. "We need a snow machine of some sort."
Akumu widened his eyes as he watched the lightning strike the power box. His ears flattening as he blinked a few times. "Holy shit."

Dei-Loki's eyes gave off an emerald glow of their own. Ears having instantly perked as he returned the look. "We need t' find some rats fer the rat blood."

Malvo had watched as her tail had curled. A smile spreading across her face as she then looked around. "We need a snow machine of some sort."

Masaru hummed for a bit, tapping his right leg against the hard floor board. "There might be some upstairs? That or we can go to the stable, grab horse shit and put it into the bucket." 

Yuki looked to sky for ideas. "He doesn't have a snow machine, but he has a wood chipper if that might help?"
"now what?" she asked

Akumu lifted his brows, bringing a finger to his chin as he looked off to the side, thinking for a moment. "Hmmmm..." And, with a grin, he manifested several boxes of jello mix, grabbing them and looking to Nia once more. "Eh?"

Masaru hummed for a bit, tapping his right leg against the hard floor board. "There might be some upstairs? That or we can go to the stable, grab horse shit and put it into the bucket." 

Yuki looked to sky for ideas. "He doesn't have a snow machine, but he has a wood chipper if that might help?"

"We'll save the horse shit fer if we can't catch any." He blinked, smirking as he glanced about.

"That'll do." Malvo grinned.
Akumu lifted his brows, bringing a finger to his chin as he looked off to the side, thinking for a moment. "Hmmmm..." And, with a grin, he manifested several boxes of jello mix, grabbing them and looking to Nia once more. "Eh?"

"yes! lets do it.... how do we do it?"
Akumu lifted his brows, bringing a finger to his chin as he looked off to the side, thinking for a moment. "Hmmmm..." And, with a grin, he manifested several boxes of jello mix, grabbing them and looking to Nia once more. "Eh?"

"We'll save the horse shit fer if we can't catch any." He blinked, smirking as he glanced about.

"That'll do." Malvo grinned.

"To upstairs then!" Masaru began to walk towards the elevator. 

"Cool! Follow me." Yuki walked to the wood chipper and smiled. 

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