Indescribable (Closed)

"yes! lets do it.... how do we do it?"

"We either need a pool, or a pool-like area of some sort. I'm sure I can fill the area with water and keep it warm with my magic... but we just need a place t' fill."

"To upstairs then!" Masaru began to walk towards the elevator. 

"Cool! Follow me." Yuki walked to the wood chipper and smiled. 

Dei-Loki would nod, his smirk growing into an instant grin while quickly following.

Malvo followed after her, looking ahead as her ears remained perked.
"We either need a pool, or a pool-like area of some sort. I'm sure I can fill the area with water and keep it warm with my magic... but we just need a place t' fill."

Dei-Loki would nod, his smirk growing into an instant grin while quickly following.

Malvo followed after her, looking ahead as her ears remained perked.

Masaru went into the elevator and then went into the hallway of the ominous top floor. Even with the ghosts gone, it was still incredibly terrifying. Masaru began to walk stealthy around, careful not to wake any rodents around. A squeak came from behind Masaru and he pounced. He then got up with the rat hanging in his mouth. The plop sound echoed silently as he pulled it out. "There's one." He swung it back and forth like a pendulum.

Yuki looked around. "Now, do we just want to create blood snow and then throw them at people?" 
Masaru went into the elevator and then went into the hallway of the ominous top floor. Even with the ghosts gone, it was still incredibly terrifying. Masaru began to walk stealthy around, careful not to wake any rodents around. A squeak came from behind Masaru and he pounced. He then got up with the rat hanging in his mouth. The plop sound echoed silently as he pulled it out. "There's one." He swung it back and forth like a pendulum.

Yuki looked around. "Now, do we just want to create blood snow and then throw them at people?" 

Gaze shifting about as they made it to the top floor, Dei-Loki glanced up and down the hallway, trying to shake off the eerie feeling that struck him before turning his attention to Masaru as he'd begin the hunt, smirking a bit as his eyes followed the swinging rodent. "Excellent. But, we're going t' need a lot more than just one to fill a bucket." 

"We can do that. But, I'd also like t' save some fer later today, too, if y' don't mind."
Gaze shifting about as they made it to the top floor, Dei-Loki glanced up and down the hallway, trying to shake off the eerie feeling that struck him before turning his attention to Masaru as he'd begin the hunt, smirking a bit as his eyes followed the swinging rodent. "Excellent. But, we're going t' need a lot more than just one to fill a bucket." 

"We can do that. But, I'd also like t' save some fer later today, too, if y' don't mind."

"As you wish, my lord~." Masaru shifted into his form, keeping himself chibi form as he fetched rats and came back with a mouthful and tail full a few times. Soon, the dead rats filled the bucket. He shifted back into his form with a smile. "I deserve another treat for that."

Yuki nodded, "I'll keep one for myself too. I'm hungry and would love a blood popsicle." Yuki threw a lot in, making a pile of cold blood snow on the ground. Leaving at least five or more for Malvo and one for herself. "Snowbaaaaaaaaalls~." 
"As you wish, my lord~." Masaru shifted into his form, keeping himself chibi form as he fetched rats and came back with a mouthful and tail full a few times. Soon, the dead rats filled the bucket. He shifted back into his form with a smile. "I deserve another treat for that."

Yuki nodded, "I'll keep one for myself too. I'm hungry and would love a blood popsicle." Yuki threw a lot in, making a pile of cold blood snow on the ground. Leaving at least five or more for Malvo and one for herself. "Snowbaaaaaaaaalls~." 

Dei-Loki would watch as the rats were gathered, keeping his hands at his sides until he would then lift the bucket with a nod. "I'll see to it that you do."

Malvo perked her ears at the idea of a blood popsicle, her smile widening while she watched the machine do it's work. Her tail soon quickly wagging. "Ohhh, this is gonna be fun."
Dei-Loki would watch as the rats were gathered, keeping his hands at his sides until he would then lift the bucket with a nod. "I'll see to it that you do."

Malvo perked her ears at the idea of a blood popsicle, her smile widening while she watched the machine do it's work. Her tail soon quickly wagging. "Ohhh, this is gonna be fun."

"You always know what to say to make me happy." Masaru smirked as he got onto the elevator.

Yuki was licking a opened, frozen blood. The bag on the ground. She nodded with the same smile. "We can make huge blood snowballs and i can launch them off one of my tails."
"You always know what to say to make me happy." Masaru smirked as he got onto the elevator.

Yuki was licking a opened, frozen blood. The bag on the ground. She nodded with the same smile. "We can make huge blood snowballs and i can launch them off one of my tails."

Dei curled his tail and returned the smirk, carrying the bucket with him as he followed.

"Sounds like a plan." Malvo agreed as she watched her.

Nia set up the pool with a few waves of her hand, digging a square pit.

Akumu would watch, a smirk on his face as he'd head over. dropping the jello boxes on the ground before holding out a purple glowing hand - the pool filling with water.
Dei curled his tail and returned the smirk, carrying the bucket with him as he followed.

"Sounds like a plan." Malvo agreed as she watched her.

Akumu would watch, a smirk on his face as he'd head over. dropping the jello boxes on the ground before holding out a purple glowing hand - the pool filling with water.

Masaru came out of the house with the rats, going inside the shed and coming back out with a blended smoothie of rats. Masaru set the large bucket near the shed and wiped his hands. "I gotta go pee. I also need to fix the electricity in the house, but that can wait." He moved into the forest and pissed. He then zipped up, not knowing that he was kinda close to Nia and Akumu's prank.

"Wanna lick, Pooka? It'll feed your wolf good." She placed the blood popsicle near Malvo.
Masaru came out of the house with the rats, going inside the shed and coming back out with a blended smoothie of rats. Masaru set the large bucket near the shed and wiped his hands. "I gotta go pee. I also need to fix the electricity in the house, but that can wait." He moved into the forest and pissed. He then zipped up, not knowing that he was kinda close to Nia and Akumu's prank.

"Wanna lick, Pooka? It'll feed your wolf good." She placed the blood popsicle near Malvo.

"Alright." Dei-Loki would nod to that, watching him go before looking back to the buckets.

Akumu lifted his brow, looking over as he heard Masaru before looking to Nia and whispering. "He's outside."

Malvo blinked a few times, but she'd then soon nod. Her tail curling around her waist before having stuck her tongue out - giving it a lick.

@Heir of Dalania
Nia drop-kicked Masaru into the pool.

Masaru groaned as he fell into the pool. He then resurfaced with jello in his mouth. "This it the most delicious prank ever. Thanks." He fell back into the jello.

Yuki smiled. "So? What did you think?"
Masaru groaned as he fell into the pool. He then resurfaced with jello in his mouth. "This it the most delicious prank ever. Thanks." He fell back into the jello.

Yuki smiled. "So? What did you think?"

Akumu blinked several times, sighing softly as he face palmed. "Well... So much for that."

Malvo flicked her ear, a smile returning to her face as she looked to Yuki. "This is really good. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it sooner."

@Heir of Dalania
Nia turned the jello in molasses.

Masaru looked up as the molasses covered him whole. He wiped it from his eyes with a scowl on his lips. "Not nice, Niiii~. Not nice at all. Now, what should i do first? Put the pictures of me having my way with Dei in your room, or shall i make a video tape of it and have it always repeating on your television and phones? Or maybe i can have my fun with Akumu? Pierce the most sensitive area on his body? Oh, maybe on the tool that he uses. Right. On. The. Tip~. What do you think, sugar plum?" He slowly moved his way out of the pool and smiled to Akumu. 

Malvo flicked her ear, a smile returning to her face as she looked to Yuki. "This is really good. I'm not sure why I didn't think of it sooner."

@Heir of Dalania

"Yay! I'm so happy that you like it. It always feeds my animal. Especially in winter when most animals are hiding or in hibernation. Judging by the blood, this is only a small animal. So, possibly a raccoon or something like that."
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Masaru looked up as the molasses covered him whole. He wiped it from his eyes with a scowl on his lips. "Not nice, Niiii~. Not nice at all. Now, what should i do first? Put the pictures of me having my way with Dei in your room, or shall i make a video tape of it and have it always repeating on your television and phones? Or maybe i can have my fun with Akumu? Pierce the most sensitive area on his body? Oh, maybe on the tool that he uses. Right. On. The. Tip~. What do you think, sugar plum?" He slowly moved his way out of the pool and smiled to Akumu. 

"Yay! I'm so happy that you like it. It always feeds my animal. Especially in winter when most animals are hiding or in hibernation. Judging by the blood, this is only a small animal. So, possibly a raccoon or something like that."

Akumu grimaced, wincing as he'd slightly find himself squirming at the thought. "Please no..."

@Heir of Dalania


Malvo nodded with a smile on her face. Her tail still around her waist. "I'll have t' remember this fer later."
Akumu grimaced, wincing as he'd slightly find himself squirming at the thought. "Please no..."

@Heir of Dalania


Malvo nodded with a smile on her face. Her tail still around her waist. "I'll have t' remember this fer later."

Masaru laughed, shaking off the extra molasses and walked back to Dei. "Welp they got me, but i made them, at least your brother, frighten. So, i feel accomplished."

Yuki smiled back. "So, wanna just lie in the snow, it's nice. We can go for the snow blood later." Yuki sighed as she plopped down onto her back and looked to the sky. "Also because i'm lazy."
Nia did what Akumu did

Akumu watched Masaru walk off, huffing softly.

Masaru laughed, shaking off the extra molasses and walked back to Dei. "Welp they got me, but i made them, at least your brother, frighten. So, i feel accomplished."

Yuki smiled back. "So, wanna just lie in the snow, it's nice. We can go for the snow blood later." Yuki sighed as she plopped down onto her back and looked to the sky. "Also because i'm lazy."

"What did they do?" Dei-Loki tilted his head - cocking a brow slightly from the smell.


Malvo snickered, flopping down beside her as she put her hands behind her head. "I'm good with that."
Akumu watched Masaru walk off, huffing softly.

"What did they do?" Dei-Loki tilted his head - cocking a brow slightly from the smell.


Malvo snickered, flopping down beside her as she put her hands behind her head. "I'm good with that."

"i suggest we run before we get counter attacked"
Akumu watched Masaru walk off, huffing softly.

"What did they do?" Dei-Loki tilted his head - cocking a brow slightly from the smell.


Malvo snickered, flopping down beside her as she put her hands behind her head. "I'm good with that."

"I got covered in molasses. I just need to scrub myself raw and bathe in the hot springs for a while. My tails will need a trim though and my hair may also need a haircut."

"What do you love the most, Pooka? What makes you happy? Food? Necklaces? Memories?" She asked as she watched the clouds shift slowly. 
"i suggest we run before we get counter attacked"

Akumu nodded, soon taking Nia by the hand before doing just that.

"I got covered in molasses. I just need to scrub myself raw and bathe in the hot springs for a while. My tails will need a trim though and my hair may also need a haircut."

"What do you love the most, Pooka? What makes you happy? Food? Necklaces? Memories?" She asked as she watched the clouds shift slowly. 

Dei-Loki blinked a few times at that, soon nodding in understanding as he flicked an ear and, even with his distaste for bodies of water, he'd suggest, anyway. "I could help y' with all of that."


Lifting her brow, she'd also watch the clouds. "Friends and family. It may sound a bit cheesy, but after all I've done, and all that I've been though, I'm happy t' know there's still a few people that've chosen t' still stand by me..."
Akumu nodded, soon taking Nia by the hand before doing just that.

Dei-Loki blinked a few times at that, soon nodding in understanding as he flicked an ear and, even with his distaste for bodies of water, he'd suggest, anyway. "I could help y' with all of that."


Lifting her brow, she'd also watch the clouds. "Friends and family. It may sound a bit cheesy, but after all I've done, and all that I've been though, I'm happy t' know there's still a few people that've chosen t' still stand by me..."

"You don't have to do that, Squishy. I don't want you to start freaking out in the water." Masaru said with shock in his eyes and a smile on his lips.

"That's really sweet. And you are right. Friends and family is what keeps us going."
"You don't have to do that, Squishy. I don't want you to start freaking out in the water." Masaru said with shock in his eyes and a smile on his lips.

"That's really sweet. And you are right. Friends and family is what keeps us going."

"Yer[COLOR= rgb(0, 128, 0)] sure?" [/COLOR]Dei-Loki lowered an ear. "Because, if y' need help, I wouldn't mind..."

Malvo smiled at that. Glancing to Yuki briefly before then back up at the sky. "What about you?"

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