Indescribable (Closed)

Akumu blinked a few times. His eyes opening so he could gaze up at her with a quirked brow. As he smiled, he had spoken. "Been nearly four years, hasn't it?"

"It's alright. I didn't expect y' to know..." Malvo would softly sympathise as her ears would slowly perk following the nickname. Having known what it meant, she gave a light smile and leaned her side against the tree's base. "Pooka will do, though."


"I know shape-changing magic when I see it." Dei-Loki would keep his smirk - ears having been perked. "And this feels bit to... real t' feel like a dream."

"Then Pooka it is." Yuki said with a smile. She then turned towards the beauty of the village. "It's so peaceful. How serene it is and all. The enchanting laughter of the children, the kisses on the temple from a husband to his wife. How the dogs and cats coexist without anger. It's . . . tranquil."


Fake Dei growled and shifted into Masaru. "You're no fun." Masaru flipped off of Dei and got back under the covers.
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Nia smiled "oh, well. In that case" she kissed him and held it for a few seconds "maybe you should consider what your father said." Nia said then laying down on top of him.

Softly returning the kiss, he'd soon pause while a light shade of red brushed his cheeks. "Wh .. Wha-- That?" His eyes widened a tad. "I mean, if you're ready, I suppose we could."

"Then Pooka it is." Yuki said with a smile. She then turned towards the beauty of the village. "It's so peaceful. How serene it is and all. The enchanting laughter of the children, the kisses on the temple from a husband to his wife. How the dogs and cats coexist without anger. It's . . . tranquil."


Fake Dei growled and shifted into Masaru. "You're no fun." Masaru flipped off of Dei and got back under the covers.

Malvo gently patted her own tail, a smile on her face as she'd give a nod. "As it should be... Though... my father would certainly say otherwise..."


Dei-Loki watched as Masaru shifted and flipped back over to the place beside him. "Sorry, Mr. Grumpytails." The shorter male would apologise before lowering an ear and scooting closer.
Softly returning the kiss, he'd soon pause while a light shade of red brushed his cheeks. "Wh .. Wha-- That?" His eyes widened a tad. "I mean, if you're ready, I suppose we could."

Malvo gently patted her own tail, a smile on her face as she'd give a nod. "As it should be... Though... my father would certainly say otherwise..."


Dei-Loki watched as Masaru shifted and flipped back over to the place beside him. "Sorry, Mr. Grumpytails." The shorter male would apologise before lowering an ear and scooting closer.

"Otherwise?" Yuki asked.


Masaru turned to Dei with a smile. "If you truly want to make up for it, then you know exactly what to do."
"Otherwise?" Yuki asked.


Masaru turned to Dei with a smile. "If you truly want to make up for it, then you know exactly what to do."

Malvo nodded. "He's never been a fan of tranquility. Claims there's no real fun, otherwise."


"Do I?" Dei-Loki quirked a playful brow. Smirking as he would then teasingly look away - as if to think. "Do I reeeaaally?"
Malvo nodded. "He's never been a fan of tranquility. Claims there's no real fun, otherwise."


"Do I?" Dei-Loki quirked a playful brow. Smirking as he would then teasingly look away - as if to think. "Do I reeeaaally?"

"Ah i see. My brother is kinda the same way too. The only way that he can enjoy the scenery and be calm is if it brings a meaning to him. Like cherry blossoms remind him of Japan. Those kinds of things." Yuki hopped onto the branch that Malvo sat on.


"You would if you don't want me to put the muzzle and blindfold on you again." Masaru gave a soft, cold chuckle as he tipped Dei's head back so he can stare into his eyes. "I would watch it, baby. You know i have teeth and love to bite." He whispered into his ear and nipped at Dei's lobe, pulling it gently with a grin.
Softly returning the kiss, he'd soon pause while a light shade of red brushed his cheeks. "Wh .. Wha-- That?" His eyes widened a tad. "I mean, if you're ready, I suppose we could."

Malvo gently patted her own tail, a smile on her face as she'd give a nod. "As it should be... Though... my father would certainly say otherwise..."


Dei-Loki watched as Masaru shifted and flipped back over to the place beside him. "Sorry, Mr. Grumpytails." The shorter male would apologise before lowering an ear and scooting closer.

"well, the first part is a four word question, followed by a one word answer, the second part... ehhh"
"Ah i see. My brother is kinda the same way too. The only way that he can enjoy the scenery and be calm is if it brings a meaning to him. Like cherry blossoms remind him of Japan. Those kinds of things." Yuki hopped onto the branch that Malvo sat on.


"You would if you don't want me to put the muzzle and blindfold on you again." Masaru gave a soft, cold chuckle as he tipped Dei's head back so he can stare into his eyes. "I would watch it, baby. You know i have teeth and love to bite." He whispered into his ear and nipped at Dei's lobe, pulling it gently with a grin.

Malvo would perk a bit more at that, lifting a brow as she watched her land right beside her. Looking up with a smile, she'd then look forward yet again. "I've always wanted t' go t' Japan. Can only imagine how beautiful it is there."


Dei-Loki blinked and blushed in a dark fashion from the comment, and slightly darker as he then found himself staring into Masaru's eyes. A pleasurable quiver would follow his whisper as he bit and took hold of his bottom lip. Mainly to suppress the soft moan he would've released following the nip and gentle lobe tug.

"well, the first part is a four word question, followed by a one word answer, the second part... ehhh"

Akumu, whom had both brows raised, listened before gently pulling a soft smile. "Alright then, uh... wish I came more prepared for this." Soon, he'd lean up a small bit before kissing her for a moment. Slowly pulling back as he held that smile that curved his lips a tad.  "Nia Amillia Davion, will you marry me?"
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Malvo would perk a bit more at that, lifting a brow as she watched her land right beside her. Looking up with a smile, she'd then look forward yet again. "I've always wanted t' go t' Japan. Can only imagine how beautiful it is there."


Dei-Loki blinked and blushed in a dark fashion from the comment, and slightly darker as he then found himself staring into Masaru's eyes. A pleasurable quiver would follow his whisper as he bit and took hold of his bottom lip. Mainly to suppress the soft moan he would've released following the nip and gentle lobe tug.

Akumu, whom had both brows raised, listened in curiosity. His head having tilted a tad - as if awaiting both the question and the answer. 

"Maybe we can take a trip there sometime? It is very pretty, even in the cities. Bright lights and fallen cherry blossoms. Hell, if you want, I can turn your dream into Japan right now, but only if ya like." Yuki smiled.


"So baby, what's it going to be? Shall i chain you up and make you beg to the Gods for me to touch you, or are you going to do what i wanted in the first place? Either way, i'm having MY way." He growled into his lover's ear as his fingers hovered over Dei's underwear. 
Malvo would perk a bit more at that, lifting a brow as she watched her land right beside her. Looking up with a smile, she'd then look forward yet again. "I've always wanted t' go t' Japan. Can only imagine how beautiful it is there."


Dei-Loki blinked and blushed in a dark fashion from the comment, and slightly darker as he then found himself staring into Masaru's eyes. A pleasurable quiver would follow his whisper as he bit and took hold of his bottom lip. Mainly to suppress the soft moan he would've released following the nip and gentle lobe tug.

Akumu, whom had both brows raised, listened before gently pulling a soft smile. "Alright then, uh... wish I came more prepared for this." Soon, he'd lean up a small bit before kissing her for a moment. Slowly pulling back as he held that smile that curved his lips a tad.  "Nia Amillia Davion, will you marry me?"

Nia fainted on the spot.
Nia fainted on the spot.

Akumu blinked a few times, his eyes widening the moment Nia had fainted. Quickly sitting up, he gently shook her. "Nia!?"

"Maybe we can take a trip there sometime? It is very pretty, even in the cities. Bright lights and fallen cherry blossoms. Hell, if you want, I can turn your dream into Japan right now, but only if ya like." Yuki smiled.


"So baby, what's it going to be? Shall i chain you up and make you beg to the Gods for me to touch you, or are you going to do what i wanted in the first place? Either way, i'm having MY way." He growled into his lover's ear as his fingers hovered over Dei's underwear. 

With wide eyes, she looked to Yuki once more with excitement in her expression towards that last bit. "Could you? I'd love that!"


Dei-Loki quivered once more from the growl. And, grinning, he continued to bite down on his lip with a challenging, stubborn look. As if he'd been looking forward to seeing how far the punishment would go if he'd continue to 'play dumb' towards what he'd wanted.
Akumu blinked a few times, his eyes widening the moment Nia had fainted. Quickly sitting up, he gently shook her. "Nia!?"

With wide eyes, she looked to Yuki once more with excitement in her expression towards that last bit. "Could you? I'd love that!"


Dei-Loki quivered once more from the growl. And, grinning, he continued to bite down on his lip with a challenging, stubborn look. As if he'd been looking forward to seeing how far the punishment would go if he'd continue to 'play dumb' towards what he'd wanted.

Nia's eyes fluttered open "did i fall asleep on you? im sorry."
Akumu blinked a few times, his eyes widening the moment Nia had fainted. Quickly sitting up, he gently shook her. "Nia!?"

With wide eyes, she looked to Yuki once more with excitement in her expression towards that last bit. "Could you? I'd love that!"


Dei-Loki quivered once more from the growl. And, grinning, he continued to bite down on his lip with a challenging, stubborn look. As if he'd been looking forward to seeing how far the punishment would go if he'd continue to 'play dumb' towards what he'd wanted.

Yuki laughed while nodding. She then turned towards the village and snapped her fingers. 


"Viola, one of the many, many places in Japan that is absolutely beautiful." 


"Oh you little brat." Masaru growled. He jumped out of bed with a smirk. He then appeared back onto the bed, quickly tying Dei's hands a feet with chain to the bedposts. Masaru bite his lip as he admired how good his mate looked. 

(Fade to black as Masaru works his magic on Dei until he's almost at the edge of climax)

Masaru leaned back, enjoying the whimpering mess of his mate. "What's this? You want to come, huh? Should i allow you to do so? But, where is the fun in that? Now, let's see what else we got in my box of fun and excitment." Masaru left his chained mate and began to look through his box.
Nia's eyes fluttered open "did i fall asleep on you? im sorry."

"More like fainted, really." Akumu corrected as he watched her. Lowering his ear soon after. "Y' alright?"

Yuki laughed while nodding. She then turned towards the village and snapped her fingers. 

"Viola, one of the many, many places in Japan that is absolutely beautiful." 


"Oh you little brat." Masaru growled. He jumped out of bed with a smirk. He then appeared back onto the bed, quickly tying Dei's hands a feet with chain to the bedposts. Masaru bite his lip as he admired how good his mate looked. 

(Fade to black as Masaru works his magic on Dei until he's almost at the edge of climax)

Masaru leaned back, enjoying the whimpering mess of his mate. "What's this? You want to come, huh? Should i allow you to do so? But, where is the fun in that? Now, let's see what else we got in my box of fun and excitment." Masaru left his chained mate and began to look through his box.

Malvo watched in astonishment, marveling at the beauty as she admired the colours with a smile on her face. "Wow..."


Dei-Loki panted in such a way that caused his body to wiggle and contort a bit. And, while his whimpering continued even after his mate had stopped, he would pant and tug a bit on the chains. Watching as Masaru left the bed to sort through the box.
"More like fainted, really." Akumu corrected as he watched her. Lowering his ear soon after. "Y' alright?"

Malvo watched in astonishment, marveling at the beauty as she admired the colours with a smile on her face. "Wow..."


Dei-Loki panted in such a way that caused his body to wiggle and contort a bit. And, while his whimpering continued even after his mate had stopped, he would pant and tug a bit on the chains. Watching as Masaru left the bed to sort through the box.

"I fainted? why?"
"More like fainted, really." Akumu corrected as he watched her. Lowering his ear soon after. "Y' alright?"

Malvo watched in astonishment, marveling at the beauty as she admired the colours with a smile on her face. "Wow..."


Dei-Loki panted in such a way that caused his body to wiggle and contort a bit. And, while his whimpering continued even after his mate had stopped, he would pant and tug a bit on the chains. Watching as Masaru left the bed to sort through the box.

"Yeah? It is one of my favorite spots. That and this." Yuki snapped her fingers again. 


They were in the small canoe as the men stirred. "Ah, this scenery always reminds me of lady and the tramp. 

Oh, this is the night, it's a beautiful night 

And we call it bella notte 

Look at the skies, they have stars in their eyes 

On this lovely bella notte

Side by side with your loved one 

You'll find enchantment here 

The night will weave its magic spell

When the one you love is near

For this is the night

And the heavens are right

On this lovely bella notte

This is the night

It's a beautiful night

And we call it bella notte~."  Yuki hummed to herself the rest as she stared at the moon in the starry night. "Ahhh, I love that song so much."

(Fade to black of Masaru having his fun with Dei's body. -wink-)
"I fainted? why?"

"Well... Because I... eh..." Akumu huffed quietly with a smile, closing his eyes. "Proposed to y'."

"Yeah? It is one of my favorite spots. That and this." Yuki snapped her fingers again. 


They were in the small canoe as the men stirred. "Ah, this scenery always reminds me of lady and the tramp. 

Oh, this is the night, it's a beautiful night 

And we call it bella notte 

Look at the skies, they have stars in their eyes 

On this lovely bella notte

Side by side with your loved one 

You'll find enchantment here 

The night will weave its magic spell

When the one you love is near

For this is the night

And the heavens are right

On this lovely bella notte

This is the night

It's a beautiful night

And we call it bella notte~."  Yuki hummed to herself the rest as she stared at the moon in the starry night. "Ahhh, I love that song so much."

(Fade to black of Masaru having his fun with Dei's body. -wink-)

Malvo softly 'oooooooed' at the scenery that seemed to grab her eye once more. Her tail slowly having curled as her ears would then perk following Yuki's singing, her gaze travelling to her as she blinked. Soon, a small grin would replace the wolf girl's previous smile while she would listen. "Yer singing voice is mesmerizing..." She would compliment in a soft tone. Soon looking up to the night sky.
"Well... Because I... eh..." Akumu huffed quietly with a smile, closing his eyes. "Proposed to y'."

Malvo softly 'oooooooed' at the scenery that seemed to grab her eye once more. Her tail slowly having curled as her ears would then perk following Yuki's singing, her gaze travelling to her as she blinked. Soon, a small grin would replace the wolf girl's previous smile while she would listen. "Yer singing voice is mesmerizing..." She would compliment in a soft tone. Soon looking up to the night sky.

Yuki's cheeks gave a deep blush as she looked at the water. "Thanks. I guess we are just two girls with amazing voices." 
"Well... Because I... eh..." Akumu huffed quietly with a smile, closing his eyes. "Proposed to y'."

Malvo softly 'oooooooed' at the scenery that seemed to grab her eye once more. Her tail slowly having curled as her ears would then perk following Yuki's singing, her gaze travelling to her as she blinked. Soon, a small grin would replace the wolf girl's previous smile while she would listen. "Yer singing voice is mesmerizing..." She would compliment in a soft tone. Soon looking up to the night sky.

"you did!?!" her eyes would then widen "OH MY GOD YOU DID!" she she tackled him to the ground, hugging him tight "YES YES YES... yes I will!" she said, then pulling him into a kiss. Then once breaking it, she looked into his eyes, a beaming smile on her face. She rolled off of him and laughed on the ground, then raising her arms and legs into the air she squealed in excitement, then laying in the grass, hands on her rapid beating heart.
"you did!?!" her eyes would then widen "OH MY GOD YOU DID!" she she tackled him to the ground, hugging him tight "YES YES YES... yes I will!" she said, then pulling him into a kiss. Then once breaking it, she looked into his eyes, a beaming smile on her face. She rolled off of him and laughed on the ground, then raising her arms and legs into the air she squealed in excitement, then laying in the grass, hands on her rapid beating heart.

Akumu widened his eyes, yelping and laughing as he fell over into the grass once tackled. He'd then return the kiss, gazing at the beaming look of happy excitement that filled his lover's face. And, with an excited look of his own, he chuckled and watched as she rolled off of him.

Yuki's cheeks gave a deep blush as she looked at the water. "Thanks. I guess we are just two girls with amazing voices." 

Malvo blinked a few times at that, her own blush dying her cheeks a dark shade as she smiled and glanced over to watch her, before then turning her attention to the shimmering, moonlit water bellow. "I guess so."
Akumu widened his eyes, yelping and laughing as he fell over into the grass once tackled. He'd then return the kiss, gazing at the beaming look of happy excitement that filled his lover's face. And, with an excited look of his own, he chuckled and watched as she rolled off of 

Nia shot to her feet "ssoooooo what are we waiting for?! Lets go tell everyone the good news!"
Akumu widened his eyes, yelping and laughing as he fell over into the grass once tackled. He'd then return the kiss, gazing at the beaming look of happy excitement that filled his lover's face. And, with an excited look of his own, he chuckled and watched as she rolled off of him.

Malvo blinked a few times at that, her own blush dying her cheeks a dark shade as she smiled and glanced over to watch her, before then turning her attention to the shimmering, moonlit water bellow. "I guess so."

Yuki looked back to Malvo. "What else do you want to do or see?"
Nia shot to her feet "ssoooooo what are we waiting for?! Lets go tell everyone the good news!"

Akumu would nod to that, quickly getting to his feet, as well, before gently taking her hand. "Alright, let's go."

Yuki looked back to Malvo. "What else do you want to do or see?"

Malvo tilted her head in thought, soon looking to her as she smiled. "Y' ever wanted t' see Scotland?"
Akumu would nod to that, quickly getting to his feet, as well, before gently taking her hand. "Alright, let's go."

Malvo tilted her head in thought, soon looking to her as she smiled. "Y' ever wanted t' see Scotland?"

"Actually, i have. When you lived as long as me, you travel everywhere. Scotland is a beautiful place. If you want, you can do it. Just think of Scotland and snap your fingers and then BOOM, we'll be at the place you thought about." Yuki smiled back.
Akumu would nod to that, quickly getting to his feet, as well, before gently taking her hand. "Alright, let's go."

Malvo tilted her head in thought, soon looking to her as she smiled. "Y' ever wanted t' see Scotland?"

Nia entered the house, happier than she has ever been in her entire life, and head to Masaru and Dei's room... 
"Actually, i have. When you lived as long as me, you travel everywhere. Scotland is a beautiful place. If you want, you can do it. Just think of Scotland and snap your fingers and then BOOM, we'll be at the place you thought about." Yuki smiled back.

"That simple?" Malvo tilted her head, but nodded with a gentle smile before imagining just the place she'd want to be. Soon having snapped her fingers.


Once there, she gazed over the cliff side in awe.

Nia entered the house, happier than she has ever been in her entire life, and head to Masaru and Dei's room... 

Akumu followed after her, his ears remaining perked as he'd look ahead.

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