Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki and the others followed Malvo pocketing her hands as she breathed a sigh of relief that her past was left out of all of this.

"That's good." Dei-Loki smiled looking up at his mate as his tail curled. "Y' deserve it. Ya really do."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Dei-Loki blinked a few times, quirking a brow as he scanned the area. A huff escaping him as he lowered an ear. "Dammit, I thought this was over..." Dei-Loki grimaced, glancing on the direction of the palace - accept the entire scene and aura had held a somehow naturally sinister tone. "This is..."

Malvo stared in a bit of shock, a whine slipping from her as she looked to the others before hesitantly walking forward.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Dei-Loki blinked a few times, quirking a brow as he scanned the area. A huff escaping him as he lowered an ear. "Dammit, I thought this was over..." Dei-Loki grimaced, glancing on the direction of the palace - accept the entire scene and aura had held a somehow naturally sinister tone. "This is..."

Malvo stared in a bit of shock, a whine slipping from her as she looked to the others before hesitantly walking forward.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Masaru just watched for now. Yuki just watched for now.
Masaru just watched for now. Yuki just watched for now.

Dei-Loki and Akumu would also watch, Dei-Loki having lowered his ears as he huffed. "Malvo..?"

Malvo ignored him, continuing to step forward before slowing to a stop - watching as a younger version of herself - teen years - exited the palace with a taller male - about three years older then her. And, as present day Malvo would watch, tears would slightly well in her eyes from remembrance. Her chest heavy as she listened to the older male spoke.

"Ah, nah. Y' have t' wait and see. I do want it to remain a special surprise, after all." The male, he softly spoke. A grin planted on his face.

"Y' know I'm not patient enough t' wait, Lucian." The younger Malvo would slightly smirk as she looked up to him and gently took his hand in hers. "At least give me a hint."

"All in due time, darling. All in due time..." Lucian would smile, only to pause and look up and over to the direction of the northern gates for a brief moment before then looking back down to Malvo. "Now, how about that courtyard stroll?"

"This... Is..." present day Malvo actually went to voice. Her fists clinching as the two began to walk off.

@Heir of Dalania
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Dei-Loki and Akumu would also watch, Dei-Loki having lowered his ears as he huffed. "Malvo..?"

Malvo ignored him, continuing to step forward before slowing to a stop - watching as a younger version of herself - teen years - exited the palace with a taller male - about three years older then her. And, as present day Malvo would watch, tears would slightly well in her eyes from remembrance. Her chest heavy as she listened to the older male spoke.

"Ah, nah. Y' have t' wait and see. I do want it to remain a special surprise, after all." The male, he softly spoke. A grin planted on his face.

"Y' know I'm not patient enough t' wait, Lucian." The younger Malvo would slightly smirk as she looked up to him and gently took his hand in hers. "At least give me a hint."

"All in due time, darling. All in due time..." Lucian would smile, only to pause and look up and over to the direction of the northern gates for a brief moment before then looking back down to Malvo. "Now, how about that courtyard stroll?"

"This... Is..." present day Malvo actually went to voice. Her fists clinching as the two began to walk off.

@Heir of Dalania

"Are you going to be okay? Do you need someone to hug or something?" Yuki asked with a small smile.
"Are you going to be okay? Do you need someone to hug or something?" Yuki asked with a small smile.

Malvo, whom had paused for a moment, gave Yuki a half glance. A broken smile taking its place on her face as her ears had flattened. "I'll... I'll be fine..."

Dei-Loki watched his sister in quiet concern. His brows soon quickly lifting at the sound of several yells from within the palace. His hands clenching. Malvo told him of this day, bringing it up in conversation quite a few times. And each time she would, you could always hear her break - no matter how many times she would bring it up. "Malvo, c'mere. Y' don't need t'--"

Malvo would slightly raise a hand to hush him, her gaze following her younger self and her partner as her legs seemed to carry her a bit closer.

"Been a bit quiet today..." The younger Malvo would speak, looking to her mate with slightly lowered ears. 

"Mmmm, and the absence of the guards is... troubling." Lucian would softly voice his concern. However, his walking soon came to a halt the moment he'd spotted a guard a good ten feet ahead of them.

The younger Malvo would then stop, as well. Her ears slightly lowered while watching the guard as an uneasy feeling settled in her core. "Y' know, yer supposed t' be on patrol." And, as she'd voice her statement, both she and Lucian would tense while witnessing the Guard slowly taking a step forward. And then two. Then three. Upon the third step, Lucian would glare and move in front of Malvo.

"Bit of a risky idea for the two of y' to be out here alone." The guard's face contorted into that of a dark smirk as he'd softly rest his hand on the pommel of his blade.

"I could say the same about all of y' bastards that are currently failing t' do yer job - as, instead, you're all absent."

The guard would chuckle and, without any hesitation, he'd continue to advance.

@Heir of Dalania
Malvo, whom had paused for a moment, gave Yuki a half glance. A broken smile taking its place on her face as her ears had flattened. "I'll... I'll be fine..."

Dei-Loki watched his sister in quiet concern. His brows soon quickly lifting at the sound of several yells from within the palace. His hands clenching. Malvo told him of this day, bringing it up in conversation quite a few times. And each time she would, you could always hear her break - no matter how many times she would bring it up. "Malvo, c'mere. Y' don't need t'--"

Malvo would slightly raise a hand to hush him, her gaze following her younger self and her partner as her legs seemed to carry her a bit closer.

"Been a bit quiet today..." The younger Malvo would speak, looking to her mate with slightly lowered ears. 

"Mmmm, and the absence of the guards is... troubling." Lucian would softly voice his concern. However, his walking soon came to a halt the moment he'd spotted a guard a good ten feet ahead of them.

The younger Malvo would then stop, as well. Her ears slightly lowered while watching the guard as an uneasy feeling settled in her core. "Y' know, yer supposed t' be on patrol." And, as she'd voice her statement, both she and Lucian would tense while witnessing the Guard slowly taking a step forward. And then two. Then three. Upon the third step, Lucian would glare and move in front of Malvo.

"Bit of a risky idea for the two of y' to be out here alone." The guard's face contorted into that of a dark smirk as he'd softly rest his hand on the pommel of his blade.

"I could say the same about all of y' bastards that are currently failing t' do yer job - as, instead, you're all absent."

The guard would chuckle and, without any hesitation, he'd continue to advance.

@Heir of Dalania

"Oh Gods."
"Oh Gods."

"You know..." The Guard slowly drew his blade, casually giving it a twirl off to his side. His eyes still locked on the two. "I've witnessed the Nightmare King's torture methods time and time again. Maker, that man is a horribly twisted fuck. But, this got me to thinkin', what would his reaction be if we all... returned the favour t' the Nightmare family, eh?"

Lucian's energy caused the area around them to only darken in aura the moment his blue irises would flash. And, while the guard had spoken, he drew his own blade and held his protective stance in front of the younger Malvo.

As this had occurred, present day Malvo's cold yet somehow emotional, knowing gaze remained locked on both Lucian and the guard. Not saying a word as her hands clenched into fists. 'Y-Y shouldn't have... w-we could've just ran back... You...'

"One of the biggest fuck ups of yer life." Lucian had growled - waiting for the guard to swing before blocking it with his own blade. His eyes would then slowly fade to a greyish white as he'd charge the guard. His blade flowing with his movements as he went to rotate and strike him - only to instantly let out a pain-filled yelp/gasp that echoed throughout the courtyard. The guardsmen's blade sticking straight through Lucian's chest, the very tip of it peeking out of his back.

"Light Prince, eh?" The guard would snort before then taunting as he lifted his blade to lift Lucian up to eye level. "Can't even protect yer Shadow Princess." 

Lucian winced, but managed to glare the guard in the eye before spitting blood in his face - which caused the guard to growl. Kicking the prince from his blade as he watched him fall against the floor. "Heh... Y' know what the worst thing about what you've done?.." 

The guard, a bit curious, would watch as Lucian lifted his hand - gesturing weakly over to the younger Malvo. The girl, whom, in an instant, tackled the guard down and didn't stop her assault until his entire chest cavity was open to view. Her bloody hand plunging forward before gripping the guard's cheats and crushing it in her bare hands. While glaring down at the bloody mess, Malvo had panted before her attention darted back over to Lucian. Quickly standing and moving over to him before dropping to her knees. Tears in her eyes. 

"Bit more open than I thought I was..." Lucian would weakly smile, watching as Malvo stared worried at him.

Malvo would give a ghostly smirk in response, watching him. "A-And here y' were trainin' me t' always keep my guard up..."

Lucian chuckled, and that chuckle soon morphed into a cough as he winced. "Fuckin' hell, this stings..." However, following those words, he slowly brought a hand to Malvo's cheek. His thumb providing a gentle caress before he'd then brush a bit of her hair behind her ear. "Maker's breath, you... y' know that I've always found you beautiful, right? A delicate shadow lily growing in the middle of an empty field... Such a beautiful Darkness ..." He coughed and winced once more, grimacing from the pain he was in before his body would seem to slowly fall limp.

"Don't worry, I think we can get y' to the healer in time, if we hu--..." Malvo's eyes would tremble, slowly widening as she'd felt a major emotional tear - letting the harsh air of reality hit it. "Lu... Lucian?.. Lucian!? NO! WAKE UP! Y' CAN'T LEAVE, I..."

Tears would stream down present day Malvo's face. biting her knuckle gently as she'd gaze down at the all too familiar scene that was slowly dying the ground a deep shade of blood red. This day hitting her again, tearing her open and leaving her in a horribly vulnerable state that she felt she couldn't escape from.

@Heir of Dalania
"You know..." The Guard slowly drew his blade, casually giving it a twirl off to his side. His eyes still locked on the two. "I've witnessed the Nightmare King's torture methods time and time again. Maker, that man is a horribly twisted fuck. But, this got me to thinkin', what would his reaction be if we all... returned the favour t' the Nightmare family, eh?"

Lucian's energy caused the area around them to only darken in aura the moment his blue irises would flash. And, while the guard had spoken, he drew his own blade and held his protective stance in front of the younger Malvo.

As this had occurred, present day Malvo's cold yet somehow emotional, knowing gaze remained locked on both Lucian and the guard. Not saying a word as her hands clenched into fists. 'Y-Y shouldn't have... w-we could've just ran back... You...'

"One of the biggest fuck ups of yer life." Lucian had growled - waiting for the guard to swing before blocking it with his own blade. His eyes would then slowly fade to a greyish white as he'd charge the guard. His blade flowing with his movements as he went to rotate and strike him - only to instantly let out a pain-filled yelp/gasp that echoed throughout the courtyard. The guardsmen's blade sticking straight through Lucian's chest, the very tip of it peeking out of his back.

"Light Prince, eh?" The guard would snort before then taunting as he lifted his blade to lift Lucian up to eye level. "Can't even protect yer Shadow Princess." 

Lucian winced, but managed to glare the guard in the eye before spitting blood in his face - which caused the guard to growl. Kicking the prince from his blade as he watched him fall against the floor. "Heh... Y' know what the worst thing about what you've done?.." 

The guard, a bit curious, would watch as Lucian lifted his hand - gesturing weakly over to the younger Malvo. The girl, whom, in an instant, tackled the guard down and didn't stop her assault until his entire chest cavity was open to view. Her bloody hand plunging forward before gripping the guard's cheats and crushing it in her bare hands. While glaring down at the bloody mess, Malvo had panted before her attention darted back over to Lucian. Quickly standing and moving over to him before dropping to her knees. Tears in her eyes. 

"Bit more open than I thought I was..." Lucian would weakly smile, watching as Malvo stared worried at him.

Malvo would give a ghostly smirk in response, watching him. "A-And here y' were trainin' me t' always keep my guard up..."

Lucian chuckled, and that chuckle soon morphed into a cough as he winced. "Fuckin' hell, this stings..." However, following those words, he slowly brought a hand to Malvo's cheek. His thumb providing a gentle caress before he'd then brush a bit of her hair behind her ear. "Maker's breath, you... y' know that I've always found you beautiful, right? A delicate shadow lily growing in the middle of an empty field... Such a beautiful Darkness ..." He coughed and winced once more, grimacing from the pain he was in before his body would seem to slowly fall limp.

"Don't worry, I think we can get y' to the healer in time, if we hu--..." Malvo's eyes would tremble, slowly widening as she'd felt a major emotional tear - letting the harsh air of reality hit it. "Lu... Lucian?.. Lucian!? NO! WAKE UP! Y' CAN'T LEAVE, I..."

Tears would stream down present day Malvo's face. biting her knuckle gently as she'd gaze down at the all too familiar scene that was slowly dying the ground a deep shade of blood red. This day hitting her again, tearing her open and leaving her in a horribly vulnerable state that she felt she couldn't escape from.

@Heir of Dalania

The siblings watched in silence, knowing exactly how it felt. Masaru picked Malvo up and held her to his chest. "It's time to go home. I can feel it. We're done here." 
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"It's time to go home. I can feel it. We're done here." 

The siblings watched in silence, knowing exactly how it felt. Masaru picked Malvo up and held her to his chest. "It's time to go home. I can feel it. We're done here." 

Malvo leaned against Masaru and wept in silence, her ear twitching as she felt the flower being gingerly placed into her hair.

Dei-Loki soon gave a nod before looking over to Akumu. "Y' know what t' do..." He told his brother, reaching up and softly rubbing Malvo's back.

Akumu nodded, lifting a hand to open the warp for them all to exit. A quiet sigh escaping him.

@Heir of Dalania
Malvo leaned against Masaru and wept in silence, her ear twitching as she felt the flower being gingerly placed into her hair.

Dei-Loki soon gave a nod before looking over to Akumu. "Y' know what t' do..." He told his brother, reaching up and softly rubbing Malvo's back.

Akumu nodded, lifting a hand to open the warp for them all to exit. A quiet sigh escaping him.

@Heir of Dalania

Masaru and Yuki stepped through the portal. "Hey honey, wanna go lay down? I think a nap would do good for your soul." Yuki asked as she rubbed Malvo's back.
Masaru and Yuki stepped through the portal. "Hey honey, wanna go lay down? I think a nap would do good for your soul." Yuki asked as she rubbed Malvo's back.

Malvo gave a slight nod in agreement to Yuki's idea, letting out a shaky sigh.

Dei-Loki would follow them through, his ears low as he quietly exhaled.
Malvo gave a slight nod in agreement to Yuki's idea, letting out a shaky sigh.

Dei-Loki would follow them through, his ears low as he quietly exhaled.

Yuki nodded, grabbing Malvo from Masaru's chest. She held her to her chest just like Masaru had done. She began to walk until she made it to Malvo's bedroom, pushing it open with one of her tails, laying her down on bed. "Do . . . do you want me to stay here and keep you company?" Her fingers brushed Malvo's hair out of her eyes.
Yuki nodded, grabbing Malvo from Masaru's chest. She held her to her chest just like Masaru had done. She began to walk until she made it to Malvo's bedroom, pushing it open with one of her tails, laying her down on bed. "Do . . . do you want me to stay here and keep you company?" Her fingers brushed Malvo's hair out of her eyes.

Malvo flicked a flattened ear as she'd been brought up to her room. She'd then rub her eyes when she was set down before glancing to Yuki - managing a very faint smile from the offer as she quietly spoke. "Y-Y' don't have t'... but the company would be nice..."
Nia let out a sigh, soon making her way to the nearby lake, sitters on the edge of the small cliff that overlooked it. Looking out onto the water, then crossing her legs and placing her hands in her lap, closing her eyes and breathing rhythmically. 

Malvo flicked a flattened ear as she'd been brought up to her room. She'd then rub her eyes when she was set down before glancing to Yuki - managing a very faint smile from the offer as she quietly spoke. "Y-Y' don't have t'... but the company would be nice..."

Yuki nodded, "your voice is really soft and delicate. It's like a lullaby. You should talk more with it." Yuki took off her shoes and jacket and got onto the bed, laying on top of the covers. She laid her arm on Malvo's shoulder.
Akumu gently would exhale, shutting the warp as he'd been the last one though. Blinking, he softly exhaled before spotting Nia wandering off. With a tilted head, he'd follow silently. Hands tucking into his pockets.

@Heir of Dalania


Malvo would faintly blush from such a complement, as she kept her faint smile - looking to the ceiling. "I stopped using it out of guilt, t' be honest..."

@Forever J
Akumu gently would exhale, shutting the warp as he'd been the last one though. Blinking, he softly exhaled before spotting Nia wandering off. With a tilted head, he'd follow silently. Hands tucking into his pockets.

@Heir of Dalania


Malvo would faintly blush from such a complement, as she kept her faint smile - looking to the ceiling. "I stopped using it out of guilt, t' be honest..."

@Forever J

"Well, don't feel guilty anymore. The world is quiet and still at the moment. So laugh and talk and sing because the world needs that."  Yuki mumbled as she closed her.
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"Well, don't feel guilty anymore. The world is quiet and still at the moment. So laugh and talk and sing because the world needs that."  Yuki mumbled as she closed her.

Malvo would smile a bit more from Yuki's words, slowly relaxing with a gentle sigh. "I'll give it a try..."
Akumu gently would exhale, shutting the warp as he'd been the last one though. Blinking, he softly exhaled before spotting Nia wandering off. With a tilted head, he'd follow silently. Hands tucking into his pockets.

@Heir of Dalania


Malvo would faintly blush from such a complement, as she kept her faint smile - looking to the ceiling. "I stopped using it out of guilt, t' be honest..."

@Forever J

Nia, failing to notice Akumu behind her, closing her eyes, and started to sing. 

"It used to feel like a fairy tale

Now it seems we were just pretending

We'd fix our world and on our way to a happy ending.

Then it turns out life was far less like a bedtime story.

Than a tragedy with no big reveal of a hero's glory.

And it seems we weren't prepared

For a game that wasn't fair

Do we just go home?

Can we follow through?

When all hope is gone

There is one thing we can do

Let's just live

Day by day

And not be conquered by our sorrows

The past can't hold us down

We must break free

Inside we're torn apart

But time will mend our hearts

Move onward

It's not the end

So let's just live~

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