Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki blinked from Nia's words, going to answer before lifting his brows and glancing to Masaru. A small smile forming on his face as he quietly walked to his side - hesitating before hugging him.

Malvo watched the two, tail happily curling as she held a smile of her own towards the beginning of the make up.

Masaru looked down, sighing and hugged him back with as much passion as he could muster. "I'm sorry for that outburst, Squishy. Can you forgive me?" 
[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]"I know exactly when this is..." [/COLOR]Akumu softly told Nia, listening to the door open.

Dei-Loki managed a more meaningful smile as the hug was returned. With a nod and a curled tail, he spoke. "Only if y' can forgive me fer dragging y' out here in the first place..." he replied in a guilty tone. Soon seeming to both pause and tense following an all to familiar yelp in the direction of the house.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania


Ruvik's brows would slowly lift at the possibility, shifting slightly while thinking of the possibility - and, even with the hesitation in the beginning, he'd give a nod. "... Could we? I'd like to..."

Izzy stood up and walked towards Ruvik, standing in front of him and looked up. "let's go." She then touched her finger to his arm and the world went black around them both.

the scene unfolded in front of them, the night sky shining above them. Izzy looked around, then seeing The border around the forest that Mia's kingdom was in. There was rustling behind them, and out came Maya and Ash. "they can't see us or hear us. Everything in this vision, we can not touch. We will go right through it." she explained, looking at him then at Maya and Ash in front of them.

(I'll play out the scene in my next post.)

[COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]"I know exactly when this is..." [/COLOR]Akumu softly told Nia, listening to the door open.

Dei-Loki managed a more meaningful smile as the hug was returned. With a nod and a curled tail, he spoke. "Only if y' can forgive me fer dragging y' out here in the first place..." he replied in a guilty tone. Soon seeming to both pause and tense following an all to familiar yelp in the direction of the house.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania


Ruvik's brows would slowly lift at the possibility, shifting slightly while thinking of the possibility - and, even with the hesitation in the beginning, he'd give a nod. "... Could we? I'd like to..."


"Yes, i forg-." Masaru turned his head at the sound. His ears perking at the yelp. "Dei, where are we? What are we going to see?"
"Oh, yeah it is..." Akumu would reply as his heart could be heard sinking in the tone of his voice. Gently, he brought an arm around Nia and looked ahead in silence.

"This is back when I lived in the Bymist, two years before I ended up--" Dei-Loki grimaced a small bit at the thought, loosening the hug slightly to walk forward and watch. "This has t' be one of the times I came back from spending time with my biological father..."

And that it was, because before the group stood Zelda, whom would keep a firm hold on the much younger Dei-Loki's arm.

"Y' didit again, didn't y'?" Zelda growled, angrily squeezing the young lad's arm hard enough to drive her nails into the skin. In what could only be determined as pure hatred, she'd angrily shake the boy and pull him closer as her eyes would flash - the result of not hearing an answer. "DIDN'T Y'!?"

The younger lad would yelp from the shake, growling. Though, he did nothing to fight back. finally, he answered. "I-I just wanted t' see him!"

"Reilly, LISTEN T' ME. LISTEN. TO. ME." Zelda spoke through a growl, her free hand roughly gripping his jaw while she'd keep her threatening glare. "That Trickster God is NOT yer father, yer father is Iro - DO Y' HEAR ME!?"

"DEI-LOKI!The pup would snarl as he broke his face free from her hold - attempting to do the same for his arm. "AND HE IS MY FATHER, AND Y' KNOW IT! Even grandpa Ivan can see it, and--" Another yelp cut off the little one's words as a sickening pop was heard the moment Zelda managed one, foul twist. Just enough to dislocate his shoulder. With tears pouring from the little one's eyes, he'd wince his emerald irises shut.

"Ya just had t' bring it t' that point, eh?" She snarled, purposely pulling him by his injured arm as she stared to the house. "Now I have no choice but t' give y' the cable!"

"N-NOT THE CABLE!" Little Dei-Loki had cried out loud, wincing in pain as he was tugged along. "PLEASE!"

The older version of Dei-Loki watched in a disturbed, angered and anxious silence. His eyes briefly looking up as his hands clenched - seeing a younger version of Akumu that had been watching from behind a tree.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania


Ruvik stood still as Izzy approached, his attention darting to both Maya and Ash the moment they made it there. Nodding to her words, he clenched his fists.

"Oh, yeah it is..." Akumu would reply as his heart could be heard sinking in the tone of his voice. Gently, he brought an arm around Nia and looked ahead in silence.

"This is back when I lived in the Bymist, two years before I ended up--" Dei-Loki grimaced a small bit at the thought, loosening the hug slightly to walk forward and watch. "This has t' be one of the times I came back from spending time with my biological father..."

And that it was, because before the group stood Zelda, whom would keep a firm hold on the much younger Dei-Loki's arm.

"Y' didit again, didn't y'?" Zelda growled, angrily squeezing the young lad's arm hard enough to drive her nails into the skin. In what could only be determined as pure hatred, she'd angrily shake the boy and pull him closer as her eyes would flash - the result of not hearing an answer. "DIDN'T Y'!?"

The younger lad would yelp from the shake, growling. Though, he did nothing to fight back. finally, he answered. "I-I just wanted t' see him!"

"Reilly, LISTEN T' ME. LISTEN. TO. ME." Zelda spoke through a growl, her free hand roughly gripping his jaw while she'd keep her threatening glare. "That Trickster God is NOT yer father, yer father is Iro - DO Y' HEAR ME!?"

"DEI-LOKI!The pup would snarl as he broke his face free from her hold - attempting to do the same for his arm. "AND HE IS MY FATHER, AND Y' KNOW IT! Even grandpa Ivan can see it, and--" Another yelp cut off the little one's words as a sickening pop was heard the moment Zelda managed one, foul twist. Just enough to dislocate his shoulder. With tears pouring from the little one's eyes, he'd wince his emerald irises shut.

"Ya just had t' bring it t' that point, eh?" She snarled, purposely pulling him by his injured arm as she stared to the house. "Now I have no choice but t' give y' the cable!"

"N-NOT THE CABLE!" Little Dei-Loki had cried out loud, wincing in pain as he was tugged along. "PLEASE!"

The older version of Dei-Loki watched in a disturbed, angered and anxious silence. His eyes briefly looking up as his hands clenched - seeing a younger version of Akumu that had been watching from behind a tree.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania


Ruvik stood still as Izzy approached, his attention darting to both Maya and Ash the moment they made it there. Nodding to her words, he clenched his fists.


Masaru clenched his fists at that. Wanting to rip Zelda open and taste her innards. A growl escaped his throat as he held his mate tightly to his chest.
"Oh, yeah it is..." Akumu would reply as his heart could be heard sinking in the tone of his voice. Gently, he brought an arm around Nia and looked ahead in silence.

"This is back when I lived in the Bymist, two years before I ended up--" Dei-Loki grimaced a small bit at the thought, loosening the hug slightly to walk forward and watch. "This has t' be one of the times I came back from spending time with my biological father..."

And that it was, because before the group stood Zelda, whom would keep a firm hold on the much younger Dei-Loki's arm.

"Y' didit again, didn't y'?" Zelda growled, angrily squeezing the young lad's arm hard enough to drive her nails into the skin. In what could only be determined as pure hatred, she'd angrily shake the boy and pull him closer as her eyes would flash - the result of not hearing an answer. "DIDN'T Y'!?"

The younger lad would yelp from the shake, growling. Though, he did nothing to fight back. finally, he answered. "I-I just wanted t' see him!"

"Reilly, LISTEN T' ME. LISTEN. TO. ME." Zelda spoke through a growl, her free hand roughly gripping his jaw while she'd keep her threatening glare. "That Trickster God is NOT yer father, yer father is Iro - DO Y' HEAR ME!?"

"DEI-LOKI!The pup would snarl as he broke his face free from her hold - attempting to do the same for his arm. "AND HE IS MY FATHER, AND Y' KNOW IT! Even grandpa Ivan can see it, and--" Another yelp cut off the little one's words as a sickening pop was heard the moment Zelda managed one, foul twist. Just enough to dislocate his shoulder. With tears pouring from the little one's eyes, he'd wince his emerald irises shut.

"Ya just had t' bring it t' that point, eh?" She snarled, purposely pulling him by his injured arm as she stared to the house. "Now I have no choice but t' give y' the cable!"

"N-NOT THE CABLE!" Little Dei-Loki had cried out loud, wincing in pain as he was tugged along. "PLEASE!"

The older version of Dei-Loki watched in a disturbed, angered and anxious silence. His eyes briefly looking up as his hands clenched - seeing a younger version of Akumu that had been watching from behind a tree.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania


Ruvik stood still as Izzy approached, his attention darting to both Maya and Ash the moment they made it there. Nodding to her words, he clenched his fists.


Nia watched in stunned silence, her hand going over her mouth, with no idea of what to say or do.
Akumu would tighten his hold on Nia, a shaky sigh escaping him as he would flatten his ears and watch in silence.

Dei-Loki leaned against Masaru as his eyes had trembled - his arms tightly embracing Masaru's arm and flinching as he listened to the door slam. He'd then watch as the younger Akumu observed the scene from the tree he'd been behind before he'd eventually sigh and rub his face.

Dei-Loki couldn't help but growl, slowly glancing over to the older version of Akumu - whom would grimace, as he knew what his younger brother was about to go on about. "You knew... You FUCKING KNEW!"

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Akumu would tighten his hold on Nia, a shaky sigh escaping him as he would flatten his ears and watch in silence.

Dei-Loki leaned against Masaru as his eyes had trembled - his arms tightly embracing Masaru's arm and flinching as he listened to the door slam. He'd then watch as the younger Akumu observed the scene from the tree he'd been behind before he'd eventually sigh and rub his face.

Dei-Loki couldn't help but growl, slowly glancing over to the older version of Akumu - whom would grimace, as he knew what his younger brother was about to go on about. "You knew... You FUCKING KNEW!"

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

"Dei, I know you're angry. But don't do anything stupid you may regret" Nia said holding out a hand in the stop gesture, holding on to Akumu tightly.
Akumu would tighten his hold on Nia, a shaky sigh escaping him as he would flatten his ears and watch in silence.

Dei-Loki leaned against Masaru as his eyes had trembled - his arms tightly embracing Masaru's arm and flinching as he listened to the door slam. He'd then watch as the younger Akumu observed the scene from the tree he'd been behind before he'd eventually sigh and rub his face.

Dei-Loki couldn't help but growl, slowly glancing over to the older version of Akumu - whom would grimace, as he knew what his younger brother was about to go on about. "You knew... You FUCKING KNEW!"

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

"You let your little brother suffer? You coward bastard! I shall have a rope tied to your balls and hang you from the fucking ceiling. All i need is Dei's permission, then i'm going to make you scream until you can't scream no more!" Masaru growled. 
"Regret? REGRET!?" Dei-Loki snarled from Nia's words, glaring to Akumu still as he tried to get free from Masaru's hold to confront his brother. His eyes giving off a threatening look. "Oh, TRUST ME. I won't regret a single fucking thing!"

"I DIDN'T WANT HIM TO SUFFER!" Akumu grit his teeth, his ears instantly flattening. "It would've been worse if I did anything t' intervene!"

"Y' claimed you didn't believe me when I told you this was happening! Y' didn't 'believe' a single gods damned word I told you about ANY of this abuse! Come to find out ya fucking knew about it all along!"

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
"Regret? REGRET!?" Dei-Loki snarled from Nia's words, glaring to Akumu still as he tried to get free from Masaru's hold to confront his brother. His eyes giving off a threatening look. "Oh, TRUST ME. I won't regret a single fucking thing!"

"I DIDN'T WANT HIM TO SUFFER!" Akumu grit his teeth, his ears instantly flattening. "It would've been worse if I did anything t' intervene!"

"Y' claimed you didn't believe me when I told you this was happening! Y' didn't 'believe' a single gods damned word I told you about ANY of this abuse! Come to find out ya fucking knew about it all along!"

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

"Boy, your brother could've died. You could've taken your things, him and run. You could've fine a new life, but instead you stayed and allow that c*u*n*t to hurt your brother. You did the exact opposite of not wanting your brother to suffer. At least, you could've made a plan if some sort and be there for him. Tell him that you two would get out of this Hell hole or some shit, but instead, you let him feel that pain. You're a coward, Akumu. A big, brother should be there for his little brother, but you were nowhere to be found. You're a huge, fucking coward, Akumu." Masaru let go of Dei and stepped back.
"how much further Ash?" Maya asked, looking at Ash with a skeptical look. He just rolled his eyes and replied, "shut the fuck up!! We're already here." His fingers moved to his temples, already annoyed with the ram. "now this is what you're going to do. You're going to change into your more ugly form okay? Then you're going to hit that shield as hard as you can until it breaks."

Maya nodded, understanding then gave him a look."what would happen when it breaks?" She asked. She just watched him grin and making a poofing noise with his mouth. "it just...poofs away. Now get to it!" He then stepped off away from Maya and walks away a little bit, to get to safety.

Izzy watched the scene unfold in front of them with Ruvik. She knew what was going to happen. She seen this scene roll in mia's head from Ash's left over memories. She hated this part...the deceiving that happens. She moved closer to Ruvik, closing her eyes and looked away from what was about to happen.

As she did so, Maya shifted and walked backwards, ready to get a running distance. When she was at a good distance, she ran full speed. Wham!! Maya slammed into the barrier, the thing cracking up all the way until finally shattering. The events happened so quickly...

the broken barrier soon turned into big shards of glass that soon started raining down. The face of fear on Maya could be well seen from their distance, looking at Ash for help. But... he didn't help. He watched with a smirk as the glass slammed into the girl, blood splattering everywhere. The only thing that didn't get smash was one lonely blood covered horn that bounced then rolled, right to Ruvik's feet. 

Izzy had a grimace on her face, her eyes still closed and not facing the scene. The sounds of Ash's feet walking towards where Maya was made her cringe, every step.. Ash looked down at the squished body and blood splatter underneath the glass. All that was visible in the night now, only thing that was glowing was his shit eating grin. "too bad we weren't able to fuck. You could have had the time of your life." He then stepped onto the glass and walked over it, squishing the blood out the sides. Then... he was gone into the night to go do what he wanted to do in the first place.

Tears sprung to Izzy's eyes, touching her hand once more to his arm to bring them back into reality. "god...I hate everything about that...about what he did, him in general. I used to love him actually..a long time and Ash...had a thing like you and Maya. God, we were in now love..." She sniffled, more tears falling down her face as she turned her back to him, not wanting him to see her tough exterior break. "I don't know what happened one day.. it was like something broke inside his head when he looked at me...then... he attacked, left me half dead before going and killing all those shadow people...Mia and her father saved me, well, mainly Mia. They pulled me in, healed me, took care of me like I was their family. All I was left was with the scars that Ash left." She moved her hair to the side to reveal a long scar that went down the side of her jaw and neck. "I have more scars, but this one was entended to actually kill me.."

Nia let go of Akumu and stood between him and Dei. She pleaded with them "please stop" she said weakly, looking between the two of them, then to the ground, standing sideways and holding up her palms to each of them, indicating to stop. 

@Forever J

The double sting from both Masaru and Dei-Loki's words caused Akumu to look down, his eyes closing when Nia moved in between them. "And we did leave, eventually."

"Yeah, but only because my focking father had more balls than you could ever have." Dei-Loki snarled as he approached, but then stopped his movements once Nia got in the way.

"AND WHAT ELSE WAS I T' DO, DEI-LOKI!?" Akumu, he'd instantly shout. "What the fuck am I supposed t' do when, the first fucking time I confronted her on it, she threatened to kill you if I did anything!? You fucking saw how she was when she found out we both left t' become part of the Alaois family! THAT'S WHY YOU FUCKING WENT AND KILLED THE WHOLE PACK, ISN'T IT!? Remember that? That final time she fucking came for us, because now her abuse was made known? Then the night after y' went and attempted t' end the torment!? Or, do you not fucking remember that god damned point in time? Does my little brother need a refresher!?" While he'd bite back with his words, he lifted his hand to show he'd been about to fast forward the time.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania


Ruvik watched the scene with that very same, pure anguish, regret and anger surging through every vein in his body. Teeth tightly clenched as he watched the shards of glass crush what he'd once loved so dearly - and a spark of rage flared within him while listening to the remorseless words that slipped from Ash's mouth as he'd stepped over her. And, crouching to look over the horn with that painful glance, he spoke. "When she left... she was under the belief she'd be right back. She had no idea what was to become of her, her fate... And, even though the fuckhead that killed her is dead, that pain hasn't left my side." His gaze would then leave the horn while he listened to Izzy, soon turning to look at the exposed scar before he would forcefully exhale and stand as a flicker of his old self would show in his words. "I don't understand how anyone could love such a heartless insect, I don't even understand why anyone would fucking try. Fuck, I even tried telling that to Malvo - and yet she'd still remained determined."

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The double sting from both Masaru and Dei-Loki's words caused Akumu to look down, his eyes closing when His moved in between them. "And we did leave, eventually."

"Yeah, but only because my focking father had more balls than you could ever have." Dei-Loki snarled as he approached, but then stopped his movements once Nia got in the way.

"AND WHAT ELSE WAS I T' DO, DEI-LOKI!?" Akumu, he'd instantly shout. "What the fuck am I supposed t' do when, the first fucking time I confronted her on it, she threatened to kill you if I did anything!? You fucking saw how she was when she found out we both left t' become part of the Alaois family! THAT'S WHY YOU FUCKING WENT AND KILLED THE WHOLE PACK, ISN'T IT!? Remember that? That final time she fucking came for us, because now her abuse was made known? Then the night after y' went and attempted t' end the torment!? Or, do you not fucking remember that god damned point in time? Does my little brother need a refresher!?" While he'd bite back with his words, he lifted his hand to show he'd been about to fast forward the time.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

"You shou-" Masaru was about to say before Yuki yelled, "ENOUGH! I DON"T WANT TO HEAR IT ANYMORE! YOU TWO ARE IN THE NOW, NOT THE PAST! YOU TWO HAVE BEEN BROTHERS FOR SOOOOOO FUCKING LONG! AND YOU BOTH HAVE LIVED WITH MISTAKES! NOW, EITHER YOU TWO HUG IT THE FUCK OUT OR I WILL FILL YOU HEADS WITH THE WORST FUCKING PAIN THAT YOU CAN"T EVEN IMAGINE OF!" Yuki sizzled with pure, raw rage. She was covered in cold, oceanic-colored flames. A similar markings like the ones on Masaru, grew on her visible flesh.
"Yuki gets it! No matter how much we want. We can't change the past Dei!" Nia said, raising her voice to get get her point across. "please stop fighting. Especially your own kin! Akumu may not have done what was right. But you can't hold that against him. I'm sure he feels terrible about it." 

@Forever J

Dei-Loki would somewhat turn to face Yuki, his ears slowly lowering before glaring at the grass while he'd listen to both Yuki and Nia's words - even though he didn't want to do anything but ring his older brother's neck. With a sigh, he'd soon wince his eyes shut - quietly returning to Masaru's side. Speaking a quiet, cold command to his brother. "Two years..."

Akumu watched Dei-Loki turn away as he internally winced and cringed from the tear he felt. Sighing he quietly closed his eyes and turned the time forward.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Izzy sighed. "If I wasn't in the right mind, I would defend him. But.. I don't know.. that wasn't the Ash that I knew.. that was someone else in his mind, body.. not my Ash."  A look of pain came to her face before looking at him with a hard look and said to him. "And now he's gone.. You've loved before. It hurts to see them go, or at least turn against you. I know Maya didn't turn against you, but how would you react if she did?" She then walked towards him, slamming him into the wall of the cave, her eyes glowing and her fangs bared as her throat glowed a bright red. "How would you react if Maya came towards you like this, intending to kill you? You would do what I did, Try to plead, tell them to stop. Imagine losing the one you love, even though they are still in front of you."

Dei-Loki would somewhat turn to face Yuki, his ears slowly lowering before glaring at the grass while he'd listen to both Yuki and Nia's words - even though he didn't want to do anything but ring his older brother's neck. With a sigh, he'd soon wince his eyes shut - quietly returning to Masaru's side. Speaking a quiet, cold command to his brother. "Two years..."

Akumu watched Dei-Loki turn away as he internally winced and cringed from the tear he felt. Sighing he quietly closed his eyes and turned the time forward.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Masaru hugged Dei close to him. Yuki just sighed, at least it was something.
Dei-Loki lifted his arms, tightly returning the embrace as he would quietly lean his weight against Masaru as he'd, yet again, turn his gaze to the village.

Malvo watched in silence as the time sped up, a lowered ear flicking from Yuki's sigh as she'd soon shift and release a heavy sigh of her own.

Akumu closed his eyes, soon lowering his hand as the group was now at the same village, but this time around it had been set ablaze.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania


Ruvik would quiet down to listen, only to - very slightly - tense upon being jacked up against the wall. With a gentle sigh through his clenched teeth, he spoke. Gaze widened. "I can't imagine..."

Dei-Loki lifted his arms, tightly returning the embrace as he would quietly lean his weight against Masaru as he'd, yet again, turn his gaze to the village.

Malvo watched in silence as the time sped up, a lowered ear flicking from Yuki's sigh as she'd soon shift and release a heavy sigh of her own.

Akumu closed his eyes, soon lowering his hand as the group was now at the same village, but this time around it had been set ablaze.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania


Ruvik would quiet down to listen, only to - very slightly - tense upon being jacked up against the wall. With a gentle sigh through his clenched teeth, he spoke. Gaze widened. "I can't imagine..."


Masaru held his mate tighter to his chest. "We can get through this, together. Right?" He mumbled the last part for his ears alone. 
Izzy growled, the glow in her throat brightening in her throat before decreasing, a sane look coming back into eyes as she backed off, looking away from him. "I'm sorry, mixed feelings and all. I'll go over here now." She said, going back to the edge of the cliff and sitting down. "Emotional rollercoaster. You tell anyone I cried and I'll melt your face right off, ya titty baby."


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