Indescribable (Closed)

Dei-Loki would nod to Masaru's soft words, gently nodding as he quietly spoke while shakily sighing. "T'gether..." Trailing his words, he would listen to the screams that would twist into that beautifully taunting agony, anger and fear.

Akumu wouldn't even look up, keeping his eyes winced shut and his nose pointed to the earth below him while the scent of blood and smoke permeated the area.

Angrily busting through the door, that six year old Dei-Loki previously mentioned would stumble - coated in blood as he held a cold, unremorseful look in his eyes. A look that would scan over what he'd done. Not as if admiring it, but as if he'd been searching for something. Someone. "Not leavin' until I find y', Zeeeeeeeelllllldaaaa~" The younger Dei-Loki would ring out. His voice riddled with something sinister - and he would pause upon hearing his brother in the distance.

"Dei-Loki!" The thirteen year old would call, sliding to a stop a few feet away. His eyes trembling as he turned his attention to the burning village. "What have y' done!?"

The younger Dei would stare at his brother, looking back in the direction he came from to see he'd been followed by several members of the king's royal guard. Turning his attention back to Akumu, he narrowed his gaze. "Don't bother stoppin' me! I've got one more to go!" Though, he'd then yelp in surprise as his brother gripped him by the wrist, pulling him into a firm embrace.

"Y've done enough damage! Anymore of this and I may loose y' to the corruption!" Young Akumu held a firm tone, keeping his hold, even after Dei-Loki began to squirm. [COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]"Don't y' see!? This is what she wanted!"[/COLOR]

A deep growl emitting from the small boy, he continued to squirm and thrash - a single one of his nails deeply scratching Akumu's face where the scar could now be seen on present day Akumu. "AKUMU! Akumu, dammit--! let me--! P-Please..." The thrashing would soon slow and morph into sobbing. And, through all of this, Akumu kept a firm hold on his brother. He didn't seem to mind the blood coming from his face - all he cared about was calming his little brother down.

"I've got y'..." Little Akumu and big Akumu would seem to whisper in sync with one and other. Big Akumu remaining silent, otherwise.

"Maker's breath..." one of the guards would mutter, looking to the burning village in utter shock - the other guards doing the same as little Akumu gently lifted his brother.

"Escort us back home t' the palace..." Akumu softly muttered to the guards while approaching them.

"Are y' kidding!? Y' really expect us t' let such a monster back into the home of the King!?"

Akumu's eyes flashed and, in an instant, his free hand would grip the guard by the front of his armour - yanking him down as he glared into his eyes. "You're speaking of the King and Queen's youngest here, fuckface. Call him such a thing again and I'll strip y' of yer tongue and kick y' to the dire wolves. Do I make myself clear!?"

Older Dei-Loki watched as the guards did as they were told, not a single word escaping him as he looked to the ground.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania


"Your secret is safe with me..." Ruvik huffed, watching her walk and sit - arms crossing quietly. And, though this, he couldn't help but feel a small bit of sympathy. So, with another huff, he approached and slowly sat beside her. "... Dark subject, but... Ash was... different before he... y' know?"

Dei-Loki would nod to Masaru's soft words, gently nodding as he quietly spoke while shakily sighing. "T'gether..." Trailing his words, he would listen to the screams that would twist into that beautifully taunting agony, anger and fear.

Akumu wouldn't even look up, keeping his eyes winced shut and his nose pointed to the earth below him while the scent of blood and smoke permeated the area.

Angrily busting through the door, that six year old Dei-Loki previously mentioned would stumble - coated in blood as he held a cold, unremorseful look in his eyes. A look that would scan over what he'd done. Not as if admiring it, but as if he'd been searching for something. Someone. "Not leavin' until I find y', Zeeeeeeeelllllldaaaa~" The younger Dei-Loki would ring out. His voice riddled with something sinister - and he would pause upon hearing his brother in the distance.

"Dei-Loki!" The thirteen year old would call, sliding to a stop a few feet away. His eyes trembling as he turned his attention to the burning village. "What have y' done!?"

The younger Dei would stare at his brother, looking back in the direction he came from to see he'd been followed by several members of the king's royal guard. Turning his attention back to Akumu, he narrowed his gaze. "Don't bother stoppin' me! I've got one more to go!" Though, he'd then yelp in surprise as his brother gripped him by the wrist, pulling him into a firm embrace.

"Y've done enough damage! Anymore of this and I may loose y' to the corruption!" Young Akumu held a firm tone, keeping his hold, even after Dei-Loki began to squirm. [COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]"Don't y' see!? This is what she wanted!"[/COLOR]

A deep growl emitting from the small boy, he continued to squirm and thrash - a single one of his nails deeply scratching Akumu's face where the scar could now be seen on present day Akumu. "AKUMU! Akumu, dammit--! let me--! P-Please..." The thrashing would soon slow and morph into sobbing. And, through all of this, Akumu kept a firm hold on his brother. He didn't seem to mind the blood coming from his face - all he cared about was calming his little brother down.

"I've got y'..." Little Akumu and big Akumu would seem to whisper in sync with one and other. Big Akumu remaining silent, otherwise.

"Maker's breath..." one of the guards would mutter, looking to the burning village in utter shock - the other guards doing the same as little Akumu gently lifted his brother.

"Escort us back home t' the palace..." Akumu softly muttered to the guards while approaching them.

"Are y' kidding!? Y' really expect us t' let such a monster back into the home of the King!?"

Akumu's eyes flashed and, in an instant, his free hand would grip the guard by the front of his armour - yanking him down as he glared into his eyes. "You're speaking of the King and Queen's youngest here, fuckface. Call him such a thing again and I'll strip y' of yer tongue and kick y' to the dire wolves. Do I make myself clear!?"

Older Dei-Loki watched as the guards did as they were told, not a single word escaping him as he looked to the ground.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania


Nia watched the scene before her holding Akumu's hand as she looked up at him "hey, it's ok. Stop beating yourself up, ya' did good on this day" she points at him and gave a stern look "and dont try to say you didn't"
Nia watched the scene before her holding Akumu's hand as she looked up at him "hey, it's ok. Stop beating yourself up, ya' did good on this day" she points at him and gave a stern look "and dont try to say you didn't"

Upon feeling her hand in his, he'd look over to watch as he softly gave it a squeeze. Soon looking up to his lover's face with a weak smile in response to her uplifting words. "I only wish I could've somehow done more..."
Upon feeling her hand in his, he'd look over to watch as he softly gave it a squeeze. Soon looking up to his lover's face with a weak smile in response to her uplifting words. "I only wish I could've somehow done more..."

"you say that now, but at the time of your actions you did what you thought was right. No one can punish you for your actions, no matter how much they disagree"
Dei-Loki would nod to Masaru's soft words, gently nodding as he quietly spoke while shakily sighing. "T'gether..." Trailing his words, he would listen to the screams that would twist into that beautifully taunting agony, anger and fear.

Akumu wouldn't even look up, keeping his eyes winced shut and his nose pointed to the earth below him while the scent of blood and smoke permeated the area.

Angrily busting through the door, that six year old Dei-Loki previously mentioned would stumble - coated in blood as he held a cold, unremorseful look in his eyes. A look that would scan over what he'd done. Not as if admiring it, but as if he'd been searching for something. Someone. "Not leavin' until I find y', Zeeeeeeeelllllldaaaa~" The younger Dei-Loki would ring out. His voice riddled with something sinister - and he would pause upon hearing his brother in the distance.

"Dei-Loki!" The thirteen year old would call, sliding to a stop a few feet away. His eyes trembling as he turned his attention to the burning village. "What have y' done!?"

The younger Dei would stare at his brother, looking back in the direction he came from to see he'd been followed by several members of the king's royal guard. Turning his attention back to Akumu, he narrowed his gaze. "Don't bother stoppin' me! I've got one more to go!" Though, he'd then yelp in surprise as his brother gripped him by the wrist, pulling him into a firm embrace.

"Y've done enough damage! Anymore of this and I may loose y' to the corruption!" Young Akumu held a firm tone, keeping his hold, even after Dei-Loki began to squirm. [COLOR= rgb(75, 0, 130)]"Don't y' see!? This is what she wanted!"[/COLOR]

A deep growl emitting from the small boy, he continued to squirm and thrash - a single one of his nails deeply scratching Akumu's face where the scar could now be seen on present day Akumu. "AKUMU! Akumu, dammit--! let me--! P-Please..." The thrashing would soon slow and morph into sobbing. And, through all of this, Akumu kept a firm hold on his brother. He didn't seem to mind the blood coming from his face - all he cared about was calming his little brother down.

"I've got y'..." Little Akumu and big Akumu would seem to whisper in sync with one and other. Big Akumu remaining silent, otherwise.

"Maker's breath..." one of the guards would mutter, looking to the burning village in utter shock - the other guards doing the same as little Akumu gently lifted his brother.

"Escort us back home t' the palace..." Akumu softly muttered to the guards while approaching them.

"Are y' kidding!? Y' really expect us t' let such a monster back into the home of the King!?"

Akumu's eyes flashed and, in an instant, his free hand would grip the guard by the front of his armour - yanking him down as he glared into his eyes. "You're speaking of the King and Queen's youngest here, fuckface. Call him such a thing again and I'll strip y' of yer tongue and kick y' to the dire wolves. Do I make myself clear!?"

Older Dei-Loki watched as the guards did as they were told, not a single word escaping him as he looked to the ground.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania


"Your secret is safe with me..." Ruvik huffed, watching her walk and sit - arms crossing quietly. And, though this, he couldn't help but feel a small bit of sympathy. So, with another huff, he approached and slowly sat beside her. "... Dark subject, but... Ash was... different before he... y' know?"


Masaru sighed, holding Dei tightly to him. 
Izzy sighed. "he was very different. He was nice...sweet, loving..." She sighed, looking over at him before down the cliff again. "Maya seemed good. She must have treated you right, seeing how much you cared for her."

Bringing his arm around her, Akumu kept a hold of her hand as he pulled her closer. "Certainly do a decent job."

Dei-Loki tightly held onto Masaru's arm, watching the flames and how they crackled. Huffing, he closed his eyes. "I... I think we're done here... I don't..."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania


Ruvik's brows would lift in a bit of surprise at this before then nodding and looking out and over the cliff. "Yeah, she was... something else. First girl I've ever loved, in truth."

Bringing his arm around her, Akumu kept a hold of her hand as he pulled her closer. "Certainly do a decent job."

Dei-Loki tightly held onto Masaru's arm, watching the flames and how they crackled. Huffing, he closed his eyes. "I... I think we're done here... I don't..."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Nia hugged him, then let go. "so, when do we go now? Man, that sounds weird to say..." she said to the group.
Bringing his arm around her, Akumu kept a hold of her hand as he pulled her closer. "Certainly do a decent job."

Dei-Loki tightly held onto Masaru's arm, watching the flames and how they crackled. Huffing, he closed his eyes. "I... I think we're done here... I don't..."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania


Ruvik's brows would lift in a bit of surprise at this before then nodding and looking out and over the cliff. "Yeah, she was... something else. First girl I've ever loved, in truth."


Masaru nodded, "Let's go then. Akumu, do whatever you do and get us out of this."
Masaru and the rest stepped through the portal. The whole place was dark and empty. Memories of Masaru's post hung on the right and the left. From his mother being beaten, to her death, to his siblings leaving his side all the way to the Grant's death. Nothing, but abandonment and death. Nothing, but loneliness and the darkness. Masaru whipped back around. "NO! OPEN THAT PORTAL! LET ME OUT! I WON'T HA-," he stopped immediately when he heard her voice. Her soft, angelic voice that made Masaru's demons flinch. "Daddy?" His hands curled into fists as he slowly turned around to see her. His little girl, his little fox, his everything. His Maria.


"Maria?" His voice shook as it tread on glass. "Baby?" She stared up at him with her big, brown eyes that she got from her mother. She turned and ran into the darkness, her pink bow was the only thing glowing in the pitch blackness. He looked up, asking for a sign of some sort. To stop this. "Maria? MARIA!?" He felt his legs moving without his mind as he too began to run. No, to sprint. To chase. To find something that he lost so very long ago. "Please baby come out. Please. PLEASE, JUST LET HER GO!" Masaru's nails dug so deep into his flesh that blood dripped from his clenched hands. The dark droplets falling into nothingness. "I just want her. Please, i just want to see her. I love you." Masaru clutched his bloodied hand to his chest. "Daddy? Why are you hurting?" Masaru gulped the air, feeling as if his lungs were burning. He shuddered, not being able to see her, but being able to hear her calming voice. His head roared as his hand felt like it was on fire. The nails digging deeper into his palm. "W-What do you mean, my little fox? Tell me what you mean. . . please." Maria's voice echoed through the blackness. "Daddy, i love you. I wuv my daddy." Masaru paused at that. The first crack in his solid, mental wall. "I know. Gods, i know, and Daddy . . . Daddy loves you too, my little fox." His voice quaked as he stood on the bridge of his sanity.
Akumu, Dei and Malvo followed them in through hesitation. While taking note of every memory, Dei-Loki's eyes trembled. Stepping forward a few feet, Dei-Loki flattened his ears. Malvo having softly pulled him back so he wouldn't interfere with what Masaru had to deal with.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
"Forgive." She whispers. Masaru squinted his eyes, not understanding what she wanted. "Forgive? Forgive what, Maria?" She repeats. He shakes his head. "No . . . no, i won't forgive them. They took you away from me! THEY DON"T DESERVE MY FORGIVENESS!" Maria's voice becomes barely a whisper. "Forgive." Masaru clutched the fabric of his shirt in his hand. ". . . i can't, sweetie. I . . . I can't forgive myself." Maria's voice seemed to change into someone older. It sounded so familiar to Masaru's ears. Then he realized it was his mom. Then it was his wife. Then it was the Grant's parents. His parents. Then it was his father. Then it was the sky. The ground. The Heavens. The Hell. They whispered in the thickest of airs, begging for Masaru to forgive. "I can't! DON'T YOU UNDERSTAND!? I . . . I killed them. I killed everyone. Everyone that loved me. They left me because i . . . i am monster. DON'T YOU GET IT!? I'M THE MONSTER! I AM HELL'S CREATURE! I DON'T DESERVE TO BE FORGIVEN!" This time, the voice spoke again. "Massy? My poor baby boy, you're hurting. You're hurting so much that you don't even know it. Let go, my kogitsune. Let go of the past. Let go of us. You never killed us, sweetie. You never killed anyone that wasn't for a reason. You think that you killed us, that you couldn't protect us, but you're so wrong, my child. You saved us. You smiled and saved us. My kogitsune, i could've never survive with your father if i didn't see that smile. You have such a beautiful smile, don'tcha know?" She giggled as she cooed. "Let go, Massy. I want to see your smile again, can i see it? Please." Masaru's whole body was shaking with fear. "I . . . I don't want to. I don-." Masaru's mother shushed the fox. "I don't want to hear it, my child. You are not a monster. You have a monster in you, but YOU. NO! YOU ARE NOT THE MONSTER! YOU ARE MY BABY! DO YOU HEAR ME SCREAM, MY CHILD!? YOU ARE MY BABY! SO FORGIVE! FORGIVE!" Masaru flinched, another crack in the thick wall that surrounded his heart. "Everything's alright, my kogitsune. Now . . . forgive." She whispered into the darkness again. 

Masaru groaned, falling to his knees. "I forgive." The many-in-one voice spoke again, "You forgive?" Masaru shook his head. "I forgive . . . i forgive the Gods. I forgive the Goddesses. I forgive the demons in my head and heart. I forgive . . . i forgive myself. I forgive! I forgive myself! I FORGIVE MYSELF! I FORGIVE! I FORGIVE! I FORGIVE! I FORGIVE! I FORGIVE! I FORGIVE! I FORGIVE! I FORGIVE! I FORGIVE! I FORGIVE! I FORGIVE! I FORGIVE!" Masaru yelled as he smashed his balled fist into the darkness. With each punch, the darkness crumbles away. Light beams out like a beacon, illuminating the room to the fullest. In front, stands his family. HIS family. The Grants, Nia, Akumu, Dei, EVERYONE! They smile at him with outstretched hands, asking for him to come and eat because the food is getting cold, and they need someone to cook the food for them. Masaru huddles into himself and chuckles. He stands, but feels a tugging on his sleeve. Maria stands there, looking up. "Daddy? Can you read me a bed time story? I'm tired." She rubes one of her eyes and yawns. "Of course, my little fox. You've been up for so long and I . . . I never put you to bed. So, of course, Maria. Daddy will read until you fall asleep. Then you can go dance with the angels. How does that sound?" The room switches and now, Maria is laying in bed and Masaru is sitting on a wooden stool, admiring his daughter's face for the last time. "I like dancing AND angels!" She giggled as she wiggled in her bed to get comfy. "I know and you're my dancing, guardian angel. You always will be. Now . . . let's tell this story."
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Dei-Loki, sticking beside Malvo, would listen. A smile forming on his face the moment his mate chose to forgive it all, including himself. Something he'd hoped he would do for so long. With a gentle swallow, he'd continue to watch. His arms wrapped around himself while choosing to remain quiet.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania


(SORRY! I meant to reply!)

"Ahah, someone that likes to scare the hell out of me and tease for fun?" Ruvik smirked, in hopes his words would somehow lighten the mood.

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Nia looked at him, and smiled. Sure, he may be an insensitive, irritable, short tempered, sadistic asshole.

But he was her insensitive, irritable, short tempered, sadistic asshole. Her friend, the yang to her yin, like a brother. But he deserves happiness, more so than anyone else...
"Long time ago, there was a princess named Maria. She was as beautiful as her mother. She would smile and the whole world would smile. She would laugh and the whole world would laugh with her. She would talk and they would listen. For she was the most kindest, loving princess, and the whole world adore her.  One day, the bad men came. They scared the Queen, but the princess stood there, brave as ever, even if she was scared. She gave him the coldest of looks and they-." Maria interrupted her father. "No, Daddy. Tell the story right, please. Tell it right. Then, i can go to sleep." Masaru sighed and nodded. His voice began to waver as he continued. "They pressed something cold and metal to her forehead. She was so scared. So very very scared, and yet she stood there. So . . . brave. They . . . then they pulled.the trigger." Maria screamed and thrashed around in pain. A bullet wound in her forehead, the blood slowly dripping. Masaru reached for her and consoled her in his arms. Tears springing from his eyes. She quieted after a while. Her voice was hoarse as she said, "D-D-Did she save them?" Masaru broke, the wall breaking into as he cried into her shoulder. "No, baby, she didn't save them, b-but they're safe now. They're safe, baby. They're dancing and singing with the angels." Maria turned her head to look in her father's eyes. A smile, tired, but yet so full of joy looked back up at him. "Where does the King go?" Masaru racked in sobs as he sputtered out, "he goes home and he forgives, but he'll never forget. He'll never forget his princess or his queen. He'll never forget anyone." "W-W-Will Daddy be okay?" Maria places her tiny, cold hand on his tear-stained cheek. He cracks the same smile and nodes. "Daddy will be okay. Everything's . . . everything's alright. Yeah, everything's alright, my little fox. Now, go to sleep. Go dance with the angels." Maria slowly does as she's told. Drifting off into sleep, she fades in his arms, until there is only him, holding air. He turned around to his family. His eyes are red and wet from the tears as he slowly walks over. Then, he's running. He's running so fast that he feels like his legs are going to fall off. Then he's holding his sister in his arms. He twirls her as he cries. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry. I'm so so sorry." Yuki cries just the same as she hugs her brother. "It's okay, it's okay. Shhhh, you have nothing to be sorry for. It's the past. I will love you no matter what." Masaru wipes at his tears and looks around. "WHAT ARE YOU ALL STARING AT!? GET IN THIS HUG FOR THE GODS' SAKES! DON"T YOU SEE I"M EMOTIONAL!?" Masaru smiled with his tear-stained face.
Dei-Loki, in an instant, was at Masaru's side. Giving him a tight and loving embrace as he'd softly nuzzle into him. "I'll love you always..."

Malvo watched, a smile on her face before she approached him and the others before also engaging in the hug. Akumu huffing as he'd smirk and approach to do the same.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
"sorry Mas I can't...." she said turning a cold shoulder, then immediately turning back around after letting it hang in the air for a short while. "I'm too short" she said with a joking smile before soon also joining the hug.
"sorry Mas I can't...." she said turning a cold shoulder, then immediately turning back around after letting it hang in the air for a short while. "I'm too short" she said with a joking smile before soon also joining the hug.

Dei-Loki, in an instant, was at Masaru's side. Giving him a tight and loving embrace as he'd softly nuzzle into him. "I'll love you always..."

Malvo watched, a smile on her face before she approached him and the others before also engaging in the hug. Akumu huffing as he'd smirk and approach to do the same.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Masaru laughed, a childish smile appearing on his lips. It made him look way younger and even more handsome. "Alright, let's see if that's the final skip on this . . . feels train because i am tiiiiiired." 

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