Indescribable (Closed)

"I should've followed my instincts. I should've never listened to your fucking mouth." He ripped his hand away from Dei's, stuffing his shaking hands into his pockets as he looked at Akumu and Nia. "Akumu, is there anyway after whatever Nia has to do, that i could go home? You guys can enjoy your time here."

Dei-Loki widened his eyes as they would tremble at the sharp words to which seemed to pierce his chest like a freshly sharpened blade. As if almost in shocked disbelief, he watched while Masaru's hand was yanked free from his hold. "I..." had been all he'd been able to force from himself - his ears slowly having flattened against his head before he looked down. "I'm sorry..."

Akumu shifted his attention over to both Masaru and his brother - his heart seeming to sink at the sight and feeling of such familiar sadness coming from his brother. Sighing, he lowered his ears and watched Masaru. "We can try, but I doubt it. If this trip is what I believe it t' be, we're all stuck until the final jump is made..."
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Nia frowned and pulled everyone into a group hug. "hey, we're a family now. You're all my family now. Family means." she paused, choked up. "Family means, we stick together, we endure hardships, we have great joy, and we never abandon eachother, and when we all inevitability pass on. We can look back at who they were, and what they did, and we can smile..." she started to tear up "You guys are my family now, you're all I have left...

I love you all. What your going to see next is going to break me, crumple me up, and throw me into the shredder, and when I'm at my lowest point, I expect you- all of you to be there for me, no matter how  much you dont want too be there, I need you to be there for me okay?"

@Forever J

Masaru sighed, slightly calmer, staring off behind everyone. "Fine. Let's just get this over with." Masaru pushed Nia off him and walked a few feet away, watching whatever was about to come to him.
Izzy giggled and put her knife away, smirking. "it's cute when you're scared." she said, putting his face between her hands and squishing it like a fish. "dumbass." She said teasingly as she stepped away, her tail waving behind her as her ears moved against her head as she sat on the edge of the cliff. "I always come up here when I need to clear my mind and regain myself."

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Dei-Loki huffed as he was included in the group hug with everyone else. And, as he'd harbour guilt in his expression and tone, he looked to Nia with a nod. "I'll be here..."

Akumu and Malvo gave their own nods of agreement, and all three watched as Masaru broke free from the group hug.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Izzy giggled and put her knife away, smirking. "it's cute when you're scared." she said, putting his face between her hands and squishing it like a fish. "dumbass." She said teasingly as she stepped away, her tail waving behind her as her ears moved against her head as she sat on the edge of the cliff. "I always come up here when I need to clear my mind and regain myself."


Ruvik huffed, grumbling from the teasing as he'd close his eye. Once she moved away, he shifted in place. "Certainly seems like an otherwise peaceful place."
Izzy chuckled and wrapped her tail around his ankle, pulling him hard so he fell back onto his back. She giggled, tracing her tail across his leg as she looked out over the cliff. "Maybe it can get you back to your own self, instead if this titty bitch way."

(Skipping to the good part)

The dragon emerged from the volcano, hot magma dripping from its body as it rose in the setting sun. Then with a mighty screech it spread it wings and vanished in a ball of fire. Nia looked to the streets to see dark figures emerge from nowhere they were made of a dark purple energy and took the shapes of skeletons, and each one had a cutlass in hand. "The dragon has summoned an army!" She looked to the voice to see the capitan of the Davion Guard standing at the castle gate, swords drawn. "Nia get into the palace!" Her father said leading her inside " Summon the Davion Guard! Stand fast and get ready to repell the attack!" The Davion Guard the elite of the elite, personal guard to the royal family. They were only summoned in the most dire of circumstances. Nia felt fear run through her body. As the Davion Guard, dawning their red and black armor formed up in the center courtyard. Just as a soldier was about to drop the castle gate a fire ball struck his chest, exploding, sending him screaming down the wall landing with a bone breaking thud. "They've got magic too..." The capitain said pulling back to meet with the small royal family. "Davion Guard, half of you on me. We're going into the throne room!" Nia was rushed into the throne room and the doors were closed and barred behind her. The clash of steel and screams of the dead and dying were heard outside for a good 12 minutes this went on. Then, there was silence. She felt her skin crawl in suspense. 

Just then a massive fire ball struck the huge doors blowing it to splinters, one of which struck her father in the stomach as the summoned warriors filled through the gap. The Davion Guard immediately leapt into the fray. Spells were cast around the room, Nia barely ducked underneath one as it dispelled on impact with the wall behind her. The Davion Guard fought valiantly but they were no match to sheer numbers. The capitain drew his sword, and Nia drew her fathers sword as the beings encircled them. "Just know I love you my little princess." Her father said to her, leaning onto the throne for support. Fear coursed through her body as the skeletons advanced. Her body tightened up getting ready to go down fighting to defend herself her father, and her home. The skeletons stopped, and were dispelled. The earth shook, more violent than ever before as the entire room shook. Nia looked out the doors, past the bodies and wall of the castle to see the distant volcano explode, as a wave of heat raced towards them, turning anything it touched to ash. "RUN!" Her father yelled to the group, and run she did, faster than she's ever ran in her life. Another earthquake occurred stronger this time, which sent Nia off her feet, she rolled onto her back and saw that The capitain was right next to her. Then she looked behind her as she saw her father on the ground a good 20-30 feet away. Then with a mighty groan of protest the earth split, creating a massive chasm through the room. With her father on the other side! "Nia, you have to go!" Her father yelled across the crack in the earth as the castle fell around them "NO! I WONT LEAVE YOU!" Nia yelled back, tears streaming down her face. "You have to sweetie, I'm not going to make it, and you have to survive. Hadrian get her out of here! The royal family must survive, the Kingdom needs an heir Nia! You have to survive! Carry on the Davion name! Go some place safe! NOW" Hadrian(the captain) grabbed Nia and picked her up. "NO. NO! I cant loose you too!" She screamed back hitting Hadrian, trying to get free. "Nia! Never let anything stop you! Your a survivor Nia! Its like your mother said; 'When the world gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show the world a thousand reasons to smile.' You can make the world a better place Nia, I know it... I love you princess" were the last words she ever heard from her father as the castle fell around him. She was broken, tears streaming down her face as she was carried off by Hadrian, kicking and screaming the whole way to safety.

The king fell onto his back, knowing she would live, he smiled and sat peacefully waiting for the end, holding his bloodied wound.
(Skipping to the good part)

The dragon emerged from the volcano, hot magma dripping from its body as it rose in the setting sun. Then with a mighty screech it spread it wings and vanished in a ball of fire. Nia looked to the streets to see dark figures emerge from nowhere they were made of a dark purple energy and took the shapes of skeletons, and each one had a cutlass in hand. "The dragon has summoned an army!" She looked to the voice to see the capitan of the Davion Guard standing at the castle gate, swords drawn. "Nia get into the palace!" Her father said leading her inside " Summon the Davion Guard! Stand fast and get ready to repell the attack!" The Davion Guard the elite of the elite, personal guard to the royal family. They were only summoned in the most dire of circumstances. Nia felt fear run through her body. As the Davion Guard, dawning their red and black armor formed up in the center courtyard. Just as a soldier was about to drop the castle gate a fire ball struck his chest, exploding, sending him screaming down the wall landing with a bone breaking thud. "They've got magic too..." The capitain said pulling back to meet with the small royal family. "Davion Guard, half of you on me. We're going into the throne room!" Nia was rushed into the throne room and the doors were closed and barred behind her. The clash of steel and screams of the dead and dying were heard outside for a good 12 minutes this went on. Then, there was silence. She felt her skin crawl in suspense. 

Just then a massive fire ball struck the huge doors blowing it to splinters, one of which struck her father in the stomach as the summoned warriors filled through the gap. The Davion Guard immediately leapt into the fray. Spells were cast around the room, Nia barely ducked underneath one as it dispelled on impact with the wall behind her. The Davion Guard fought valiantly but they were no match to sheer numbers. The capitain drew his sword, and Nia drew her fathers sword as the beings encircled them. "Just know I love you my little princess." Her father said to her, leaning onto the throne for support. Fear coursed through her body as the skeletons advanced. Her body tightened up getting ready to go down fighting to defend herself her father, and her home. The skeletons stopped, and were dispelled. The earth shook, more violent than ever before as the entire room shook. Nia looked out the doors, past the bodies and wall of the castle to see the distant volcano explode, as a wave of heat raced towards them, turning anything it touched to ash. "RUN!" Her father yelled to the group, and run she did, faster than she's ever ran in her life. Another earthquake occurred stronger this time, which sent Nia off her feet, she rolled onto her back and saw that The capitain was right next to her. Then she looked behind her as she saw her father on the ground a good 20-30 feet away. Then with a mighty groan of protest the earth split, creating a massive chasm through the room. With her father on the other side! "Nia, you have to go!" Her father yelled across the crack in the earth as the castle fell around them "NO! I WONT LEAVE YOU!" Nia yelled back, tears streaming down her face. "You have to sweetie, I'm not going to make it, and you have to survive. Hadrian get her out of here! The royal family must survive, the Kingdom needs an heir Nia! You have to survive! Carry on the Davion name! Go some place safe! NOW" Hadrian(the captain) grabbed Nia and picked her up. "NO. NO! I cant loose you too!" She screamed back hitting Hadrian, trying to get free. "Nia! Never let anything stop you! Your a survivor Nia! Its like your mother said; 'When the world gives you a hundred reasons to cry, show the world a thousand reasons to smile.' You can make the world a better place Nia, I know it... I love you princess" were the last words she ever heard from her father as the castle fell around him. She was broken, tears streaming down her face as she was carried off by Hadrian, kicking and screaming the whole way to safety.

The king fell onto his back, knowing she would live, he smiled and sat peacefully waiting for the end, holding his bloodied wound.

Masaru just watched and so did Yuki.
Akumu, Dei-Loki, and Malvo had also watched. All three standing in silence.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Izzy chuckled and wrapped her tail around his ankle, pulling him hard so he fell back onto his back. She giggled, tracing her tail across his leg as she looked out over the cliff. "Maybe it can get you back to your own self, instead if this titty bitch way."


With a yelp and a thud, Ruvik was then on the cold floor. A soft growl/groan of discomfort escaping him from the fall. Blinking when he felt the now gently action of hef tail. with a brow twitch, he spoke. "'Titty bitch'?"
"Yes, that's your new nickname until you get back to your old self." She looked over her shoulder at him, a teasing smirk on her face as she removed her tail from his leg and brought it up into her lap, stroking the soft fur. "God I can't wait till Masaru comes back so I have someone to fuck with. I mean, you're fun and all, but you don't insult back or anything. You take my beatings, which is fun, but god damn, fight back once in a while!" She then huffed, her left ear twitching as she flipped her hair over her shoulder and leaned back. She put her hands behind her to hold herself up as she leaned back, a sigh escaping her lips along with a small smile. "Get the fuck up you titty baby and quit trying to nurture your hurt ego."

Nia broke the spell or whatever it was and interacted with the past. She approached her father on the ground. He looked up at her as she knelt next to him "this isn't going to make any sense, but it's me. It's Nia. Your Nia, your little princess" she said, beginning to cry. He stared up in stunned silence, her eyes, they were Nia's. He reached up and held her face, his hand, on her cheek. "oh, my beautiful baby girl, you look just like your mother..." "I got a second chance to come back here, to tell you that I'm okay. I'm okay, and I love you" she said wiping away the river of tears "I love you" "I love you" he took in a couple sharp breaths. "goodbye. goodbye, Nia. You need this more than I do" he took a breath and put his crown into her hand, and went limp. "dad? dad!" she shook him a bit, and closed her eyes "goodbye..." she said closing his eyes with a gentle motion of her hand over his face. Then she just sat there on her knees and cried. "I'm going to miss you. All of this..."
Nia broke the spell or whatever it was and interacted with the past. She approached her father on the ground. He looked up at her as she knelt next to him "this isn't going to make any sense, but it's me. It's Nia. Your Nia, your little princess" she said, beginning to cry. He stared up in stunned silence, her eyes, they were Nia's. He reached up and held her face, his hand, on her cheek. "oh, my beautiful baby girl, you look just like your mother..." "I got a second chance to come back here, to tell you that I'm okay. I'm okay, and I love you" she said wiping away the river of tears "I love you" "I love you" he took in a couple sharp breaths. "goodbye. goodbye, Nia. You need this more than I do" he took a breath and put his crown into her hand, and went limp. "dad? dad!" she shook him a bit, and closed her eyes "goodbye..." she said closing his eyes with a gentle motion of her hand over his face. Then she just sat there on her knees and cried. "I'm going to miss you. All of this..."

Masaru huffed and tried again to hug Nia, pulling her into his body. This time, it was Nia that he was looking at, not Maria. Maria was dead and Nia was there and Gods, he loved Nia and Maria just the same. Maybe a bit of a different love for Nia, but Nia was still Masaru's friend. Hell, best friend. A sister in his eyes. "You do have your mother's looks, by the way. I think . . . I know, that they both would've been proud for how you turned out to be. You're their little Sunshine and you still smile and shine bright when the world is nothing, but blackness. Never change, Nia. Never. Even if the world seems to hard on you, you are . . . something special. Whatever that means." He gave a tired smile and ruffled Nia's hair again.
In silence was how Dei-Loki and the other two had watched. Dei-Loki hugging himself as he shifted - smiling in a ghostly nature while listening to the encounter between Nia and Masaru, as it had been nice to at least witness caring instead of fighting in this reminder of such a dark point. That didn't stop his smile from being a bit hollow, though, as he'd soon avert his gaze down and away in some sort of jealousy that fed his guilt that would still feel as if it were twisting his insides in an ungodly nature. 

Turning to her brother, Malvo softly placed a hand on his shoulder as her ears, too, remained low.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

"Yes, that's your new nickname until you get back to your old self." She looked over her shoulder at him, a teasing smirk on her face as she removed her tail from his leg and brought it up into her lap, stroking the soft fur. "God I can't wait till Masaru comes back so I have someone to fuck with. I mean, you're fun and all, but you don't insult back or anything. You take my beatings, which is fun, but god damn, fight back once in a while!" She then huffed, her left ear twitching as she flipped her hair over her shoulder and leaned back. She put her hands behind her to hold herself up as she leaned back, a sigh escaping her lips along with a small smile. "Get the fuck up you titty baby and quit trying to nurture your hurt ego."


His brow would twitch yet again, soon pushing himself to stand. He'd gone to say something, but instead held his tongue and sighed.
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Nia returned the hug "Thanks Masaru, it means alot coming from you" then she slowly stood up. "just need to grab something real quick" she ran off and returned with a sword strapped to her belt, and a strange black ring with a green gemstone that was faintly glowing.

"okay, now I'm ready to go"
Nia returned the hug "Thanks Masaru, it means alot coming from you" then she slowly stood up. "just need to grab something real quick" she ran off and returned with a sword strapped to her belt, and a strange black ring with a green gemstone that was faintly glowing.

"okay, now I'm ready to go"

"Then let's go." 
"Then let's go." 

Akumu sighed and nodded, looking to the items Nia had grabbed in curiosity before opening the warp. "Next..."

Dei-Loki stared at the ground in silence before heading through the warp first with Malvo close behind him. Soon finding that it led out into a thick wooded (I hear you giggling, stahp it) area. The scent of the area held a familiar feel to it, but Dei-Loki couldn't quite place what it was, just yet. As he bit his lip, he sighed and scanned the area whilst waiting for the others. 

@Heir of Dalania
"okay.... who's home was a forest?"

"Smells familiar... So I suppose Akumu and I have something t' do with it, at least..." Dei-Loki blinked, his eyes traveling about before going with his instinct and beginning to walk until he'd come to a stop at a small village - his ears flattening at the site as he'd look over the houses.

Akumu stuck beside Nia, as he seemed to recognise the area almost instantly. Grimacing with a soft whine, he near quietly spoke. "Ah, no..." And, as he'd speak, he lifted a brow to see a much younger Dei-Loki - about four, or so - cautiously sneaking back in the direction of said village. A happy, yet somehow nervous look on the little boy's face. It was like he'd just gotten back from a good time, even though he knew he'd get in trouble for it.

@Forever J
"Smells familiar... So I suppose Akumu and I have something t' do with it, at least..." Dei-Loki blinked, his eyes traveling about before going with his instinct and beginning to walk until he'd come to a stop at a small village - his ears flattening at the site as he'd look over the houses.

Akumu stuck beside Nia, as he seemed to recognise the area almost instantly. Grimacing with a soft whine, he near quietly spoke. "Ah, no..." And, as he'd speak, he lifted a brow to see a much younger Dei-Loki - about four, or so - cautiously sneaking back in the direction of said village. A happy, yet somehow nervous look on the little boy's face. It was like he'd just gotten back from a good time, even though he knew he'd get in trouble for it.

@Forever J

Masaru held back as best as he could before he snickered. "Gods damn it, i can't stay mad at you when you use to look like that." Masaru had immediately fawned over the younger Dei. Noticing the cute, small, almost pudgy figure with that beautiful smile that he came to know and love.
"What is with the twitching? You do it all the time, like you want to tell me off, yet you never do it." She then rolled her eyes, picking up a loose pebble that was sitting beside her and chunked it off the cliff.

Masaru held back as best as he could before he snickered. "Gods damn it, i can't stay mad at you when you use to look like that." Masaru had immediately fawned over the younger Dei. Noticing the cute, small, almost pudgy figure with that beautiful smile that he came to know and love.

Dei-Loki blinked from Nia's words, going to answer before lifting his brows and glancing to Masaru. A small smile forming on his face as he quietly walked to his side - hesitating before hugging him.

Malvo watched the two, tail happily curling as she held a smile of her own towards the beginning of the make up.

Akumu, on the other hand, kept his gaze on the younger Dei-Loki for some time while watching him head into the direction of a small house with a dark-ish exterior. No one appeared to be home, but... remembering this day all too well, he knew at least two other faces that were present.

@Heir of Dalania

"What is with the twitching? You do it all the time, like you want to tell me off, yet you never do it." She then rolled her eyes, picking up a loose pebble that was sitting beside her and chunked it off the cliff.


"You have an... interesting form of name-calling." Ruvik had replied. Though inside of his words, it was clear he'd been s bit peeved. Ah, there was no ignoring the desire of his old personality - especially with how loud it was knocking at his door.
Izzy looked at him, her ear twitching. "you wanna know what's great? I can look right into your mind, just like Mia can. Except, mine isn't more.. sinister. I can break you with just one glimpse of your darkest secret, then after, I can recover you." She looked at him with a hard look before widening her eyes, seeing something. "you've...loved before. A ram girl. God.. i know exactly how it happened too. I can take you back to that time when it happened." She then looked down the cliff side, away from him. She got lost in her own thoughts for a minute then snapped out of it and looked at him with a annoyed look. She huffed, "well? You want to? After you won't be such a titty."

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Dei-Loki blinked from Nia's words, going to answer before lifting his brows and glancing to Masaru. A small smile forming on his face as he quietly walked to his side - hesitating before hugging him.

Malvo watched the two, tail happily curling as she held a smile of her own towards the beginning of the make up.

Akumu, on the other hand, kept his gaze on the younger Dei-Loki for some time while watching him head into the direction of a small house with a dark-ish exterior. No one appeared to be home, but... remembering this day all too well, he knew at least two other faces that were present.

@Heir of Dalania

"You have an... interesting form of name-calling." Ruvik had replied. Though inside of his words, it was clear he'd been s bit peeved. Ah, there was no ignoring the desire of his old personality - especially with how loud it was knocking at his door.

Nia approached Akumu, noting his behavior, asking quietly "whats got you all" she wiggled her fingers at him making a 'ehhh' sound as she lacked the right words to discribe it.

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