Indescribable (Closed)

Nia watched them enter "awwww, look at them! so cuuuute!"

Akumu, whom snickered, watched them enter, as well.

"I wish to throw you out the window." Masaru growled as he sat Dei down on a padded chair. 

Dei-Loki huffed, leaning back a small bit after he was set down.

Reaver cocked a brow as he peeked into the kitchen - a grin on his face as he entered. Malvo having been behind him. "Morning!"
(Going to set this up for the feels.)

Akumu would sigh, setting foot outside as he'd open the portal. This was going to be a feels trip, no doubt. He was unsure of just what it had in store - viewing others pasts in person - he wasn't looking forward to it at all. Especially his own. 'He's going t' find out... I know he is...' He'd think quietly to himself.

Malvo walked along side Dei-Loki, looking to her twin as she lowered her ears a bit.

Dei-Loki blinked, returning the look as he sighed softly. Soon smiling. "Don't worry. I'll be fine."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
"I don't feel up for an adventure. Maybe in my own world, but i don't trust portals." Masaru turned around. "I'll see you guys when you all come back." Yuki looked at the portal, preparing herself for whatever was about to happen. 
"We'll make it through together." Akumu had assured, turning his gaze to Nia as he'd gently grab her hand with his free one.

Dei-Loki looked to Masaru, flattening his ears as he gently took his arm before he could go. "C'mon, if I'm goin', I want you t' go, too..."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
"We'll make it through together." Akumu had assured, turning his gaze to Nia as he'd gently grab her hand with his free one.

Dei-Loki looked to Masaru, flattening his ears as he gently took his arm before he could go. "C'mon, if I'm goin', I want you t' go, too..."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Masaru sighed. "Fine, let's go." Masaru stepped into the portal, not wanting to hesitate and let his doubt of what was to come takeover. Yuki followed. 
Nia remained silent and nodded.

Smiling very slightly, Akumu gently squeezed her hand as he watched the others head through before then going to step through, as well.

Masaru sighed. "Fine, let's go." Masaru stepped into the portal, not wanting to hesitate and let his doubt of what was to come takeover. Yuki followed. 

Dei-Loki walked at his mate's side, his ears having been low as he shakily huffed. Malvo heading though after Yuki.
Smiling very slightly, Akumu gently squeezed her hand as he watched the others head through before then going to step through, as well.

Dei-Loki walked at his mate's side, his ears having been low as he shakily huffed. Malvo heading though after Yuki.

Nia stepped through and looked around, they arrived at a bustling marketplace. She didn't immediately recognize it, but this was home.

She looked to her companions and asked, "where, and when. Are we?" She said walking around and looking at all the people, the loud murmur of the crowd a constant in her ears.




(The city of Dalania as a whole)
Masaru and Yuki whistled as they looked around astonished about how beautiful this place was. "This reminds me of the past, for sure."
"I guess we just walk around till one of us sees something familiar" She said before doing just that.

After a few minutes of walking, the palace at the center of the city came into view and Nia froze dead in her tracks as she looked up at the large building with eyes wide. "no..." she said in hushed disbelief. "this is my home... my past..."
"I guess we just walk around till one of us sees something familiar" She said before doing just that.

After a few minutes of walking, the palace at the center of the city came into view and Nia froze dead in her tracks as she looked up at the large building with eyes wide. "no..." she said in hushed disbelief. "this is my home... my past..."

Masaru kept an eye on Nia as she seemed scared of the palace in front of her. "We can turn back. We can always go back, Akumu can make a portal and take you far from here." He said nonchalantly. He kept his hands in his pockets as he watched Nia, making sure that she didn't start having a panic attack or something of the kind. 
Masaru kept an eye on Nia as she seemed scared of the palace in front of her. "We can turn back. We can always go back, Akumu can make a portal and take you far from here." He said nonchalantly. He kept his hands in his pockets as he watched Nia, making sure that she didn't start having a panic attack or something of the kind. 

Akumu would nod in agreement to Masaru's words while watching Nia with concern dwelling in his amethyst gaze. "Just say the word and we can leave, sugar cookie."

@Heir of Dalania
Nia swallowed nervous "no, no no. It's fine. It's just like going on a nostalgia trip, just in horrifying detail, besides 3/4ths of my time spent her was pretty good, so why not." she said walking to the palace, looking at the outer wall for the palace and the guards that lined it, heavy full plate armor, painted red and black. She pointed to a small squadron of them duing drill in the courtyard "these are the Davion Guard, the act as elite guards for us Davions, as the name suggests." then pointing up the the Dalanian colours above the main gate, black flag with a red cross in the center. "there is our flag." she said stopping in front of the door.

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