Indescribable (Closed)

Nia swallowed nervous "no, no no. It's fine. It's just like going on a nostalgia trip, just in horrifying detail, besides 3/4ths of my time spent her was pretty good, so why not." she said walking to the palace, looking at the outer wall for the palace and the guards that lined it, heavy full plate armor, painted red and black. She pointed to a small squadron of them duing drill in the courtyard "these are the Davion Guard, the act as elite guards for us Davions, as the name suggests." then pointing up the the Dalanian colours above the main gate, black flag with a red cross in the center. "there is our flag." she said stopping in front of the door.

Akumu huffed, but nodded as he would also follow. His eyes following Nia's finger during the tour as he had listened. Once at the door, he'd then blink and turn his attention towards it.

Dei-Loki and Malvo also followed, continuing to marvel at the beauty.

@Forever J
Akumu huffed, but nodded as he would also follow. His eyes following Nia's finger during the tour as he had listened. Once at the door, he'd then blink and turn his attention towards it.

Dei-Loki and Malvo also followed, continuing to marvel at the beauty.

@Forever J

Nia went through the door and stepped foot into the throne room


(Except more chairs)

Nia looked around and rubbed her hands over the fine stone wall. "its been a while, wall." she said talking to the wall as if it were a person.

Her eyes would then travel to the throne(s) where the royal family spent a good amount of time when required. Upon which sat a man with finely chiseled facial features with a strong jawline and light beard. A crown sat upon his red haired head and his leg bounced up and down in nervousness.  

Nia pointed to him with a sad smile "thas my dad." 

A man in fine robes entered bowing slightly in greeting to the king "my liege, you can enter now if you wish" Nia's father stood, speaking in a deep, and soothing voice "my thanks Nimbus." he said then crossing into a side room, closing the door behind him.
Nia went through the door and stepped foot into the throne room

(Except more chairs)

Nia looked around and rubbed her hands over the fine stone wall. "its been a while, wall." she said talking to the wall as if it were a person.

Her eyes would then travel to the throne(s) where the royal family spent a good amount of time when required. Upon which sat a man with finely chiseled facial features with a strong jawline and light beard. A crown sat upon his red haired head and his leg bounced up and down in nervousness.  

Nia pointed to him with a sad smile "thas my dad." 

A man in fine robes entered bowing slightly in greeting to the king "my liege, you can enter now if you wish" Nia's father stood, speaking in a deep, and soothing voice "my thanks Nimbus." he said then crossing into a side room, closing the door behind him.

Masaru eyed the father closely as he watched him leave. "What's beyond that door? Baby Nia?"
Masaru eyed the father closely as he watched him leave. "What's beyond that door? Baby Nia?"

"I have no idea" she would admit. Then entering the room.


There sat a woman dressed in a white gown, holding in her hands a small child, wrapped in a crimson cloth, sleeping soundly in her arms. 

"here she is Arthur, our little baby girl" She said looking at the child with a mothers gaze. Arthur, the king approached the bedside, tenderly touching the childs hairless head. "there's my little princess, she's got your eyes, Summer. What should we name her?" Baby Nia gave a happy squeal, reaching out and grabbed her father's nose with her tiny hand. Summer smiled and thought for a time "Nia, Nia Amillia Davion" 


Nia looked at herself with curiosity "damn, I was one cute ass baby." She then looked at herself grabbing her fathers nose "oh, I guess I've always done that" then developed a light blush at her friends now knowing she had a middle name.

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"I have no idea" she would admit. Then entering the room.


There sat a woman dressed in a white gown, holding in her hands a small child, wrapped in a crimson cloth, sleeping soundly in her arms. 

"here she is Arthur, our little baby girl" She said looking at the child with a mothers gaze. Arthur, the king approached the bedside, tenderly touching the childs hairless head. "there's my little princess, she's got your eyes, Summer. What should we name her?" Baby Nia gave a happy squeal, reaching out and grabbed her father's nose with her tiny hand. Summer smiled and thought for a time "Nia, Nia Amillia Davion" 


Nia looked at herself with curiosity "damn, I was one cute ass baby." She then looked at herself grabbing her fathers nose "oh, I guess I've always done that" then developed a light blush at her friends now knowing she had a middle name.


"More like a small troll that lives under a bridge, but hey, it's your opinion." Masaru gave a small, teasing smile.
"I have no idea" she would admit. Then entering the room.


There sat a woman dressed in a white gown, holding in her hands a small child, wrapped in a crimson cloth, sleeping soundly in her arms. 

"here she is Arthur, our little baby girl" She said looking at the child with a mothers gaze. Arthur, the king approached the bedside, tenderly touching the childs hairless head. "there's my little princess, she's got your eyes, Summer. What should we name her?" Baby Nia gave a happy squeal, reaching out and grabbed her father's nose with her tiny hand. Summer smiled and thought for a time "Nia, Nia Amillia Davion" 


Nia looked at herself with curiosity "damn, I was one cute ass baby." She then looked at herself grabbing her fathers nose "oh, I guess I've always done that" then developed a light blush at her friends now knowing she had a middle name.


"Amillia?" Akumu blinked, smiling a bit as he cocked a brow and looked from baby Nia to present day Nia. "I didn't know y' had a middle name."

@Forever J
Nia shot a glare at masru, then crossed her arms and looked to Akumu. "What of it?" She asked him, after his reply she would say, "yeah, as cute as I was as a wee babby. Can we fast forward about ten or thirteen years?"
"Amillia?" Akumu blinked, smiling a bit as he cocked a brow and looked from baby Nia to present day Nia. "I didn't know y' had a middle name."

@Forever J

"Most of everyone has a middle name." Masaru said with a frown. Yuli cleared her throat. "You and i don't." Masaru whipped around, "What!? Why has no one told me this?" Yuki shrugged with a smile. "Akumu, let's go. Fast foward this shit before i want to die of boredom." He ruffled Nia's hair with a smile. "Although, maybe BABY Nia is pretty cute. We could stay here and see her first embracing moment. Ooooooo, maybe we can watch her stick a pea up her nose, or run around the palace, naked, saying that she's CAPTAIN NIA!"
"Most of everyone has a middle name." Masaru said with a frown. Yuli cleared her throat. "You and i don't." Masaru whipped around, "What!? Why has no one told me this?" Yuki shrugged with a smile. "Akumu, let's go. Fast foward this shit before i want to die of boredom." He ruffled Nia's hair with a smile. "Although, maybe BABY Nia is pretty cute. We could stay here and see her first embracing moment. Ooooooo, maybe we can watch her stick a pea up her nose, or run around the palace, naked, saying that she's CAPTAIN NIA!"

"Akumu's middle name is Elliott." Dei-Loki commented, Malvo having snickered in response.

"Shut it, Seamus." Akumu snorted, soon lifting a hand as the world would speed up around them by about ten or more years.

@Heir of Dalania
"Akumu's middle name is Elliott." Dei-Loki commented, Malvo having snickered in response.

"Shut it, Seamus." Akumu snorted, soon lifting a hand as the world would speed up around them by about ten or more years.

@Heir of Dalania

Nia and the gang found themselves in the main throne room once again. This time the whole of the royal family was there, King Arthur, The queen, Summer, The prince, Alric, and of course princess Nia. They were all listening to the various knights and nobles who had business with the king, who insisted on everyone paying attention. Nia could do this... for about 30 minutes untill now. She sat resting her head on her left fist, eyes drooping down and she was INCREDIBLY bored. Her mother lightly slapped Nia to get her to perk up. The next visitors were from a nearby Kingdom and the king and his son, Prince William were dropping in.

The two kings would talk, then depart to talk privately. Her brother went to practice fencing, and mother went to tend to the castle staff. Leaving Nia and the prince alone. "may I say, that you are looking quite extravagant this evening miss Davion" he said with a bow. Nia stood "If you think I look good now, just wait a few years and I'll be on par with the beauty of the gods." she said, then walking down a hallway, Prince Williams in hot pursuit.


Nia watched and facepalmed "oh not this guy..." she sighed "this lil shit seemed determined with every fiber of my being to marry me" Nia said disgusted. "I remember this day though, so if we survive his terrible excuse for flirting. It does get better."

@Forever J
Nia and the gang found themselves in the main throne room once again. This time the whole of the royal family was there, King Arthur, The queen, Summer, The prince, Alric, and of course princess Nia. They were all listening to the various knights and nobles who had business with the king, who insisted on everyone paying attention. Nia could do this... for about 30 minutes untill now. She sat resting her head on her left fist, eyes drooping down and she was INCREDIBLY bored. Her mother lightly slapped Nia to get her to perk up. The next visitors were from a nearby Kingdom and the king and his son, Prince William were dropping in.

The two kings would talk, then depart to talk privately. Her brother went to practice fencing, and mother went to tend to the castle staff. Leaving Nia and the prince alone. "may I say, that you are looking quite extravagant this evening miss Davion" he said with a bow. Nia stood "If you think I look good now, just wait a few years and I'll be on par with the beauty of the gods." she said, then walking down a hallway, Prince Williams in hot pursuit.


Nia watched and facepalmed "oh not this guy..." she sighed "this lil shit seemed determined with every fiber of my being to marry me" Nia said disgusted. "I remember this day though, so if we survive his terrible excuse for flirting. It does get better."

@Forever J

Masaru snickered. "Conceited are we? Goddess like beauty for a teeny weeny princess. HA!" Yuki rolled her eyes.
Masaru snickered. "Conceited are we? Goddess like beauty for a teeny weeny princess. HA!" Yuki rolled her eyes.

Dei-Loki bit back a snicker from the comment, though he'd still elbow Masaru in the side as he continued to watch.

Akumu lowered an ear while watching the scene in silence. His free hand tucked into his pocket the moment the time jump had stopped.

@Heir of Dalania
Ruvik watched her, pausing clenching his teeth for a moment as he watched her fall before quickly moving forward to look over the cliff.

Izzy popped up behind him quietly in the shadows of the cave. She walked towards him silently before pulling one of her black knives off her ankle and scrapped the side of it so it didn't be cut him on the side. She chuckled, whispering in his ear. "little Ruvy got scared~"
Dei-Loki bit back a snicker from the comment, though he'd still elbow Masaru in the side as he continued to watch.

Akumu lowered an ear while watching the scene in silence. His free hand tucked into his pocket the moment the time jump had stopped.

@Heir of Dalania

(Another time jump)

Past scene: 


It was late at night, there was a ball going on, young Nia was dancing with her father, smiling and having fun. Her brother was attempting to court some of the ladies here, to no avail. Her mother was playing meet and greet with the guests.


Nia looked at the surrounding atmosphere, tears instantly running down her face "this is when mom..." she said, her voice cracking as she felt her heart drop. She felt sick. Hugging the nearest person for comfort, (Masaru?) Closing her eyes as she waited for what came.


There was a scream in the crowd, the flash of a blade, and Nia's mother fell to the ground, red staining her white gown as she clutched her stomach and lower chest, struggling to breath as she gasped for air. 
(Another time jump)

Past scene: 


It was late at night, there was a ball going on, young Nia was dancing with her father, smiling and having fun. Her brother was attempting to court some of the ladies here, to no avail. Her mother was playing meet and greet with the guests.


Nia looked at the surrounding atmosphere, tears instantly running down her face "this is when mom..." she said, her voice cracking as she felt her heart drop. She felt sick. Hugging the nearest person for comfort, (Masaru?) Closing her eyes as she waited for what came.


There was a scream in the crowd, the flash of a blade, and Nia's mother fell to the ground, red staining her white gown as she clutched her stomach and lower chest, struggling to breath as she gasped for air. 

Masaru tensed at the feel of being hugged. Then he tensed more at the scream. He pulled Nia even more until his arms until she was being carried by him as he hugged her tightly. "Akumu, get us out of here NOW!" He commanded as he watched the scene unfold in front of his eyes. "It's okay, Nia. It's okay, you're okay. You're going to be okay. Shhhhhh. Don't cry, i got you. The monsters won't come to hurt you. I promise." He remembered doing this to his little girl, Maria as she cried, thinking that the monsters would come under her bed and hurt her. He bounced his body back and forth, rubbing Nia's back just like how a father would to stop his baby from crying. 
Past scene. 

Her whole family was at her side in seconds "summer!" "mom!" 

"mommy please!" they all begged for it not to be true, yet soon, her last breath exited her body, Nia's dad and brother cried. Nia however stood up, balling a fist as she ran out to the courtyard.

Now Nia followed in her past selves footsteps "we're not leaving! I wanna see this son of a bitch get what he deserves, again!" 

The assassin was surrounded by Davion Guard, their pikes lowered at him and he looked around terrified, still holding the bloody blade.

Nia stormed out of the castle, reaching down she drew one of the Guards swords, holding it to the assassin's throat, pure rage and tears in her eyes. She then lowered the sword... only to thrust it into his leg and jerk it to the side, causing him to fall onto his back in screaming pain. She put her boot onto his throat. Then, holding the sword in a reverse grip, slowly drove it into his heart before quickly thrusting in through his body and twisted. Stepping over the body, she left the sword imbedded in his chest, returning to greif with her family.


Nia watched all of this breathing heavily with emotion, anger, regret, sadness... 
Past scene. 

Her whole family was at her side in seconds "summer!" "mom!" 

"mommy please!" they all begged for it not to be true, yet soon, her last breath exited her body, Nia's dad and brother cried. Nia however stood up, balling a fist as she ran out to the courtyard.

Now Nia followed in her past selves footsteps "we're not leaving! I wanna see this son of a bitch get what he deserves, again!" 

The assassin was surrounded by Davion Guard, their pikes lowered at him and he looked around terrified, still holding the bloody blade.

Nia stormed out of the castle, reaching down she drew one of the Guards swords, holding it to the assassin's throat, pure rage and tears in her eyes. She then lowered the sword... only to thrust it into his leg and jerk it to the side, causing him to fall onto his back in screaming pain. She put her boot onto his throat. Then, holding the sword in a reverse grip, slowly drove it into his heart before quickly thrusting in through his body and twisted. Stepping over the body, she left the sword imbedded in his chest, returning to greif with her family.


Nia watched all of this breathing heavily with emotion, anger, regret, sadness... 

Akumu would move to try to remove everyone in their group from that area, only to pause and turn his gaze to Nia and Masaru - mainly Nia - after having both heard the scream and then witnessed past Nia's violent yet deserved -in his opinion - outburst on the assassin. With trembling eyes, he moved towards both Nia and Masaru as he'd rub Nia's back gently in his own effort to comfort while continuing to try and move the group forward in time. "Nia! Sugar cookie..." He'd attempt to soothe, moving to gently remove the tears in her eyes.

@Forever J

Izzy popped up behind him quietly in the shadows of the cave. She walked towards him silently before pulling one of her black knives off her ankle and scrapped the side of it so it didn't be cut him on the side. She chuckled, whispering in his ear. "little Ruvy got scared~"

Ruvik tensed, nearly plummeting forward after being startled by the whisper and the blade - quickly pivoting to face her before moving from the edge as he huffed. "GAH! Don't do that - ANY OF THAT - again!"
Past scene. 

Her whole family was at her side in seconds "summer!" "mom!" 

"mommy please!" they all begged for it not to be true, yet soon, her last breath exited her body, Nia's dad and brother cried. Nia however stood up, balling a fist as she ran out to the courtyard.

Now Nia followed in her past selves footsteps "we're not leaving! I wanna see this son of a bitch get what he deserves, again!" 

The assassin was surrounded by Davion Guard, their pikes lowered at him and he looked around terrified, still holding the bloody blade.

Nia stormed out of the castle, reaching down she drew one of the Guards swords, holding it to the assassin's throat, pure rage and tears in her eyes. She then lowered the sword... only to thrust it into his leg and jerk it to the side, causing him to fall onto his back in screaming pain. She put her boot onto his throat. Then, holding the sword in a reverse grip, slowly drove it into his heart before quickly thrusting in through his body and twisted. Stepping over the body, she left the sword imbedded in his chest, returning to greif with her family.


Nia watched all of this breathing heavily with emotion, anger, regret, sadness... 

Masaru sighed, his vision blurring as he watched Nia or Maria go. He had to believe it was Nia. Maria was dead. Dead, but something in him made him want to wrap Nia back into arms and go far from this. To run from the past was Masaru's expertise. 
Nia sniffed and smiled at Akumu. Then looking at where they were now, she smiled faintly. "heh, this place is the college I blew up."


Young Nia was currently sleeping through a lecture on alchemy and magic. 

@Forever J

Nia sniffed and smiled at Akumu. Then looking at where they were now, she smiled faintly. "heh, this place is the college I blew up."


Young Nia was currently sleeping through a lecture on alchemy and magic. 

@Forever J


Akumu gave a small smile in return, softly kissing her head before he soon looked up and around at the college with a quirked brow.

Dei-Loki and Malvo did the same, the yep slightly shifting in the process.

@Forever J
Masasru all of this. It was a bad idea to come here. First it was Nia, who would be next? What's beyond the portal? Masaru did not like knowing. He wanted to grab these idiots and shake them to letting him go before he saw too much. 

Yuki gave a sad smile to Nia and then gave a genuine smile at Akumu's love for each other. Whilst this was happening she looked to Masaru who had a clear expression of worry on his face. "Masaru?" She whispered. Masaru jerked alive from his own thoughts and stared at his sister in complete, utter fear. "If i am correct, i must leave immediately. This . . . i don't like it. I'm . . . scared. You and the guys can enjoy this, but i want to leave. I. Must. Leave." He whispered back.
The time had come to test what they had learned, young Nia mixed a few ingredients and her beaker began to bubble and glow. "professor!? is it supposed to do that?!" the professor hurried over and looked at it "Nia, you my dear... have made a bomb. EVERYONE RUN AWAY!" Everyone evacuated the school, only to have a massive explosion blow away a large portion of the grand architecture. 

"so uhhh. Do I get a second chance for being a princess?" she said with a large smile to her teachers, only to be met with scowls.


Older Nia spoke then "I was not accepted back in" she said with a smirk.

She took a deep breath, her face becoming saddened "okay Akumu, take me forward a two years. October 24th... there is something I have to do." she swallowed "and it's not going to be easy... for anyone."

@Forever J

Masasru all of this. It was a bad idea to come here. First it was Nia, who would be next? What's beyond the portal? Masaru did not like knowing. He wanted to grab these idiots and shake them to letting him go before he saw too much. 

Yuki gave a sad smile to Nia and then gave a genuine smile at Akumu's love for each other. Whilst this was happening she looked to Masaru who had a clear expression of worry on his face. "Masaru?" She whispered. Masaru jerked alive from his own thoughts and stared at his sister in complete, utter fear. "If i am correct, i must leave immediately. This . . . i don't like it. I'm . . . scared. You and the guys can enjoy this, but i want to leave. I. Must. Leave." He whispered back.

Dei-Loki blinked as he quickly glanced to Masaru and Yuki upon picking up on their whispers. His ears flattened as the expression and exertion of fear his mate had possessed had been easily matched with what anxiety he felt in his own chest. He didn't want to stick around, either. Reaching over, he'd grasp Masaru's hand tightly as he looked to Malvo - whom shook her head and held up an "It's not that simple." note for her brother - followed by a note reading;[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)] "We're stuck until the final jump is made."[/COLOR]

The time had come to test what they had learned, young Nia mixed a few ingredients and her beaker began to bubble and glow. "professor!? is it supposed to do that?!" the professor hurried over and looked at it "Nia, you my dear... have made a bomb. EVERYONE RUN AWAY!" Everyone evacuated the school, only to have a massive explosion blow away a large portion of the grand architecture. 

"so uhhh. Do I get a second chance for being a princess?" she said with a large smile to her teachers, only to be met with scowls.


Older Nia spoke then "I was not accepted back in" she said with a smirk.

She took a deep breath, her face becoming saddened "okay Akumu, take me forward a two years. October 24th... there is something I have to do." she swallowed "and it's not going to be easy... for anyone."

@Forever J


"Can't imagine anyone would be." Akumu lightly managed to chuckle as he watched. Soon sighing as he'd lift his hand - speeding it all up by 2 years. And, as it was happening, he'd look to the elven female in his hold. "Are y' sure about this..?"
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Dei-Loki blinked as he quickly glanced to Masaru and Yuki upon picking up on their whispers. His ears flattened as the expression and exertion of fear his mate had possessed had been easily matched with what anxiety he felt in his own chest. He didn't want to stick around, either. Reaching over, he'd grasp Masaru's hand tightly as he looked to Malvo - whom shook her head and held up an "It's not that simple." note for her brother - followed by a note reading;[COLOR= rgb(0, 100, 0)] "We're stuck until the final jump is made."[/COLOR]

"I should've followed my instincts. I should've never listened to your fucking mouth." He ripped his hand away from Dei's, stuffing his shaking hands into his pockets as he looked at Akumu and Nia. "Akumu, is there anyway after whatever Nia has to do, that i could go home? You guys can enjoy your time here."

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