Indescribable (Closed)

Yuki smiled and quickly fell to sleep. Her chest rising and falling as she quietly snored. 

Malvo would soon follow her into slumber as her tail softly curled over them both. Breathing softly as she kept a smile.

Dei-Loki gently huffed, briefly raking his fingers through his hair in the process before glancing to the sky. "So glad that's over..."

Nia, failing to notice Akumu behind her, closing her eyes, and started to sing. 

"It used to feel like a fairy tale

Now it seems we were just pretending

We'd fix our world and on our way to a happy ending.

Then it turns out life was far less like a bedtime story.

Than a tragedy with no big reveal of a hero's glory.

And it seems we weren't prepared

For a game that wasn't fair

Do we just go home?

Can we follow through?

When all hope is gone

There is one thing we can do

Let's just live

Day by day

And not be conquered by our sorrows

The past can't hold us down

We must break free

Inside we're torn apart

But time will mend our hearts

Move onward

It's not the end

So let's just live~

Akumu would perk his ears as he listened. A small smile soon forming on his face in the process of this as he'd prop himself up against a nearby boulder.
Malvo would soon follow her into slumber as her tail softly curled over them both. Breathing softly as she kept a smile.

Dei-Loki gently huffed, briefly raking his fingers through his hair in the process before glancing to the sky. "So glad that's over..."

Akumu would perk his ears as he listened. A small smile soon forming on his face in the process of this as he'd prop himself up against a nearby boulder.

Masaru grabbed Dei's wrist and pulled the smaller man's body into his. He stood there, kissing Dei's lips for what felt like a few hours. When he pulled back. he simply smiled. "yeah, but it was for the better. We . . . got over some demons at least. Hopefully. I love you, Dei-loki Seamus Alaois." He kissed Dei's forehead with a smile. A sigh escaping his lips.
Malvo would soon follow her into slumber as her tail softly curled over them both. Breathing softly as she kept a smile.

Dei-Loki gently huffed, briefly raking his fingers through his hair in the process before glancing to the sky. "So glad that's over..."

Akumu would perk his ears as he listened. A small smile soon forming on his face in the process of this as he'd prop himself up against a nearby boulder.

Nia's keen ears picked up his subtle movment. Looking over her shoulder at him "h-how long have you been there?"
Nia's keen ears picked up his subtle movment. Looking over her shoulder at him "h-how long have you been there?"

"Since y' started singing." Akumu smiled, keeping his gaze on her. "Which sounded beautiful, by the way."

Masaru grabbed Dei's wrist and pulled the smaller man's body into his. He stood there, kissing Dei's lips for what felt like a few hours. When he pulled back. he simply smiled. "yeah, but it was for the better. We . . . got over some demons at least. Hopefully. I love you, Dei-loki Seamus Alaois." He kissed Dei's forehead with a smile. A sigh escaping his lips.

Dei-Loki briefly lifted his brows as he'd been pulled closer, only to smile and close his eyes as he'd return the kiss that seemed to go on just about as long as he'd liked before he'd then nod in agreement with a smile. His eyes soon happily closing upon being kissed on the forehead. "And I love you."
"Since y' started singing." Akumu smiled, keeping his gaze on her. "Which sounded beautiful, by the way."

Dei-Loki briefly lifted his brows as he'd been pulled closer, only to smile and close his eyes as he'd return the kiss that seemed to go on just about as long as he'd liked before he'd then nod in agreement with a smile. His eyes soon happily closing upon being kissed on the forehead. "And I love you."

"Now . . . i don't know about you, but this guy is tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired. Wanna cuddle and take a nappy-wappy, scoodly poo?" Masaru snickered as he walked back home.
"Since y' started singing." Akumu smiled, keeping his gaze on her. "Which sounded beautiful, by the way."

Nia looked down to the grass, pushing some hair around her ear. "no one has heard me sing in a long  time, I can play violin too but" she shrugged "eh"
Nia looked down to the grass, pushing some hair around her ear. "no one has heard me sing in a long  time, I can play violin too but" she shrugged "eh"

"Can you?" He cocked his brow a bit, heading over to her side. "I would love to hear you play, some day."

"Now . . . i don't know about you, but this guy is tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiired. Wanna cuddle and take a nappy-wappy, scoodly poo?" Masaru snickered as he walked back home.

With a slightly tilted head from the teasing words, he huffed but still grinned as he followed after him. "I could use some cuddles..."
Yuki shifted in her sleep as she opened her eyes in Malvo's dream. Yuki turned in a whole 360 as she saw that she was in Malvo's dream. "Now . . . where is the creator of  . . . this?"


Masaru rubbed his eyes as he woke up. He noticed that Dei was still sleeping. An urge of boredom filled his chest. He looked over at Dei and shifted his appearance to look exactly like Dei. He straddled onto Dei's lap and pinched his nose. He adopted Dei's accent quickly with this appearance. "Wakey-wakey eggs and bakey. Play with me~. I'm booooooored."
Nia closed her eyes aswell, then resting her head on his lap, then closing her eyes as she rested peacefully.

Akumu, with a smile, gently ran his fingers though her hair before slowly laying back and resting, as well.

Yuki shifted in her sleep as she opened her eyes in Malvo's dream. Yuki turned in a whole 360 as she saw that she was in Malvo's dream. "Now . . . where is the creator of  . . . this?"


Masaru rubbed his eyes as he woke up. He noticed that Dei was still sleeping. An urge of boredom filled his chest. He looked over at Dei and shifted his appearance to look exactly like Dei. He straddled onto Dei's lap and pinched his nose. He adopted Dei's accent quickly with this appearance. "Wakey-wakey eggs and bakey. Play with me~. I'm booooooored."

Malvo, in her dream sequence, would be silently sitting atop a branch in a large tree. Her emerald irises gazing off in the direction of a familiar village as she'd huff - not having noticed Yuki's presence, at first.


Dei-Loki would stretch, soon pausing and moving his head to free his nose. Upon hearing the accented voice, he would tiredly look up at Masaru with a very faint blush on his face. "But I'm--" He'd then lift his brows in surprise. Staring at, well... himself, sort of.
Akumu, with a smile, gently ran his fingers though her hair before slowly laying back and resting, as well.

Malvo, in her dream sequence, would be silently sitting atop a branch in a large tree. Her emerald irises gazing off in the direction of a familiar village as she'd huff - not having noticed Yuki's presence, at first.


Dei-Loki would stretch, soon pausing and moving his head to free his nose. Upon hearing the accented voice, he would tiredly look up at Masaru with a very faint blush on his face. "But I'm--" He'd then lift his brows in surprise. Staring at, well... himself, sort of.

"Mal? Whatcha doin' up there, sweetheart?" Yuki asked as she easily swung from branch to branch until she she sat on one just below Malvo. "Such a beautiful scenery." She said as she stared at the green, fresh grass and the small village from afar. The blue, slightly cloudy sky making everything so vibrant.


"Hi. Welcome to your fantasies. If there is anything you wish then wish it, for this is your dream~." Fake Dei smiled. 
Akumu, with a smile, gently ran his fingers though her hair before slowly laying back and resting, as well.

Malvo, in her dream sequence, would be silently sitting atop a branch in a large tree. Her emerald irises gazing off in the direction of a familiar village as she'd huff - not having noticed Yuki's presence, at first.


Dei-Loki would stretch, soon pausing and moving his head to free his nose. Upon hearing the accented voice, he would tiredly look up at Masaru with a very faint blush on his face. "But I'm--" He'd then lift his brows in surprise. Staring at, well... himself, sort of.

Nia shifted so that she was now sort of parallel to Akumu, resting her head on his chest. "can we just lay like this  for a while?"
Nia shifted so that she was now sort of parallel to Akumu, resting her head on his chest. "can we just lay like this  for a while?"

Akumu smiled a bit more as he felt her shift, a small, relaxed sigh escaping himself. "Sure."

"Mal? Whatcha doin' up there, sweetheart?" Yuki asked as she easily swung from branch to branch until she she sat on one just below Malvo. "Such a beautiful scenery." She said as she stared at the green, fresh grass and the small village from afar. The blue, slightly cloudy sky making everything so vibrant.


"Hi. Welcome to your fantasies. If there is anything you wish then wish it, for this is your dream~." Fake Dei smiled. 

Malvo's ears perked at the sound of Yuki's voice - leaning forward to look down at her. "Please don't use that nickname." her words would softly state, before she'd soon look up and over to the village yet again. "Right? That's why I'm here..." She smiled, curling her tail around herself as she'd listen to the faint noises of the villagers in the distance. "It's my... happy place, I suppose?"


Dei-Loki looked his copy over in a bit of surprise from the accuracy, a faint blush still present on his face as he smirked and sat up. 'Cause Dei's got a golden tiiiicket~ "Well, I feel as if this day will be... entertainin'." Dei-Loki snickered as his smirk grew.
Akumu smiled a bit more as he felt her shift, a small, relaxed sigh escaping himself. "sure"

Nia opened her eyes and straddled over Akumu, leaning down as she held herself up, hands on either side of his face as she leaned in close "hey Akumu? How long have we been together?"
Akumu smiled a bit more as he felt her shift, a small, relaxed sigh escaping himself. "Sure."

Malvo's ears perked at the sound of Yuki's voice - leaning forward to look down at her. "Please don't use that nickname." her words would softly state, before she'd soon look up and over to the village yet again. "Right? That's why I'm here..." She smiled, curling her tail around herself as she'd listen to the faint noises of the villagers in the distance. "It's my... happy place, I suppose?"


Dei-Loki looked his copy over in a bit of surprise from the accuracy, a faint blush still present on his face as he smirked and sat up. 'Cause Dei's got a golden tiiiicket~ "Well, I feel as if this day will be... entertainin'." Dei-Loki snickered as his smirk grew.

Yuki's ears laid back again her forehead. "Sorry, didn't mean to. How about . . . hmmmmmm. How about Pooka?" Her tail swayed back and forth.


Fake Dei pouted. "Don't believe that this is a dream?" 
Nia opened her eyes and straddled over Akumu, leaning down as she held herself up, hands on either side of his face as she leaned in close "hey Akumu? How long have we been together?"

Akumu blinked a few times. His eyes opening so he could gaze up at her with a quirked brow. As he smiled, he had spoken. "Been nearly four years, hasn't it?"

Yuki's ears laid back again her forehead. "Sorry, didn't mean to. How about . . . hmmmmmm. How about Pooka?" Her tail swayed back and forth.


Fake Dei pouted. "Don't believe that this is a dream?" 

"It's alright. I didn't expect y' to know..." Malvo would softly sympathise as her ears would slowly perk following the nickname. Having known what it meant, she gave a light smile and leaned her side against the tree's base. "Pooka will do, though."


"I know shape-changing magic when I see it." Dei-Loki would keep his smirk - ears having been perked. "And this feels bit to... real t' feel like a dream."
Akumu blinked a few times. His eyes opening so he could gaze up at her with a quirked brow. As he smiled, he had spoken. "Been nearly four years, hasn't it?"

Nia smiled "oh, well. In that case" she kissed him and held it for a few seconds "maybe you should consider what your father said." Nia said then laying down on top of him.

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