Indescribable (Closed)

"I'm fine. Show me this book that you were looking for." An slight urging undertone in his voice as he stared at a book in his hands. 

Dei-Loki blinked from the urgent tone. He didn't want to push it, despite how worried he was. So, instead, he looked back to the book case he'd been searching through. Eventually gently taking down the moderately thick book from the third shelf. "This is the one." he spoke up, flipping open the multi-story filled book as he managed to smile a bit. "It's nothing too fancy... but it's about this little girl that lived north of here. She used t' go out and explore the wilderness. And each time she did, her mother would advise her to stay away from the caves to avoid danger. Well, one day, the little girl wandered out a bit too far and she wound up stumbling across that very cave her mother warned her about. Out of curiosity, she entered the cave and eventually stumbled across a dragon. She was scared, but, for what ever reason... the dragon hadn't hurt the little girl. Instead, it stuck to the back of the cave - weak and cold due to the coming winter. The little girl approached the dragon, covering the beast with her coat, though it wasn't enough. She knew she needed even more help. So, she quickly ran back to the village. Of course, the dragon being what he was, the villagers feared him and refused to help the little girl in aiding the creature in survival. So the little girl, by herself, began knitting a sweater for the gentle giant. With not a single ounce of aid from the villagers. And, thanks to her, the dragon survived the winter. And, despite the lack of help from the frightened villagers, the dragon still chose to protect the village, anyway. Just to prove himself that he could be trusted. But, the villagers still ended up pushing him away, and he turned to the girl before he fled to the mountains where he is now, in mythological terms, known as the 'King of the Sky'. Never vengeful, always forgiving..." Dei-Loki would follow the description with a sigh from the memory. "I guess the reason why I've always loved it was because of the partial relatability I had towards it. Used to ask for my brother t' read this t' me every night. Swear, I must've driven him crazy with it."

Izzy waltz into the kitchen to see Ruvik there. She grinned, knowing he hasn't noticed her yet. She crouched down, being very silent behind him as she got closer to him. Then swiftly, she pounced on him, snarling. She flipped him onto his back, her tail wagging as she made a noise in her throat. "Hey Ruvy!" She cooed, a lava like substance dripping out the sides of her mouth and down to him in a long, slow motion way, like drool.

Ruvik sighed, having just washed his hands after cleaning. Out of surprise and a bit of fear, he'd release a yelp the moment he was tackled by Izzy. Flinching as he'd been flipped before he'd then cautiously observe the lava-esk liquid slowly dripping from her mouth. "I... Hello..." he quietly seemed to whine before making an attempt to get up.

Nia followed after Akumu, her green eyes absorbing every detail of the palace, she would recall her own time spent in a palace. The intricate disign on the doors, how many steps lead up to her room, the names of a few guards, the exact layout of her room, and the courtyard... a intricate maze of beauty. A small pocket of nature from around the world to behold, beautifully hand crafted fountains found throughout, and small hill rising to the center where a great tree would rest easy, next to it, her mother's grave... a grim reminder of how cruel the wold can be. The courtyard garden started out as little more a collection of rocks and shrubs, but under her mothers tender care, grew into what it was.

Akumu, gently pushing the doors open, had allowed his gaze to travel about the elaborately coloured courtyard, aligned with trees, flowers and bushes. Plenty of unique looking fresh fruit to be picked, even with the smell of snow in the air.
Mia gave Qrow a bath, putting Sharkie in the tub with him. She finished bathing him before she pulled him out and dressed him, along with Riley. "now no more mud!" Mia told the two, Riley gigglin and blowing snowflakes towards her brother.


Izzy grinned in a wolffish way and pulled the lava-like drool back into her mouth as she pressed her paw into his chest, pushing him back down. "trying to get away from me so soon Ruvykins?" She asked, her chest glowing a bright red.
Dei-Loki blinked from the urgent tone. He didn't want to push it, despite how worried he was. So, instead, he looked back to the book case he'd been searching through. Eventually gently taking down the moderately thick book from the third shelf. "This is the one." he spoke up, flipping open the multi-story filled book as he managed to smile a bit. "It's nothing too fancy... but it's about this little girl that lived north of here. She used t' go out and explore the wilderness. And each time she did, her mother would advise her to stay away from the caves to avoid danger. Well, one day, the little girl wandered out a bit too far and she wound up stumbling across that very cave her mother warned her about. Out of curiosity, she entered the cave and eventually stumbled across a dragon. She was scared, but, for what ever reason... the dragon hadn't hurt the little girl. Instead, it stuck to the back of the cave - weak and cold due to the coming winter. The little girl approached the dragon, covering the beast with her coat, though it wasn't enough. She knew she needed even more help. So, she quickly ran back to the village. Of course, the dragon being what he was, the villagers feared him and refused to help the little girl in aiding the creature in survival. So the little girl, by herself, began knitting a sweater for the gentle giant. With not a single ounce of aid from the villagers. And, thanks to her, the dragon survived the winter. And, despite the lack of help from the frightened villagers, the dragon still chose to protect the village, anyway. Just to prove himself that he could be trusted. But, the villagers still ended up pushing him away, and he turned to the girl before he fled to the mountains where he is now, in mythological terms, known as the 'King of the Sky'. Never vengeful, always forgiving..." Dei-Loki would follow the description with a sigh from the memory. "I guess the reason why I've always loved it was because of the partial relatability I had towards it. Used to ask for my brother t' read this t' me every night. Swear, I must've driven him crazy with it."

Ruvik sighed, having just washed his hands after cleaning. Out of surprise and a bit of fear, he'd release a yelp the moment he was tackled by Izzy. Flinching as he'd been flipped before he'd then cautiously observe the lava-esk liquid slowly dripping from her mouth. "I... Hello..." he quietly seemed to whine before making an attempt to get up.

Akumu, gently pushing the doors open, had allowed his gaze to travel about the elaborately coloured courtyard, aligned with trees, flowers and bushes. Plenty of unique looking fresh fruit to be picked, even with the smell of snow in the air.

"So which one are you, if you can relate to it? Are you the girl or the dragon? Or do you feel like both?" He asked as he admired Dei's summary. 

Mia gave Qrow a bath, putting Sharkie in the tub with him. She finished bathing him before she pulled him out and dressed him, along with Riley. "now no more mud!" Mia told the two, Riley gigglin and blowing snowflakes towards her brother.


Izzy grinned in a wolffish way and pulled the lava-like drool back into her mouth as she pressed her paw into his chest, pushing him back down. "trying to get away from me so soon Ruvykins?" She asked, her chest glowing a bright red.

Qrow ate a few snowflakes and then turn to his sister. He held out his finger and the tip burst fire. 
Akumu, gently pushing the doors open, had allowed his gaze to travel about the elaborately coloured courtyard, aligned with trees, flowers and bushes. Plenty of unique looking fresh fruit to be picked, even with the smell of snow in the air.

Nia gasped at the similarities between this place and her own counterpart. "I... it's beautiful..." she said putting a hand over her mouth. She felt tears from bad memories begin to well up in her eyes as she let go of Akumu's hand, walking along the path, her hand brushing the tops of the various forms of plant life. 
Nia gasped at the similarities between this place and her own counterpart. "I... it's beautiful..." she said putting a hand over her mouth. She felt tears from bad memories begin to well up in her eyes as she let go of Akumu's hand, walking along the path, her hand brushing the tops of the various forms of plant life. 

Akumu would smile until he picked up on Nia's encroaching emotions. To which, he'd then frown while watching her hand slowly drift from his. He then slowly followed after her.

"So which one are you, if you can relate to it? Are you the girl or the dragon? Or do you feel like both?" He asked as he admired Dei's summary. 

"There are certain days I feel like both, but... on most days I feel like the dragon. And, in a sense, my family loosely plays the part of the little girl." While Dei-Loki answered, softly tracing the designs on the book.

[SIZE= inherit]Izzy grinned in a wolffish way and pulled the lava-like drool back into her mouth as she pressed her paw into his chest, pushing him back down. [/SIZE][SIZE= inherit]"trying to get away from me so soon Ruvykins?" [/SIZE][SIZE= inherit]She asked, her chest glowing a bright red.[/SIZE]

"Heh, well, you know..." Ruvik grimaced as he'd been pushed back down. His teeth seeming to grit momentarily before he spoke again. "I'm reeeeaaaally busy, and all..." 
Akumu would smile until he picked up on Nia's encroaching emotions. To which, he'd then frown while watching her hand slowly drift from his. He then slowly followed after her.

"There are certain days I feel like both, but... on most days I feel like the dragon. And, in a sense, my family loosely plays the part of the little girl." While Dei-Loki answered, softly tracing the designs on the book.

"Heh, well, you know..." Ruvik grimaced as he'd been pushed back down. His teeth seeming to grit momentarily before he spoke again. "I'm reeeeaaaally busy, and all..." 

Nia sat on a bench, elbows on her knees and head held low, looking at the ground "sorry" She said wiping away tears from her cheeks "just reminds me of home... my Ma, my Father, and brother..." she sighed taking in a sharp breath "I never got to say goodbye" She said, her voice shaky "just...." she let out a deep breath "I spent alot of time back home in the courtyard"
Akumu would smile until he picked up on Nia's encroaching emotions. To which, he'd then frown while watching her hand slowly drift from his. He then slowly followed after her.

"There are certain days I feel like both, but... on most days I feel like the dragon. And, in a sense, my family loosely plays the part of the little girl." While Dei-Loki answered, softly tracing the designs on the book.

"Heh, well, you know..." Ruvik grimaced as he'd been pushed back down. His teeth seeming to grit momentarily before he spoke again. "I'm reeeeaaaally busy, and all..." 

"You and me both, baby boo~. We're just two tired dragons in our cave. Thankfully, each of us have more than just one little girl that can save us. We have many now. We have so many, that the cave is practically filled to the brim of little helpers. I just hope that when the times comes, we can be like that dragon and fly . . . fly away from anger, confusion and betrayal. And we can fly, you and i. Fly mighty against the wind and live long and happy until our belly is full of glee. Like that one character from my world. Now . . . what was his name . . . Saint Nicholas? Yeah! A belly full of jolly. My word . . . you truly have turned me into a kind creature. It's sickening . . . BLEH!" He gave a childish pout, but couldn't resist as his lips curled and he gave a small smile. 
Riley Ooed at her brother as she reached for the flame, snowflakes bouncing off the top of her head.


izzy giggled and leaned down and whispered into his ear playfully. "busy with what? Being a slave?"
Nia sat on a bench, elbows on her knees and head held low, looking at the ground "sorry" She said wiping away tears from her cheeks "just reminds me of home... my Ma, my Father, and brother..." she sighed taking in a sharp breath "I never got to say goodbye" She said, her voice shaky "just...." she let out a deep breath "I spent alot of time back home in the courtyard"

Akumu listened, eventually sitting beside Nia. His arms instinctively wrapped around her before then gently pulling her closer for comfort. Speaking softly in the process. "You don't need to be sorry."

"You and me both, baby boo~. We're just two tired dragons in our cave. Thankfully, each of us have more than just one little girl that can save us. We have many now. We have so many, that the cave is practically filled to the brim of little helpers. I just hope that when the times comes, we can be like that dragon and fly . . . fly away from anger, confusion and betrayal. And we can fly, you and i. Fly mighty against the wind and live long and happy until our belly is full of glee. Like that one character from my world. Now . . . what was his name . . . Saint Nicholas? Yeah! A belly full of jolly. My word . . . you truly have turned me into a kind creature. It's sickening . . . BLEH!" He gave a childish pout, but couldn't resist as his lips curled and he gave a small smile. 

"Many more than I thought I would have, personally." Dei-Loki snorted playfully, gently laughing as he looked up to watch him, flicking an ear. Soon playfully sticking his tongue out. "Not my fault."

[SIZE= inherit]izzy giggled and leaned down and whispered into his ear playfully. [/SIZE][SIZE= inherit]"busy with what? Being a slave?"[/SIZE]

"I'm not being a 'slave'!" Ruvik growled gently as that last spot of pride he had left was taking a hit. "I'm simply here to repay my debts." 'My many... many debts here...'
Akumu listened, eventually sitting beside Nia. His arms instinctively wrapped around her before then gently pulling her closer for comfort. Speaking softly in the process. "You don't need to be sorry."

"Many more than I thought I would have, personally." Dei-Loki snorted playfully, gently laughing as he looked up to watch him, flicking an ear. Soon playfully sticking his tongue out. "Not my fault."

"I'm not being a 'slave'!" Ruvik growled gently as that last spot of pride he had left was taking a hit. "I'm simply here to repay my debts." 'My many... many debts here...'

"It's totally your fault. Especially for looking so yummy that i could just eat you up." Masaru began to walk closer to Dei, a mischievous grin laying on his face.
Izzy just shook her head and shifted into her human form, crawling off of him and sitting beside his head, looking down at him. "that's the thing I don't understand. Re-paying your debt? There is a thing called fucking forgiveness. They want you to do things for them, cause of the things you did? That is how you are. You couldn't help it. You acted like that cause you were raised like that. Making you 'make up for your mistakes' is dumb as fuck. He took your fucking eye!! And now you're over here groveling at their feet." She sighed and pressed her fingers to her temples, working herself up. She then stood up and held her hand out to him. "let's go. You and me both need to get outta here for a while."
Riley Ooed at her brother as she reached for the flame, snowflakes bouncing off the top of her head.


izzy giggled and leaned down and whispered into his ear playfully. "busy with what? Being a slave?"

Nicholas came in just in time and picked up Qrow. "No flames around your sister!" Qrow huffed and growled before giving up and said sorry.
"It's totally your fault. Especially for looking so yummy that i could just eat you up." Masaru began to walk closer to Dei, a mischievous grin laying on his face.

"Could you, now?" Dei-Loki watched as Masaru approached, slowly backing up a bit - as if to just toss a bit of playfulness into the mix.

Izzy just shook her head and shifted into her human form, crawling off of him and sitting beside his head, looking down at him. "that's the thing I don't understand. Re-paying your debt? There is a thing called fucking forgiveness. They want you to do things for them, cause of the things you did? That is how you are. You couldn't help it. You acted like that cause you were raised like that. Making you 'make up for your mistakes' is dumb as fuck. He took your fucking eye!! And now you're over here groveling at their feet." She sighed and pressed her fingers to her temples, working herself up. She then stood up and held her hand out to him. "let's go. You and me both need to get outta here for a while."

"Yes, but look at all the shit I've done following that incident. I was out to destroy the damn world, for fucks sake. And, in this endeavour I've been through enough hell to--" Ruvik stopped to growl at himself, only to pause as he looked to Izzy's hand in question. "... Where are we going?"
Akumu listened, eventually sitting beside Nia. His arms instinctively wrapped around her before then gently pulling her closer for comfort. Speaking softly in the process. "You don't need to be sorry."

"Many more than I thought I would have, personally." Dei-Loki snorted playfully, gently laughing as he looked up to watch him, flicking an ear. Soon playfully sticking his tongue out. "Not my fault."

"I'm not being a 'slave'!" Ruvik growled gently as that last spot of pride he had left was taking a hit. "I'm simply here to repay my debts." 'My many... many debts here...'

Nia buried her face into him, remaining this way for a good amount of time. Then looking up to him, with her eyes shining from freshly produced tears. "I love you..."
"Could you, now?" Dei-Loki watched as Masaru approached, slowly backing up a bit - as if to just toss a bit of playfulness into the mix.

"Yes, but look at all the shit I've done following that incident. I was out to destroy the damn world, for fucks sake. And, in this endeavour I've been through enough hell to--" Ruvik stopped to growl at himself, only to pause as he looked to Izzy's hand in question. "... Where are we going?"

Masaru smirked. "You are not helping me be a good boy. God, i want to have my way with you. Unfortunately, i feel like we'll be interrupted again."
Nia buried her face into him, remaining this way for a good amount of time. Then looking up to him, with her eyes shining from freshly produced tears. "I love you..."

With his hand gently rubbing Nia's back, Akumu would watch her look up before kissing her forehead. Loosening a hand from the embrace as he softly cleared her tears from an eye with his thumb. "I love you, too, my sugar cookie. So very... very much..."

Masaru smirked. "You are not helping me be a good boy. God, i want to have my way with you. Unfortunately, i feel like we'll be interrupted again."

Dei-Loki's tail curled from the thought, blushing softly as a grin would form on his face. "We could always go to my old room?"
With his hand gently rubbing Nia's back, Akumu would watch her look up before kissing her forehead. Loosening a hand from the embrace as he softly cleared her tears from an eye with his thumb. "I love you, too, my sugar cookie. So very... very much..."

Dei-Loki's tail curled from the thought, blushing softly as a grin would form on his face. "We could always go to my old room?"

"Then let's go before i lose my shit." He grabbed his hand and tugged him. He grabbed Dei's favorite book before they went and put it back on the shelf. 
With his hand gently rubbing Nia's back, Akumu would watch her look up before kissing her forehead. Loosening a hand from the embrace as he softly cleared her tears from an eye with his thumb. "I love you, too, my sugar cookie. So very... very much..."

Dei-Loki's tail curled from the thought, blushing softly as a grin would form on his face. "We could always go to my old room?"

Nia just hugged him and didnt let go "promise me you'll always be there for me." she said over his shoulder.
Nia just hugged him and didnt let go "promise me you'll always be there for me." she said over his shoulder.

Akumu watched, his eyes briefly widening before becoming soft once more. He couldn't tell what the future had in store, in all honesty, but if there was anything he knew, it would be that he'd always fight fate to stick around, if that was what she wanted. So, with that, he was able to smile as he hugged her in return. Giving her a soft kiss on the side of her head before saying; "I promise..."

"Then let's go before i lose my shit." He grabbed his hand and tugged him. He grabbed Dei's favorite book before they went and put it back on the shelf. 

Dei-Loki couldn't help but snicker as he was tugged, waiting for him to put the book away before biting his lip in anticipation and leading him up to his too.
Akumu watched, his eyes briefly widening before becoming soft once more. He couldn't tell what the future had in store, in all honesty, but if there was anything he knew, it would be that he'd always fight fate to stick around, if that was what she wanted. So, with that, he was able to smile as he hugged her in return. Giving her a soft kiss on the side of her head before saying; "I promise..."

Dei-Loki couldn't help but snicker as he was tugged, waiting for him to put the book away before biting his lip in anticipation and leading him up to his too.

Masaru could barely keep his hands to himself as he shut the bedroom, leaving them alone in each other's embrace. He lip-locked with Dei as he push him to bed, taking off his shirt quickly. He kissed the still bruised spots as his hands feverishly roamed his body. He pulled back to take off his shirt. "Does your bedroom door lock? I don't want anyone barging in." 
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Masaru could barely keep his hands to himself as he shut the bedroom, leaving them alone in each other's embrace. He lip-locked with Dei as he push him to bed, taking off his shirt quickly. He kissed the still bruised spots as his hands feverishly roamed his body. He pulled back to take off his shirt. "Does your bedroom door lock? I don't want anyone barging in." 

Dei-Loki, once their lips had locked, panted and returned the gesture. His cheeks having heated from the intensity as he'd shiver from the free roaming contact of Masaru's hands. As he'd watch his mate strip from the top half of his clothing, he nodded. "It locks."
Dei-Loki, once their lips had locked, panted and returned the gesture. His cheeks having heated from the intensity as he'd shiver from the free roaming contact of Masaru's hands. As he'd watch his mate strip from the top half of his clothing, he nodded. "It locks."

Masaru turned and locked the door. He turned with a smile. "Now, where were we~?"  

Akumu watched, his eyes briefly widening before becoming soft once more. He couldn't tell what the future had in store, in all honesty, but if there was anything he knew, it would be that he'd always fight fate to stick around, if that was what she wanted. So, with that, he was able to smile as he hugged her in return. Giving her a soft kiss on the side of her head before saying; "I promise..."

Dei-Loki couldn't help but snicker as he was tugged, waiting for him to put the book away before biting his lip in anticipation and leading him up to his too.

Nia looked into his eyes and smiled "can we explore something besides the palace, perhaps one of the larger towns?"

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