Indescribable (Closed)

Akumu shifted his attention to Nia with a bit of surprise, though he'd try and hide it the best he could.

Adrian, with a lifted brow, had watched Nia before grinning and moving the wineglass in his hand forward, slightly. Almost as if to give a single person toast. "Honest and to the point, I like that."

"Did we? I'd think I'd remember that..." Akumu leaned over and whispered low enough for only Nia's ears to pick up.

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki walked with Masaru into the dining hall, slightly having bowed to his parents before sitting down beside him.

Zuzana, after listening to Nia and Adrian's discussion, managed a small smile that would only grow as she looked in both Masaru and Dei-Loki's direction. "Nice of you to join us. Hope you're finding the place okay?"

@Forever J

Nia leaned over to whisper to Akumu "no, we haven't."
Akumu shifted his attention to Nia with a bit of surprise, though he'd try and hide it the best he could.

Adrian, with a lifted brow, had watched Nia before grinning and moving the wineglass in his hand forward, slightly. Almost as if to give a single person toast. "Honest and to the point, I like that."

"Did we? I'd think I'd remember that..." Akumu leaned over and whispered low enough for only Nia's ears to pick up.

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki walked with Masaru into the dining hall, slightly having bowed to his parents before sitting down beside him.

Zuzana, after listening to Nia and Adrian's discussion, managed a small smile that would only grow as she looked in both Masaru and Dei-Loki's direction. "Nice of you to join us. Hope you're finding the place okay?"

@Forever J

"Thank you. It has been enchanting to say the least. Your home is as securing and loving just like it's owners." Masaru nodded with a smile. His cheeks hurting from keeping it up. 
"Riley get your ass back here!!" Mia called, chasing after the giggling naked toddler girl. She was dragging bubbles and water everywhere! "Riley come on! You can't expect to play in a mud puddle and not get a bath!" The little girl just continued to run away, laughing even more as she kept away from her mother, her yellow rubber ducky held tight in her left hand.


Izzy sniffed around the house in her wolf form, her chest giving a faint glow of red as she growled, protecting the boundary around the house that she put. Nothing evil has came near the house since she came here. Except that dumbass, Ruvik. Then again, he was easy to fuck with and piss off, boy was that fun.
"Thought so." He'd quietly reply.

@Heir of Dalania


"Very glad you think so." Zuzana would smile while replying.

Gently rubbing Masaru's hand with his thumb, Dei-Loki listened.

Adrian glanced over to Masaru and Dei with a smirk, sipping his wine. "What about you?"

@Forever J
"Riley get your ass back here!!" Mia called, chasing after the giggling naked toddler girl. She was dragging bubbles and water everywhere! "Riley come on! You can't expect to play in a mud puddle and not get a bath!" The little girl just continued to run away, laughing even more as she kept away from her mother, her yellow rubber ducky held tight in her left hand.


Izzy sniffed around the house in her wolf form, her chest giving a faint glow of red as she growled, protecting the boundary around the house that she put. Nothing evil has came near the house since she came here. Except that dumbass, Ruvik. Then again, he was easy to fuck with and piss off, boy was that fun.

Nicholas wrapped his arms around the toddler's tummy and lifted her. "Now now, Rye-Rye, i thought we promised each other our deal? You take a nice, cwean bath and Daddy gives you chocolate milk for being a good girl?" 

"Thought so." He'd quietly reply.

@Heir of Dalania


"Very glad you think so." Zuzana would smile while replying.

Gently rubbing Masaru's hand with his thumb, Dei-Loki listened.

Adrian glanced over to Masaru and Dei with a smirk, sipping his wine. "What about you?"

@Forever J

"Of course i have. You can't love someone without getting intimate with them." Masaru said as watched Dei's thumb, rubbing his hand. 
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Riley giggled as her father picked her up, then booped her duck against his nose as she giggled more and hugged his neck happily.

Mia watched the two, chuckling as she walked up and took the little girl from nicholas's arms. "thank you~" She cooed, kissing his cheek.
"Another honest lad." Adrian chuckled, seeming to be unfazed by the whole ordeal. While sipping his whine, he seemed to try and tame his thoughts. Soon lowering his glass back to the table. "Akumu, y' originally left t' help in the war yer younger siblings had been dragged into," he would begin with a soft sigh. "have yet t' hear your monthly update."

Dei-Loki lowered an ear while silently huffing from his father's first question. Shifting in his seat while listening. Soon, he'd reach for his fork to begin to eat before cocking a brow. A small grin on his face as he quickly spoke first. "Went better than you'd believe."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
"Another honest lad." Adrian chuckled, seeming to be unfazed by the whole ordeal. While sipping his whine, he seemed to try and tame his thoughts. Soon lowering his glass back to the table. "Akumu, y' originally left t' help in the war yer younger siblings had been dragged into," he would begin with a soft sigh. "have yet t' hear your monthly update."

Dei-Loki lowered an ear while silently huffing from his father's first question. Shifting in his seat while listening. Soon, he'd reach for his fork to begin to eat before cocking a brow. A small grin on his face as he quickly spoke first. "Went better than you'd believe."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

"war?" nia questioned, raising a brow as she tilted her head slightly.
Riley giggled as her father picked her up, then booped her duck against his nose as she giggled more and hugged his neck happily.

Mia watched the two, chuckling as she walked up and took the little girl from nicholas's arms. "thank you~" She cooed, kissing his cheek.

"No problem." He grinned.



"Another honest lad." Adrian chuckled, seeming to be unfazed by the whole ordeal. While sipping his whine, he seemed to try and tame his thoughts. Soon lowering his glass back to the table. "Akumu, y' originally left t' help in the war yer younger siblings had been dragged into," he would begin with a soft sigh. "have yet t' hear your monthly update."

Dei-Loki lowered an ear while silently huffing from his father's first question. Shifting in his seat while listening. Soon, he'd reach for his fork to begin to eat before cocking a brow. A small grin on his face as he quickly spoke first. "Went better than you'd believe."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

"The Legion of Doom war? That was more of a battle though, wasn't it? Or are wars and battles different in this world?" 
Adrian lifted his brow, his elbow rested on the armrest as he looked over them all. His fingers loosely curled into his palm as he spoke. "Went that well, eh?"

"I wouldn't say it went as smooth as Dei-Loki's words play it out t' be..." Akumu gently sighed, his eyes closing.

"I'm not saying that it went smoothly, we lost quite a bit in those few days..." Dei-Loki stared at Akumu. "But, as previously stated, it was more of a battle, than anything else... at least where we were..."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Adrian lifted his brow, his elbow rested on the armrest as he looked over them all. His fingers loosely curled into his palm as he spoke. "Went that well, eh?"

"I wouldn't say it went as smooth as Dei-Loki's words play it out t' be..." Akumu gently sighed, his eyes closing.

"I'm not saying that it went smoothly, we lost quite a bit in those few days..." Dei-Loki stared at Akumu. "But, as previously stated, it was more of a battle, than anything else... at least where we were..."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Masaru remembered that alright. He remembered how he lost it when he thought that he was going to lose Dei. Then, his little brother, Adarian, came along. Took him for a joy ride in Hell and spit him back out with no memory for a few, foggy hours. It still hurt his brain to try and think of what went down in Hell's dimension. It was blocked off from his mind, yet Masaru stayed silent about this. He never had the issue of it after the four years passed. So, it was all history, at least, he hoped so. Masaru began taking a few bites from his food.
Adrian lifted his brow, his elbow rested on the armrest as he looked over them all. His fingers loosely curled into his palm as he spoke. "Went that well, eh?"

"I wouldn't say it went as smooth as Dei-Loki's words play it out t' be..." Akumu gently sighed, his eyes closing.

"I'm not saying that it went smoothly, we lost quite a bit in those few days..." Dei-Loki stared at Akumu. "But, as previously stated, it was more of a battle, than anything else... at least where we were..."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Nia looked down at the table, a saddened look in her eyes. "I lost alot that day" She said making a fist with her prosthetic limb and closing her eyes, as she started lightly humming, she felt the magic in and around her, but there was... some kind of block. "come on... work" She said quietly to herself hoping she could break through.

@Forever J
Akumu opened his eyes and turned his attention to Nia. Unsure of what to say as he hesitated before sighing gently and rubbing her back.

Dei-Loki glanced to Nia for a moment, before then turning his gaze to his plate.

"Well... It's always best to move forward. Can't get anywhere, otherwise." Adrian spoke, straightening his posture in his chair. "Needless to say, I'm a bit relieved to hear the attack didn't stretch out this long. Would be nice to say the same for here."

Like a hook, Adrian's words caught Dei-Loki's attention as he looked over to him. His brows lifting as his free hand instantly gripped the edge of his seat. "Whaddya mean..?"

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Akumu opened his eyes and turned his attention to Nia. Unsure of what to say as he hesitated before sighing gently and rubbing her back.

Dei-Loki glanced to Nia for a moment, before then turning his gaze to his plate.

"Well... It's always best to move forward. Can't get anywhere, otherwise." Adrian spoke, straightening his posture in his chair. "Needless to say, I'm a bit relieved to hear the attack didn't stretch out this long. Would be nice to say the same for here."

Like a hook, Adrian's words caught Dei-Loki's attention as he looked over to him. His brows lifting as his free hand instantly gripped the edge of his seat. "Whaddya mean..?"

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Masaru looked up as well from the words. 
"We took quite a hit by just blighters in several areas of just the country of Fórrelden, alone." Adrian huffed.

"Really?" Akumu also looked up and over to his father.

Adrian nodded, following his next words with a sigh. "Nothing we haven't been able to not fend off thus far, but the threat, I can sense, still looms."

A crack in the wood of the chair had been heard in Dei-Loki's direction as a result of him digging into the chair, his gaze still focused on Adrian. "It shouldn't be, anymore... the General surrendered."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
"We took quite a hit by just blighters in several areas of just the country of Fórrelden, alone." Adrian huffed.

"Really?" Akumu also looked up and over to his father.

Adrian nodded, following his next words with a sigh. "Nothing we haven't been able to not fend off thus far, but the threat, I can sense, still looms."

A crack in the wood of the chair had been heard in Dei-Loki's direction as a result of him digging into the chair, his gaze still focused on Adrian. "It shouldn't be, anymore... the General surrendered."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Masaru  grabbed Dei's hands into his larger ones and held them there to stop him from breaking anymore things. "The General is dealt with. If the issue is still afoot, then i'll send some old friends over to help, and trust me, they'll help you just fine."
"No desire t' trouble for asking," Adrian blinked after looking to Masaru. "But, the help would be greatly  appreciated."

Dei-Loki glanced down to their hands before looking up yet again, giving an apologetic look to his mam, whom looked over after hearing the chair break.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
"We took quite a hit by just blighters in several areas of just the country of Fórrelden, alone." Adrian huffed.

"Really?" Akumu also looked up and over to his father.

Adrian nodded, following his next words with a sigh. "Nothing we haven't been able to not fend off thus far, but the threat, I can sense, still looms."

A crack in the wood of the chair had been heard in Dei-Loki's direction as a result of him digging into the chair, his gaze still focused on Adrian. "It shouldn't be, anymore... the General surrendered."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

"Maybe they got a new general?" She said with a shrug, adding her input. 
"No desire t' trouble for asking," Adrian blinked after looking to Masaru. "But, the help would be greatly  appreciated."

Dei-Loki glanced down to their hands before looking up yet again, giving an apologetic look to his mam, whom looked over after hearing the chair break.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Masaru rubbed Dei's hands to remove the tense muscles as he nodded. "It's no problem. Once i get home, i'll send some of my men. Gods, assassins, mercenaries, you know name them, i know them. Hell, if they're not enough and the blighters still come . . . i could . . . i could do it, but i'll need to do it alone. It's dangerous to work with a demon, after all."
"That's entirely possible." Akumu huffed in agreement. "There could've been a shift in power after Ruvik was taken out of the picture... Hell, he could've even preemptively arranged it as a back up, himself, for all we know."

"New general or no, the need for aid is still there." Adrian had replied, glancing to Nia and Akumu for a moment before then to Masaru. A single nod being given as he smirked slightly. "I believe the ones you speak of will be just enough so you won't need to intervene, yourself. Wouldn't you think?"

Dei-Loki turned his gaze, once more, to both Masaru's and his hands. Past his previous statement, he'd fallen silent while thinking to himself. Seeming to tune out everyone else in the process.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
"That's entirely possible." Akumu huffed in agreement. "There could've been a shift in power after Ruvik was taken out of the picture... Hell, he could've even preemptively arranged it as a back up, himself, for all we know."

"New general or no, the need for aid is still there." Adrian had replied, glancing to Nia and Akumu for a moment before then to Masaru. A single nod being given as he smirked slightly. "I believe the ones you speak of will be just enough so you won't need to intervene, yourself. Wouldn't you think?"

Dei-Loki turned his gaze, once more, to both Masaru's and his hands. Past his previous statement, he'd fallen silent while thinking to himself. Seeming to tune out everyone else in the process.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Nia let out a sigh, finishing her plate  "so, are we going to spend the night here? Or head home?" She would ask out of curiosity.
Nia let out a sigh, finishing her plate  "so, are we going to spend the night here? Or head home?" She would ask out of curiosity.

Akumu, finishing around the same time, turned his attention to Nia once more as he blinked. "Depends on what you would all prefer. I, personally, wouldn't mind either idea." he would then laugh gently. "Provided I don't listen to my slight homesickness, anyhow."
Akumu, finishing around the same time, turned his attention to Nia once more as he blinked. "Depends on what you would all prefer. I, personally, wouldn't mind either idea." he would then laugh gently. "Provided I don't listen to my slight homesickness, anyhow."

"I wouldn't mind spending the night. I'd love to see more of your home"

Nia said taking his hand gently under the table. 

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