Indescribable (Closed)

"Fourth door on the left." Akumu answered, gently taking her hand before leading the way. "C'mon."

@Heir of Dalania


"I had a quite a few places that I liked to hide." Dei-Loki smiled, ears quickly perking in remembrance. "But, before I show y' my room, there's someplace else I'd like t' show ya."

@Forever J

"Then lead the way." Masaru smiled back at his happy lover.
Akumu, who'd found Nia's happiness to be contagious, seemed to beam with positivity, himself. Once there, he gently brought a hand to the knob before slowly pushing the door open to reveal a rather neatly presented - large bedroom. A single, king sized bed aligned with the middle of the wall on the far side of the room, along with other different yet room matching pieces of furniture that decorated the area, as well.

@Heir of Dalania


With a single nod, the demigod would smile and gently take hold of his hand before leading the way to a separate staircase that seemed to be tucked away off to the side of the nearest hallway. A staircase that seemed to thinly spiral up to a separate, oddly cosy yet currently abandoned small room. Once there, Dei-Loki allowed the lights to illuminate the room that had been lightly complemented with a few pieces of furniture, paintings, and a door against the south wall.

@Forever J
Akumu, who'd found Nia's happiness to be contagious, seemed to beam with positivity, himself. Once there, he gently brought a hand to the knob before slowly pushing the door open to reveal a rather neatly presented - large bedroom. A single, king sized bed aligned with the middle of the wall on the far side of the room, along with other different yet room matching pieces of furniture that decorated the area, as well.

@Heir of Dalania


With a single nod, the demigod would smile and gently take hold of his hand before leading the way to a separate staircase that seemed to be tucked away off to the side of the nearest hallway. A staircase that seemed to thinly spiral up to a separate, oddly cosy yet currently abandoned small room. Once there, Dei-Loki allowed the lights to illuminate the room that had been lightly complemented with a few pieces of furniture, paintings, and a door against the south wall.

@Forever J

Nia made a 'ooooo' sound and started looking around at all of his stuff. Then flopping onto the bed. "ahhh, king sized bed for the future king. How fitting ." 
Akumu, who'd found Nia's happiness to be contagious, seemed to beam with positivity, himself. Once there, he gently brought a hand to the knob before slowly pushing the door open to reveal a rather neatly presented - large bedroom. A single, king sized bed aligned with the middle of the wall on the far side of the room, along with other different yet room matching pieces of furniture that decorated the area, as well.

@Heir of Dalania


With a single nod, the demigod would smile and gently take hold of his hand before leading the way to a separate staircase that seemed to be tucked away off to the side of the nearest hallway. A staircase that seemed to thinly spiral up to a separate, oddly cosy yet currently abandoned small room. Once there, Dei-Loki allowed the lights to illuminate the room that had been lightly complemented with a few pieces of furniture, paintings, and a door against the south wall.

@Forever J

"Wow . . . this place is amazing." He said with genuine sincerity. "What do you do here? Art? Draw? Play your violin? . . . . Dei, after this, i want to see what your favorite room is and your favorite painting. I want to see all the things that make you happy." He said as the wheels in his head turned. 
"Right?" Akumu softly snickered, walking over to the desk on the other side of the room. Taking a moment to thumb through a few papers before heading over and sitting beside her on the bed. "Been years since I've been in here."

@Heir of Dalania


"Glad y' think so." Dei-Loki smiled, walking to the center of the room as he gazed upon it all in nostalgic bliss. wagging his tail, he'd then look to his lover yet again after nodding to his request. "I used t' do all sorts of things up here. I'd read, draw, compose my own music t' play on my violin. And, a lot of times," he'd then fluently pivot his direction so he'd been facing the door, heading over as he'd open it to reveal a balcony. As his gaze traveled over the view of the courtyard and village, his smile grew. "I'd just find myself taking in the beauty outside, while being able to be safe from the words of the villagers... It's my favourite safe haven."

@Forever J
"Right?" Akumu softly snickered, walking over to the desk on the other side of the room. Taking a moment to thumb through a few papers before heading over and sitting beside her on the bed. "Been years since I've been in here."

@Heir of Dalania


"Glad y' think so." Dei-Loki smiled, walking to the center of the room as he gazed upon it all in nostalgic bliss. wagging his tail, he'd then look to his lover yet again after nodding to his request. "I used t' do all sorts of things up here. I'd read, draw, compose my own music t' play on my violin. And, a lot of times," he'd then fluently pivot his direction so he'd been facing the door, heading over as he'd open it to reveal a balcony. As his gaze traveled over the view of the courtyard and village, his smile grew. "I'd just find myself taking in the beauty outside, while being able to be safe from the words of the villagers... It's my favourite safe haven."

@Forever J

"I see . . . what else?" 
"Right?" Akumu softly snickered, walking over to the desk on the other side of the room. Taking a moment to thumb through a few papers before heading over and sitting beside her on the bed. "Been years since I've been in here."

@Heir of Dalania


"Glad y' think so." Dei-Loki smiled, walking to the center of the room as he gazed upon it all in nostalgic bliss. wagging his tail, he'd then look to his lover yet again after nodding to his request. "I used t' do all sorts of things up here. I'd read, draw, compose my own music t' play on my violin. And, a lot of times," he'd then fluently pivot his direction so he'd been facing the door, heading over as he'd open it to reveal a balcony. As his gaze traveled over the view of the courtyard and village, his smile grew. "I'd just find myself taking in the beauty outside, while being able to be safe from the words of the villagers... It's my favourite safe haven."

@Forever J

Nia sat up to look at him "do you ever regret leaving?" 
"A bit." He'd sigh, before then returning the look as he'd hold a smile. His tail gently curling as he spoke. "But, if I hadn't have left, I wouldn't have been able to meet you, or the others. So, though I do miss it sometimes, it isn't too bad."

@Heir of Dalania


"Weeellllllll..." Dei-Loki clicked his tongue, heading back inside before opening one of the drawers and taking out a thick notebook.

@Forever J
"A bit." He'd sigh, before then returning the look as he'd hold a smile. His tail gently curling as he spoke. "But, if I hadn't have left, I wouldn't have been able to meet you, or the others. So, though I do miss it sometimes, it isn't too bad."

@Heir of Dalania


"Weeellllllll..." Dei-Loki clicked his tongue, heading back inside before opening one of the drawers and taking out a thick notebook.

@Forever J

Masaru leaned over Dei's shoulder to see what was in the notebook. His eyes scanning the room for what he could see that brought joy to Dei's heart. "Is this a sketchbook of some sort?" The plan in his head for what he was going to do for his Squishy needed a lot of careful, precise attention. 'Gods, I hope he likes it because this is going to be a pain in the ass,' he thought to himself.
"A bit." He'd sigh, before then returning the look as he'd hold a smile. His tail gently curling as he spoke. "But, if I hadn't have left, I wouldn't have been able to meet you, or the others. So, though I do miss it sometimes, it isn't too bad."

@Heir of Dalania


"Weeellllllll..." Dei-Loki clicked his tongue, heading back inside before opening one of the drawers and taking out a thick notebook.

@Forever J

Nia smiled "Im so glad that I met you." 
"Likewise." Akumu replied, leaning and gently kissing her cheek before then laying back. "Y' know what I don't miss around here, though?"

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki glanced over and up to him briefly while his smile would grow just a bit more."It is." his words confirmed as his attention turned back to the book, flipping it open as he'd show off his art of the different creatures one might find here. Some people, most being animals. All of which seeming to be pleasing to the eye, and the lighting of his favourite room had seemed to somehow add to the detail. "They aren't that good, but..."

@Forever J
"Likewise." Akumu replied, leaning and gently kissing her cheek before then laying back. "Y' know what I don't miss around here, though?"

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki glanced over and up to him briefly while his smile would grow just a bit more."It is." his words confirmed as his attention turned back to the book, flipping it open as he'd show off his art of the different creatures one might find here. Some people, most being animals. All of which seeming to be pleasing to the eye, and the lighting of his favourite room had seemed to somehow add to the detail. "They aren't that good, but..."

@Forever J

"They're yours. They are special to your heart and they are special to mine." Masaru leaned even closer and kissed his neck before kissing his temples. "I think i like this one the most." Masaru said with a grin as he pointed out a stunning fox. 
"Likewise." Akumu replied, leaning and gently kissing her cheek before then laying back. "Y' know what I don't miss around here, though?"

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki glanced over and up to him briefly while his smile would grow just a bit more."It is." his words confirmed as his attention turned back to the book, flipping it open as he'd show off his art of the different creatures one might find here. Some people, most being animals. All of which seeming to be pleasing to the eye, and the lighting of his favourite room had seemed to somehow add to the detail. "They aren't that good, but..."

@Forever J

Nia returned the kiss, then raising a brow "what?"
Akumu brought his hands behind his head, his gaze on the ceiling. "The paperwork. I'd gotten into an... eh... 'incident' when heading out into the village, when I was quite a bit younger, and my mam thought it was best t' have me a lot closer t' the palace fer a bit. So, to keep myself busy, I chose to take up managing a lot of things that should've really been done by my father's steward. I also managed the information of crime reports so whomever wanted t' go investigate stuff that happened would have somethin' t' do." with a chuckle of remembrance that was tailed by a sigh, he'd continue. "Got t' the point where I'd stress out about it beyond belief."

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki gently laughed, turning his head to face him yet again as he managed to kiss his cheek. "Of course y' would." he playfully teased, a content huff escaping the make in the process. "It's my favourite, too, actually. came out a bit better than the rest of 'em."

@Forever J
Akumu brought his hands behind his head, his gaze on the ceiling. "The paperwork. I'd gotten into an... eh... 'incident' when heading out into the village, when I was quite a bit younger, and my mam thought it was best t' have me a lot closer t' the palace fer a bit. So, to keep myself busy, I chose to take up managing a lot of things that should've really been done by my father's steward. I also managed the information of crime reports so whomever wanted t' go investigate stuff that happened would have somethin' t' do." with a chuckle of remembrance that was tailed by a sigh, he'd continue. "Got t' the point where I'd stress out about it beyond belief."

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki gently laughed, turning his head to face him yet again as he managed to kiss his cheek. "Of course y' would." he playfully teased, a content huff escaping the make in the process. "It's my favourite, too, actually. came out a bit better than the rest of 'em."

@Forever J

Nia sighed "I remember avibg to go to classes. Ohhhh gods it was so boring, plus the paperwork. Dont even get me started."
Akumu snorted, soon letting out a dramatic sigh before he'd lift and sprawl his arms out a bit for added effect. "Ah, the dreaded boredom and how it haunts us ALL!" he'd then break character to laugh, arms lowering once more.

@Heir of Dalania
Akumu brought his hands behind his head, his gaze on the ceiling. "The paperwork. I'd gotten into an... eh... 'incident' when heading out into the village, when I was quite a bit younger, and my mam thought it was best t' have me a lot closer t' the palace fer a bit. So, to keep myself busy, I chose to take up managing a lot of things that should've really been done by my father's steward. I also managed the information of crime reports so whomever wanted t' go investigate stuff that happened would have somethin' t' do." with a chuckle of remembrance that was tailed by a sigh, he'd continue. "Got t' the point where I'd stress out about it beyond belief."

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki gently laughed, turning his head to face him yet again as he managed to kiss his cheek. "Of course y' would." he playfully teased, a content huff escaping the make in the process. "It's my favourite, too, actually. came out a bit better than the rest of 'em."

@Forever J

Masaru pushed him gently to the wall, kissing his lips. "Almost like your past self knew that i would be your mate." He said before diving right back into making out with Dei. 
Akumu snorted, soon letting out a dramatic sigh before he'd lift and sprawl his arms out a bit for added effect. "Ah, the dreaded boredom and how it haunts us ALL!" he'd then break character to laugh, arms lowering once more.

@Heir of Dalania

Nia then stood up, stretching her back. "Alright, best not to keep the cooks and family waiting. Hmm, Gale was a good cook" She said in a random tangent remembering her own cook who always made her something sweet at least once a month. She did a curtsy "let us depart beloved, dinner awaits"  
Akumu, moments after Nia stood, would then stand up, as well. A smile on his face as he'd nod and offer her his arm.

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki blushed the moment he'd felt his back maze contact with the wall. Gently returning the kiss as he'd smile and nod with a gentle laugh. While returning to the kiss, he'd set the sketchbook down before bringing his arms around Masaru's neck - only to pause and tense hearing a familiar sound nearing the stairs.

"Heard someone was back from Midgard." Dominic's thick Irish tone sounded, soon peeking into the room before he'd then pause and lift his brows at the scene.

@Forever J
Akumu, moments after Nia stood, would then stand up, as well. A smile on his face as he'd nod and offer her his arm.

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki blushed the moment he'd felt his back maze contact with the wall. Gently returning the kiss as he'd smile and nod with a gentle laugh. While returning to the kiss, he'd set the sketchbook down before bringing his arms around Masaru's neck - only to pause and tense hearing a familiar sound nearing the stairs.

"Heard someone was back from Midgard." Dominic's thick Irish tone sounded, soon peeking into the room before he'd then pause and lift his brows at the scene.

@Forever J

Masaru gave a silent huff, turning around as he tried to fix himself up. A weird twinge in his gut made him uneasy. 'How did he know where Dei's secret room was? He's close to him. Too close?' He thought to himself as he bowed slightly. "Hello, I am Masaru Oshiro, please to meet you." He held out his hand, acting civil. 
Dei-Loki remained tense as Masaru pulled away, turning his attention towards Dominic as he'd flatten his ears and glare slightly.

"Dominic Kusland..." Dominic replied as he stared at Masaru before reluctantly having shaken his hand. His attention traveling over to Dei-Loki for a moment as his gaze narrowed a bit. "Seems y' found someone new..."

@Forever J
Akumu, moments after Nia stood, would then stand up, as well. A smile on his face as he'd nod and offer her his arm.

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki blushed the moment he'd felt his back maze contact with the wall. Gently returning the kiss as he'd smile and nod with a gentle laugh. While returning to the kiss, he'd set the sketchbook down before bringing his arms around Masaru's neck - only to pause and tense hearing a familiar sound nearing the stairs.

"Heard someone was back from Midgard." Dominic's thick Irish tone sounded, soon peeking into the room before he'd then pause and lift his brows at the scene.

@Forever J

Nia happily took his arm as they went down to the diner table.
Dei-Loki remained tense as Masaru pulled away, turning his attention towards Dominic as he'd flatten his ears and glare slightly.

"Dominic Kusland..." Dominic replied as he stared at Masaru before reluctantly having shaken his hand. His attention traveling over to Dei-Loki for a moment as his gaze narrowed a bit. "Seems y' found someone new..."

@Forever J

Masaru felt his markings flicker on his skin like fire. The demonic part of him was acting up. He took back his hand subtly with a smile. Putting his hand that was now covered in curving, black trails, behind his back. "I am. I've been dating Dei for four years. Who are you exactly? Judging by your uniform, are you a . . . guard?" He kept reminding himself to act civil and not reach for Dominic's throat and taste his blood. A happy Dei is what was needed, not having his boyfriend going on homicidal rampage for just having the guards stare at Dei weirdly. 
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Akumu travelled at her side, reaching the dining hall within a few minutes of walking. A grin grew on his face upon the smell of food as he'd then moved forward and pulled a seat out for Nia.

@Heir of Dalania


"Guard Captain." Dominic would simply correct, his hand lowering back to his side the moment it was released.

Through all of this, Dei-Loki watched. moving off the wall slightly as he seemed to stick to Masaru's side like glue. Happy he hadn't torn Dominic's throat out, yet. "He was the guard assigned t' escort me when I was younger." Keeping his own eyes narrowed, he cautiously watched Dominic while explaining.

@Forever J
Akumu travelled at her side, reaching the dining hall within a few minutes of walking. A grin grew on his face upon the smell of food as he'd then moved forward and pulled a seat out for Nia.

@Heir of Dalania


"Guard Captain." Dominic would simply correct, his hand lowering back to his side the moment it was released.

Through all of this, Dei-Loki watched. moving off the wall slightly as he seemed to stick to Masaru's side like glue. Happy he hadn't torn Dominic's throat out, yet. "He was the guard assigned t' escort me when I was younger." Keeping his own eyes narrowed, he cautiously watched Dominic while explaining.

@Forever J

"Ah, i see. So you're Dei's best friend?" He gave his best, cheerful smile as he thought of the walls being painted with red. 'Don't you dare say it with a smug smile. Don't you say that you have fucked MY mate before and smile.' He thought as he grasped onto Dei's hand. 

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