Indescribable (Closed)

"Ah, aren't you a charmer..." Perry chuckled, gazing about. "I suppose I could take a bit of a break to show you around."

Reaver laughed and kept his wide grin. Soon aiming it to the sky. "Ah, simple. Ya simply pull the trigger, it releases the liquid and gas aaaaand-" with a simple pull back of the trigger, a thick flame shot from the nozzle. Dancing in the sky as it had been released. "The existence of the beautifully dangerous light is formed."

@Forever J


Akumu would lower his ear upon catching the disappearance. His fingers lightly running against her shoulder. "Neither of our parents are real sticklers when it comes to being formal, wouldn't hurt."

@Heir of Dalania

"I would like that a lot. Show me wherever you would like to take me." She wrapped her tail over the small of his back. 


"It's beautiful. Squuuuuuuuuuuuuishy~, can i just stay here and you can go and meet your parents?" Masaru, for once in his loooooooong life, whined. 
Glancing to the door, Akumu then smiled a bit before slowly inhaling -   just to release a long exhale as he pulled the palace doors open. Soon stepping inside.

@Heir of Dalania


Perry would nod in response, choosing to take her to the courtyard first as gaze would wander - shifting to the female on his arm every so often as he grinned.


Dei-Loki went to reply, only to be stopped as Reaver gently snickered.

"Squishy?" Reaver repeated with a smile, soon glancing over to his nephew. "You've gained a love life of yer own[COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]... Glad t' see y' moved on. The one you've gone with seems alright, in my book." [/COLOR]And, as he said that, he patted Masaru on the shoulder chuckled softly yet again, starting in the direction of the palace before he then spun on a heel to face them once more. "Nonsense, I've got t' head inside, anyway."

@Forever J
Glancing to the door, Akumu then smiled a bit before slowly inhaling -   just to release a long exhale as he pulled the palace doors open. Soon stepping inside.

@Heir of Dalania


Perry would nod in response, choosing to take her to the courtyard first as gaze would wander - shifting to the female on his arm every so often as he grinned.


Dei-Loki went to reply, only to be stopped as Reaver gently snickered.

"Squishy?" Reaver repeated with a smile, soon glancing over to his nephew. "You've gained a love life of yer own[COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]... Glad t' see y' moved on. The one you've gone with seems alright, in my book." [/COLOR]And, as he said that, he patted Masaru on the shoulder chuckled softly yet again, starting in the direction of the palace before he then spun on a heel to face them once more. "Nonsense, I've got t' head inside, anyway."

@Forever J

Nia stepped inside, head held high and hands behind her back and she, for the first time in a long time, put on the persona of royalty. Not daring to speak first, she approached alongside Akumu. Doing the same gesture of greeting he did, unsure if kneeling, bowing or nothing was considered proper in this court.
Glancing to the door, Akumu then smiled a bit before slowly inhaling -   just to release a long exhale as he pulled the palace doors open. Soon stepping inside.

@Heir of Dalania


Perry would nod in response, choosing to take her to the courtyard first as gaze would wander - shifting to the female on his arm every so often as he grinned.


Dei-Loki went to reply, only to be stopped as Reaver gently snickered.

"Squishy?" Reaver repeated with a smile, soon glancing over to his nephew. "You've gained a love life of yer own[COLOR= rgb(178, 34, 34)]... Glad t' see y' moved on. The one you've gone with seems alright, in my book." [/COLOR]And, as he said that, he patted Masaru on the shoulder chuckled softly yet again, starting in the direction of the palace before he then spun on a heel to face them once more. "Nonsense, I've got t' head inside, anyway."

@Forever J

Yuki awed the enchanting colors of the courtyard. "This place almost reminds me of my second home in the spirit realm." She smiled back up to him.


Masaru grinned at the compliment before frowning as Reaver said that he was going inside. "Look! A beautiful butterfly! I shall fetch it, it may take a few hours though. I might not get to meet your parents, Dei." Masaru said as he tried his best to leave. The parents, he did not care for, he only cared for the fire and when that was done, he felt the anxiety rise in the pit of his stomach. 
Akumu's feet carried him at a leisurely pace as he placed his hands behind his back while allowing a couple of guards to lead the both of them to the throne room. A bit of a stereotypical place to find them both, really, but, there they were. As the guards opened the doors, Adrian and Zuzana would lift their gazes before turning their attention to the doors as Akumu stepped in with a small smile as he looked to them, soon closing his eyes. Moving his arms up to his chest as he'd cross them in almost an 'x' position before bowing a bit. "I've returned."



(Zuzana. Accept, as I said, just picture her with a black and red dress on, and with orange eyes.



@Heir of Dalania


"Does it?" Perry grinned as he watched her - soon looking to the many flowers, and then the trees. "The Queen is the one that tends to all of this, if you could believe it. I'm not sure how she makes it all look this colourful and full of life a month before the winter."


Dei-Loki widened his eyes a bit, gently yet firmly grasping Masaru's wrist. "Oooh, no ya don't."

@Forever J
Nia repeated the action. Then put her hands together infont of herself, just at the waist as she waited for what to do next. Normally, the person who she was with introduced her. She didn't want to risk speaking out of turn. So she waited silently with a small smile on her face.

Akumu's feet carried him at a leisurely pace as he placed his hands behind his back while allowing a couple of guards to lead the both of them to the throne room. A bit of a stereotypical place to find them both, really, but, there they were. As the guards opened the doors, Adrian and Zuzana would lift their gazes before turning their attention to the doors as Akumu stepped in with a small smile as he looked to them, soon closing his eyes. Moving his arms up to his chest as he'd cross them in almost an 'x' position before bowing a bit. "I've returned."


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(Zuzana. Accept, as I said, just picture her with a black and red dress on, and with orange eyes.


View attachment 200123

@Heir of Dalania


"Does it?" Perry grinned as he watched her - soon looking to the many flowers, and then the trees. "The Queen is the one that tends to all of this, if you could believe it. I'm not sure how she makes it all look this colourful and full of life a month before the winter."


Dei-Loki widened his eyes a bit, gently yet firmly grasping Masaru's wrist. "Oooh, no ya don't."

@Forever J

Yuki oooooooed at this. "I definitely believe it. Where else shall we go?" Yuki asked.

"But baaaaaaabe~. I don't do well with royals! Let me stay here! I'll be good, i swear to the high Heavens! I'll sit on this bench and wait for you and then we can go home and i can give you whatever you want! I'll massage you! I'll bathe you! My lord, please let me not do this!" Masaru whined, raising his hand so that Dei rose a few inches from the ground as he began to try and wiggle his wrist free. 
The two watched them both bow, a small smile forming on Zuzana's lips. "You've brought a companion, I see?"

Akumu perked at his mam's words, soon straightening himself up once more as he'd give a single nod. "Mam, dad, this is Nia. She's... My girlfriend." and, before the two could respond, he continued. Mainly after watching his father's eyes widen a bit in response. "Nia, may I present t' you King Adrian and Queen Zuzana."

@Heir of Dalania


"Let's see... I think I know the perfect place." Perry replied as his grin stretched - soon bringing her along with him.


Dei-Loki kept his hold as he was lifted and slightly shook. A complaining whine squeaking free from the demigod as he then spoke. "Masaru, please! Nia and Akumu already went in, they're gonna know we're here and they'll wanna meet ya! There's no runnin' at this point, because that'll only sabotage the first impression even farther than y' think just meetin' them will!"

@Forever J
The two watched them both bow, a small smile forming on Zuzana's lips. "You've brought a companion, I see?"

Akumu perked at his mam's words, soon straightening himself up once more as he'd give a single nod. "Mam, dad, this is Nia. She's... My girlfriend." and, before the two could respond, he continued. Mainly after watching his father's eyes widen a bit in response. "Nia, may I present t' you King Adrian and Queen Zuzana."

@Heir of Dalania


"Let's see... I think I know the perfect place." Perry replied as his grin stretched - soon bringing her along with him.


Dei-Loki kept his hold as he was lifted and slightly shook. A complaining whine squeaking free from the demigod as he then spoke. "Masaru, please! Nia and Akumu already went in, they're gonna know we're here and they'll wanna meet ya! There's no runnin' at this point, because that'll only sabotage the first impression even farther than y' think just meetin' them will!"

@Forever J

Yuki laughed as they went to wherever they were going. "Where we going?" 

Masaru groaned, "I want soooooo many back and stomach rubs for this!  . . . . Fine, let's go, if it pleases ya so." Masaru put Dei on the ground, lowering his head as he shuffled his way slowly to the palace's doors. He made sure that his demonic, nogitsune markings hid while his necklace of his mother laid heavily on his chest. "Mother of thee High Heavens, Father of the Darkest Corner, please at thee. Give me thy spare time of pity and give me prayers for what i shall walk in." He said the rest in his old, Latin tongue before walking in to see the Queen and King. 
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The two watched them both bow, a small smile forming on Zuzana's lips. "You've brought a companion, I see?"

Akumu perked at his mam's words, soon straightening himself up once more as he'd give a single nod. "Mam, dad, this is Nia. She's... My girlfriend." and, before the two could respond, he continued. Mainly after watching his father's eyes widen a bit in response. "Nia, may I present t' you King Adrian and Queen Zuzana."

@Heir of Dalania


"Let's see... I think I know the perfect place." Perry replied as his grin stretched - soon bringing her along with him.


Dei-Loki kept his hold as he was lifted and slightly shook. A complaining whine squeaking free from the demigod as he then spoke. "Masaru, please! Nia and Akumu already went in, they're gonna know we're here and they'll wanna meet ya! There's no runnin' at this point, because that'll only sabotage the first impression even farther than y' think just meetin' them will!"

@Forever J

Nia nodded "greetings, your majestys. May I say I am grateful for entry into your court. Might I also add that your estate is absolutely gorgeous, the gardens alone could inspire many ballads, and poems with it's beauty. Now, if you have any questions for me, I would be happy to oblige" Nia said with a bow of her head, recalling her days doing this back home.
Akumu's smile was present on his face as he'd listen to Nia as she spoke. His hands returning to their place behind his back.

"Thank you, Nia. Your kind words complement your image rather nicely." Zuzana smiled before glancing to her husband.

"Let's skip back t' what my eldest has called you." Adrian's somewhat gruff voice would echo a bit in the room they were in as his red eyes traveled from Nia to Akumu. "I would go ahead and state what I had thought to be the obvious; the eldest cannot marry a commoner." his crimson gaze would then slowly travel back to Nia. "But, Nia... You seem t' hold some experience with presenting yourself to royalty. And that has me curious... Might you explain?"

@Heir of Dalania


"You'll see." Perry had snickered before soon escorting Yuki to the other end of the village, where a peaceful waterfall had been visible just past the trees that the southern gates would lead out to.


"Thank y', Masaru... It really means a lot..." Dei-Loki would say softly to his lover, following at his side as they neared the palace - Malvo not too far behind.

As they neared the throne room, Dei-Loki perked up a bit at the voices of his parents. Two voices he hadn't heard in years. And it brought a small smile to his face. His gaze studying the paintings on the walls in remembrance.

@Forever J
Akumu's smile was present on his face as he'd listen to Nia as she spoke. His hands returning to their place behind his back.

"Thank you, Nia. Your kind words complement your image rather nicely." Zuzana smiled before glancing to her husband.

"Let's skip back t' what my eldest has called you." Adrian's somewhat gruff voice would echo a bit in the room they were in as his red eyes traveled from Nia to Akumu. "I would go ahead and state what I had thought to be the obvious; the eldest cannot marry a commoner." his crimson gaze would then slowly travel back to Nia. "But, Nia... You seem t' hold some experience with presenting yourself to royalty. And that has me curious... Might you explain?"

@Heir of Dalania


"You'll see." Perry had snickered before soon escorting Yuki to the other end of the village, where a peaceful waterfall had been visible just past the trees that the southern gates would lead out to.


"Thank y', Masaru... It really means a lot..." Dei-Loki would say softly to his lover, following at his side as they neared the palace - Malvo not too far behind.

As they neared the throne room, Dei-Loki perked up a bit at the voices of his parents. Two voices he hadn't heard in years. And it brought a small smile to his face. His gaze studying the paintings on the walls in remembrance.

@Forever J

Nia's smile disappeared "I-..." she struggled to get out the words "I wa-still am the last heir to the throne of Dalania, my home... but it was... destroyed, my Kingdom, my people, my family... gone. when I was only thirteen. So, yes, Ive got thirteen years of experience, and a title to a kindom ravaged by fire, if that has any value. I hope to return one day to rebuild what has been destroyed, but for that, I needed allies. So I ventured out, and here I am." Nia said getting a bit choked up.
Akumu's smile was present on his face as he'd listen to Nia as she spoke. His hands returning to their place behind his back.

"Thank you, Nia. Your kind words complement your image rather nicely." Zuzana smiled before glancing to her husband.

"Let's skip back t' what my eldest has called you." Adrian's somewhat gruff voice would echo a bit in the room they were in as his red eyes traveled from Nia to Akumu. "I would go ahead and state what I had thought to be the obvious; the eldest cannot marry a commoner." his crimson gaze would then slowly travel back to Nia. "But, Nia... You seem t' hold some experience with presenting yourself to royalty. And that has me curious... Might you explain?"

@Heir of Dalania


"You'll see." Perry had snickered before soon escorting Yuki to the other end of the village, where a peaceful waterfall had been visible just past the trees that the southern gates would lead out to.


"Thank y', Masaru... It really means a lot..." Dei-Loki would say softly to his lover, following at his side as they neared the palace - Malvo not too far behind.

As they neared the throne room, Dei-Loki perked up a bit at the voices of his parents. Two voices he hadn't heard in years. And it brought a small smile to his face. His gaze studying the paintings on the walls in remembrance.

@Forever J

Yuki gave a small gasp as she saw the serene beauty of the waterfall. "I want to swim in it's clear blue beauty. Come with me, don't be afraid for what i am about to do." Her clothes seem to fade as her body transform into her form. She was tall and her tails floated behind her. Her tails wrapped around Perry's form, firm enough to not kill him nor let him slip. She then leaped into the air, so high that she could touch the flying geese from above. She landed only inches from the waterfall before shifting, taking her clothes off and jumping in. Not caring of wandering eyes. 

Masaru sighed before walking into the view of the parents. It made his lover happy and that was all that mattered. Even if he felt like the floor was going to open up and swallow him as his felt like throwing up at the same time. 
Akumu's ears fell flat as his smile fled his face while he listened, slowly bringing a reassuring hand up to Nia's shoulder.

While taking in her explanation, Adrian's expression softened as his wife sighed.

"You have our condolences, for what they're worth." Zuzana's tone would soothe.

Adrian nodded in agreement. "Yes, and you're welcome here any time..." the moment he'd lay mention to the friendly invitation, he'd then find his attention shifting to Dei-Loki, "Dei-Loki," and then to Masaru. "It would seem y' brought a... friend... along, as well."


Perry would grin widely towards her reaction, however, his brows would soon lift in response to watching her shift - to which, he'd observe in awe. "Maker's breath..." He would mutter under his breath, removing the armour and clothing he had on down to his pants so they wouldn't be ruined by the water. His brow would then quirk as he felt her tail take hold of his person - eyes soon widening the moment the both of them had jumped in.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Akumu's ears fell flat as his smile fled his face while he listened, slowly bringing a reassuring hand up to Nia's shoulder.

While taking in her explanation, Adrian's expression softened as his wife sighed.

"You have our condolences, for what they're worth." Zuzana's tone would soothe.

Adrian nodded in agreement. "Yes, and you're welcome here any time..." the moment he'd lay mention to the friendly invitation, he'd then find his attention shifting to Dei-Loki, "Dei-Loki," and then to Masaru. "It would seem y' brought a... friend... along, as well."


Perry would grin widely towards her reaction, however, his brows would soon lift in response to watching her shift - to which, he'd observe in awe. "Maker's breath..." He would mutter under his breath, removing the armour and clothing he had on down to his pants so they wouldn't be ruined by the water. His brow would then quirk as he felt her tail take hold of his person - eyes soon widening the moment the both of them had jumped in.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Nia turned to look at Masaru, stepping asside to the right as she'd watch quietly.

@Forever J
Akumu's ears fell flat as his smile fled his face while he listened, slowly bringing a reassuring hand up to Nia's shoulder.

While taking in her explanation, Adrian's expression softened as his wife sighed.

"You have our condolences, for what they're worth." Zuzana's tone would soothe.

Adrian nodded in agreement. "Yes, and you're welcome here any time..." the moment he'd lay mention to the friendly invitation, he'd then find his attention shifting to Dei-Loki, "Dei-Loki," and then to Masaru. "It would seem y' brought a... friend... along, as well."


Perry would grin widely towards her reaction, however, his brows would soon lift in response to watching her shift - to which, he'd observe in awe. "Maker's breath..." He would mutter under his breath, removing the armour and clothing he had on down to his pants so they wouldn't be ruined by the water. His brow would then quirk as he felt her tail take hold of his person - eyes soon widening the moment the both of them had jumped in.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Yuki laughed as she swam in the water. (I don't know what else to write for that.)

Masaru gave a huge bow before coming back. "Please excuse my nervous behavior. I have a quite heavy liking . . . loving to your son. You see, he means the absolute galaxies to me and i am afraid that you might take him away for what, who and how i am, and that is the honest truth. And i just have to tell you, if you like me, love me or loathe me, it does not matter. For I will not leave his side until he commands for me to go. And if that sounds rude to your ears, i am sorry, but my Mother taught me not to lie to the people that i care for." He fidgeted with his hands behind his back, not wanting to show how much of a wreck he was. He stood strong on his legs, but felt like running out of the door. Running so far that it would be hard to catch him. 
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Akumu would turn and watch, as well. His hand gently having remained in place on Nia's shoulder. Pulling her a bit closer in the process.

Adrian stared at Masaru for a moment, slowly pushing himself off the seat of his throne and onto his feet. Zuzana watched, a soft sigh escaping her.

"Adrian..." She'd then silence herself as Adrian gave his wife a gentle 'one moment' gesture with his index finger. Soon gently reaching over to caress the back of her hand before slowly approaching the kogitsune.

"You love my son?" Adrian would voice. Dei-Loki watching his father cautiously as he lowered his ears a bit. Adrian held a serious look on his face, lifting an arm before bringing a hand to Masaru's shoulder. His grip firm and his eyes, at the moment, angry and sincere. "Listen, you. Loving my youngest is fine. But just know, if y' hurt him, I'll skin y'... and kick you into a pit of salt."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Akumu would turn and watch, as well. His hand gently having remained in place on Nia's shoulder. Pulling her a bit closer in the process.

Adrian stared at Masaru for a moment, slowly pushing himself off the seat of his throne and onto his feet. Zuzana watched, a soft sigh escaping her.

"Adrian..." She'd then silence herself as Adrian gave his wife a gentle 'one moment' gesture with his index finger. Soon gently reaching over to caress the back of her hand before slowly approaching the kogitsune.

"You love my son?" Adrian would voice. Dei-Loki watching his father cautiously as he lowered his ears a bit. Adrian held a serious look on his face, lifting an arm before bringing a hand to Masaru's shoulder. His grip firm and his eyes, at the moment, angry and sincere. "Listen, you. Loving my youngest is fine. But just know, if y' hurt him, I'll skin y'... and kick you into a pit of salt."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Masaru looked to Adrian's hand before back into Adrian's face, staring right into his eyes. "I can't promise you anything, King. For loving a monster comes with a price. He knows this. He knows how dangerous i am, but i will never hurt him on purpose, that, you have my honest word. I will accept whatever comes to me if i do hurt him. I will not run, i will not fight back, i will accept my punishment for i do not deserve better if that's what it becomes." 
Adrian kept that anger in his gaze for just a bit longer before they would then close. "Very well..." after a second or two more, a grin soon slipped up his face as he removed his hand from Masaru's shoulder, soon roughly clapping him on the back as he'd laugh aloud. "Welcome to the family, fox!"

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Adrian kept that anger in his gaze for just a bit longer before they would then close. "Very well..." after a second or two more, a grin soon slipped up his face as he removed his hand from Masaru's shoulder, soon roughly clapping him on the back as he'd laugh aloud. "Welcome to the family, fox!"

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Masaru gave an awkward chuckle before shuffling back until he was behind Dei. "Thank you." 
Akumu blinked a few times, shock and a bit of confusion shaping his face as he'd blink a few times.

Dei-Loki watched Masaru move behind him. A heavy, yet silent sigh of relief that to cleanse him of the anxiety build up in his core. Reaching back as he gently took Masaru's hand in his.

Adrian's laughing soon quieted to a chuckle before then stopping. A hand traveling to Dei-Loki's head as he ruffled his hair and looked around to the others. "NOW!" his hands clapped together before he'd turn his palms out. "I don't suppose any of y' are hungry?"

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Akumu blinked a few times, shock and a bit of confusion shaping his face as he'd blink a few times.

Dei-Loki watched Masaru move behind him. A heavy, yet silent sigh of relief that to cleanse him of the anxiety build up in his core. Reaching back as he gently took Masaru's hand in his.

Adrian's laughing soon quieted to a chuckle before then stopping. A hand traveling to Dei-Loki's head as he ruffled his hair and looked around to the others. "NOW!" his hands clapped together before he'd turn his palms out. "I don't suppose any of y' are hungry?"

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Nia looked up at the top ceiling "Food fit for a king" She sighed "Its been awhile... I'd love to eat, thank you" she said interlocking arms with Akumu.
Akumu blinked a few times, shock and a bit of confusion shaping his face as he'd blink a few times.

Dei-Loki watched Masaru move behind him. A heavy, yet silent sigh of relief that to cleanse him of the anxiety build up in his core. Reaching back as he gently took Masaru's hand in his.

Adrian's laughing soon quieted to a chuckle before then stopping. A hand traveling to Dei-Loki's head as he ruffled his hair and looked around to the others. "NOW!" his hands clapped together before he'd turn his palms out. "I don't suppose any of y' are hungry?"

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Masaru took Dei's hand greedily, feeling his world go back to normal as the feeling of wanting to throw up, subsided. He leaned in and whispered so only Dei could hear. "I feel like i lost my appetite. I want a tummy rub when we get home because i did all that for you. So that you can be happy. I want a tubby rub." 
A grin soon slid up Akumu's face as he'd nod in agreement, keeping Nia's arm close. "Sounds good to me, as well."

Adrian would nod to that, glancing to both Nia and Akumu. "Very well, the chefs should be just about finished, by now, seeing as they were already at it before we knew y' were coming."

Dei-Loki nodded to Masaru's words, squeezing his hand gently as he looked up at him and whispered in return. "For all you've done, you'll get a tummy rub and so much more because I truly can't thank ya enough..."

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

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