Indescribable (Closed)

Yuki looked between the two, before settling her gaze on Nia's tears. She wiped away the tear from Nia's face with Akumu's handkerchief. "It is true. We all seem to have demons lurking in our past, but we are definitely not alone with them. Even if it may seem like it, we have us. Friends, family members, even pets can bring light into our darken minds. Some people are hard to get through, but we still can stay by those people. That's why i haven't given up on my little brother. One day, maybe not today, but one day. I could hug him without him pushing me away." 

"What is that, squishy?" He finished Dei's bowl, handing it over to him before going back to his own to finishing it. 
Akumu turned his gaze to Nia once more, gently bringing an arm around her to comfort her as he nodded in agreement to them both. Managing a small smile as he looked to Yuki - rubbing Nia's arm. "With hope, that day may come soon... I just hope that mine doesn't somehow throw itself into reverse, one day."


"A vacation, of some sort." He would answer as he gently took the bowl. Taking hold of his spoon soon after.

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania
Akumu turned his gaze to Nia once more, gently bringing an arm around her to comfort her as he nodded in agreement to them both. Managing a small smile as he looked to Yuki - rubbing Nia's arm. "With hope, that day may come soon... I just hope that mine doesn't somehow throw itself 

@Forever J, @Heir of Dalania

Nia hugged tight to Akumu "Hey, if we have the ability to travel through time... there's something I never got to do, that needs to be done."

 @Forever J
"I would like that. I would love to see a few old faces. Maybe my siblings. Maybe their smiles. No more tears, just a for a bit." Yuki nodded before looking up to the bright, blue sky.


"That would be amazing." Masaru finished his bowl, pushing it to the seat next to Dei before flashing behind Dei and kissing his temple. 
"As long as it isn't too drastic..." Akumu huffed and softly kissed Nia's head as his gentle smile remained. Looking to Yuki once more. "And, you're more than welcome to tag along, if you'd like."


Dei-Loki curled his tail a small bit, turning his head and kissing Masaru's jaw with a bit of a grin. His head having tilted. "Glad we can agree on that. Maybe I can even show y' around my home?"
"As long as it isn't too drastic..." Akumu huffed and softly kissed Nia's head as his gentle smile remained. Looking to Yuki once more. "And, you're more than welcome to tag along, if you'd like."


Dei-Loki curled his tail a small bit, turning his head and kissing Masaru's jaw with a bit of a grin. His head having tilted. "Glad we can agree on that. Maybe I can even show y' around my home?"

Nia gave him a quick kiss "ok. what now?"
"We do this traveling shtuff." 

"Oh gods, you want me to meet your parents? Why not just ask me to stab my stomach and bleed on the floor? I could do it, if you could give me an award." 
"Well, first things first, I'd need t' get the 'okay' from my father to make sure we won't muck anythin' up when doing this... Soooo, that would mean... we'd go t' my home, first."


"Ya say that as if it'll be the worst thing in the world." Dei-Loki snickered, lowering an ear. "It won't be so bad. Granted, you'll get a talkin' t' by my father, but... he's really a nice guy. And my mam will, more than likely, warm up t' ya real quick."
"Sounds cool with me." 

"Babe, it's your parents. Your parents, and i'm me. Do you really think they'll like a guy that has hickies all over their son? I mean, you have so much that is open for the world to see." 
"Well, first things first, I'd need t' get the 'okay' from my father to make sure we won't muck anythin' up when doing this... Soooo, that would mean... we'd go t' my home, first."


"Ya say that as if it'll be the worst thing in the world." Dei-Loki snickered, lowering an ear. "It won't be so bad. Granted, you'll get a talkin' t' by my father, but... he's really a nice guy. And my mam will, more than likely, warm up t' ya real quick."

Nia looked up at him, visibly nervous. "does that mean I have to meet your parents?" She then whined "what if they dont like me?"
"Don't worry about it, Nia. They'll love you." Akumu assured with a genuine, loving smile on his face. Softly kissing the tip of her nose.


Dei-Loki would then softly huff, shifting a small bit. "You'll have t' meet them at some point... I'll make it up t' ya, somehow, if ya agree t' go."
Yuki awed at this.

Masaru looked to Dei with a smile. "Now, you're speaking my language. Fine, if it means a lot to you. We can go and visit them today, but i want a naked, oil massage when we get home. Especially on my back, i feel something tight in there that needs to be worked out." He grabbed a decent size glob of ice-cream onto his spoon and ate it. 
"Don't worry about it, Nia. They'll love you." Akumu assured with a genuine, loving smile on his face. Softly kissing the tip of her nose.


Dei-Loki would then softly huff, shifting a small bit. "You'll have t' meet them at some point... I'll make it up t' ya, somehow, if ya agree t' go."

Nia made a 'nyeh' sound following the kiss on the nose, smiling at his words "If you think so... Alright let's go then."
Akumu smiled a bit more from the reaction, nodding as he huffed and looked around. "Alright," he then glanced to Malvo, lifting a brow. "Go see if the others want to come."

Malvo blinked at that, squinting for a moment after realising she'd been being used as a safety, errand girl in case Dei-Loki and Masaru were doing it again. Though, she then nodded and huffed as she quickly went inside.


"I can manage that." Dei-Loki blinked, watching him eat the ice cream as he'd then begin to eat his own.
Masaru turned his head to see Malvy. "Is she still out there? Is she bothering you? I can go and get my shotgun." 
Dei-Loki quirked a brow and glanced to his sister, whom widened her eyes a bit at Masaru's words.

Malvo shifted and shook her head, taking out her notepad - quickly writing before having then flipped it for the two. "She isn't bothering me at all. I came in to let you two know we're going to Engranussia."
Dei-Loki quirked a brow and glanced to his sister, whom widened her eyes a bit at Masaru's words.

Malvo shifted and shook her head, taking out her notepad - quickly writing before having then flipped it for the two. "She isn't bothering me at all. I came in to let you two know we're going to Engranussia."

"Huh? Well, we . . . your brother was thinking the same thing. That sounds cool with me." Masaru ate a few more bites of ice-cream, it melts quickly on his tongue. 
"Huh? Well, we . . . your brother was thinking the same thing. That sounds cool with me." Masaru ate a few more bites of ice-cream, it melts quickly on his tongue. 

Malvo smiled to that, closing her eyes as she'd then nod. 

Dei-Loki smiled, as well, while continuing to eat his own ice cream. "Gods, I've never been away from home this long." He'd then ponder aloud, looking off into the distance. "I wonder if they finally got uncle Reaver's room completely fixed after he set it on fire..."
Malvo smiled to that, closing her eyes as she'd then nod. 

Dei-Loki smiled, as well, while continuing to eat his own ice cream. "Gods, I've never been away from home this long." He'd then ponder aloud, looking off into the distance. "I wonder if they finally got uncle Reaver's room completely fixed after he set it on fire..."

"Your uncle Reaver? Is he an arsonist?" Masaru imagined all the times he had burn a place with glee. "Now, he seems like a man that i can get a long with." He finished his ice-cream and put it in the dishwasher.
"Your uncle Reaver? Is he an arsonist?" Masaru imagined all the times he had burn a place with glee. "Now, he seems like a man that i can get a long with." He finished his ice-cream and put it in the dishwasher.

Dei-Loki glanced over to Masaru, a wide smile on his face as he soon nodded. "He is. Even crafted his own flamethrower." he would reply, bringing his empty dish to the dishwasher, as well. "Never leaves home without it."
Dei-Loki glanced over to Masaru, a wide smile on his face as he soon nodded. "He is. Even crafted his own flamethrower." he would reply, bringing his empty dish to the dishwasher, as well. "Never leaves home without it."

Masaru eyes widen at hearing about the flamethrower. His face looking like a kid who just woke up for Christmas. "What are we waiting for!? Let's go meet the family!" 
Masaru growled as he came back outside to see his sister still there. "You're coming with?" Yuki tensed up at the threatening tone in his voice. "Please, Masaru, let me show you that i have changed. I am not as weak as i was before. Please, just give me a chance." Masaru squinted, "Give you a chance? I'll give you a chance to run before i put a bullet into your thick skull!" Yuki turned her attention to Dei, "can you talk to him please?" Masaru growled, grabbing the collar of her shirt and pulling her towards him. "Now, i would never hit a woman, but don't you ever bring my mate into this. I do not wish to have a sister. I want nothing to do with you or the Oshiro family! So for once listen and leave me the fuck alone!" Yuki griped his fist. "Give me a week! You always said that you gave people second chances! So give me a week! If i fuck up even once, i'll leave. I'll leave forever, but give me a week." Yuki pleaded. A minuted passed by between the two before Masaru let go of her shirt. "A week. I give you a fucking week. Don't screw it up, Yuki." She gave a shocked expression to Masaru's agreement. Her arms stretching out for a hug before retreating back, knowing full well that Masaru would not like it all to hug. "Let's get going to this place then."
Akumu listened to them, chasing that it's better not to get involved. With a gentle sigh, he perked his ears in response to Nia's question, grinning and heading over to a bit of an open area - lifting his hand as the atmosphere in front of him began to crack and tear. With a smile, he spoke. "Like this."


Dei-Loki glanced back and forth between both his mate and Yuki, teeth clenching before he'd then widen his eyes at the sound of Masaru accepting the offer. As he blinked a few times, he huffed and looked to Yuki with an expression reading 'I wish you luck' before having then turned his attention to the slowly opening warp.

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