Indescribable (Closed)

Akumu went to also greet them, but he was quickly cut off by what he saw. Eyes wide, he stood without movement for a few seconds, staring at the door before quickly bringing his hands to his face - rubbing it gently as he spun on a heel. "Aaahhhhh, there's some things in this world y' NEVER should see."

Dei-Loki lifted his brows a small bit at the sound of Nia's voice but, too tied up in ecstasy, he didn't bother to look over. Instead, he continued his whimper-like moans.

Masaru continued to rock slowly as he moaned his lover's name with a dripping lust-filled tone.
Akumu went to also greet them, but he was quickly cut off by what he saw. Eyes wide, he stood without movement for a few seconds, staring at the door before quickly bringing his hands to his face - rubbing it gently as he spun on a heel. "Aaahhhhh, there's some things in this world y' NEVER should see."

Dei-Loki lifted his brows a small bit at the sound of Nia's voice but, too tied up in ecstasy, he didn't bother to look over. Instead, he continued his whimper-like moans.

Nia collapsed onto her knees "I think I'm going to be sick" she said putting a hand over her mouth.
Masaru continued to rock slowly as he moaned his lover's name with a dripping lust-filled tone.

Dei-Loki moved with his partner's movements, his claws digging into his shoulders.

(Fade to black? XD)

Nia collapsed onto her knees "I think I'm going to be sick" she said putting a hand over her mouth.

"I can still hear them..." Akumu whined into his palms and shuttered in disgust, sliding his hands up to his ears while they had lowered.
Dei-Loki moved with his partner's movements, his claws digging into his shoulders.

(Fade to black? XD)

"I can still hear them..." Akumu whined into his palms and shuttered in disgust, sliding his hands up to his ears while they had lowered.

"Okay, so can I. so first off, we should go outside, second, do we have some bleach for my eyes?"
Nia blinked a few times, a bkush developed on her cheeks "That was-Tha was- that was kinda hot." she said looking at the grass "hot, but gross..."

Akumu grimaced, shaking his head. "Yer kidding..."

Hearing both Nia and Akumu, Malvo blinked and looked down - having been up in the tree they'd been under. Gizmo beside her on the branch. With a tilted head, she took out her notepad and wrote in it before tearing the paper - crumpling it and dropping it down in their direction. Soon hanging upside down in the tree as she watched them. The paper having read; "What was?"
Yuki hopped from tree to tree after helping a few people back in town. She heard Nia's comment plus easily reading Malvo's question from afar and immediately leaped to a tree next to them. She fell gently, landing perfectly on her feet. She then blatantly said, "it seems that Akumu and Nia walked in on Dei-loki and my brother having sex. It is as clear as rain." Her tail swung, wrapping around herself as she smoothed her fur. 

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
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Akumu grimaced, shaking his head. "Yer kidding..."

Hearing both Nia and Akumu, Malvo blinked and looked down - having been up in the tree they'd been under. Gizmo beside her on the branch. With a tilted head, she took out her notepad and wrote in it before tearing the paper - crumpling it and dropping it down in their direction. Soon hanging upside down in the tree as she watched them. The paper having read; "What was?"

Nia looked at the note, then to Yuki "right you are, I may be scarred for life..." 

@Forever J
Yuki hopped from tree to tree after helping a few people back in town. She heard Nia's comment plus easily reading Malvo's question from afar and immediately leaped to a tree next to them. She fell gently, landing perfectly on her feet. She then blatantly said, "it seems that Akumu and Nia walked in on Dei-loki and my brother having sex. It is as clear as rain." Her tail swung, wrapping around herself as she smoothed her fur. 

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania

Nia looked at the note, then to Yuki "right you are, I may be scarred for life..." 

@Forever J

Malvo blinked and glanced to Yuki for a moment before then grimacing at the thought.

"Forever is it burned into my retinas..." Akumu whined, back against the tree.
Malvo blinked and glanced to Yuki for a moment before then grimacing at the thought.

"Forever is it burned into my retinas..." Akumu whined, back against the tree.

Yuki snickered, "How strange. Usually, animal/human hybrids are comfortable in their own skin and seeing others naked. Wait, i must know, can you all shapeshift into a full shadow wolves? That might explain why you're not accustomed to it." 


Masaru laid down next to Dei, panting as ecstasy still loomed over him. "We . . . should see what . . . Nia and Akumu wanted." 
Yuki snickered, "How strange. Usually, animal/human hybrids are comfortable in their own skin and seeing others naked. Wait, i must know, can you all shapeshift into a full shadow wolves? That might explain why you're not accustomed to it." 


Masaru laid down next to Dei, panting as ecstasy still loomed over him. "We . . . should see what . . . Nia and Akumu wanted." 

"We can shapeshift into our own shadow wolf forms." Akumu huffed, arms now loosely falling to his sides. "I just... Wasn't expecting what I saw."

Malvo, whom held back a snicker, had then pulled herself back up so she could sit up in the tree instead of hang upside down. 

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki panted, keeping still as he looked to him and smiled with a gentle nod.
"We can shapeshift into our own shadow wolf forms." Akumu huffed, arms now loosely falling to his sides. "I just... Wasn't expecting what I saw."

Malvo, whom held back a snicker, had then pulled herself back up so she could sit up in the tree instead of hang upside down. 

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki panted, keeping still as he looked to him and smiled with a gentle nod.

Nia laid on her back, arms and legs wide "can we travel back in time and stop ourselves from opening the door?" 
     Masaru kissed Dei's lips before getting out of bed and dressing. He quickly made it downstairs and turned to see them outside. The smile dropped from his lips as he opened the door. "Yuki." She froze from laughing as she heard her name from her little brother's lips. "Please, Masaru. Just let me stay. I haven't done anything. I have not." She balled up her fist as she moved back, closer into the woods for a dash. "I. Do. Not. Care. We made a deal. I want you off MY property." Yuki heard the growl from her little brother's throat. "I don't wish to hurt you." Masaru laughed, "but you have, Yuki! Oh! You fucking have! You know, you could've saved her! You could've stopped him from hurting her! You and Ryuu! YOU COULD'VE SAVED HER!" Yuki snapped at the last sentence. "IT WASN"T MY FAULT! I COULDN'T FIGHT AGAINST FATHER!" Masaru nodded, "yeah, i know. So instead, you let your little brother kill him, huh?" Her eyes widen from this with her mouth agape. "Y-You did what?"  

    Masaru smirked as his shadow seemed to grow larger over his body. "I killed our father. Aren't you proud of me? You did create me like this after all, dear sister. If it wasn't you or Ryuu. It was me who took it all. For i am the last nogitsune to live, aren't i? For darkness is my friend as it is my enemy." Yuki shook her head, "I didn-." Masaru laughed, "YOU KNEW EXACTLY WHAT WAS HAPPENING. After all, kitsunes know everything. You knew, especially when Mama came in with bruises up and down her arm. You did nothing. And when our little sister had the same bruises, you did nothing, but i did. Oh~, i fucking did it. I took it all. Now, look at where we are. I don't want to hear your voice any longer. Leave me. I rather be known as the man to never have a family in the first place. Rather than a family that would watch as their mother and little siblings got hit repeatedly by a drunken bastard. I would rather enjoy never remembering any of you at all. For you . . . you are dead to me. You are as dead to me as the Oshiro name." Before she could even get a letter in, the door slammed behind her. 
Nia laid on her back, arms and legs wide "can we travel back in time and stop ourselves from opening the door?" 

     Masaru kissed Dei's lips before getting out of bed and dressing. He quickly made it downstairs and turned to see them outside. The smile dropped from his lips as he opened the door. "Yuki." She froze from laughing as she heard her name from her little brother's lips. "Please, Masaru. Just let me stay. I haven't done anything. I have not." She balled up her fist as she moved back, closer into the woods for a dash. "I. Do. Not. Care. We made a deal. I want you off MY property." Yuki heard the growl from her little brother's throat. "I don't wish to hurt you." Masaru laughed, "but you have, Yuki! Oh! You fucking have! You know, you could've saved her! You could've stopped him from hurting her! You and Ryuu! YOU COULD'VE SAVED HER!" Yuki snapped at the last sentence. "IT WASN"T MY FAULT! I COULDN'T FIGHT AGAINST FATHER!" Masaru nodded, "yeah, i know. So instead, you let your little brother kill him, huh?" Her eyes widen from this with her mouth agape. "Y-You did what?"  

    Masaru smirked as his shadow seemed to grow larger over his body. "I killed our father. Aren't you proud of me? You did create me like this after all, dear sister. If it wasn't you or Ryuu. It was me who took it all. For i am the last nogitsune to live, aren't i? For darkness is my friend as it is my enemy." Yuki shook her head, "I didn-." Masaru laughed, "YOU KNEW EXACTLY WHAT WAS HAPPENING. After all, kitsunes know everything. You knew, especially when Mama came in with bruises up and down her arm. You did nothing. And when our little sister had the same bruises, you did nothing, but i did. Oh~, i fucking did it. I took it all. Now, look at where we are. I don't want to hear your voice any longer. Leave me. I rather be known as the man to never have a family in the first place. Rather than a family that would watch as their mother and little siblings got hit repeatedly by a drunken bastard. I would rather enjoy never remembering any of you at all. For you . . . you are dead to me. You are as dead to me as the Oshiro name." Before she could even get a letter in, the door slammed behind her. 

"I don't think it'll hurt to do that." Akumu huffed, his eyes widening as he looked over to Masaru.

Dei-Loki had followed after Masaru after getting dressed, his ears soon flattening as he listened to the confrontation. His own smile running away from his face. Softly sighing, he flinched from the door being slammed. His attention turning to Masaru as he'd then tightly hug his torso. "Masaru..."
Yuki teared up just a bit as she mumbled a 'i'm sorry' at the door.

Masaru turned his anger-fueled eyes to Dei before frowning. "I don't want to talk about it. Let's just worry about you. Do you want some ice-cream sundaes? I can make you a bowl." 

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania
Yuki teared up just a bit as she mumbled a 'i'm sorry' at the door.

Masaru turned his anger-fueled eyes to Dei before frowning. "I don't want to talk about it. Let's just worry about you. Do you want some ice-cream sundaes? I can make you a bowl." 

@xXLittleLokiXx @Heir of Dalania

Nia got up and walked over to Yuki, hugging her "you look like you could use a hug" She said sympathetically.

Yuki gave a sad, little smile as she wiped at her eyes before hugging Nia back. "Thanks. It means a lot."

Nia release the hug. "Yeah, living here for three years has taught me one thing. Masaru. Is a prick. But, he is a good man deep down... at least I hope so..."
Yuki gave a sad, little smile as she wiped at her eyes before hugging Nia back. "Thanks. It means a lot."

Nia release the hug. "Yeah, living here for three years has taught me one thing. Masaru. Is a prick. But, he is a good man deep down... at least I hope so..."

"I'd like to say him and my own little brother getting together is proof of Nia's words, but my brother is not a 'good man', himself." Akumu gave a small chuckle before sighing softly. "Though, even with that, it's clear to see Masaru has a heart."

Malvo nodded, holding Gizmo as she slid out of the tree and landed on her feet. heading over to the others as she held up a "He's certainly become a lot nicer since I've met him last." note.


Dei-Loki hesitated, ears still low as he saw the anger in his eyes. With a gentle sigh, he soon nodded to Masaru. Offering a small smile in hopes to make him feel better. His tail slightly swaying. "Sure."
Nia release the hug. "Yeah, living here for three years has taught me one thing. Masaru. Is a prick. But, he is a good man deep down... at least I hope so..."

Yuki stared at the ground. "He's a good man, he truly is. He's just . . . our mom got . . . beaten when he came home. We, the big kids, took our little siblings to hide. Then, one day, Masaru was born and after a few years, he understood what was happening to mom. He . . . he loved her. He loved her so so much and so he pushed Dad away from hurting her. After that, it wasn't Mom getting abused as much. It was him. He took . . . he took it all. He stopped him and took it all for her, for us." Yuki forced out a bit of chuckle. "He got so beaten and bloody and we didn't do anything. No, i . . . i didn't do anything. At first, he got beaten so badly that it took months for him to wake up. He would scream, beg for it to stop, at first. Before i knew it, his smile, his beautiful, happy, childish smile disappear. He didn't scream anymore when he got hit. When Dad beat him so badly, he didn't cry for his mother. He didn't cry for no one and mom, gods, she was devastated. She tried to stop it, but it usually went back to him. He never let anyone take his pain, his burdens, he carried his own demons at the age of eight and i couldn't do nothing! I'm a coward. I . . . I could've saved him. I could've saved her. He has every right to hate me. Every right. All the days when Father lashed his back with a leather whip. How they looked so sickly. The scars don't leave. They never leave." 
Yuki felt her tears fall from her cheeks as she stared at the ground.


Dei-Loki hesitated, ears still low as he saw the anger in his eyes. With a gentle sigh, he soon nodded to Masaru. Offering a small smile in hopes to make him feel better. His tail slightly swaying. "Sure."

Masaru gave a ghostly smile, his thoughts and memories whirling around behind his pale eyes. "Coming right up." He turned and began to make the sundaes. 
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Yuki stared at the ground. "He's a good man, he truly is. He's just . . . our mom got . . . beaten when he came home. We, the big kids, took our little siblings to hide. Then, one day, Masaru was born and after a few years, he understood what was happening to mom. He . . . he loved her. He loved her so so much and so he pushed Dad away from hurting her. After that, it wasn't Mom getting abused as much. It was him. He took . . . he took it all. He stopped him and took it all for her, for us." Yuki forced out a bit of chuckle. "He got so beaten and bloody and we didn't do anything. No, i . . . i didn't do anything. At first, he got beaten so badly that it took months for him to wake up. He would scream, beg for it to stop, at first. Before i knew it, his smile, his beautiful, happy, childish smile disappear. He didn't scream anymore when he got hit. When Dad beat him so badly, he didn't cry for his mother. He didn't cry for no one and mom, gods, she was devastated. She tried to stop it, but it usually went back to him. He never let anyone take his pain, his burdens, he carried his own demons at the age of eight and i couldn't do nothing! I'm a coward. I . . . I could've saved him. I could've saved her. He has every right to hate me. Every right. All the days when Father lashed his back with a leather whip. How they looked so sickly. The scars don't leave. They never leave." 
Yuki felt her tears fall from her cheeks as she stared at the ground.


Masaru gave a ghostly smile, his thoughts and memories whirling around behind his pale eyes. "Coming right up." He turned and began to make the sundaes. 

As Akumu listened, he'd shift before yanking a clean handkerchief off of his person - handing it over to Yuki. A gentle exhale slipping from him. "Ah, some parents can be completely sadistic, can't they? Some just can't seem t' stomach the thought of their own kin living - unless it's absolute hell, now, can they?.." Akumu, drifting into the darkness of his own family dysfunction, would watch the grass and pace a very small bit. "Our biological mother would fit in very well with that 'sick fucker' compilation of family members, I find. And, with that, I suppose... I suppose I do, as well..." He then released a sigh of distress as he glanced to Nia as clear pain was revealed to have taken his amethyst eyes hostage. And, it was then clear that they'd been putting on the happiness ruse for a while. "I... I lied, before... about not having known of this whole thing - of not knowing what our mother had been doin'... I lied and pretended not t' notice what was goin' on... I turned a blind eye to it all in fear of what little Loki might have done because was a coward. Because knew that if I were to have stepped in and tried to end the torment, then it would have been even worse fer him..." Akumu would spiral into the pits of his memory-driven hell. His fingers balling into fists while he winced his eyes shut. "... Right from the moment he was born, she tried to kill him. She sank her teeth into his neck and flung the pup around like a goddamned rag doll. If not for the 'gift' of the Corruption, he wouldn't be here today. And it got worse from there. He didn't even have a fucking room of his own, he slept in a CLOSET. She took Dei-Loki out to teach him how t' hunt, and she shoved the boy into the ice cold, raging river that ran through our village. She tried to pawn him off for slavery, and she tried to make him into a god damned winter hat. She'd push him down the stairs, break his arms and legs and beat the poor boy into submission the moment that Dei-Loki found out he was actually the son of the God of Mischief, just so he 'wouldn't tell anyone'. And, through all of this, she played the victim. 'The boy is crazy!', 'The runt tried to attack me!', 'Muzzle the monster!' And, you know what? She got away with it. She fucking got away with it ALL. All because the fucking Phantomfangs believed her over the boy! The 'runt of the litter'. Then, when Dei-Loki couldn't take it anymore, he killed them. He killed nearly that entire family and burned the shithole of a village down and he was ONLY FUCKING SIX! The worst part, he didn't even get to kill her. He didn't get to kill our mother, the cause of his Hell, because I ended up stopping him. Every scream of his, every desperate cry of agony I heard from him before that dark day still fucking haunts me. I should've let him kill her. Then I wouldn't have had to worry about him sneaking off on a witch hunt a year later only to have that bitch of a mother curse him with something that ate away at his life force faster than the Corruption... The only bright side to the Phantomfang slaughter is that's when we were officially adopted by the Alaois family, the one's that let my brother into their palace with open arms. Neither considered him to be a monster, despite what Dei-Loki AND the villagers around us thought and still think to this day." A shaky hand traced the scar on his mouth in remembrance of the slaughter, his eyes remaining winced shut.

@Heir of Dalania


Dei-Loki watched Masaru, his ears still low as he followed him into the kitchen. "... Ya know what we need, Mr. Grumpytails?"
Nia was speechless. Hugging herself as she looked down at her feet. Then speaking quietly with a choked up voice . "At least you two have eachother..." she said, sorrowful at the memories that found their way back into her thoughts as a single tear rolled down her cheek. She noticed it, and sucked up her negative emotions, nothing more visible than her taking a deep breath and wiping away the tear. "We all need to make amends with our pasts, it seems." she said with a small smile.

@Forever J


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